THE NEWS OF THE WEEK „ , BrinKing of«auit in • The Struggle Dinrict of Columbi* Over Science Court to ttop wlfry IMtymenti to tcacb«ri of EToluUon in th« district ia f waminc that th« itrsgrl*...
...They fear that in the next war they will be displaced by military dictators unless some means is found of reducing the size of the military machines...
...Gay eolor*d cab* tail twiftly up and down Oh itrtett thot, like a tea, tumullMui tway: ' Tumbling taeh plk*r over with a frown...
...In Germany and other coantrlsa ths same sentiments are azpi«ased...
...In proportion to the greater opportunity that was his ¦lust we judge him...
...IB printed a story by b. Svertchknf, evidently one of three railroad officials, telling how Fimme.i had found everything lovely in tha Ruaaian prison /or politicals and had even viaited A. Gots, one of the doxen memhera of tha Central CommlMee nf the Social IUvoIbtlonary Party serving long aantencaa for allagH cmntar-ravaiatlonary aetivitlM...
...Thus far the Left has captured 848 aeaU out of a total of 1,496...
...The great struggle of the masses to emancipate the world from this dominion will have its chief scene in the United States...
...If the Labor alilance holds and the minsfs atrlke...
...An invitation from Moscow to aend a delegation to visit Russia was accepted and each national section was ordered to choose two delegates...
...Ak, wAy k9V V tueh kfrOw tkoui U tmek u» Tkmt tk* taUr, ^ drop, Wm$ Mbra fram tk* ck$»k» •/ eomm ertmhtirtt Tkmt e«H0k ami $pa ae mmtmI^ in ¦ »k»pt Tk0r* ia grmndmr in tk* gtntUmanl^ r* tir tmd nmr a U0tm0 wiU...
...The Rev...
...Premier Baldwin'a much vaunted program for peace in induatry will then havs a practical teat...
...He» apacioua, airy, health-exuding residence...
...New tork Flung likt a reef from a low ocean floor, Sealing th* tky k*r giant breakert rite...
...Vorwaorts, the Berlin Socialist daily, observes that sinca the Dayton trial tha civiliaed world r«cognites that Bryan "was nlifioualy on an intellectual level with tha judges of tha darkest ages...
...A dosen is a relative limit twelve...
...Without nnreatricted diaaemination of knowledge the ideala and aiima of the Labor and Socialiit movement fre impoaaible of fruition...
...A former member of the British General Stoff recently stated at Williamstown that European statesmen are apprehensive of the situation...
...But Mr...
...The iciencos were a closed book to him...
...Eugene V. Debs offered the teraa observation that "The cauae of human progreaa austaina m> loss Mfte death of Mr...
...Butler, one of the textile barons, appreciates the vote of last November and is a candidate for re-e|ection...
...CHARMS OF SWAMPSCOn VT^HILE Calvin Coolidge is enYY joying the lovely scene at SWampscott it must be a pleasure for him to know that in Western Massachusetts his profound philosophy of economy is being carried out by the textile masters...
...They never knew and •never had a chance to know better...
...Content to tip thit thickly teented win* ShcUl we two be who are of tky and loam...
...As for the great mass of unfortunate illiterates who accepted him aa a fount of wisdom they may be excused...
...Jackson and the first Harrison, who also aimed at the Presidency, knew little more, but We do not hold their lack of education against them...
...Like the modest and considerate man that he is, he is placing a few workers on the scrap heap temporarily instead of reducing wages...
...o w I Within a few daya the The British BriUah coal litivation Coal Crisis will either be aettltd or the whole Labor movement of England may be involved...
...Generations of neglect have left them with simple minds bereft of knowledge...
...fcvery aay 18 visFtmmen Misquoted itora' day this By Soviet Papef Summer in Russia, judging from frequent cablegrams from Moscow telling of tht arrival of delegations of workers from England, Belgium, France, Germany, and other countries...
...He had no aciile...
...but ere this appears in print the Government may succeed in Retting a temporary suspension of this decision...
...He does not...
...Bridgeman, First Lord of the Admiralty, gave a weak explanation of the secret order which was not satisfact«ry to the Labor members...
...Headline in the New York Times of July 11...
...PREPARING WAR Each of the victorious nations in the World War has its memorial to an unknown soldier and at each dedication solemn words were spoken that "it shall not be again," but it is evident that the capitalist nations are building for another massacre of the peoples...
