THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK A CLERK WHO WENT WRONG By FRANK J. NMNNING ia the Itory of a rHIS ia the ^tory shipping clerk who went wrong and a young man who joined the Socialiat Party. Our...

...NEW JERSEY Outdoor Meatingt in Hudson County Silurdcy August t Hobokeii—Washington and lith streets...
...Our Ule begjna in the New York Office of a national organization of unlimited resources...
...Speakei: I To be announced...
...Louis sincc the rei.nnvention and demonstration .. Snow fays he finds the work rfateresting than ever before, i'bocal is considpring the mat" having him continue for a able time as city organiier...
...Room 3:t, fi2 Cannon street, at which time the various committpps will be chosen to make IhP ananKcmcnts...
...This confession will used againat you if not return every penny you hay* itoUa...
...Uiam is a revivalist...
...NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT Pi.otrict Organizer, Alfred Baker I Lewis, has been doing organization I work in the environs of Boston dur1 ing the past week...
...NEW YdRK STATE National and Slate Organizer Stille, who is working in Albany and vicinity, admits that the section of the State adjacent to the seat of lawmaking Is about the toughest yet...
...It wnll be before Congress nnd many State !egi*laturea thia fall...
...He was not in thu town over a day before he walked into the New England District Office with the application cards of two new members...
...Not on'r have you beea selling paint and Teeping the money, but you have actually solicited ads...
...You need not wait until yie regular quitting time...
...Speaker, Patrick Quinlan... nineteen organitations, and 660,000 on January 1, 1920, in four organizations...
...It is expectcd I hilt from 50 to 100 workers will be enrolled to put this meeting across...
...Very important branch membership meeting...
...Than we will mail you the book and three of our regular ona-doUa...
...CONNECTICUT b^r E. Davis of Loca' HamNl on a vacation in Mas.sachiipoknd was successful in locating I Carabine, formerly of TcrryJ 'Connecticut, a former State i Wkar of the Socialist Party of i Jl^cut...
...Tickets will be sent to all part...
...One evening he collected $48 in back dues for Ix)cal Albany...
...All brancbai hava paliliont, I bul you who hava nol baan raacbad ' should sign al Local baadquartars...
...The debate on Evolution is only beginning...
...Union City—Bergenline avenue and Main street...
...IjM Bridceport members arc pKiIrd over aanounccmpiit that Kccnp Debs will speak in Bridgeport on September 24...
...Sign this confession and leave this office at once...
...Tbia ia the kind of book you will treasure, talk about, and remember...
...Federation preceding thi Congress it was decided, in response to an invitation from American railroaders and other transport worker...
...Indiana ¦back on the map—if the __go 80-70, or better, with 'lUian...
...The gist of this'memorandum is that the I. F. T. U. ought lo demand, as a preliminary to any unily discussions, that the Russian Communist partv lift the ban on free speech and liber^ of trsde union organlzstion...
...The resolutions adopted by the Bellinzona Congress protested at the imperialist exploitation of the Chinese workers, called for special attention lo Ihe organizing of motorbus,and truck operators and their linking up with the railroaders, demanded no deterioration in the working conditions of railroai^ers in connection with the electrification of Ihe lints, insisted upon th* genoral applicstion of the aight-hour uay, defended the nationalization of railroads and in general voiced the aspirations of tne railroaders for better working and living conditions...
...Comrade nZi made a profound impression...
...Evolution, Social and Organic," ia a aubatantial clotkbftund book of 166 fascinating pages...
...I Hayonnc—Broadway and 2.')rd street...
...Figures printed in the June number of Socials Meddelanden furnished by the Swedish Committee for Social Matters show that the average wages of 233,000 persons employed in tome 3,000 plsnts.scsttered all over the country were 2,300 kronen (at twenty-six cants apiece) in 1924...
...114th street and 6th avanu...
...The programs.of Circla 1 hava b**n made doubly interestir^ slnca some of the world fsmous atronf msn, BristbsM's, pupils hsv* b**n entertaining lham at th* last twa weeks' meetings...
...Any party member from out-oftown desiring to emulate the*work of Comrade Davis is invited to spend his vacation in Boston...
...Und*r the present system no man can b* as good as h* would be...
...LABOR JOTTINGS FROM ABROAD World Railroadars Meat Bellinrona, the most important junction point in Southern Switzerland, was occupied on June 30 and .Tuly 1 and 2 by railroad men who had come from all parts of Europe and some of the other continents to the International Congress of th* Railroad Section of the International Transport Workers' Federation...
