CHINA'S STUDENTS PRESENT THEIR CASE An Appeal to the American People Many uHwIy defencslM* ChinMe •tudenU, iiMrckanU, and other c1«mm of peopi* in Shanghai war* kiliad in a moat ruthlew manner...
...ers, sympsthetic strikes broke oul in many parts of Chins and political were added to economic ,de mands...
...It is our sincere wish that these people will take active measures in seeing thst Justice is dpne to Chins...
...In an adjoining column is an appeal of students at the Peking School of Commerce and Finance...
...Msy they soon perceive thst military force is not eternal verity, and bigotry is destined to breed disastrous consequences, for it is no child's play to awaken the vast Chinese population to the use of srms...
...The poor victiiiM did nothing mora to datarva daath than dalivar pubIk lactwa* in tha atraaU at a kind of protart againat tha cnial and inhiman treatment the China** cotton mill worker* in Ttingtao received at the hand of tha Japaneae factory ownert...
...After a brief review of the history of railroading in the United States, the development of Government regulation and the upbuilding of the railroad Labor unions, spe:ial attention will center upon the problem of the control of whges, the art of effectively presenting material and conducting cross-examinations in railroad arbitratlon proceedings, and ths extension of collective bargaining and sxperimenU In cooperstlon of railroad managements and organised Labor for mora eflleie..t production, such ss hav* been inaugurated on th* Baltimore A Ohio Raflroad, Chicago A Northwesum, ChesaP**k* A Ohif^ aad tha Canadiaa {Nstionsi Railways...
...What is wfor**, ainca tha mhappy tragedy, the *hooting of Chkne*a in Shanghai ia »till continufaig...
...eonsalt•agineer of the Railway InVlaiM' fiapartmaat of th* Aaeri csn Federation of Labor...
...The action* of the Chineae (tudent* and merchant* in Shanghai grew partly out of tympathy with their pitaoua compatriot* and partly in defence of the fundamental pripcipla* of juttice and humanity...
...In an appeal to America, it presents the dstaands of awakened Chinese mads ^on the imperialist Powers...
...And we will tee it done on our psrt siso...
...For none of the tains of the Western workers is se:ur* sgsinst ths Competition of skilled Chinese workers under sucl conditions of exploitation...
...The keynote address on Mondsy evening, August 3, will be given by Mr...
...The ready resort to srms snd wsnton shooting of unarmed youths, serious ss It is in itself, revesl.t a state of mind which is immorsl ar.d dsngerous...
...History and fact* show thst they sre only too glsd to receive those outsiders who hsve a common sense of world brotherhood...
...Fortunately, Th« Ne» Lttder has received direct from the tcene of the trouble a number of documeots published by Chinese workeri and Ktudenta...
...If it is anU-ChriaUsn, why is it thst the Chrlstisns and students snd staff-members of so msny of the Christian achools hsve tsken psrt in this movement...
...Yes, only towards those who dare to treat the Chineae people like curs...
...On June 1, the bloody sffsir was repeated...
...The sction is Bolshevik," claim the British...
...F. Finnson edi tor the Railway Maintenance of Way Men's Journsl;Phil...
...The Chinese people as a nation do not have any constitutional antipathy against foreigners...
...This outrsge is s direct violation of world pesce snd intemstionsl friendship...
...Donald Richberg, Chicago, attorney foi the railroad unions in msny fsmoui esses...
...The ls*dsrs of ths discussions to b* held daring the week inelnd* aptain Otto S. Beyer, Jr...
...A fraa eifctilar pabliahad by thc Peking Union Medical College Students' Asaociation Concerning the recent Shsngsffsir, newspaper* in the English language and,news agencies have used such terms as "riot," "anti-foreign" snd "Bolshevik influencs" in describing the action of the Chinese students...
...The British constables sttemptrd to disperse them, in which they resorted to the use of ftresrms...
...5) la bHagiag akeat these eads, Ihe Seelallst Party will eeeperel* wilh all Uher aad •iaUsI Parties ia ever* Jaad...
...Kamsay MacDonald...
...Ths workers reA Declaration by the Socialist Party of the UnKed Sutes on the Chinese Situation voltsd sgsinst the 12-hour dsy, the employment of children, often ss young as 4 snd 6 yesrs of age, wage-scale ranging from 10 to 26 cents s dsy in American money, snc* intolersble working conditions Thsy dsmsnded the right to orEsnlzs...
