CRUISING TOWARD ANOTHER WAR LABOR RESENTS U. S. FLEET IN AUSTRALIA THE visit of ihe Pacific fleet of the United Statta Navy in Australian water* is not the unraflfcM triumphal procession th*...

...The reactionaries in Parliament, tort over tht defeat, hive succeeded ia pas?mg a bill over the protests of the Labor members making a flight reduction in unera-j4«rtieqt payments...
...Thit campaign will begin vary soon, bat it cental be waged by the fif 4lea*a» ale...
...At th* pwl fleet itam toward Naw Zealand today tha organised warliart af thai country ara determined to taba ¦• part in tka reception...
...i here is alto a suggestion to ¦dd a tarther tax to the worker'a beer and the mere proposal will...
...Thtt th* Melbourne Trad* Council patted tht following ratolutlont ea tht visit of the Amtriean fltttt * %^nat<#hlbt Wtml?***' til thlnga to cement the bond* of friendship and good will between Australian Labor and the American people, tht Melbourne Tradea Hall Council, recognizing Mat til war fleets are but the concrett expression of imperialistic forct and violence which rrents th* incentive to incite national hatred and it a perpetual menace to civilization and international peace...
...ha asks...
...They have appropriated tk* intellectual baggage of tka Ecropoaa Junkers and constitute a voluntary guard to protect tka interests of tka greater capitalism...
...As ¦ eat alt of the agreement th* Govern meat lubtidiiu the mining ladestn and the minert get their demands...
...If it is ateedily 2**ed by other tucressee, the TP ef the British capitalist tys-eCTl*** social arrangements baaed _J|et will he resisted to the uV flJJfcaMrb* to the death, by thote Wf'httweata It it to ketp tkinga '^jMeJt Labor aceapta the "WHILE THE IRON IS HOT" THERE often comet a period ia the Socialist movement whan it hat tk* opportunity to reach aa advanced position...
...Tammany ia dirided...
...Thit charge must, be tht Brit consideration and its application to all other induttries would sake the human welfare of th* wtrkert come first-in all mattert of wages and hours...
...have I he tame effect on Working class voter...
...This action can ouVy tarvt to increase the ratentmretat the whole working elatt and ¦Mn tke-tBori** in tit* nest olee» <»n...
...CRUISING TOWARD ANOTHER WAR LABOR RESENTS U. S. FLEET IN AUSTRALIA THE visit of ihe Pacific fleet of the United Statta Navy in Australian water* is not the unraflfcM triumphal procession th* paa*v fyrica of the newspaper correspondents and official Government propagandists would have it appear...
...V Tht flrtt day of the American fleet'l anchorage in the Melbourne harbor was the occasion of two pointed demonstrations by the unions...
...Black Friday" «»f a few years ago, the d»y wlian the Triple Alliance failed lbmake good, has been succwdW by "Good Friday...
...Wa ara oa tba era of a campaign of great possibilities...
...It has need en* tool far Ha purposes and now intends to select another...
...Recently ^tbe»|jr^ tha-/ ^^ffi^a^^^^^Jf^?^^ atValaai --Mt M - * - aea^ey^ Greater New York tk* question, "WHAT CAN YOU DO AND WHAT WILL YOU DO... up th* Party office, Stuyvesant 4820...
...They matt kava kelp, aad tfcl* it-'t **tam»t)i te.daag...
...It *M*.that "in tht tarty dayt of rereads, when accidents were of all Mt daily occurrtnet, Sidney Smith •Wnea that the-directora would never Wte proper measures for aafety un-their negligence had killed t nilhon...
...Whtt this victory means it that the workers of England have est ah lithed the precedent that a wag* sufficient for the w>rkers to live ipea must be the flrtt charge upon Mqttry...
...with «>(tnif)cant observations: "Lait week came the fat elaak *»atn thete two trSkm- Organ-,T* Labor icored the flrtt point ;M»M, opponents knew quite well ,**lt ** tuccctc of this power J"**- It meant...