...People's House and Williams received a hearty wel! come, as did his succesaor, C. T, Cramp of England, who had been chosen President two days before the General Councihof the Federatioi^ Secretary Nathan's report showeff an approximate membership on June 1, last, of 1,135,000 in thirty-six affiliated organizations in twenty-eight countries, against 1,110,000 on January 1, 1022...
...All new comrades ar* wtlcoma...
...D* nal forgal...
...iignaluras and muil have lham wilkoul dalay...
...Paul—to a stimulating nucleus for ¦vival of the movement put tha Stat*, where formparty power and progress 1 very clearly there was a aal of material for victorious _ida Lilith Wilson is now in "of the arrangements for the convention-and demonstrarjTbe held In Chicago...
...prepaid aix months' subscription carda (total valua $3...
...His Eminence is speaking now whila the entire oflce forcc tooka on in aw...
...Designation petitions may bt filed with Boards of Elections August II, and they must be filed not later than August 18...
...Comrade Davis, of the State Committee of Connecticut, decided to spend his vacation in Boston...
...The lifornia comrades adver-1 these events in a manner of all praise: and in this the hearty cooperation of ate Offire and the Labor f of San Francisco...
...It is anticipated that large delegations from many towns and cities will flock to hear the great Socialist leader...
...New York CHjr...
...CALIFORNIA ( Comrada'Anil Herman has been ¦Unif with the local cnmmitekarge of the conventionBd-demon.stration...
...New H>T*n County The locals of New Haven County will hold a basket picnic at the State Park in Wallingford, on Sunday, August 9. Comrades are requested to come early and be prepared to spend the day...
...ISloeal capitalist papers gavp the Hitt bi general and the speech in lllMialar a great HphI of attention on the tirft MICHIGAN OMVade Joseph F. Viola hB.s just llM work in Michican...
...Clrcl* 6 of Willitmsbarg, bow known as Circle 4, ha* adjoumad for th* summsr and will raconvan* In September...
...Since the Scopes cMe nt D«yion c»me inte Um limelight, there have beeh requeeta for » Imm on Evolution which condeneee in an interMt^ ounner the acientific thought on thia aubject il such a book, informatiTe, clear and very rMdabk Vifa refer to EVOLUTION, SOCIAL AND ORGANIC BY ARTHUR MORROW LEWIS Arthur Morrow Lawia had tha rare faculty of combining the consensus of opinion on a dry subject into a meat intar* eating lecture which held hia audience as every apaakar wmtld like to do but as few succeed...
...The matter will come up a^in at the Executive Committee's meeting scheduled for August 17...
...Tha unfortunata wratck did as he was bUI and left th* office with his fsc« tutntd to th* floor...
...Speaker: Patrick Quinlan...
...YIPSELOOM K*n M*mmtlat*lii...
...ttwadas Baal Coil of Livlag Not only hav* the Swedish worklers succeeded in increasing ^he ' strength of their trade unions during the last few years while in other countries Labor organiiatipns weia losing ground following the high marks reached shortly after the end of the World War...
...Undoubtedly, his conf.ent to come to BridKppnrt is due to the rapid progress that 'he Local has made in the last year, which has put it in the front rank of locals in the' Kastern part of the country...
...Finkham motioned the shippinif clerk to a chair—most unusual behavior toward an employe...
...Clarks' latanMtioaal Crawiag Tha lataal raaruH for tka laM*^ national Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employes is the Bsnk Clerks' Union of Warsaw, 4,706 strong...
...Wednesday, August 6, at 8:80 p. m. Street meeting, 116th street and Lenox avinue...
...Nevertheless, he has had very good success...
...He turned to on» of the clerks and told him to usher the shipping clerk into his majestic prebi^nce at once...
...17lh-IBth-20lh A. D. Thursday, August 6, at 8:30 p. m. 62 Eait 106th street, branch mMtihg...
...Chairman, Eli Cohen...
...Speaker, Patrick Quinlan...
...BRONX The Itslisn Socialists' open-air meetings continu* each week at 187th streat and Cambrelling avenue, Bronx Fascists hav* btcome excited und have made two attompu lo break up the meetings, but they have failed hecaus* of the antipathy of the Italian workers to Fascism...
...The Federstion of Clerks of Catalonia, with 12,600 members, has formslly completed it* affiliation with the International...
...Judgr Mmmunications reaching the Office nothinc was ne-] to make these events a in the history of Social in California...
