...His writings')tad considerable Influence on facto^-y laws and sanitary reforms...
...And yet, { must be heard...
...Fourier worked out in minute detail a i«rial order for small communitiei and hi* chief interest was in experiments on a small scale that mifht i»rnve the practical nalure of hit theories...
...The latter is to have headquarters at Constantinople...
...some of ther more guilty than others...
...duct of Industry, a sum is set aaidi for each memljer of the community The surplue remaininf after thli was done is divided in a tomewhal curious way between Labor, oaplUI and Ulent...
...To collect bad debts in Flanders Fields...
...To fi»rd the oil tanks of Dohenies on'the Caspian Sea...
...During hit life he tried but ope experiment in proof of the value of hia ideas...
...for various reasont...
...2) the four "Group passions" of friendship, love, the family feeling (familism), and ambition, and (3) the threi di^ tributive paseioas—which includj the passions for planning, for change, and for unity...
...Every European government, big or little, ric* or poverty stricken, had drilled, trained, and organized every man and l<oy capable of bearing armi into cannon fodder...
...Every one of them maintained horded of propagandists, spies, military attaches, diplomats, plain, fancy, and professional liars to brew bad medicine for the inevitable explosion which all of them alternately dreaded and hoped for...
...There is here nothing but disharmony...
...But all were guilty...
...A member of the Cham ber of Deputies offered him an estate at Versailles...
...But don't blame ut if It happena to bo tiMK tenth time...
...So near did thit good time seem that he once urged hit followers not to put their money into real estate, at a Fourieristic advance would cause it to lose valuel Not many times since Uien have leaders of .Socislist and Communist thought made similar predictions...
...The Kaiser is sawing wood at Doom...
...that the chief support he fj^ed was not that of the impecunWus mass, but of the Wealthy few might sub- i sidise some of his Vcial experiments...
...Citizens in this community should unite in groups according to their ta'<tes, which are determined by the character of their "passions...
...S Either pst them or stop petting them...
...In each phalanx all of the inhabitHnt.f should occupy a great central building, called a phalanestry—not (lis.^imilar from some of our modern apartment hotels...
...ent|rrd business, Became a traveling salesman, and invested a small inheritance in cotton and lost it compUlcJy durinir the'Siege of Lynnt...
...Twenty million cripples b noan lost limbs, lost minds, lott eyes, lost heal —^r nothini...
...Ten millions of men were tlain on batti fteld»—for nothing...
...Their frantic appeals to each other in the faUl July days of IflM to stop mobilization ,were brought te naught by the machinations of the miliUrisU and industrialists who constituted the real rulers of the countries of v|[hirh they were hut the Ogurehesds...
...r The first woman we ever kisaad Juat butte4 ri^w out crying...
...Five-twelftha of thii surplus goes to Labor, four-twelfthi to capiul, end the remaining threetwelfths to talent Thui the motto of Saint Simon ia modified into the formula, from each according to his rapacity and to each according to hi.s labor, capiUI and Ulent...
...e Women cry for two reasons, extreiM happlnc^ and extreme sorrow...
...Listen, then...
...1 1 I a ! C I I t I 1 I p OURIER and SaJnt Simon: 1 The teachings of Saint Simon found its coQinlpment in many respects in Iflow of a contemporary French Utopian, Charles Fourier (1772-1837...
...We would see in this goose-stepping, flai waving, drum-beating, bugle-blaring thing not th protector of our country—aiot the saviour of civ liiation—not the guardian of peace—"but a ho: rible blood-dripping, brainless machine monstf that sooner or latsr will destroy the so-called civi ired nations, our own included...
...WIere are the boys narching to...
...first volume on social problems, 4ut received practically no encourtgemcnt for his schemes for some <|vc years...
...Rhe it to buty thinking up mean thingt to saf about you that the hasn't time for weeping...
...But all agree that these three were re sponsible for the World War...
...Through thaaa wrH« era and experimanta Fourleriaa, however, contributed Ita bit to tha social thinking of the new world...
...McAlittor I wanted, as all men do, to belong...
...which, F'ourier beloved, typifltfd widespread evils in tha industrial system—made an indelible impression on hi.4 mind Md ultimately counted heavily in tuning the attention of the younf Tnerchant fo the working out of a saner, induttrial order...
...You are a tight for tore eyet...
...Harmony can, however, be found if men and women come together into communities or phalanxes, from 400 to 2,000 strong, in combinations of suitable numbers...