...Ha cannot call on the many thousands...
...Itt chieftains generally quit as millionaires...
...and further, in order to be consistent with our anti-War policy at declared at our 'No More War ' demonstrations, recommends to all officers and delegates of the council to refrain from participating in any function connected with the visit, of tht American fleet...
...rather the revert...
...Tammany is an efficient brokerage firm ia dispensing contracts, left joke, aad legislation...
...While writing this we are interrupted by • young enthusiast "I want to do some work for th* Party...
...if your signature is Mcdli you will be informed...
...We need volunteer workers tail funds...
...t "2...
...A gaa maak waa used to rescue tht...
...The secretary it instructed to write to the President of tht United States protesting against the continued incarceration of member: of the working cltti for the expression of legitimate working class opinions, though admittedly hostile to the continuation of capitalism...
...They want the headquarters of th* City Government moved from Fourteenth atreet to tk* Union League Club...
...Opposed to Tammany ara tk* Republicans, representing the higher aristocracy of capital and finance...
...Above all, we seriously urge our readers to roll in tha financial contributions...
...SECOND—The Australian work-ara wish to demonstrate their hostility against a nation which i* haaplag arores of workingman In Jail far tha crime af joining a Union...
...They watt a Government tkat "gentlemen" can approve of...
...Also the secretary it instructed to write to the American Federation of Labor protettln, the ; inaction of that body in faiun*T -to agitate for th* raiaatt af the...
...As for !th* "public," th* London New Leader points out that the Mtf-Mtiaflea (portion of it never thinks of widespread suffering until W own comfort it thrtattned...
...The unions corresponding to th* American I. W. W. have attempted to call a strike, but this has not met \\th any appreciable success...
...Onaelal reeolutions have baa* passed ay tha political and economic sections of tha New Zealand Labor moTtinwil urging tha natlaa to retrain from (lying tha Amtri-can fleet any spectacular wtltonn...
...Tha Melbourne Wharf Laborers' Union, refusing to join the strike, hat nevertheless passed th* following resolution: "While the union realizes the significance of the visit f th* American fleet to the Pacific and ' deeply regrets that a war gesture of such magnitude'shruld be made so soon after the end of the 'war to end war,' yet it feels that th* proposed boycott will not in any way tend toward the release of your members...
...Yoa alone can answer aad th* Socialist Party aa-pects yoa to give It...
...It Il equipped with material and candidates to make a wonderful educational campaign...
...WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Aug...
...Th* charlatan who has served at Mayor ia reluctant to leave office aad Tammany feels that kit usefulness ia ended...
...S.—One worker died of suffocation and another was overcome by the poisonous gaaas of a ces.pool at 25S Mineola Boulevard today...
...Are yam only a Socialiat voter7 Ma a branch...
...Cat to your next branch meeting without fail...
...the day whan the solidarity of the writing class won an unwilling eoBcaesioii from the Baldwin Government...
...Not tomorrow— TODAY...
...Are you a Party member...
...FIRST—Tha visit of tha flaat la regarded aa an Imperialist display of power meant to cement American and Australian Jingoes in their hatred af Japan...
...The capitalist press is falling back neon that abstraction calltd tht "public," insisting that this "public" will have to pay the price of tht Mbsidy... waa killed and several ethers were injured this afternoon whan tha Southern Railway's Mac...
...If net...
...already beta made...
...That opportunity bat again returned ia Naw York City...
...Atlanta train crashed lata tka ttar of a work train tkat waa clearing up the wrack of the Royal Palm, another passenger train, earlier in the day, near Dames Ferry, twenty milea north af her...
...As t matter of fact tht mine owners precipitated the crisis in tht cotl industry when they decided to make • swatting reduction in wtgtc...
...It .follow...
...V ¦ ' *very section of tht British Labor Wvement ftjubilant over the sue-2"» tttair\ed in Ait controrerty, *»ile the London Dally Htrtld point* °«t that the struggle wtt fundt-attuily one between the capitallet "Mron the pnt'hane-tnd tht workmen the other...