...success of liter in the New England I there seems to he no doubt ; luccess of the National 0."of appointing organizers out the country...
...Tha powarful corporation that •Biploy*d him >Uow*d him $23.00 a w*«k, and h^ dcsparataly yielded to tanptation...
...Pinkham—ii a atout gentleman with a luperinr air...
...but they have also used their economic ai;id political power so efTectively that the actual value of their wages has risen twenty-one per cent since 1913...
...The contenU of thia volume conaiat of tan lecturaa de...
...To gal our candidalat on Iba primary ballul wa bava to gal signalurat to palll^ent...
...Pinkham rose from the chair, sternly faced the shipping clerk and continued: "Wt trusted you and gave ynu regular employment and this 18 the way ynu have repaid us for our consideration...
...Details will be announced in The New Leader from time to time...
...FOR TWO WEEKS ARTHUR MOflROW LEWIS'S MONUMENTAL BOOK WILL BE GIVEN FREE WITH THREE DOLLARS' WORTH OF SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE NEW LEAVER Three dollars will cover your own aubacription for a year and a half, but the best thing to do ia to fill out the coupon printed below and mail with three dollara...
...Coesrsiw 1>tina* Kofars and Atagvat Claw* sens will spMk at WU^ ud InAugust ClM*a*»* tr.d A. Kamst i . sp«ak at 170tk street an] Oraal tarvala avaauas...
...Uppar WasI Sida Branch Tuesday, August 4, at 8:30 p. m. Bl Eaat 126th street...
...On several occasion* aa many people were turned away as managed to get in...
...Roam BOB, 17 Eail IBib slrsal...
...on Saturday •\*ninf, at 7:11...
...Fill out this coupon, clip, and mail with thraa dollara TODAY...
...Agrae or not, you ahould get the Kct* and then you will be able to diacus* thi* most intereatiiAg subject with eaae...
...Norwagian Unions Slill Caiaiaf When the ttnth convention of the Norwegian Federation of Labor opens in Oslo on August 23, the delegates will b* cheered by the news that their organization is still gaining members...
...The first meeting to organize for this event will be held on Wednesday, August 5. at the City headquarters...
...In this manner you hayt embeiiled nearly $360...
...At th* beginning of this year the membership of the twenty-nine national uriions and on* local organization was 02,767, againrt 8u,699 a year before and 87,624 on July 1. 1924...
...At the meeting of th« General Council of the Transport Wrokers...
...The district executive—we shall call him Mr...
...Monday, August 3, at 8:30 p. m. Streat meeting...
...2ad-t3rd A. D. Saiurday, August 8, at 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 167th street and Broadway, Speaker, Alexander Tendler and George Meyers, Y. P. 5. L. Circle 8 will hold lU next meeting on Thursday evening, August A, at 8 p. m„ at iu headquarters, 207 Kast lOih street, Manhattan, A debate will b* held as part of th* educational program: "Resolved—That th* only salvation of th* working class rests in th* political and economic aspirations of the Socialist Party...
...On June 2o, Le Peuple of Brussels printed A summary of a memorandum on the question of a united front sent to President Purcell and the other membcrt of the British Trade Union Mission that visited Russia last fall by A. Golz and eleven other members of, the Central Committee of the Russiim Social Revolutionary party now serving long terms in the Butyrky prison in Mo.*ow...
...Speaker: .lames Allman...
...The Stale Secretary has tentatively set the date for the next meeting of the Stale Kxsculive Committee for August 16 in Nfw York City...
...Me iforking in most unpromKtory, but has orijaniied als in a month...
...And, sccording to a Stockholm cablegram of July 16, the index figure for the second quarter of 1926 was down another , point, thus relatively improving tha I position of Labor...
...Suddenly the mtnager and the dlitrict executive enter the offire in a dramatic manner...
...livered at the Garrick Theatre, Chicago, several yaara ago, to crowded houses...
...We should have you jailed at once enly for our desire to avoid publicity in the matter...
...H* knaw th* m*aninf of it all...
...The National and Slate ofBces of the Party are cooperating In regard to the sections to be covered by Organizer Stille and the time tq be spent in each...
...These :new members will hold cards in the Bo-iston Central Branch...
...He is now the proud possessor of a red card...
...Eli Cohen...
...Nothing for sale by the committee, but ice cream and soft drinks can be bought at the park...
...Lewis secured six ioni to The New Leader applications ^r memberavii writes: "What I have h* work and th...