...Leon Blum told the' Socialista of the Seine Federation last Sunday in a speech that the Socialist Deputies intended to remain in the opposition as long as the present Government lasted and would try to have their allies in the Left Cartel do tha aame...
...In the London SUndard Sidney Brooka wrote that Bryan was "tha Peter Pan of American politics...
...THE Chatter-Boj rmkk TUn is *«MUy te iU lmi^, gUnrtn^ /« r« mak* tht »pimUk4mUp...
...On the other hand, the struggle may offer a new opportunity to the Socialist movement to teach the truths of Socialiat eeonomica and other aodal aciencea which ceiiainly are a drug on tha market today...
...Ridicule killed Mr...
...How how long-ob, cattle !-is 'he bridg* rrt^ to be between the dull clod in .he •"•P* of nan and the free-thinking, free breatsing godaun of the fntara...
...The frontier knew little even of the public school and nothing at all of the higher institutions of education...
...Apparently no data regarding the membership of the affiliated unita were given out for publi:ation... standards to test their (ideas) feasibility, no critical sense, no more power of discrimination than any other gramophone...
...Ma^ wrote a sarcastic letter to Fimmen, branding the tale aa a lie aa he had never aeen the Dutch Labor man nor enjoyed a visit with his parents during his imprisonment...
...By virtue of this decree the men and women who work in these mills wilj practice economy...
...Then an unknown writer in the London Times writes an article stating that war is inevitable between Japan and the United States and that when it occurs jolly John Bull virill fiirht by the side of Uncle Sam...
...exaggerated and alarming dispatches" to nis paper...
...He haa all the tricka of the Jumping paraon of an elder day and aptlk maeta tha requirementa of the yokel mind...
...a jtretenaa of beipff an intellectual and of having browaad in all acientifl^ paaturea only to find that they ara fakea...
...The New York World is a notable exception...
...Foreign securities offered in this country the first six months of this year amounted to over |500,000,000.* The total of AiQsrieutor' eign investments has n&dmd searljr 110,000,000,000, about triple the amount before the Worid war, and this does not include the |12,000^r OQO of foreign war-debts due the United States...
...All that the representatives of the owners of the mills did the other day was to ratify the vote of the Massachusetts workers cast last November...
...from amoebl to man spells • span of 1,000,000,000 years...
...Wage reductions of ten per cent wjll go into effecf on August 3 in ten woolen and Worsted mills in North Adams, Pittafield, Dalton and Hinsdale," reads a press dispateh...
...Hia statements In the Dayton court rev«^ed a man indifferent to the cultural heritage of mankind...
...The International, which its founders hope to see bccome ¦trong enough to prevent future wars between nations, is strongly Communist, although not all of its affillaUd bodies are at that faith...
...the excnse for ouating George del4es, the correspondent, given by th« Italian Foreign...
...He knew little 'Wd wanted others to know no more...
...The basis of the account credited to Fimmen appeara to be that when the health' of the jailed Social Revolutionary leaders got very bad laat Summer they were transferred for a fortnight to a jail farm in tha country, where they apent their "vacation" under a strong guard and inside a barbed wira fenrn...
...Bryan's renunciation of *11 secular knowledge...
...Certainly, Swwipscott is a pleasant retreat and brothers Butler and Stearns share the delights that come of underlings who vote for economy and who keep cool with Coolidge...
...Sonnet for Lovo Laughing, you ^aid our tlippled path war tet Too jl«ar the flowers ever to be tad' And I believe you...
...o - J- , • Ample justification Socialtsts Gain for breaking away Again In France from the PainleveCaillaux Go«mment is found by the leaders of the Freflch Socialists in the results of the second balloting laat Sunday in the cantonal elections...
...His oratory alone in all these years served to mask his Siucity of ideas...
...From "Paris comes (he news that the French are thinking seriously of dreiiiiig thev cannon fodder in uniforms of various hues so as to make tim less vlslbie to marksmeB...
...The Balcian and Aurtrian d«ln*tn to tha Denfraaa IriW to kroadm tha' baas of tha Vi^mm' IntonwMMMl in or4tt lo bring ¦m mitar Uk« ui SwiBliat nita iat* even bourgeois veteran organisations into line, but they were heavily outvoted...
...appear to have acquired an elementary idea of any modem field of thought...
...Bryan had access to modem knowledge and he turned away...
...Th^s political atvpidity U added to the bloody excesiea that have characterised the rule of the "black ahirta...
...There is little doubt that if he had had the power he would end aU scientific invesUgation and all in"dependent thinking...
