DRAMA Direct Action Plays WHAT ii a play with * puncti? The nil kind i> one tbat knocks the playgoer down and leavea kirn remembering nothing except the object of the play. There are two kindi...
...Tht Music Box Theatre will optn on Labor Dty with Mr...
...Officials of Btlte Labor Federations will lecture in cities where tht film is shown...
...Johnson and i Baker, and Othtr arts...
...Terry) of tht Engliih company...
...Four Production...
...The picture will be made In Chicago, tit Federation today, in s statement, else drew to tht attention of ssrtlsM Ssieae tie els* rr llji ajilt assisted Aiioelttlon ef Strait anSftae* trie Rsilwsy Employes to include group insurance, pension and othtr welfare mtttupst- a* itsssr^eeMreeH^wfspnjV SWf^ ie iW-4»turt...
...1--jr Greenwich Village Maxwell Anderson's Play, "Outside Looking In," To Open September Seaaon Ktnneth Maegowaa add Robert Ed-mond Jontl OB their return frost s trip to Bermuda to consult with Eugene O'Neill announced yesterday 'tht...
...Jolton, who wat twice competed to* interrupt hit engagement in ,the Spring because, of illness, is now reported to be again In perfect health...
...But it should not be forgotten that Toller ia using the drama as an educator In tht aveidanre of violence...
...ia a sample...
...Shaw and Let...
...But there is no need to model it on the lines of tht plays I have mentioned...
...Rennie takea every advantage of the big chance he is given for the featured player, to be in turn virile, slangy, wistful and he-mannish as the role demands...
...Tht Amertfkn Federation of Labor yetttrdty anaftkactd tht signing of s contract forW pletiirt showing tht most important points in tht evolution of Labor from llavtry thousands of years ago to the present time...
...by Jim Tully...
...Martin Beck announced thit week his plana for tha presentation of four plays...
...For ex-axgple, Messrs...
...The Ctliph replies, "For lunacy to be nailed, for contpirary to be stretched, for blsfphemy to bt split " Tht torture business it only equalled by tht lust...
...a "Spring Fever" Vincent Lawrence's Amusing Comedy Well Acted at the Maxine Elliott Theatre It it reasonably certain that the witty and engrossing comedy "Spring Ftvtr,* by Vincent Ltwrence, produced by A. H. Woodt, with James Rennle tad Marion Cotkley hetding tht cast, which opened Monday night at tht Maxim Elliott Theatre, will become chronic and unrurable until many Manhattan itee have patted aentenee on its symptoms, although report haa it that tbt pity hid been considerably doctored already before Broadway waa allowed to aet it...
...Now, if I impale thee for conspiracy, how shall I burn thee for blasphemy...
...Tkt Greenwich Vi 11 itge Theatre will reopen ttrly In September Under tht direction, of MtcgOWtn, Jones and O'Neill...
...the playgoer and tend...
...a comedy-drama, "When Ships Come In," by George Middle ton...
...24 "Big Boy," with Al Jolson ts its stir, is innounctd to reopen on Monday night, Aug...
...Eve's Lover," with Irene Rich and Bert Lytell...
...There are the antiwar plays, "Havoc" and Allen Monkheute't "The Conquering Hero," and there it C. K ' Munro't "Tht Rumor," ¦ tavagt attack on capitalist imperialism...
...I.ila Ltt will bt ttarrad in "Tht Vagabond Pott," a ntw play by Catherine Chisholm Cushing on tbt lift of Edgar Allan Pot...
...Tht Caliph appears to be a firtt-elaaa txpert In torture...
...Here the girl eomtt on the tctnt — a snobbish and money seeking young woman who, on account of her father's sudden financial atraita, marries tht thipping clerk under the impression thtt he is ¦ very wtalthy man, which information hit bten given out by hit employer tfter a fracas in the club to prevent both himself and hia masquerading shipping clerk from bting thrown out of tht club, and here, of count, the astute box-office eye of Mabagtr Wooda vitu-aliied tht bridal suite under the comedy conditions of exposing how both tha bride and groom deceived each other...
...Lawrence has tuccetdtd in retaining the lightness and deftnett displayed in his former comedies with an easy running plot that ia strong enough to take it out ef the clan of light summer ahows...