...I »d* Davis called at the of-, th* New Engiard District in Boston and discussed pccts of organizing the Soj> the district with Alfred 'Jiawis, the District OrganiI^Mvit wa« successful in, ae1 a f«>r applications for nfemI in Maiden where Lewis is onranix* a Local in less hour...
...He secured (seven members in Medford...
...Hp has HlHilartiest cooperation of Stale Chsrle:* Robson...
...The presence at the Congrc's of a rcpre.-P!>iafive of Labor, the American railioador.<i' magazine, led many of Ihe delegates to hope for the eventual lining up of the American rail, road men's unions with those ir other lands...
...OHIO tM M. Varkiiu it ttiU t M Uffh" in CI*v*land, [a^ orwnlMi for th* Locaa M no doubt about Ing (ffoet of tho r^onal and danonrlration in It aaoma likely the L.'ud*rt^« a courae of l«cs aocioloffical and acononic lYor tk* eomijif l«ctur* aeauik rirnt on in th* ntn.>nsi*rly got Cleveland go.. dlroetlon of a city gcvernductod by a workinT ty...
...Every good motive IS stifled and will so continu* until the proflt system is don* away with... from tha audience tk*y i«k> sid*.l On Friday, July 81...
...You Able To Discuss Evolution...
...Stale Secretary Merrill is trying to impress on every Local the ae•sirability of having a full ticket in Ihe field and that ifia the duty of every good Comrade to stand for nohiination for public office or party position, if his Local calls upon him, regardless of possible S success or defeat at the polls...
...bul wh*n th*y saw thay had littia >01 ¦ .1...
...That is t/ne o' the Dicing citiat In the Union BUS action by a working IINNESOTA __ Murray E. King is still i'^ar-path...
...He is in Springfield Iw itndying law...
...battar knowa as Ken, the Strong Man, will appaaf In person at ths meatinc af o«r new S*nior Clrcl* S, Sunday, Aufwit I. 7 p, m,, at our clubreoms, 4tO Hina* dale str**t, Brownsvilla, and o^art will participate in our program...
...Speaker, Patrick Quinlan...
...I Union City—Summit avenue and jCourtland street...
...There jr prospect that Rivervipw .Jll be crowded with an audiDch as has rarely tested the of that play and forum 'Comrade Debs seems to He Jng in power with his audi¦nd thus we may expect an "Big Time...
...W* waal Ikosi...
...When the Congress was jpened by Robert Williams, th* retiring Pre.'ident of the TranapoiJ, Workers' Federation, who had given up his place lo accept the post of director of the London Daily ^erI'ald, there were more than 100 deleI gates fromi twenty-one countries in I the big hall of the... send a delegation to thii countrythis year th explain the aimi and functioning of Uie Federation...
...Sneaker: ('hnrles Kruse...
...INDIANA -'Oitede William H. Henry in Ihc inlltw days ill Indiana ha.i oi'KsnMtkrt* healthy locah-at VeeCrawfordsville ami l.aHe is now Roinft like a . in high gear in I.oganshtre will be a new local in •t—never fear—if there cal" material in the town...
...Michi{tOnradc.s should renhie their Bity to rebuild the Slate Son...
...for a dfenee I program from some of our customers...
...Tha thoughtful one pondered over th* salarita of his f*llow-cl*rk* which rangtd from 176.00 to 1110.00 per iRcnth...
...Th* svork I of reorfanizlng along Industrial lines is proceeding satisfactorily, which accounU for a drop to tha nufflbar of branehaa from 1,SS1 to 1.191...
...Comrade Lewis spoke to a wellattended r.ieeting in Whitman last Saturdav...
...Thi* offer will appaar only in two iiauaa of THE NEW LEADER...
...New mambers will b* admitted...
...As this is the first visit since 1912 of Comrade Debs, he will receive a tremendous reception by thti woilters of this great industrial city...
...You have been carrying on little privaU *nUr' prises which perhaps you ar« not * prepared to ulk about, so I ahall perform the Uak for you...
...H* insists there a pair of strong locals—in olU and in St...
...There will be prizes for sports and games for young and old...
...Clolbing Workers Lining Up The International Clothing Workers' Federation reports the recent affiliation of the United Cloth, {{at and Cap Makers of North America and the Furriers' Section of the .National Union of Distributive and Allied Workers of Manchester, England...
...The highest point of both wages and the index ftgure of the cost of living was reached in 1920, following which there was a fall in both until 1924, when wages rose slightly while the cost of living continued to drop...