...From the hoata who have cheered ai however, we have decided to continue a far aa time and energy will permit...
...The reductions were voted at a meeting of the representatives of the vari^ mills," continued the diuatch, which is not the whole truth.^ The corre*pondent should have added the much more important information that the reductions were voted by the workers themselves last November...
...Montague said that "extra pay at double rates was to be credited t« naval personnel employed or standing by for work on railways, light and power works, motor transport and pumping out mines...
...Tbia auit brinca to our attention tbat tha rubber atampa in Concreaa practically paaaed a Fundamentaliat law for teMhinc in the diatriet without knowing what they were doing...
...He was prepared to start a crusade to bring others to his Jow standard, not knowing that what he proposed to do is what reaction In all ages has tried to do and ultimately failed...
...He rejoices that British navy men had won the battle for building new cruisers and he looks forward to some more blood-letting with satisfaction...
...He would have excluded any views that departed from them...
...Everywhere the Cartel won new ground, with tha Socialists leading the procession...
...Epitaphs For A Saletaiae Pletkorie oddt and endt you told on earthi Of tkott, it teemed, you never had a dearth Now tkat you're tafely tueked away in HeU I wonder what tke devil you will telll Per An Editor Ht labored witk kit might and main, , That tomtone elte eould ihare the gain...
...Noci week we hope to have aome •chill con c^nx to aerve the outraged dignitaries ef tki American Medical Institute...
...HiIs week came the news that American and British interests were purchasing important sections of the enormous Stinnes empire of capital built upon the bones of the German dead and the sufferings of millions ef Germans...
...It is m nvpkuti: «c tM miM* m they blind thnnselves to the fact tbat one nation adopts some such alleged advantage only tp have all others adopt it and thus Neutralize its value for any single Power...
...This Job of trying to expose the ills t, woes our money-mad civiliiation is h« to has it all orer the labors of Herculi That luminary at least was confronted wi| a mere dosen...
...Eyen if the Painleve-Caillaux Cabinet makes a favorable peace with Abd-el-Krim in Morocco, the fight will go on over the question of making French Big Business give up part of ita profits in an effort to save ttiA ilnBn#.lal El o I J- tji 'a With the papers Ex-Soldiers Meet fiHed with war reTo Fight War ports from Morocco and China, the fourth Congrels of the International of War Veterans waa held in Paris the first week of July, with delegates in attendance from organisationa in France, Germany, Auatria and Belgium...
...he never grew up . . . Hs could not think...
...The London Dally News Udnks thit "A great man he oould ba called only by the wildest imagination of frantic devotees...
...I do not forget Only the timid violet it mad...
...It appears that when Fimmen was'retnming from his visit to Moscow last yenr he talked in the train with three Russian railroad officials en foute to Paris, voicing his surprise at the failure of Bolshevist prison officials to tell the world about the advantages enjoyed by imprisoned, politlcala who, he had been told by the' the Inspector of Prisons, were allowed to tske vacations during the Summer for their health...
...On Ludlow street and for milw evil-eyed tenements crouch and crush h^ dc^s of thousands in lung, brain and ho»«i Ah, well...
...Incredible aa it Muaaoltm Ousts ,eem, the American Writer Rome correspondent of the Chicago Tribune haa been ordered to leave Italy„ apparently for having told some of the truth about the Fascista regime...
...Another 8entence in the dispatch is somewhat misleading...
...In <the meantime, the Executive Committee of the Miners' Federation has issued orders for 1,100,000 miners to quit July 31...
...And the barbs froi the pigmy tribea we attack fly at us thlc and fast with all the nasty venom of jib and jeer...
...There is M clearer example of the criminality of WP'Ulist civiliiatlon than that which avenue and Ludlow street offer to a saM mind—in July and August...
...In the meantime, Mr...
...It required the ayton trial to bring out hir enormous intellectual limitations and to impress upon us the significant fact that the scholarship of centuries had labored to no purpose so far as he was concerned...
...Our own boastful Admiral Phelps countered with the statement that it is foolish to scale down armaments so long as economic and political conflicts remain...
...Evidently ' it ia the intention to meet the general Labor alliance with the power of the Navy itself...
...Not only indifferent, but suspicious and even hostile...
...That is, as long as capitalism survives...
...They are to be pitied, not hated...
...Henri Barbusse, Karl Tiodt and Martha Appel were re-elecUd Secretary, General Secretary and Assistant Secretary, respectively, and they, together with >'ritx Wiest, Frida Hebner and Goldmann, make up the organiiation'a Bureau...
