Cohen, Joseph E.

sssss^assssssa^^Bv BRffllN IN TWILIGHT fly JOSEfH E. COHEN cjlBOM EnffUnd comee tid ]p iagB of distresa. The bodj Utic there is fjir frorr It is growing mon cuted from unemploymenl llllich...

...Other workaiaa dag Ibaai eat...
...Lore has complied witfTHhe demand of thq executive of the Workers' party by presenting his resignation, but it has been refused by the only body that Has power to act upon it...
...In order to insure trade union control of the cooperatives, certain number of the shares of the General Cooperative Association of Jewish Labor are in the hands of the General Federation of Jewish Labor, and these shares carry with them 60 per cent of the votes at the general meeting...
...At worst t^ artificial forcible feeding may stimulate only to invite a worse let-down when the assistance is removed...
...Let it be frankly aaid that what needs to be underwritten ia the man-power of the nation...
...This is the cheapest form of begging the question of failure to utilize the multiplied productivity of human effort >s against the almost constant run of upkeep...
...The Federation has therefore set up Sick Fund Center, which already has 10,000 members, and haa established sanatorium at Mozzah, near Jerusalem, hospitals at Ain-Harod and Tiberias, and health stations in many }laces...
...That which is required in such a serious emergency is nothing less than the reorganization of industry as a whole...
...Complete Reorganiiation Of Induatry Needed Further afield are those who feel that if commerce ii spurred with the colonial possessions, the decline might be halted...
...What is imperative is the immedi ale employment of every able bodied person on the island in Use ful effort, on the basis that what is produced belongs to the people as a whole, every one being assured of the satisfaction of needs and comforts before anyone sec m< re than that...
...Tel Aviv has large ¦tores of medicaments...
...Cooperativea Give Aid Much of the pioneer work is done by cooperative groups, and cooperative societies work hand in hand with the unions—indeed, every member of the General Federation of Jewish Labor is automaiically- a member of the General Cooperative Association of Jewish Labor and all the cooperative societies are centralized in this national association, /which also comprises the cooperative contractors' organization, for build' ing and public works, a Cooperative Bank, etc...
...f$md Artificially -Pwd" Up The votaries of the present order lave been prescribing the customary old-fashioned and out-worn naedies...
...LABOR'S DIVIDENDS PI>m4 bMMlh a — hwiMer ia m aaeavAlUa ia OMfM...
...Intending immigrants are )repared both mentally and physicilly before they leave their own lountry, and very carefully selected rom among the many applicants...
...The general situation in Palastine s, as is well known, comi^icated hy harp divisions of rare and religion...
...Aids the Sick The Federation has taken very en ergetic measures to deal with aick ness among the Jewish immigrants...
...In fart, one does not have to be a passlmis^ to assert that the whole economic order is very^ badly run ^a...
...AfUr these trot the emulsionists...
...There is no social legislation, not •Ten legal protection for women or (UMren, and trade unions have no tagal status...
...occupation that will render sickness tolerable, solitude pleasant, age venerable, life more dignified and useful, and death less terrible.—Sydney Smith.* Fraternity is the reciprocal affection, the sentiment which inclines man to do unto others a* he would that ethgri ibould do onto him...
...ddretaes of Branch Secretaries, "Its to our main office...
...Turkish law is still valid in Pal'aitine, in spite of the fact that it ku been mandated to Great Britain... 1913 there wa« a net bilance in import* and exMfU of 181,000,000 poundi aterUaj, in 1»23 the eatimate was 102,p00,000 pounds, and for the twelve ^ths ending last May England probably square on the books...
...What is essential is whether England fulfills the uni versal hope of a peaceful transfor mation or, struck with the madness of desperation, is whirled into the maelstrom of civil war which beckons to the discontented of the continent...
...Al¦ady it has stretched out a helping ind to the Egyptian movement, hich is still in its infancy...
...while at Tel Aviv and Ain Barod bacteriological laboratories liave bean built...
...Malthus' ashes, on the supposition that birth control will ease the debility...
...which rose to 16,000 in 1924...
...Tha ahara takan in tasai durinf and ainca tha war haa ba«t moat conaiderable...
...c* Hoori, 9 a. ni.-fi p. m. Sat., 9 «. m.'P-m...
...Tha asassaga said all affarta la racavar tha bodies had baea abaadoaad...
...So much for the matter of •()My as such...
...Evidently he could be induced to try another fall...
...At best this is feeble and unavailing recognition that industry as a whole must take care of its members...
...It is the only so lution...
...But aside from disaffection in China (regarded as mortgaged to the Great Powers), Egypt and Indie, there Is no promise thot the Australian and Canadian territories will return to that patriotism which exalta imperialistic exploitation instead of deepening the drift to self-development...
...ThU I* t7 mar* tbaa U tha pra?iaa* maath...
...As the matter now stands...
...Yet another activity is the establishment of schools for the children of rural settlers...