...Some are just beginning to come true...
...But, thuckt, when I, ttarted to tell that to tone women the other night they Jutt yawned in my face and swore they had kicked the alatt out of thtif cribi back in 18»8 laughing at that Joke...
...He also emphasized the value of machinery in doing the work of the world...
...For if they were, we would shrir with horror from every manifestation of milita jsifl...
...w Marching Boys and Smiling Mothers The Veteran...
...An English hutband will come home tlothed to the guardt and will bam hit wife in the Jaw and then go and get a tilk handkerchki 'to ibop up the blood and tell her how son^ h« ia about it Nothing will come of it because he apeleglcal with tuch a beautiful accent , If you intend to pull the polite itufT, however, don't do it too luddenly...
...The twelve combine into one supreme passion for love for others, united in society...
...Not that women don't like rough etoriet...
...Who cares...
...The.n would come an age of decline and a fourth brief era of dotage...
...He wa.1 ajrested and faced with tb« cuillotine...
...For example, I thought that wat a pretty good story about the mtn who had been out all nlfht' and sneaked home at dawn...
...IndividusU m*y join any •eries or group that they may desire, and can change fi»m group to group at their will...
...To quell ¦ coollt'rislnpr on the streets of Shanghalf Who, t knows...
...Each group undertake.* to do a specific kind of work, for instance, the caring of fruit trees, while a series in that group may take cliargo of the apple tree section of the fruit tree...
...Ill* PhalaBsi Obviously our present socicty does not lead to harMionious combination of these...
...Thi are not resd...
...The industry shouW bo largely agricultural...
...That at BreaK '. Farm In Maaaachusetta wat tha most famous...
...Owin| to the Joy thit the menben of 1 I 1 I ( I 1 ( I t I t I I e 1 )i f i ii i P r a w >] a t( b 0 n w tl ti S) Id re w m 01 m h F ni m CI ti ui ai te ai Fi si in w OJ fo le if n m u lit s h9d ad, a fe )n f c;r )t is le h r, d 0 i i s t 1s e f s ! a I I I r I 1 I t, the phalanx get out of their work St under these conditions, and to th« is healthy rivalry for quick and efficient results which naturally develops between the groups, thi product of these workers will bi far greater than at present...
...Out of'the pro...
...Fourier's Life: Fourier had a muc)j less spectacular career than his fellow Utopian...
...It teemed likely that, with the Fonriariatic philosophy, the family and mar* risge would gradually tend to dU-i appear, Hii MillsBnaata InaiiaeBli Fourier was for peace and against violence...
...If you pidl enough of it and don't overdo it, tort of your head and bulge out you.- eyet and loo* and grieved, you can get them nearly aver .....iiai And the A you want to make your Ceiitfc Don't rUk an anti-cllmax...
...But the poor fellows were putty in the hands of the war camarillas in their respective countries...
...What did it matter to Jean, John, Johan, or Ivan how much land his (?) country acquired in Asia or Africa...
...He hid acquired, however, "the warm support of a number of disciples...
...Many more millions of widows, c pMw, and iweetheartt nurse wouitds that time w never heal ^ for nothing...
...Today there is not one single historian of repu tation who maintains that this or that country wa alone responsible for the World War The fact which these men have dragged out of the archive of European nations have furnished incontestibl l^'oof that all of them were guilty...
...The mass of notes, conversations, and dispatches of the diplomats have been sifted...
...Tht Joktt you hear around the oAce and MTt up t> tell your wife have a flat tound whea yea uncork them...
...It must be said, howeiii^r...
...Fourier's Cealrlbulioasi Though Fourier's philosophy was fantastic nnd unreal at many points, he nevertheless did valuable ^rvice in calling attention to the wastes in the modern eoonomic tyitem, the unnecessary hardshipe of Labor, and the need for devising some tjritem which would make work a pleasanter thing than it was in the France of his day...
...The aidewalka we lined with adntiring throngs'aprinkled wii many proud mothers who had come to » their J^ki-dreesed sons on parade...
...Listen, then...
...Fourier divided Labor into three classes —necessary labor, useful labor and agreeable labor...
...They will banc around .brooding aboi/fum^l you looked aad pretty toon they will aaj,^ . selves, "WeU, the poor boy muat be '^J all the hard work he has to do at tho ( you can't blama him for wanting a lltd tion now and then...
...Ordinarily one task gets somewhat monotonous at the end of a couple of hours, and the workers are then at liberty to change their occupation to a more pleasing one...