...Lets in Nevewasir will eostt O'Neill's Isttit play* "TbSiOmt God Brown...
...Al Jolson Will Reopen fa "Big Boy" Aug...
...What a disappointment to tht public s Wood, show would be without ont bedroom tnd one real bed...
...sV v . i « Gertrude Hoffman, whose unit "Tkt Eightttn Gertrude Hoffman Girls" is featured ia "Artists snd Models," it organising another troupe of dincing gtrlt...
...Tht Metsrt...
...Tht Fountain...
...As the heroine, Marion Coakley is beautiful to look at and aa tempting and appealing as the role demands...
...Hit first offering will bt "The Wisdom Tooth," a ntw comedy by Marc Connelly, achtduled for early in tha fill...
...Whereupon Hassan relieves himself of the following: "0 thou villainous, unclean dog, Selim...
...A negro musicil comedy stirring "Sunshine Simmy" wit placed in re-hnrttl yesterday by Will Morriney, In association with Abt L. Ftinbtrg...
...Tht direct action play it tke kind that tht workers want to start with...
...Thit will be followed by a drama by Olga Printslau, "Window Panes...
...Frtnk Keentn, according to word ftom tht Wtst Coast, will try out a ntw play called "Smiling Danger," by Olivtr White, tt tht Columbia Theatre...
...Joaeph Kilgour makes the beat of a not entirely plauaible part...
...Madge Kennedy will bt starred In a ntw comedy, "Beware of Widows," from tht ptn of Owtn Dtvit...
...The Caliph haa a star tura ia hit harem "who daneea naked with one leg round her neck...
...him home full of iti own importance...
...Knock" or "Tht Triumph of Medicine," a satire by Jules Romaint, which it now bting played with great success in Psrll tnd Btrlin...
...will move from tht Cart Thtttrt to Williek'i ntxt Menday night...
...A< F. of L. Plans A Labor Film Picture to Show Evolution Of Worker From Slavery To the Present Time FROM Wa-hington comes s report that Lsbor will tuntto tht tnov-Itl to present Ht side to tht public...
...David Belasco and Sam H. Harris ate to be associated in tht production of "Tht Wolf at tht Door," a comedy-drama by Milton Gropper, author of "Ladies of tha Evening...
...Clara Joel and Ruth Donnelly have been engaged for important parte...
...I Vaudeville Theatres B. S. MOSS- BROADWAY Tbt Brotdwty Theatre next week will ftiturt i ntw photoplty, "Night Lift of New York," directed by Allan Dwan, from a ttory by Edgtr Selwyn...
...Eva's tovtr," with Irene Rich tnd Bert Lytell...
...Light of tht Western Stan," with Billie Deve aqd Jack Holt...
...Tile statement explained thit the association hoped thit by that placing the burden of such benefits on tht industry, "these schemes will bt wiped out," and hightr wages obtained for ltt I members to create theft owe benefit tyttemi...
...In intention with Jonti tnd Green, two teajpsaiet ef "Detlrt Under tht glint" will be seat ea tear, sad oas •terpaay ta "Leva for Lees...
...When Germany went dtmocratic there waa quite an epidemic of converting plays, by the great old spiritual educators, Goethe, Hebbel, Kltiit, ttc, together with Shakespearean ones, into direct-action pltye...
...Thit act it a give and take of confettions, bickerings, retribution, with the final raptures of a happy ending more than hinted at...
...Nagle hit gost to Ntw England for t month's vacation...
...Firmin Gtmier, nottd French actor and director, who presented a repertory company at Jolson'e Theatre laat season, haa signed a contract with Irmi Kraft, executlvt dirtctor of tht ntwly formed International Playhouse, to come ever htrt In January and direct the production ef "Dr...
...They keep them twake, excite them, rouse their fttlngt, tnd ttnd them away with an intention to do things...
...What roty breasts, what I ailver aheulders, what shapely legs, what jasmine arms...
...The cruel inflicti pain on tht characters and leaves the playgoer cold...
...A, L. Erltngtr will produet "Lady Liberty," t ntw musical pity,' early in tkt coming season...
...Lonsdale and Coward in England, Jacques Natanson in Paris, Arnolt Bronnen in Berlin, all sen monger...
