GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP IN CANADA Canada's Operation of Natl||yial Railways Heads Long List of Prosperous^ Public Industries By JAMES SIMPSON ViM^rMidcal of tk* Tr«d* am L«k«r CengrcM of...

...jity of governments functioning in the intereats of the people by aaauming ownership and operation of all-the great public aervices haa been urged for more direct and urgent reasons...
...The working hours are far too long conildering the hot climate, and wages ire very low and out of all proportion to the excessive high cost of iving...
...A Correction Editor, The New Leader: In reading my letter you pub Ished in this Friday's New Leader, lescribing the auto trip arranged )y the Brownsville Comrades for Cings County, you Incorrectly tatrd that the sum of $10 was urned" over to Comrade SadofT, whereas the sum I mentioned in my irevious letter resd $105...
...The Self-Inaurance Fund, another feature of Government enterprise, as a substitute for private insurance companiaa, after payment of or provision for loases was increased during the year 1924 by »1,437,475...
...OparatM RjMlio DapartuMiit As a part of the service, the Board of Directors also operates a radio department...
...It will cut out profiteering...
...The reason they are so unequal now is that the useless caaitalists receive colossal unearned incomes due to private ownership of the great industries...
...Tb« paople of Cantda, throu| thtir reipective Municipal, Provii eitl, and Federal (ievernments, hav •videnced a faith, nupported by atrong conviction, in the principle ( collactiY® ownership, an diatii ruiihed' from private or corporal ownarihip, of some of the moit in portant public •ervicea...
...During the year some of the observation cars on pauenger trains operating between Montreal and Vancouver, Montreal and Quebec, snd Toronto and Winnipeg were squippetf with radio...
...I know you're not getting it...
...The toUl freight tonnage carried through these canals during tke year 1918 was 11,199,434 tons, and the number ef pauenger...
...J. Liapald...
...For anyone with a little capiUl to invest in real estate Br to start a little business this is the ideal place for it...
...The divorce iflurts frequently exhibit this type )f bourgeois "morality...
...B.t to Winnipeg, to be P*" he Grand Trunk Pacific one 'moanv for a neriod of of ani beggPv...
...Now don't sprint for an alibi...
...But the paper has a cute way of 1 going about the calculation...
...Stations under the Biological Board of Canada for the conduct of biological research into the numerous complex problem* furnished by the fisheries are established in dlfTrrent parts of th* Dominion...
...Tbe New York paper quotes those per capiU figures for the purpose of proving that an equal division of ' the annual income would not help I anyone in particular...
...Let me atart out by saying that this ia the Investors' paradise and the wprkera' hell...
...Thus on March 31, 1018, the Canadian Government Railways had a total mileage of 5,150.08...
...The acceptance of the theory un derlying the principle of Govern m«nt Ownership has influencec thoaiands of the people of Canadi to give their aympathetic suppori to any movement in the direction ol Government Ownership...
...It relies upon its readers to be stupid enough not to multiply by five and get the amount, $3,330, which the average family should have, but to look complacently upon those three sixes and say, "Oh, that isn't much —I get that much myself...
...This haa been particularly so in Canada, where the Mtisfying of commercial, induatrial, and financial ambitiona has made the abandonment of private ownership and operation of public lervicea a necessity...
...of the important public aervices... revenue, $235,588,182.65...
...2) from Montreal to the International boundary near Lake Champlain...
...One fallacy seems to be currifet...
...In addition, an extensive aysteni of fish culture has been organized, the Dominion Government at present operating 62 hatcheries a yearly cost of about $350,000, and producing about 1,000,000,000 eggs, fry 01^older fish per annum, mostly British Columbia salmon and whitefish...
...expenditure, 1218,343,931.07, with net earnings of 117,244,251.48...
...It merely I says the annual natlenal Income I equals $666 per capiU...
...e f r t f ? I 1 I f [ By JOHN M. WORK How much is your annual income...
...Marcfaant Marb*'' The Canadian Government Merchant Marine wia esublished during the closing |ears of the war, when the Goveranent realized iu need, not only u a means of developing Canada's export trade but also as a means »t assisting the National Railways »nd as a means of providing employment...
...One wonders if yji had any particular member of t^fe female sex in mind...
...tifty years...
...As if all babies, all boys and giris, 1 *all aged men, all Invalids, all married and other women, were working in paid otcupations and had incomes of their own...
...You are not on the witiless stand...
...Of course, scarcely anyone adv*cates absolute equality of income^^— though that may come some time in the course of human events...
...N. Y. 1 Tha PuadaBantaliit Bait Editor, The New Leader: There i* at the present time a great deal of Ulk about the remarkable development and prosperity in Florida...
...And, of what you do get, at least half is taken from you by profitmakers of varioua kinds...
...For the purpose of our argument we could have used one, of the rich male parvenues who outwardly )roadcasts virtue but who secretly subscribes toMhe code <that every woman has her price...
...Kindly make this correction and iblige, Joseph N. Cohen...«iid" Ihe inft««nt Tfcmanan Ttmtfi upon her purity by the extremely pure-minded men and women of this countfy...