...A WORLD EMPIRE A RECENT special to the Times fr(Ai Washington- ahows how American capitalism is slowly falling heir to the property of other nations...
...Alwayt, then, your lipt thall comfort mlnt^ Your arm* thall be the turt port that ia home...
...Here Socialism is more necessary than anywhere else in the world...
...Skmm* to say (*« dull blood of a digg„ rUuktd kirn to an ov*rHU— Or drotm tki* fimnt drew ki» vibrant vit From ikt 6ni«# ftroum <n kit roUinp mi Tktro it glory in tkt atptet of a paJatt For «*<* ut wko toil and ipin...
...The rapidity with which the UnHad States Is rising to be thechiefow^qv powen obeerves the Times, lllultrates the powerful iniuence whidi this country now has to fUeal •/• fairs of ih* Govemm*nU of other notions oi well as in th« affalr$ of mm . foreign industrial eorporationa...
...ah the old accessories that went into the last war are being gathered for the next one...
...Higk-erttttd wave* that break and irytUUixe In gratping ever for a more and more: Hew like the ocean her infuriate roar, Wkirlpooli of cabareti and tea-gull eritt Of crowd* tkat twirl and twope with greedy eyet In tearek of prey tkrough every open door...
...At last Great Britain has eetablished official headquarters at the real seat of Government in the United SUtes...
...In a country near Moscow, wkm b* waa 4irt aoM time wHb Ma ^mto far M WKk...
...Izvestia, the official organ of the Soviet Government, ofi Jan...
...ITAsii / ponder on tkt uttleiintii iot( til...
...Henri Barbusse, Secretary General of the International of War Veterans, *in his opening speech sent fraternal greetings to the Riffian soldiers' and the French soldiers, to the struggling workers of China, India and Egypt, and to all those fighting against imperialism, and Raid the first duty of the soldiers wes to fraternize, following the example set by the Congress in Paris...
...fiuropean Socialist papera point out that there aeama to be no record of Isvestia, the aditora of which certainly knew that Fimmen had not visited Gots, ever 'uving printed a correction «f the fairy rfjiy...
...He 7WouId also have failed...
...empty and echo-lesa, facing trees and shrUB and birds and sky...
...And eummer dutk tkall be a purple gloom Set i» our garden that the eyet Msy reel— And thtrt thall be while eandlet in tk* . room Tka{ koldt your dream ttuff {n an iron ekttt...
...They rolled up a nice majorijiy for Coolidge...
...Hiiiiatry, was that l\e had cabled "mialeading...
...Here's the proof: "Britain Now Has Wall Street'Office—Embassy to Keep In Close Touch With Center of World Financing...
...Fimmen attributed the mistake to the Ruaaian railrqad officiala' imperfect knowledge of French and German, the languagea in which the train ^varsation had been carried on...
...OotL thm fcft...
...And on the same day this "explanation" waa made a Rome dispatch to a New York-Italian paper noted for ita pro-Facismo told how a group of Fasciiti had beaten up a wellknown lawyer belonging to the Catholic Party...
...Gotz thought that the Bolsheviki had palmed off a falsa Got* on Fimmen, but when the letter was printed in the European Socialist press in June Finunen replied that he had never said that he had seen Gots, and that when his attention had Wn drawn to the interview last Winter he had complained to the Rusaians about it and hid received an apology for their miaquotations...
...If the graves that hide their bodies could swallow also the evil they have done and the example they leare, we might enjoy at least the luxuw of forgetting them...
...Wt tkall bt patalt on tht orchard wind A* clote, at g*ntl*, and—O, Love—at blind/ 8. Bert Cookiley...
...Roach makea...
...That all this represents the overwhelming opinion in all modem countries la certain...
...Few have the courage to say what Wendell Phillips said o/ Webster in 1863: "We seek only to be honest men and speak the same of the de^ U of the living...
...Though muck ke banithtd to the thelf...
...Bryan" as he bad becom^"a champion of everything reactionary in our political and social life...
...The artors of a modern heai hunter in the junglea of bunkdom is t) nearest approach to infinity we know o No aooner do we expoae the post-war ii flu^M crop of phyaiciana than a veritabl horde of auggeationa overwhelm us wit tangents apearing into every known phu of human conduct—everything from pria fighting graft to Duo-Art Reprodudn muaical implements...