...The present movement is not what they call mob agitation, but ia one backed up by cliar-ninded, educated people, including some of the leading university professors snd Chinese intellectusls...
...George Soule, economist, of the Labor Bureau, Inc., and Mr...
...See thst justice be done...
...Without prejudging the case, we sre grieved st whst seems to he too resdy resort to extreme messures in dealing with unsrmed youthf whose "crime" was not sny premeditated plan to subvert law and order but speaking in public to protest against whst ¦they regarded as a wrong done to Chinese industrisl workers by Jspanese mill owners during a jf-rike...
...Soms ssy that the police hsd to Are at the students so as to prevent them fr*m, seising the arms snd amiMnlticMis stored in the police station...
...It is also our firm belief that among the British, Japanese and people of other nations, theris are many men and women who are exponents of international justice and world brotherhood...
...But this is a convenient trick to confuse the real iasues and to discredit the students in the eyes of the world... their allies of th* sl«dent class it proffers ila affectieaala adniiratiaB and raeral sapporl in the haroie strufila thay hava underlakan...
...Spencer Miller, Jr., secretary of the Workers' Edutstion Bureau of America...
...It is plsin tliat those authorities responsible for the shooting commit a grest crime sgsinst the principle of humsnity snd justics which the world is presching so much...
...If the Chinese should shoot down a group of citizens in London or Tokyo, what would ths British or jfspsnese ssy...
...Though temporsry sAantage is gained by the use of superior force on the unsrmed, yet incidents like the Shsnghsi shooting csn do incalculable injury to...
...Prominent rsiirosd Labor men who have cooperated with the staff of the Labor college in developing this experiment in Labor education include: W. J. Adamcs, editor the Railway Cabmen's Journal...
...CHINA'S STUDENTS PRESENT THEIR CASE An Appeal to the American People Many uHwIy defencslM* ChinMe •tudenU, iiMrckanU, and other c1«mm of peopi* in Shanghai war* kiliad in a moat ruthlew manner by tha Britiah pelica of tha Intamationa] SetUem^t during the lait faw day...
...Bert M. Jswsll, hesd of the ^way Employes' Department of »* American Fsd*ratioB of Labor...
...2) It calls upon its manbars io make such contributiens as tbay can for tha ralUf of Chinese strikers, and il offers' the faclliltes of the National OAca, to Iransmit such gifta to a responsible local Cfalnesa Conmlttae in Shangliai...
...b a word, tha aummary shooting of the Chin**e in Shanghai by the Britiah and Japaneae polic* could on no ground and n no wiaa b* justifiaa...
...LABOR TO DISCUSS RAILROADS The first Railroad Labor Institute ever held in the United States will meet at Brookwood, the Labor college at Katonah, on August 2. About fifty officers of railroad Labor unions from various sections of the United States and Canada will meet for a week's intensive study of the development of railroading in the United States and the problems confronting the industry and the unions at the present time...
...But every intelligent maq refuses to give credit to such fsulty statements, for evidence of Bolshevik activities may be, if wanted, found in any large clt/ throughout the whole world...
...Thsirs is the opportunity to bs pescs-makers s m o .i g nstions, "Blessed sre the peace-makers, for they shsll be celled sons of God...
...What else ran we do under the circumstances...
...In the eyes of^lthe Chinese people Christianity is identified with the dominant nations of the West, and any action on the part of their representatives in China Which seems to contradict and discredit its ethics...
...Bert M. Jewell, head of the Railway Employes' Department...
...One characteristic of all ia the demand for the abolition of tha "righU" in China held by the capitalist and flnsncial classes of the Wsat The New Leader is the first pubUcatisn in this country 'to secure thsee invsluable documents and we are glad to present thsm to our readen...
...It i* evident that the British and Japaneae in Shanghai are determined in maintaining their selfish interests at the expense of law...
...Workerb fighting sgsinst such conditions sre Jghting thb bsttle of the workers ill over the world... is our sincere hope thst the nstions concerned in the Shsnghsi incident msy come to a conviction that brutal acts and continual aggression can only mean, disaster snd tragedy to all, and that mutual benefit can only be attained through fairness and justice...