...In the Dominion Government 'ook the construction of the 1- Division of the National " tinental Railway fro J^oif...
...A New York paper says the annual national production of Ahnerica amounts to approximately $666 per capita...
...Perhaps the editoia of flie New Leader are the long looked ftr exceptions to this apparent rule...
...The building line is the only really prospering trade and, fortunately for those engaged therein, 100 per cent organized...
...It says 1 nothing about families...
...Inces, but the right of fliberies legislation for all Provinces rest* with the Dominion Government Tha Ca« nadian Government baa had for a main object the prevention of de« pletion, the enforcement of clesa seasons, the forbidding of ob*trua< Upns and pollutions, and the regu« iftion of net*, gear* and of flsh< ing operation* generally...
...Toms River, N. J. Of course we had no particular woman in mind, nor did we have any intention of approving the irchaic double code of capitalism which consigns the erring woman to the ditch and accepti the male liberLine with a tolerant smirk...
...Got it added up...
...You think you are lucky, under present conditions, if you are getting half that much...
...Many thousands if appreciative letters and mesaages ivere received from the public durng the last year...
...But when you look at famlliea and $3,330, the situation is changed entirely...
...Now that I am here for a little while I wish to sound a note of caution to people who intend coming here In search of work...
...Just answer the question in your own mind...
...Are you getting that much...
...All In all, the North offers far rreater advantages to the average vage earner than Florida, in spite if the tremendous boom in real isUte, which is of a very parasItlca^ nature...
...Despite the generosity of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments to railway corporations, involving money grants of 1420,000,000, guarantee of bonds to the amount of 1400,000,000, and land grants amounting to 62,000,000 acres, private enterprise (except in the case of the Canadian Pacific Railway) had failed, and the Government was compelled to take over the Canadian Northern Railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, the Grand Trunk Railway, and many of the feeders to theae main lines...
...It will therefore*^* seen that so far as the nation's fisheries are concerned the Government has adopted the principle of Government Ownership in the supply of fish for the waters in the different Province.*, but the catching and sale of fish is still left to privata enterprise...
...They conslk of the canals (1) between Port Arthur or Fort William apd Montreal...
...The young fish are supplied gratis if the waters applied for are suitable...
...On th other hand the fact must be emphs Kiied ^hat Canada has been exceed ingly fortunate in having accom plished results thrnughs its grea Govern men t-owned enterprise which could never have been ac complished hy private corporation...
...The chances are...
...1 You see for yourself that it proves 1 nothing of the kind...
...Organized Labor, through its industrial and political units, has never failed to champion the cause of Government Ownership, even long Vfore other groups of citirens were giving their sympathetic support to the principle...
...GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP IN CANADA Canada's Operation of Natl||yial Railways Heads Long List of Prosperous^ Public Industries By JAMES SIMPSON ViM^rMidcal of tk* Tr«d* am L«k«r CengrcM of Canada ONE of the outfi^ndiE features of M u n t c i p a Provincial, aad Federal Go •rnment in Canada during t) ptat twenty year® has been th acceptance of the soundness ( the principle of Governmei Ownership and Operation c the basic public services...
...An impure woman becomes fiifectly pure when married to a ^ man...
...A Qnastioa of Morality Editor, The New Leader: Your editorial on Daugherty and the virtuous woman Is extremely interesting...
...Thii poi tion, however, has not been reacht without very careful coniideratio of the nation'a experience with pr vate corporationa...
...The equipment comprises 3,268 locomotives, 128,781 freight cars, 3,560 passenger cars, cars in company's service, 6,951, making a toUl of 139,292 car...
...It will increase productivity...
...4) from Ottawa to Kingston and Perth...
...and (6) from the Atlantic Ocean to Bras d'Or Lakes, Cape Breton...
...This atti tude on the part of many of the paaple i* owing to the successful experiment in municipal ownership In Gr«at Britain and other European countries, and the success of the Govemmeflt-owned enterprises fit New Zealand and Australia...
...When industrial democracy — Socialism — shsll have been fully established, no able-bodied and soundminded person will get anything except what he earns...
...All of which is a good reason why you should be a Socialist...
...You need not say it out loud...
...You realize that the average family —In the city or country — does not come anywhere near getting that much...
...Associated with [he Canadian National Railways are ^e Canadian National Telegraphs, >perating 21,863 miles of pole line, 118,276 miles of wire, with 1,756 >fflces, 3,970 officers and employees, ind a wage bill of $2,608,353 anlually...
...An order for 68 steel cargo v»»els of aix different types was placed with Canadian shipbuilding firms...
...The approximate value of the different railways which comprise the Canadian National Railway SyaUm U 11,892,577,760...
...therefore, that it^will not merely double your income, but will be much more likely to trijJIe or quadruple it...
...You don't know just whether to maintain a profound silence or let out a mighty holler...
...Early operations of the aervice proved profitable, but durinc the depreaaion throoffb wtieh Caaaaa and other countriea have been passing yearly deficit* are reported, During 1923, a toUl of S2T voysgea were made, the majprity being to the United Kingdom and tha European Continent, to tke Wtit Indies, Newfoundland, Australia, California andT the Orient...