...Each summer, since we have I*'""*^ think for ouraelf, we pass by the boarw windowa and doors of the mansions on Lnd Park avenues «Hth bitter reflection and uncomplimentary mutterings...
...The Trades Union Council meets Friday of this week to take action on the matter, while Premier Baldwin may call the officials and mine owners Into conference at any moment The Parliamentary Labor party haa selected J. Ramsay MacDonald, J. R. Clynes, Arthur Henderson, and James Maxton to act with the miners' ezscutivs in any emergency...
...Press comment abroad ia mors honest than the American preas...
...Tha London Telegraph regards him as the "arch-inquialtor" who was "nsvsr a thinker at all" and ascribes his prominence to "sentimenUllam...
...Her little wavm, on edge with bUtfr tpray, Datk rudely on, and each the other drown-' Beneath the turface unteen current* play...
...One danger we aee in tbia atruggle: it may have a tendency to drag a religioua furring before the working claaa and divert their attention from the problema of oapitaliam, and yet, when the teaching of aclanca ia threatened, it ia the duty of tha working claaa to range itself on tb« aide of int«llectual freedom...
...Surely American Babbittry produced its classic type in the "Great Commoner...
...He would have the State protect what few rudimenUry ideas he possessed...
...Montague, Labor Member of Pavliament, has diacloaed a secret Admiralty Fleet ortier intended to prepare the Navy for atrlke-breaWng...
...Our ruling classes are reaching out for an empire of power that makes the dreams of Alexander and Napoleon insignificant in comparison...
...The doughty generals are willing to become heroes if the masses will offer their boiys...
...And joy to mt if only / eould calloitt Uy guick, rtbtUiout tkin Tt tkt prieking darU of riaton'i malie...
...THE NEWS OF THE WEEK „ , BrinKing of«auit in • The Struggle Dinrict of Columbi* Over Science Court to ttop wlfry IMtymenti to tcacb«ri of EToluUon in th« district ia f waminc that th« itrsgrl* of knowledf* aKiuiut ifBorancs ii not ended...
...John Roach Straton, probably the aucoeaaor to Bryan M the leader of tha hoata of obacurantiam, rwently attacked modem •doeatioa WauMivf ita allaged ancouragament of unbaliaf and intimated that it would Im^ better to wipe out popular education than to incur thia riak...
...It will Ukely fcillth hlrtny ¦truggle ia WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Not many men have the courage to say of one who haa died what they said of him living if the saying of it is unwelcome truth...
...Or of William Cobbett, who faid, with reference to Pitt, that if we do not ten the truth about public men when jthw PM8 away, "Away goes at one «weep all historical truth, and with it all the' advantages therefrom derived...
...American capitalism appears as the giant fish that is to swallow the industries and the lesser nations and consolidate them into an oligarchy of power such as the world has never seen...
...Comment upon the World Opinion passing of William Of Bryan Jenninga Bryan in thia country has generally been sentimental, ignoring what waa said of him only a few weeks before...
...Only a few days ago we read with amazement Mr...
...The Westminster OaMtt* speaks of his "flamboyant idealism snd obscniantitt theology" and asserts that world may never ssa anythins quits Uka Urn again...
...As usual, the Executive nf the Communist International utillted the Paria Cong, ess aa an excuse to issue a liigh-sounding manifesto, mixing warninga igalnst allowing the starting of new wars ibroad and the enslavement of the masses It home with empty denunciationa of thl Socialist and Laker International...
...Floria Renaud...
...In all this we have the old situation before the World War, but with English and American chauvinists gathering the powder for the explosion...
...That the Bolshevist authorities are not over-particular in exploiting the real, or alleged, opiniona of their guesta ia illustrated by the experience of Edo Fimmen, Dutch Secretary of the International Federation 'of Transport Workers...
...Ex-Premier Herriot, evidently aeeing the handwriting on the wall, has declared flat-footedly for the Socialist plan of a capitil levy and will do his best to hold his group—the Socialistic Radicals—in line with the Socialists for the fight againat the present Cabinet, supported now by the old Poincare Nationalist gang, that seems likely to occur before long...
...Senator Butler is also preparing to do the nice thing...
...Bryan lived in an age where schools, books, periodicals, new^ papers, lectures, the telegraph and the radio made modern knowledge easy of access to those with a smaller income than his...
...He could not write a thing himtelff Henry Harrison...
...The wages will be reduced just as soon as he is returned to the Senate by the underlying population that has so generously produced his wealth...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31