...The Ciar Uu mouldering in an unknown grave...
...There are exceptloni to every jraltf even the ona about women...
...rlerisHc Ear«rias«atii Fbl< (Contlnoid on Pan 7,) lowing Fourier's death, many mar of wealth and ability cama to )il< standard, including aoma of tha disgruntled followera of Saint SimonIsm...
...Tht way to handle thelta when they get appiik It to be awfully polite...
...They are bound to get tutpiciout if yon alt of • a tudden get up when they come into the rooiB aii4' pull out chain for them and all that Work up to It gradually with tome tort of a Um ' like, "How well you are looking thit mornlagt iff y dear...
...The soul Bed Time Stories ¦ for the Bourgeoisie This ii going to Ix a piece aboul wom«M Why they cry and what makes theif laugh and how to handle them whidi they get uppish...
...The numerous white books, red books, yellow books, blaclt books, and Mue books have been edited to bring them in relation with the facts they sought to hide...
...Look a little pained and pathetic abeat til* n^ji ceptlon your etuff it gatting and tay It toama a pt^ that a man can't cempUment hia wife witho«l ^^ Ing made a butt of...
...It was occu pied by a few of his converts, but failed, after a faw years, from mis management Thus he died with opt having witnewed any decided measure* taken toward the realize tion of his dream...
...t« the life of ¦ reformer...
...That ia how we found out that estrm*, happinete maket them cry...
...It is hard to believe that human wealth ia increased and the social purpose furthered by committing the natural resources of a country — the gold and silver, copper and iron, coal and oil, field and forest—into the private keeping of a few Individuals, instead of administering thli bounty for the good of all.—Hanford Hendoraon...
...All of the French axparimanta in pure Fourierism failed, although one or more aocial communitlei founded by manufacturers employing Fourier's idea of a phalanstery for tha workers, but ignoring many af his more fantastic tuggestioni, aucceeded...
...That it the momtnt for yon to call tip aad bow iorry yon ara that you have a butineta 4all New Roehello and can't pottibly gat back in tkM for the bridgo party...
...For the workeri occupy apartments in <he wel equipped phalanstery, have theii food prepared in the one great kit chen, and dine in a common dinini hall...
...If the irue causes of the late slaughter wer known to the many, as they are already known t atudents, these future war mothers who applaude their marching beys the other day would attack th monster with bsre hands and spill the last dro of their mother hearts to wipe it from the fsce o Mother Earth...
...And they learned - nothing...
...He wai born at Besancon in 1772, the (on of a cloth merchant, ^e diafinKuished himself as a (tudeit...
...As far as we are concerned, the most charitabi thing historians have to'say is that, being rathe green and unsophisticated, we were bamlyozlei into the slaughte* -bji-ioroieu i»«p«sr«»<U mJ child like naivete of our leading statesmen, jour nals, and spokesmen whose knowledge of Europeai history and economic life was practically nil...
...Women like joket about other women...
...Uboi here is relieved of the necessity ol supporting soldiers, policemen, crim inals and lawyers, who are nt longer needed in a society based or harmony...
...They naturally choose those units whose work and U.'ttes are consistent...
...In assigning war guilt or the degree of war guil to institutions rather than to men or nations, then also is some degree of difference between historians Some place preparedness first, imperialism second and diseased patriotism third...
...Every one of them had spent the last franc, mark, pound, ruble, or lira they could rake and scrape together to arm itself to the teeth...
...Europe is Balkanixrd The threat of war is greater thA ever...
...DiSlribulioa of Preducli Fourie was far less thorougbgoing in hi abolition of unearned income thai wju Saint Simon, or than are Uii modern SocialisU...
...that had begun to bo itself as a living, honr>e-making folk, to an Aail that had at last given up the notion that *| worth while could ever be got la a kurry, T dollar rich, bcirg merely big...
...His Vife throughout showed a rare devotion to his convictions, honesty, intcg rity and self-sacriflce, Fourier's laMsiaiafii In connection with his social theories, Fourier developed the strangest and crudest kind of world philosophy...
...You haven't got on your B. V. D't,"* and he grabbed himtelf and hollered "My Ood* I've been robbed...
...If you t«ll them about tome otkacfj woman (etting into trouble they will laugh their cute little headt off...
...Once he ar »unced publicly that he would 1 at borne to await any philanthn ist who felt disposed to give him lillion francs for the development of a colony based on Fouristic p nciples...