...The play contains clever endings to all itt acts and a love scene in the lounge at tht country club that it original and amusing, and incidentally quite true to life...
...Ah, you foul swine, May you rot in hell for ever...
...The stage was cleared of all the old imperialistic tinsel, tht eharacttrt wert ttripptd of their magnificent clothet and trimming!, and a background and costumes of aggressive expressionism were used instead...
...Yet the capitalist galley-slave eriiira boosted it at the greatest poetical play since Shakespeare Which ia a good example ef tht aggressive play...
...Tha ringleader ia "Hassan," tht DM-timt big epla.h at His Majesty's Th/atre...
...The first will be "Outside Looking la," s play ef tramp life by Maxwell Anderson, founded on "Beggars of Life...
...Sam H. Htrris will not product hit "Music Box lievu'" until tht spring...
...REGENT , Monday to Wtdptidty—Sam Litbert and Company...
...Then never waa a play at full ef ruling cftss cruelty and lutt...
...last act, that reverts more or lest to the ttagty to attract box office patronage, a tucctt-ful ptrformanct that should endure for tomt time to come...
...othtr aett...
...Tht Drtmtiong Thtttrictl Productions will produtt a mystery drams by Harold Hutchinson tnd Margery Williams, titled "Out of the Night...
...Thursday to Sunday--Morriaey and Wheeler, and othtr acts...
...By thit meant tht spiritual message got acroet tht footlights and battered tht playgotrs...
...Tht production it due on Broadway in October...
...Thomas Donovan and .Kirkwood art tht producers...
...O thou unutterable woman...
...Macgowan, Jones, and O'Neill tlto annountt that they have Withdrawn from active mantgtmtnt of the Pre'vlrttttewn Playhouse Mr.' O'Neill will continue, however to tct in in advisory rapacity it tht Prtvinct-lowa...
...There are two kindi •f play* with a punch, continue...
...Rah, who it engaged in a plot to do him in because he hat made a corner in other men's sweethearts, ia hauled before him...
...For two acta one may snicker ovtr tht funny side of golf befort the con venation it taken indoors — yes, in a bedroom...
...i The cast includes, Rod La Rocque, Dorothy Gi.h, Ernest Torrtnce, and George Harkathornr...
...In October, (n tttoclttion with A L. Jones and Morris Green, they will product EOgihl 0*Ntlll*« drama ef Pence , d% . Leon...
...Direct action can be got by very aimple meant, such ae are uatd in tht Left Front Theatre in Russia today...
...The Caliph says to Rati, "Thou has merittd not one but 100 deaths...
...Which is a good example of the cruel play...
...Ht arrived en Broadway last week from bit retirement ia Atlantic City...
...Claude Cooper, Violtt Fortetcut, G. Pat Collins tnd Helen B. Wtrntr htvt bttn tddtd tt tkt ettt of "Tkt Mud Turtle," to bt prtductd toon by A. E. ind R. R. Ritkin...
...Yatmin has been serenading a woman whose man appears at the window and firea off some "Billingsgate...
...The Keith-Alhee vaudeville will include James B. Donovan and Marie Let...
...Shubert announced yesterday tht ttrly production of "Crooked Friday," by the English author Monck-ton Hofft, which hat been one of the outstanding successes of the past, London season...
...Tht playgoert aft familiar With these thingt...
...Ned'Norworth with'-Patricia Cayrni, with Kenneth Nichols...
...24, at "the Forty-foortb Street Theatre...
...Tht final production of tkt season will be "The List Night of Don Juan," Boi-taitd'i last play...
...The play was seen in New York last season, but did not receive much patronage...
...The production will pity in Atlantic City, a week previous to reopening here...
...Crosby Gtlgt will sponsor tht production, which it dot htrt in Stpttmbtr...
...It is all over horrible revenges...
...Here it how the executioners get busy...
...Thrat playt art mentioned, tht finst to optn tbout Labor Day.' Two ara comedlet— "The American Boy" ind "A Stranger In, Town...
...tktrt ntXt season, moving tht lucctSs-fal plays tt uptown theatres...
...Htrris' production of "Credit Snatchtrs," a new farce by Russell Mtdertft tnd Normt Mitchell, with Miry Boland in tht leading role...