...Bring your contribution personally or aend your check and make h> a generous on...
...What' appears to havt hies » mebiliittion of tha wholt l,abt" movement with the determine tig* i" aupport the minert to the ltd i'-'h forced Premier Baldwin to Bile hit decision...
...Two prim* rtatona ara guiding th* Australian workcr« in refuting to celebrate th* vilit of th* Amar-lean fleet...
...Tha visit, of tht American fleet to Melbourne was th* occaiion of a retolution by th* Central Labor Council of that city urging a com-plct* boycott of th* plana of the native Jingoes to fata th* American naval officers, and in a latter da-rrt* th* common sailor...
...hlttalkala the Socialist Party bat mad* tka most extensive survey •f municipal conditions and problems that has ever beam mad...
...Ho is shown to tha Party office and is "doing hia bit...
...First, that official reception committee was embarrtKted by a walkout of marine firemen on tht reception boat...
...Tha social order tkat make* Ufa aa unnecessary and bitter struggle for ao many will only b* conquered by just such ttl'aftt aa this enthusiaet ia readering...
...Whether the owntrt were a "ltttlt had of conspirators" tnd received orders from Zinoviev we do not bow, bqt we do know thtt thtir proposal meant, txtrcme hardthip for "l« families of hundreds of thou-•anrja of mintrs who tre expected to •taryt without making a noit* about it...
...To win a victory end divide tat tntmy tre"important results...
...At the American tars began to •warm into the city on shore leave, the street, carmen staged a walkout, putting a decided crimp in tht celebration...
...Van, funds...
...A change to them would be like asking th* gentleman crook to take your purse instead of tka vulgar ea...
...That ia tk* spirit tkat it needed at woafaa th* spirit that wkac...
...Like a ghoul it preys spot peddlers, consigns unskilled city employes to a starvation wage, aad gets Ha "velvet from a thousand sources...
...Come or send to Julius Gerber, Room 505, 7 East latk street, New York City...
...3. —In an explosion of gaa: that caused extensive damage, two minora lost tkair lives aad seventeen others ware burned, four perhaps fatally, 'kw*^.teday' at tka Darraace Miae af th* La-kigk V.llaa Coal Company...
...Th* faily Mail rettnts the decision tt t Victory for violence, t blockade of th* nation by a little band of con-ipiratora carrying oat the order* of Enoviev and imagining themselves Utile Trotzkyt and Ltnina...
...Aad funds can be obtained A good beginning ha...
...Yon must call on or aend to him...
...F.r' imates of whtt the subsidy will rest i on all tat wty from 160,000,000 to t)'10,000,000...
...I. W. W. members in the United ','8ttttc BRITISH LABOR IS WINNER IN FIRST SKIRMISH LONDON...
...FOR the present there will he no coal strike and the organ itad workers have won one of the most important victories in years...
...That in order to more effectively attUt in the effort tHLJfllia tht release of tht Industrial and political pritoners lying In Ante* lean jal'.s, tha officers of the coun-cil be Instructed to communicate with the editors of American, Ca-ntdian and European Labor pa-pert, and eall upon them to join in urging th* American ammmrls tie* to raleata all thote peAtkei and induttrial priteaffa e*flJ lying In Jail...
...The Labor vic-t«rv ii- not only an economic sue as- hut it hat an important political rrt'dt It hat divided Baldwin's ftrrv tn influential taction of which il ••i-p.tsed to th* principle of a sub-tidy »n the ground that it sets a prrcultat tkat may be demanded by other induttries...
...To this complaint it added tie tctreerow oi "Bolthevism...
...Whare ahall I go...
...MACON, r...
...Like matt situations of thit kind, it ia not of our making—it la mad* by tba enemy...
...They want mere "efficient" government for their class...
...Have yon signed a nomination petition...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 32

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