...Standardisation is a phato...
...They do not know...
...While a Doy of five, young Fourier was severely punished by hia father for telling a customer the truth about an article in hii father's shop...
...Several rommunitiea were atartad aftng the linea ha laid down...
...At firtt they may give you a dirty look if you haven't tlept off your party yat to your gune...
...Car*«r tt Rtformri In 1808 Fourier published hii...
...joined the army on h^ release and aubsequently retunied to business llf^, and...
...In the fices of heir mothers, there |.i the glow of pride in the strength of sons, the light of their nation, the glory o their flag...
...Pertonal, remarka about other women'a uglineu or catiiiWM^ alwayt go big...
...Th« burden of armamerp is heavier than ever...
...The Family...
...His ditclplea finally formad The Society for the Propagation and Realization of the Theory of Fourier...
...when whaJea would pull tbeit vessels across the waters, and seawater would taste like a delicious beverage...
...Most ft the Saint Simonians regarded his proposals with contempt...
...Saint Simon was a descendant of the nobility...
...Hate, er y, fenr, and passion rule the ni ions of the world at never befon Democracy Is not even safe ^ more in the lar.d of its birth...
...The acquisitions of new epipires by his (?) dountry did not give him an ounce of soil, a drop of petroleum, or a flake of gold...
...PricM were high, owiifg to a famine, and the rice had been withheld from thi market for fear of a sharp ijecMne in prices, These two instancea of dishonesty and of waste in indu^y—instance...
...There is an ever present power In the world that draws men together in united action...
...For here these flne« clean youtha, the f ture of the nation, at we fondly call them, wei already marching toward the hell of future^ wai and even their mothers saw nothitig, heard' not ing, felt nothing but swinging young limbs, ahii ing facet, martial airs, drum beats, and pride...
...They fall heavy for the pathoo...
...To-wk«jtt an America alive, an America that is no feogtr'^V despised foster-rhlld of Europe, withi Mph questions always being asked about ita par to an Amerlcr...
...Most of the treaties, secret treaties, and doublecrossing treaties of the European nations are now published...
...Then another woman, whom we didn't kite, br«k« down and tobbed on our shoulder bteauae we didiits and that put ut hep to the extreme reatoa for Uart> If you want to make women itop crying tkef^ are two ways to go about it...
...Every one of the great powers sought to enlarge the market of iU'industrialists by fair means and by foul, but always at the cost of the underlying working population, which had no more interest in the foreign pirate raids of its induttrial grand dukes thsn the serfs of Russia had in the French concubines of their political grand dukes...
...There are twelve of these passions: (1) the five senses...
...Fourier withdrew within himself ami lought deductively to discover thi laws of pro(fre»g...
...God^ what a j, victory...
...Where is thy victory...
...What difference did it make to him whether it was French, English, German, or Russian bankers who esploitod the oil fleldt of Mesopotamia, the gold fields of the Rand, or the population of Shanghai...
...t I I ( I I I ( I ( I i { t r 1 I f f i t t t r I I f CcM...
...Different gradations in sdciety would necessarily remain, although Fourier believed that under hit system the rich and powerful would be so filled with the spirit of cooperation that their presence would bring no disharmony, The communal life would be such, he contended, that every narrow affection in the family would be eliminated, and it would And it« own interest in that of all...
...Oh, yes, we licked the Kaiser, and now that the truth ie out, we know that he and his equally foolifh cousin, the Ciar, were about the only two rulers in Europe who earnestly strove to prevent the slaughter...
...For twelve years thereaf r he was at home every day punc lally at noon of militarism goes liarrhing on...
...In 1R40, the Fourierist teachings were brought to America, and many of them secured tha enthualastic support of a brilliant group of thinkfrs, Including Albert Brisbane, Horace Groeley, Charles A. Dana and others...
...What was it ull ajjout...
...In his "Theory of Universal Unity," he slated, for instance, that the earth was Just pauing out of its infancy, and that, on its ^option of Fourier's plan of aiufcciation, it would enter upon^^-Hiniennium of 70,000 glorioua years, when the lions would become the servants of Msn and draw men's carriages in a single day from one end of France to another...
...Give them a i' kilt at the door and go out with a tmll/ lip^ at though you were too proud t» breaking heart beneath your ihirt...
...Well, my militarist friends, what saye.'t thou...
...At nineteen, while working for a business hou.ie at Marseilles, he was commissioned to throw overboard a quantity of rice which his employer had kept for speculatiTe puri;o*es, until it spoilt...