...Oh, Jtsptr, whit Incomparable houris will claim your eyes tonight...
...Mina Croliut Gletton, mother of Jimtt Glttson, co-author and leading player In "It Ztt So," hit been en-gaged for in important role in tht new pity, "In The Dirk," t new pity by Jack Arnold and Allen Leiber...
...DRAMA Direct Action Plays WHAT ii a play with * puncti...
...Tht bran is* for 21 yttrt...
...The Coming Season George M. Cohan Coming Back To Broadway— Life of Edgar Allan Pot) fa Now Play-Martin Bock Announce...
...A. L. Jontl ind Morrit Green htvt ttken over the 48th Stmt TheStrt...
...Tht general idea of the Russian method ia the use of tht forms, motor and othtr, tnd toundt tnd movements that you And in a city today...
...Tht book tnd lyrics art by Anna Ctldwtll and John E. Rassard and tha music is by Raymond Hubbtll...
...Tht third it ¦ musical pity, untitled it yet...
...othtr acti...
...The aft gressive hit...
...Kvtry phase of tke-Lsbor question Will bt treated, including tht tlght-h'oir dty, tht closed snd open thop, child lsbor, ths unlOB label, and many other labjtttt...
...The main iharSeter ia a young thipping clerk who incidentally hat obtained prominence in golf outtidt of business hours, and by ¦ twiat of tht plot through hit employer obttins tht guett priviltget for two Weeks it in exclusive country club...
...Rati aeka whtt ht is litble to...
...following plant fes next season...
...Richard G. Herndon's production of "Applesauce," which wat en successful in Chicago laat anion, will begin itt New York run at tht Eltinge Theatre, October 5. Allan Dinehart will have tbt leading masculine role...
...I will have you both whipped through tht city and impaled in the market place, and your bodies flung to rot on a dung heap...
...There are quite a lot of rynical young authors who take a delight in torturing their miserable characters...
...All in all, an evening tgreetbly spent in the theatrt if ont enjoys light, Bright comtdiet...
...What it the difference...
...Henry Wittemore, who plays Harry Johnson, also in love with the girl, plays tx-ctllently well...
...Gtorgt M. Cohan ia coating back...
...Broadway Briefs Parry Ivint, tht origintl Pater Cabot In "Ptilrt Undtr tht Elms," on Monday night replaced Allen Nagle in tkt rolt of Simton Cabot...
...Huntley Carter in the London Sunday Work • r, tha aggressive and the cruel...
...Spring Ftver" is amusing, not too serious aa comediea should bt, and, with the exception of the...
...German samples art Kaiser'* "Gaa," Toller's "Machine Wreckers" and "Matt Man...
...Ibaca F.ntertainers...
...The story of tht play itaelf it ingenuous and with one or two exceptions quite plausible as stories of comedies go...
...Several could be quoted...
...James Kirkwood and...
...San Francisco, about August 10, and at tht Biltmort Theatre, Lot Angeles, a ftw wetkt liter, with tht intention of starting In the piece on Brotdwty next,season, J. Frtnk Gibbont it manager for Kttntn...
...Gtrhardt Hauptmann's "Weavers'" it another Germtn example...
...They wiy make five production...
...Tha fourth ptodtjettta .will bt "When In lente," g~*iJMfjfttf ttsnpstl- AS-' sateen aid •-*jraMeie • stalling...
...Zant Grty't "Light of tht Wttt-ern Star," with Jack Holt and Noah Beery...
...and a Hungarian comedy, "Tha Mihalyi Girls," tht work of Ladiilaut But Fekete...
...JEFFERSON Monday to Wednesday—Charles Irwin...
...Thursday to Sunday— Cbtrltt Irwin ind othtr sets...
...Lend of Romance," 1 musical play by Ptrey Wtnrich tnd Rtymond Peck, will bt prtttnttd in Stptember by John Meehan and William Elliott...
...The caat will be headed by Dennis N'eilson Terry tnd Mary Glynn (Mrs...
...Jonesy," by Anne Morrison tnd John Ptttr Toohty, soon1 to be produetd by Kilbourn Gordon, will be tried out by tkt Lakewood Playtrt of Ltkewood, Mt., next week...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 32