Stlf^ S^alm 0f SonkB A Scholar Passes A ky JAMU ONEAL GBOBGB LOUIS BKER. A TrihH(« U Bi$ Li/4 mnd Worl- m tk4 Uakinf «/ Hutory and Ik* Mouldins */ J*ublu Opinion. Nfui York: Tk» Maemilfan...

...Gentle and simple, outspoken and true, Csrl Sandburg finds fit place in the hearts of readers, the spokesman of the man who faces life unafraid...
...There was no nemhianre of a united movement to receive it and the New York Leader followed the Call into oblivion...
...The few people who really care for poetry will page through this volume politely and Indifferently...
...Among those who contribute tb thii memorial are Colonel E, M. House, Charier M. Andrewt, A. E. Zimmern, W. H. Shepardton, Jamet T ShMwell, Lord Milntr, Arthur J. GlaiebKok, Qlenn Frank and Otcar 8. Strautt...
...Selectiona from the Round Table and the London Timet round out the tributet to and appreclhtion of Beer and hit work...
...By Princt Kropotkin York: The Dial Prt...
...By Sktxla Ktv-HmUh...
...Y«t hia wiitlngt on tho Britiih colonial lyiUm, lo far he had computed them, conititut* a monumantal contribution to economic hlatory...
...They will like some of the poem* in the *econa half of the volume, although these, too, are for the most jart undistinguished...
...It flounders among the abstractions "spontaneity" and "liberty...
...IU consUnt difficulties with the Government, coupled with loyal service in strike and bye-election, won for it a deep attachment from the Labor movement...
...The Russian revolution quickened the pulse of the leaders as well as the rank and file of British labor, and the famous Leeds Conference in 1917 found the Herald working as one with MscDoneld, Snowden and others upon whom It had a few years before heajied ridicule and abuse...
...Re •pecialiied in his particular field and at the agt of twenty hit remarkable work entitled "The Commercial Policy of England Toward the American Colonies" appeared, and one may endorse Profestnr Andrewt' verdict that "It haa endured the test of nearly thirty years of use and even today gives the only complete trentment of a subject which up to that time had been ttrangely ignored by all ttudents who had written on the colonial period...
...By Hkrry Hanttn...
...This is the trick of all anarchist thought...
...While sup*flcially prominent, the i^ea was fundamentally subordinate . . . The colonizing companies were mainly intent upon earning some return on their capital...
...It re-emerged as a Left wing organ...
...The phenomenal growth of the Labor party served further to close the ranks between leaders and led, and The Herald, even before it was taken over by the entire Labor movement in 1922, sung a softer tone...
...The Call came to he a pretty eloquent "horrible example...
...RKADING the story of the London Daily Herald, analogy with our own enterprise in the field of daily newspapers—the late lamented New York Call—seems almost imperative...
...Nothing useful can be poured Into a vessel thst Is already full of what is useless...
...Nothinr has<*uch power to broadin th* mind a* the ability to InTaatlgat* syttematically and truly all :h*t com** under thy ob*trvatloa A Uf*<-Mafeu AoraUna...
...G«*tf« LouU B«fr died In 1920 at th« aft of 48, leaving much work which ht had planned unflniihed...
...The lo* cale is wide, and ths action bewild* ers a bit in the change of setting t but we are enough interested In Daniel Sheslher, ths central char* acter, to follow him across the wa< Urs and back again...
...ethics, the sense of jlia«*•>• which Kropotkin becamo "^tic, are always dependent MIC state of society, the conof economic evolution and In a primitive society communism is often a so^MOUcnt, and the type of the "sense of Justice," that Me in consonance with the basis of the society...
...As Dewey so extiy indicated, every group ra•Ms its own sense of justice...
...The London Herald today is the ofificial organ of the Trad* Union Congress and the Labor party...
...SoM philosophy had become vitiated ty Oil faliifloation of the issue, ft wu Kropotkin who tempered thia mr-emphatia of the "Survival of tkt fittest" doctrine, and tried to tqtilibrate the conflict between socU tacriflre and individual egoiam...
...He did not link cause and effect in their philosophical relationship...