...This is especially necessary, because the whole country is defective In hygienic legislation, and the Government has adopted no means ol dealing with infectious disease...
...the Educational Department not only provides trade union education for the atembers but it arranges vocational classes on historical and topographical sub jects, in order that the immigrant workers may be made better ac quainted with their new country, Classes in Hebrew are also provided For remote settlements the Educa tional Department organizes librar ies and travelling lecturers...
...Whatever else may be done, there should be an end to the ailly talk of bringing out Mr...
...Animosity between Jew and Arab, nd between the many sects and reigions represented, is sometimes ery strong, and often there appears rent danger of a general conflagraion...
...This sounds like a social revolu tion...
...The cotton market, one of the yind's essentials, was particularly owing to the troubled traditions in China and Egypt...
...The two unions which mainly compose the national federation are the national unions of the land workers and the building workers, which have always been the backbone of the movement, although smaller unions, catering for railwaymen and post and telegraph employes, have now been formed...
...Jeba'* Hetpiul, Leag UUad Cily, from Ims ef bleed...
...U a trade is anemic they would kaM|iir it with subsidy...
...N. Y., J.I, H._ ia Jaaa thara ware 171 iadastrial falalitia* rapartad ta tha Suta Warhmaa'* Campaasatiaa Baraaa...
...1 It remains to be seen what action the Workers' party will take against luch of its members on the Volksleitung who voted not to accept the resignation of Lore and what at;itude it will Uke towards the Volks(eitung itself...
...MacDonald may conslJer it waits upon the for' mation of a durable Labor Govern ment some five or ten ytars hence That is an incident...
...It will be...
...T^e situation grow* out of the Workera' party Inilsting on acting as an ¦lien group within other organizations and requiring Communists to act under (Communist orders and not as members of the real organisation...
...Malvia Stavaasea, Broohlya, slipped belwaaa Iwe meviag freight cars ia lb* yard* af Ibe Leag IsUad Reiireed, lasl bU Uft Ug aad died Ibre* bear* later ia 91...
...Vila DMaaia...
...A. B. Swales, Chairman of the Trades Union Congress Gen«r>l Council, goes so far as to say: <^aleaa soii.ething is done by next winter we shall see a rising of the Mople...
...41 FilU avaaaa...
...But here the Labor movement teps in as a reconciling agent...
...8o that it la nol aUrtlIng to haar tha mine ownari asi' that their profita be guaran' teed...
...Premier Baldwin suggested this already, and it sent him down to defeat...
...049-057 Willou((hby Ave...
...JJalB olRcs for Nfw York and vicinity »t Es«t 84lh St...
...Likewise should there be little heed to the absurdity that all the million and more disemployed should emigrate...
...Lest the strength of kt infant movement should be disJ^ted in vain, no local strike may W dtclared without the approval of Ml local committee, and no general •Wke in any town or district withWtthat of the Executive of the Na^nil Center...
...Once proud Albion now casts wistful eyes at higl^y-protected America and even Germany...
...Following the failure of artifleiaUy "pegging" up the value ft the pound sterling, the gold Itandard has been restored...
...But ¦adi MpbxM aottona caaaot k' rtaaMnblad...
...In fact, here is a race as to which EngHsh-speaking country will first reach industrial democracy...
...A very important branch of the activities of the National Center is that of Workers' Education, which has a wider sphere of work than is usually the case...
...At the risk of admitting inferiority to other nations, the tariff might be injected into the parley about the sick bed...
...Mfmt.ership 44,000...
...ClojeJ on Sundays and Holidays ¦Brooklyn Offlce oprn only Mondays W4Thuridayt, from B:nO to p. m., t^or Lycoum...
...Because the editor, Ludwig Lore, has not satisfied the executive of the Workers' (Communist) party, that body ordered him to submit his resignation...
...The bodir of Palricb Ceaaers, railroad laberar, was feaad by a tracbwalber ee lb* railroad track* aear lb* fr*igbt-bout* ia Plea*aalvllU, N. Y. Both l*|s bad boea sovarad by a train...
...The coal crisis has been so serious that It ia the subject of persistent attaiition...
...Tuaboa Up T* High Pobt What complicaUs the problani I tha candor wHh which Um Govarn mant haa laviad upon tha aarainci of tha induatrial marnataa aii4 land ownera...
...The Labor movement also issues a Hebrew daily paper of its own...
...What is of consequence whether the deterioration continues until England descends from twi light to darkness before improve ment begins...
...The LABOR MOVEMENT in PALESTINE By J. W. BROWN Secretary of the International Federation of Trade Unions The General Federation of of Jewish Labor of Palestine, the youngest of the national, trade union centers of the Wttrld, was founded in 1920: in 1922, when it affiliated with the I. F. T. U., it had a memberihip of 8,000...
...habits that time will ameliorate, not destroy...