...Jualor Yipsals The Junior Yipial Central Cnni* mitt** will hold a meeting on An* g^ust 1, at the new hsadquartuv, f East 16th street...
...Th* other cUrk waa a thcugbtful lad...
...Five rf tht six time-clock slaves who witnessed this pitiful sprctacle were duly impressed with the righthin/.*lf...
...No matter how clever a crook is,' w* always get him in th* and...
...The loss in membership in 1922-23 was due to the drastic reduction of personnel i:i several Central European countrie.', notably in Germany where about 300,000 railroad men were discharged under the retrenchment called for by the Dawes Reparation Plan...
...Evary Secialltl Parly mambar and avary ragislarad Socialiil Parly volar ara argad to sign and lo sign immadialaly...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Sign Paiitioni M«mb*r< of Ih* Party new have a Job befer* them that must ba quickly ditpalchad and Ihui pra^ar* Ik* way for a vlgorout campaign...
...He remembered th* words of th* str*et-corn*r agitator whom h* had haard the night befir...
...of the State...
...We do not aell it, but you can have it absolutely FREE...
...MISSOURI Is'lllBrade William R. Snow has ) kuiy in St...
...eae you can easily aell and have the book free, or you can uae the carda at any tiitie you desire...
...Pinkham considered it beaide th* point to mention that he, had never bean caughu Stay honest," he concluded, "and thia firm will give ynu a square deal...
...All comrades are urged to com* and bring their friends...
...fio forceful did the executive utter these words that he really believed them and almost looked magnanimous...
...Lalior union!<, radical frntprnal bodies, and other organizations are bphind this alTnir...
...Gray had • sick wif* and a dying bab...
...The memorandum insists that "unity" with the Russian unions under the present conditions would be nothing liut a mockery...
...On this particular July afternoon six young men are seated at their desks laboring over complicated accounts and "pushing" typewriters...
...Comrade Porfl wu Iwsltad ky tk* followers of MuasoHai aad e< cm* •jctasion thay triad to baa...
...I I We.'it .New York — Bergenline avenue and 14th street...
...Comrade Lester Diamond will take the affirmative and Comrade Jul«s MareskI will tske th* negative...
...All members are requested to attend the meeting Wednesday evening...
...Finnish Braacli Tuesday, August 4, at 8:80 p. m. Street meeting at 126th street and 5th avenue...
...I "Gray," said the UMutiv* to hia serf, "wt hav« batn watchinf you I for some time and w« got the goods on you at laat...
...WISCONSIN fbs Annual Socialist Picnic in Fair Park at Milwaukee last iftasy was a rousing success, Kity thousand people were In atlialince—in snite of cnnslderahle ^ in the afternnon...
...He will go to Glens Falls August 1 for a few more days' work there...
...No sooner faid than done...
...On Saturday, Aufuit 1, C<.vra4« KaMsr wtt It 170tb street avanu*, Th* *eh*dHla for tka aoatk a( August will b* annottncad Is ¦azt w*(k's Laadar with addad spoakan, Comradas ara rsauaatad to viait h*adquart*rs at 1167 Boatua raaJ and sign p*tition...
...The number of books wa ara abla lo tacura is limited and wa rasarve tha right to ratam yoer money should the supply become axhauilad...
...eousness of tncir *mploy*r, and indicnant againat Um abipping dark wkc had so ahMMUtaly takan vtntag* of thia good man...
...Candidalas ara than farmally nominatad in Iba primary...
...This is of Iramandout importanca, and wa maan you I Eiaculiva Commitlaa Monday, August at 8:30 p. m. 7 East 16th street, Room (06...
...Speaker: May I Harris Mainland...
...Action Cb Unily DalaVad Due to the enforced absence of A. A. Purcell, President of the International Federation of Trade Unions, the Executive Committee of that organization, at its meeting in Amsterdam on June 29-30, took no action on the letter from the AllKu.-sian Central Tradif Union Council proposing an unconditional conference between representatives of the Rustian unions and the I. F. T. U. to di.'curs the question unity...
...Thousands of dollars paspad through their Angara each day and that waa their maasly nturn...
...Pinkbam, th* mighty, turned to th* citrka and in a d*lib*rativ* mann*r apok* thus: "I have purposely mad* an example of this man in your pr«**nc*," said he, "in order that you might r*allte the merit of honesty and so that you might b*tt*r b* fortified against temptation...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31

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