...Counting five persons to a family, which is the usual method of calculation, this amt>unt8 to an average of about $3,330 for each family in the United SUtes...
...The total capital cost of Canadian canals since their construction was begun is set at $146,420,557...
...The total length of the waterways comprised within theae systems is about 1,594 sUtute miles, tlie actual mileage of canals constructed being 117.2...
...Tli* n«a-»i4sl (laheil** of tb* Maritime Prwiaee* and Ontario knd both tha tidal aad non-tidal fiaherie* of <)uebec fra controlled by the respacUve Prov...
...Furthermore, industrial democracy will eliminate the stupendous wastes of capftaliam...
...lUdio sets liave also been installed in all the company's hotels...
...West Palm Beach, Fla...
...Having heard so much about it, I decided to venture a trip down there and see for myself...
...This fact will be made all the mon evident as we review the success at tending the administration nf man...
...The life histories of edible fi.<hpR, the bacteriology of fresh and cured fish, and numerou* other practical problems have been taken up and scientific memoirs and reports issued...
...In the last annual report of the Canadian Naticfnal Railways, dated Mirch 31,1926, the mileage is given as 21,872.19 miles...
...That will make incomes much more nearly equal...
...My own experience of fifteen years leads ide to conclude that almost anyone ti|l change his ideas of an impi^ie woman inside of ten minutes, pnvided that he has sufficient indunmente...
...These figures are exclusive >f 126 separate Grand Trunk Pacific TelegraA offices...
...Even before Jie Federal Government inaagurated its policy of a great nationalized transcontinental railway syat«m, the Intercolonial Railway, built M a condition of confederation and completed in 1876, and the Prince 'Edward Island Railway, opened in pril, 1875, have aince their conviction been owned and operated the Dominion Government...
...Gartruda E. Knoa...
...In regard to ownership and operation, a separate company was organized for each vessel, and the capital stock of each is owned by the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, LilWted, which operates all the steamers and keeps a separate account of each company...
...Well, then, keep the fTgrures in mind and see whether or not you and your family are getting your share as per the flfures ^ven below...
...Broadcasting stations arc owned at Moncton and Ottawa and atations are rented at Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina...
...Thirty-two vesaels were employed on the mere important trade routes, aix In coaatwise trade, seven on the Oreat Lakes as grain carriera, while fifteen were laid up in various ports in Canada...
...Fkk HtU^i Tbs Ooaiaion Govammeat ««•¦ tral* th* tidal Wierie* of Ut* Mark .tin* Provinca* and British Calaai« bis and th* flsheriea of tk* thna jfuUrU Proviaeea...
...But apart from the raanlta which have accraed from ytart of educational work among - masses of the people, the neces...
...Saskatoon, Edmonton and Calgary...
...A* for the rest of the wage earners, they are the most underpaid and ovet^ worked lot one can find anywhere, defying all civilized standards...
...It can Mfely b stated, without fear of contradii tion, that the failure of private coi porations to render nervice satiifac tory to the people has contribute in no amall degree in the converiio of the citizens to the principle o "Oovamment Ownership...
...6) from Trenton, Lake Ontario, to Lake Huron (not completed...
...But, certainly, incomes should be much more nearly equal than they are now...
...The toUl of the fund at the end of the year was $4,074,153...
...It is, however, a selfish reason — and you ought to be a Socialist for a higher and better reason, namely, because .Socialism will make this world an infinitely better and happier place for others as well as yourself...
...On the failure of the latter company to take over the operation of the road, completed in 1915, the Government itaeif undertook ita operation...
...The unification of Canada's national railway system was pro vided for by order-in-council on January 20, 1923, which also brought into eflTect the Art to incorporate the Canadian National Railway Company with headquarters at the City of Montreal...
...4'he equipaent in this part of the Vrvice conaisU of 662 horses, 126 i|etor trucks, • motor trailers, 3 ekftric tractora, l,t>»0 wagons and ^Mfflu, <8 single and double hub-ru«sra, 581 office aafM,' 772 train salK, 624 ¦•"rle and double harness, and 8,006 platform Govcnunent...
...Natiooalisation Of Railwaya From the Federal point of view the nationalization of railways is regarded as the most outstanding departuj* from the principle of private or corporate ownership and aceeptanee of the principle of Government Ownership...
...The expfH departaust ia alao another imMrtant unit «f tlM great enterprise, fith 8,109 ofletra and employes a« a wage kill of 178,886.45...
...3) from Montreal to Ottawa...
...Well, never mind answering...
...Promissory notes have been given to the Minister of Finance and Receiver-General for the toUI capital |tock of each vessel, with interest payable at 6W per cent per annum...
...CoramiMnt Canal Systam mere are six canal systems under tha control of the Dominion Government in connection with navigable lakes and rivers...
...But those ivho have nothing but their labor power to invest had better sUy twsy except those belonging to the skilled'and organized trades...
...Possibly one of thece das woman will decide for herlgf whether she is pure enough to...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31

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