...Such a wanton shoot-' ing snd slsughter, whstever the provocation, can hardly be justified...
...We believs that Christisns of the world have in thsir hsnds the secret for helping mankind to get out of the unhealthy and poisonous stmo*pheres of hsto and buspiclon and fcr ushering m a better day of mutual trust snd help, fulness, if they would courageously follow their Msster's voice to love on* another irrespective of racial snd nstionsi lines...
...UbIob of Chinate Chriiliaaa of Pakini...
...garded aa a apeataaaous ontbnrat, is the sense of injustice don* to China and the Chinese people by the ouiLUnsnc* of legalities based on treaties exacted from China in the past ss froiU of war whereby foreign natloaal* enjoy unfair advantages over the irriUtiag causes throngh trsaty rsviaton...
...the cause of better understanding and international good will, because it inevitably fosters bitterness and hstred in the minds of the oppressed...
...2. Due compaasatiM for Hm kSbd and iriiM<ta<*^ 3. Apologia* horn tba Brkish aad lapMiii Gov^ mesit and a gvarMitaa agakut the raamoM ol aimilar conduct m fotura...
...We are glad that atsps have been taken by the governments concerned to find out the real facts in the cas* ss a basis for s just snd righteous settlement...
...Ths facta are as follows: In sympathy with the Chinese Industrisl workers who had been ill-trestsd and even killed by the 'Jspanese *t-the Nagai Wata Kaisha mill some weeks ago, some ¦tudenta were out speaking in public to inform the public,what had happened on May 30...
...The Chinese strikes wsre origiB«lly economic...
...What else can the people of any other nation do in the same situation...
...It ii evident from the documents which we print here «nd which were published in Chini that the Chinese are aware of tjie character of the propaganda sent abroad...
...Th* Stvdeiil Attoclatioa, . Ptkinf UaioB Medical ColUge...
...The shooting and the nbsSquent military demonstrstion by the western powers, we grestly fear, will tend to create in the popular mind ^he impression that western nations are militaristic and imperialistic and rely upon superior force to exploit Asiatic peoples, which will necessarily lead to further estrangement and misunderstanding...
...They were inspired by no one and nothing but the dictataa of their own coniciance...
...The immediste Occasion of the strike wss the bruUlity of the Tapsnsss foremen...
...They, we can .a*aura you, ware neither anti-foreign ir attitude nor Bobhevik ¦> thought, though they are per*i*tently (tyled io by *orm maliciou* propaga«di*t...
...We have been cheered by the grewing sentimsivt among Christian psoplss of the West in favor of peaceful means instead of armed force for the settlement of differences bstwesn nstions and ths application of ths Christian principles of justice aqd brotherlinsM in international and intsr-rscial relations...
...E. Zlegler, sdltor of the Railwa> Clerk, Otto S. Beyer, Jr., consulting engineer of the Rsilwsy Employes' Department of the American Federation of Labor...
...It shows a contempt for human life, which becomes more serious when shown in the dealing of Europeans with the people of Asia...
...In the flrst statement, the Student Aiseciation of Peking Union Medical College gives a short account of the wanton killing of Chinese workers...
...Such unprecedented trestment of the Chinese by the British on our own soil has nsturslly stirred the indignstion of the whole country...
...As a result, Bine of our students were killed and about twenty were seriously wounded...
...It does not rsquirs much insight to see the sbsurdity of such a statement From the testimony of the police officers themselves, it was clesr thst there wss no evidence to lesd them to suspect any preconceived plan on the part of the students to seise the ststion or to do their act of violence...
...Let Jnitice Be Done June 10, 1925...
...Ths Socialist sseka to edneats iato eommuaity and eooperativ* framn of mind...
...These demands look toward making the Chinese mssters ir thsir own house...
...We venture to call the atteation of'all those who hsve the inleresta of world peace at heart to the fact that what seenrs to be at tha'botton e< tlM bitUmess aa4 BiaanderstaiuUac, at which tha Shanghai iaeideat may ky re...
...It i* nao*t regrettable that much thameful coodoct ^ould procaad from nation* which are uaually acknowledged aa advanced and civiliaad...