...He paid for the piracies of his imperialists in Uxes and unpaid labor, and when the boil burst he paid for them again in blood and gore...
...and able to ( smaller nation with one hand tied to it* I tional back.—Sherwood Andereon...
...Tbey will also have centra stables for the animals and centra warehouses for the storing of theii fooL Under these conditions, Fou rier held, productivity increase four-fold or possibly flve-fold, whiii a man can produce enough from hi eighteenth to his twenty-eightl birthday to live In leisure and com fort during the remainder of tl life...
...And nowhere in all this sorry mass of mendacity, duplicity, prevarication, and plain lying is there the slightest indication that the World War was fought for anything higher than greed, grab and graft Nowhere in all this mass of data is there the faintest hint about democracy, humanity, self-determination and the other beautiful things on which the thoughtless were fed during the great madness...
...tools Slid materials of the work remain cheap and fouL ^Som*;^ will come back to their uaterialal ^nd of tUndaMUutlon.—fkmrof...
...i , ^ Nine timea out of ten, In the mood they ar* igi, they wlU balieva yon or niaka believe they b*lii«r you, which ia Jutt at good...
...i t 1 B 9 1 ) f f 1 1 k t r I I I I 1 1 I awaiting th« generous stranger, but, | alas, no millionaire apprareri...
...The contrast between these two social philosophers was marked...
...The voice n reason is still too feeble to be heard...
...The quest fnust be made for social organization which will give free play to our passions, so that tbey may harmoniously combine...
...They brtw their own humor for the moet part and have little tatte for the ttandard ttock that goet to wtll with men...
...To paint tl > .Sierras of Mexico with the earn ne of their hearts...
...Coveranaiilt Though there seems to be but little need of governmei;t, oflicere are elected, the head of a phalanx being called an uni«rch,and the chief of the world phaUnxes, an omniarch...
...All women lika Enflithmen beoaute they are painfully polite...
...Saint Simon pr»sented a bold outline of a new jocial State which he hoped 'that loclety en maste would adopt...
...Saint Simon sought to find in history a clew to a new iocial order...
...4 They get mad in both raser and It's very rarolp that a mad woman cries...
...The State secrets which these st dents have dragged out of their tombi are embodii in handreds of volumes, many of which can > found on the shelves of our public libraries...
...It Itn't to easy to make a woman laugh...
...The heart of Fourier's doctrine is the belief in the all pervading power of attraction...
...Down on the sl4et, "Tramp, tramp, tramp, the bo s are marching...
...Others change thii rotation...
...Hit Law of Atlraclioni But this and other theories are not a necessary part of Fourier's social concepts, though incorporated in the same work...
...Since the war, the archives of many Europei governments have been opened to the inspectic of historians...
...He, moreover, based hit lystem on lo^ic and science rather than on feeling •nd Impulse...
...When these obstacle* are removed, universal harmony will prevail and the wealth of mankind will be increased manyfold, for men will then love to labor and the wastes of the present chaotic system will be eliminated...
...Not a decade has passed since the greatei bloodieat, dearest-paid war of all the ages came its close...
...The millennium, he felt, would down within the space of ten yearsi Why, then, the need of a violent revolution...
...Obstacles have hitherto been placed in the way of this law of attraction, and as a result men have been led into antisocial paths...
...The trouble It that they've heard most of tktf< good onet long before you tell them...
...He believed that one honest expert(pent in communal living according to the p'rinciples he laid down would be sufficient to convince the wo^Jd of the correctness of his views...
...There arc the small units of from seven to nine, called • "series," and the larger units, kno*'n "groups...
...of Foreign Wars held convention in thia city, ike other da There were the usiul par»dM wi banda, drum corpa, buglera, and bannei Among the marchers were military unlta < the local high schbola...
...Nor does it have to builc and maintain hundreds of separat* houses with separate stoves anc separate cooking...
...As he was gettinjr Inte bed his wife looked at him and said, ''What happened to you...
...Some thirty-four rxperiments were tried, hut all failed It is hard to believe in the wisdom of an economic regime under which scarcity and want are the result of an over-production of necessary commodities...
...Fourier, of the ordinary people...
...We hope that all you men will mt it out aaij paste it in your hate, for it it bound te cmm m handy...
...The flrst received the highest reward, the last, the smallest, as it Implied the least sacriflcr...
...To decorate ie plains of Manchuria with blea hing *kcletrns...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31