...In pite of its name, it welcomes Arabs well as Jews among its ranks, nd thus sets a splendid example of ^e need for disregard of race and eligion in the interests of Labor ilidarity...
...But it is surely coming...
...His head caaght balwaan Iwe doers of an alavater shaft ia aa effica buildiag in N*w Verb Clly wh*r* h* wa* a waichaiaa, James rm, thirty, wa* tbarly sivaaglad U 4aMh whik lha Mtiaa aaae...
...The Case of the "Volkszeitung" An interesting situation haa developed in / tha organization publishing the Naw York Volktreitung, the German daily which has been giving support to the Communist movement...
...Kttl* more than )(lt«.i]uarterii of that reached in IflS...
...By firtue of a deal of tugging and btvling, the pound ia remarkably HU par as against the American (Of course, this ignores 1k« depreciation in the value of the Wlsr to not much more than half •f its pre-war purchasing power...
...LMiaf hU balaaca aa a girder aa lha alaraalh taar at Na...
...Only die financial situation is apmaimately showing no fever, ^In • discussioa in l>«rllaiLent, th« Indent of th« Board of Tr«d« ^ tliat the export of manufac|ir«d atticles for the year ending tareh, 1926...
...ay ar« beyoK rMch, thaaka to tha buman aUtut ot UiaiUtiona...
...gmmmr aqaad warhad l« ralaa...
...Tha Iwa bi*b wara warhiag at lb* bettaai at lb* lima...
...Naw Yarfc City, AlhaH Saadar, a alaaivarkar, fatt aad was hillad...
...Cater-cousin to the subsidy is the protective tariff...
...CHATTANOOGA, 14.— Adviaaa tnm RaclnrM^, i^Mra •ighl MM wara aataaakad hy aa •iplaaiMi yaaUriay, sUUd t«4ay that tha aatraaca la Brysaa's dip ¦iaa af tha Raaaa Iraa Caapaay had h««a eaalad...
...Scales may or may not rep reirnt the trades union view that England might break down this ap proaching winter...
...Thia means much more than modernizing the methods of mining, for instance, which is being urged...
...Let us be ready to back thm...
...But physicians who argue that a ntrt quickening of circulation will Mk* the body whole are indeed ntdy to atoop to bloodletting as of Ifit...
...If this gallant little Labor movelent can succeed in'achieving its Igh aims, its activities will doubtss have rcpercussions beyond the lundaries of the country itself...
...It has primarily to do with the relations of employer and employed...
...Unlea4 thia ia done, there ia nothing but decline and decay In prospect...
...The bodj Utic there is fjir frorr It is growing mon cuted from unemploymenl llllich is on the increase...
...Whara tha tax payara have not been in poaition t« recoup by boosting prices, tha hv) has been severe...
...There good ground for hope that it may lake its influence felt still further, nd help to spread it* ideals through le East, thus aiding to achitva the ucb-nieded solidarity batwaen ^•ttm and EasMn workm^ ! ' Workmen'* Furniture Fire Inaurance Society IN'CORPORATKD |'«»Yorl( snd Vicinity snH 49 Brinches » th« United .Ststf j. Mtahh.hed 1872...
...tflr-aia yaafa M. a lafcarar aasri«y«4 hy a aMatrMtiMi eaaspaay, waa *• •wiMwIy lajw«4 that ka aa haar laUr...
...The object of education is to give children resources that will endure as long as life endures...
...Trade if laffinK- Territorial compli(l^ons are increasing...
...Too many other empires have thus written themselves down in history foi that moral to be ignored... every town and village we find • Labor Council, which enjoys selfi»varnment...
...David Saad Pit aaar bar...
...Despite all these difllculties, the Verkers are full of enthusiasm for the ideals of Labor and show great anargy and perseverance not only in the construction of their "National Home" work to which many of them «• unaccustomed, but also in buildilft up a strong Labor movement...
...n arrival they are received by the imigration department of the Fedration, which provides accommodaion for them until they find work nd enrolls them as memberi of the ompetcnt trade unions...
...NIAGARA FALU, Oat., Jaly 24.—Willlaa Criah, agad 1«, was hiiiad aad Dawaea Saith, agad >6, was badlly iajarad at ao«a tWay whaa thay wara bariad ia a cavaia at th« Si...
...The contemplated reorganisation of industry is therefore more fun damenUl than the technical adjustment of new parts and energy in the mechanism of production and distribution...
...Wherever business has faHed to keep pace with the utmost in eflflciency, elimination of waste and possibilities'of standardization, the sooner this is attempted the better...
...The Labor movement in Palestine )we* it* strength very largely to ;he excellence of its immigration lervice...
...Naturally the shortsighted will rush to Taylorism and demand to speed up machinery to the impossible, lengthen the work-day and reduce the masses to automatons...
...Phone Lenox 3559...
...Only the stone blind cannot see it...
...When it will come and how will come may be past telling...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31

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