...FOR CHINESE FREEDOM The Chinese strikers ip Shanghai and elsewhere are today in the very forefront of the age-long battle of the workers against, exploitation The real "agitators" in the Chinese disturbances are the capitalists, principally Japanese and British, who, in accordance with the genius of capitalism, have inaugurated in China that ruthless exploitation which is characteristic of capitalism whenever and wherever it is not checked by the power of the organized workers...
...the wboU of the ChaMse natioi^ tiMf«lM«, wffl My Mmd together ai^ opnotm omohm ag^ tha wUfti kki^ «l the British and JapwMaa amd yrpiwl ttla iewiei 1. Punishment d tha polk* concar—d b ihniilhi of the ChhMa* abkieeb...
...When the British police in th< foreign owned city of Shangha massacred unarmed Chinese students and workers who were demon itrsting for the rights of the strik...
...David J. Saposs, of Brookwood College...
...And why is it that Chinese churches in various cities have publicly protested against the conduct of ths Shshghsi police...
...The Socialist Psrty, therefore, through its National Executive Committee, hat Uken the following action:' (1) To lite Chinesa workers and...
...Justice, hHmanity>bslK>rt,wanrtUM«ortk]rMdMUa...
...Tha Chinese workeri and students have been unable to get their own story to the masses in other countries, as the news agencies generally serve the interests of their alien despoilers...
...As tha Araarican paopla hara sine* tha day* ol GaMral Washington down to PraaUant WBmmi baaa alway* known as champion* of fraadon and jiMtic* in the worid, «ra ara sura you will feel right indignation and pronovBce impartial judgment conoamkig thk mattar...
...We are against those British and Japanese who commit deliberate murder on our own soil and against all those who support the inhuman act...
...Albert F. Coyle,.r editor fhs Locomotive Engineers' Journsl...
...Ws want not only to uphold the dignity of the Chinese Republic, but also to right the wrong...
...The present movement is sntiChristisn, a revival of the Boxer uprising," are also words used to prejudice the world's Judgment...
...3) It demands that the United Slates withdraw its gunboats, landing forces, patrols, and sirika-braakars from Chinas* poets...
...The Whole Student Body of the Pekinf School . of Commerce ud finance Much propaganda hai been printed in t h i United States and abroad tc give the impression that th< Chinese disturbances arc du< either to "Bolshevik" propaganda or a recurrence ol "anti-foreign" agitation, o i both...
...4) It demands thai Iha United Stales Governmaal lake tha Inillallva in procaring the Inaediala revision of Ihe traallas oiampl from Chinesa law, by which " Chinese cities or perllons of lham, are given ever Io ferelgaers la gevarn, and Ihe Chinas* are forbiddaa Io pich their own cuslems ratas...
...6. Dismissal of tha prasaat Bildah and JfpMasa coMida in ShaoghaL * 6. Return of all the Britkh and Japanasa coacaaaiooa faiChkia...
...The third document shows that th* Christian Chinese ars maintaining solidarity with the workers aijd students...
...Peking, June 7, 1926...
...They were entirely unarmed and relied on peaceful and lawful means to express their indignation at the wrong done...
...Our people hsve every right to protest sgsinst sny snd all practices of injustics snd violence...
...the police of the Internatifinal Concession of Shsnghsi sgsin fired upon the people, of whom three were killed right at the spot and twenty.-eight, bounded...
...Under these conditions it is imperative that the workers of all lands should make the cause of the Chinese their own...
...A careful and impsrtial study of the nation-wide (tudent movement will reveal the fact that it Is not anti-foreign, nor influenced by Bolshevism, but a movement for Justice and equity in international relstions...
...An Appeal to the Christian People* of the World From Chinese Christians Of Peking We, Chinese Christians of Peking, deeply deplore the Shanghai incident of May 80, in which a number of Chinese students were shot down by the police of the Internktionsl Settlement, snd are greatly concerned as to its possible effect upon inter-racial relations between the Chinese snd western nstions and the future of the Christian religion in China...
...It then takes up the "Bolshevik" and "anti-foreign" charges that ars circulated all over the world...
...Are we anti-foreign...
...They also try to And evidence of Bolshevik activities in their concession snd to say that the Russians were using Chinese students as tools in their effort to extend the Moscow program...
...What would the world say...
...4. Ralrocasaion of axtra-twrMorkUtjr...
...teachings can do incalculable injury to the Christisn Csuse in Chins...
...Our slogsn is not antl-forsignism but humsnity...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31