...The reni scivnce of political eeo< nomy it that which teacher natHni to desire and labor for the things that lead to life, Itnd which teaches them to tcorn and destroy the things that lead to destruction^—Rutkin...
...However, bis range of intereiU wst not as wide ai these men...
...The other side of the anslogy is no longer with us...
...It* history as a daily i* renewed In March, 1919...
...Now York...
...The writing it St distingulthed as anything we have encountered In current Enr> lith fiction: up to the best ef Con* rad, or better than it, and marked by sudden felicities of insight an4 speech that are • constant delight...
...They may be of Interest, perhaps, to those Harvard alumni who have shared the experience* here described, and who *uffer from that characteri»tlc »rrested development that seems to affect so many American college alumni...
...Nfui York: Tk» Maemilfan Co...
...But the analogy, as it approaches recent years, comet to an abrupt halt... has a circulation well over 400,000 daily...
...Although the religious motive figured in the writings on colonization yet he did not consider it "at one of the determining cautet of the movement...
...They are of interest, perhaps, to the literary historian anxious to see how the poet in Mr...
...Then came a short period of suspension, during which Lansbury, Ben Tillett, among scores of others, lost no time in planning for a per.manent Labor daily...
...In its early years, but a small number in the movement would have mourned the passing of th* Herald...
...Even in his "Ethics," then...
...The previous booh, for Its social value as a picture of th« desslcation and decay of squire*' cracy in modem England, has ben called by keen-eyed critics possibly the greatest novel ever written in the English language...
...The Call would have lost nothing and gained mnch—as the Herald has dMie — had it made of itself a Labor newspaper instead of a propaganda sheet of one section of the Labor movement The Herald ia built on the broadeat foundation possible — the entire movement There Is, therefore, no section of the movement, Commu nist or Fabian, I. L. P. or 8. D< F., Trade Union Congraes or National Minority movement, which cannot find space for accurate and ade quate chronicling of ita activities a^nd ambitions...
...Those who have had the privilege of studying the work of George Louis Beer will also welcome this opportunity to know something of the mmi\ Modest a« | all reall> great men are, kindly and considerate of others, passionately devoted to hik life work, diipUylng rare Judgment in analysing • complex and volaminoua evidence, the reader feels • sense ef deep loaa In the pauing of this scholar end kletorian The paaslng of • whole swarm of party brokers and atatesmen could not eompentate for the lote of one George Louis Beer...
...Eleven years ago, the Herald was born...
...WITTER BYNNER is a poet of »ome importance...
...This "sense" varies with every vicissitude of economic evolution...
...It i* *omething of * puzzle, therefore, that he ehould have chosen to republish these poems of his youth...
...Ntw York: Alfred A. Knopf...
...In his worlc on "The Orlfini of the Britith Colonial Syttem" Beer i#ota that "to the extent that the colonlMtion of America wa> an act of the Engliih Bute, it waa fundamentally an economic movement...
...The Herald, as the orgsn of a small section of the British movement, however inexorably correct Its position may have been, could not go on...
...The neo O^^iana in defense of a laisaez ttlljhilotnphy had magnified the iSkle for rurvival, the tooth and iMTacrobatifs nf the Jungle, and lAmud the effort at cooperation, tkiyrocesa of tperie-progress...
...The *uggle for principles is a at'uggle for Wpretsion...
...rf a«garlou»nefe Hue tn j)eculiari...
...My own experience with the variety leads me to believe that they will never read these or any other verses...
...Nor has the aethor ever writtea more daringly or be«Httfull]r thas In the concluding two paaree cf book...
...As the instinct to "mullll aid" is developed thu trudrncy to progTCM it foslcrrd...
...TliP surUd success of H sppciea deupon its mp.ncity to cnopornte M the tociiil enod...
...Every historian who hai written of Britiih colonial hintory and ita development eince the work of Beer appeared hat had to consult it at the leadinf authority...
...J Masterly Novel A R«v>.» bf OXMLNT WOOD THK QBORQE A SD THW CBOWN...
...On one occa¦ion the paper had to turn over £200 to Thome* a* the reiult of a libel *uit During the war The Herald wai able to appear only a* a weekly...
...B. P. Duttmt A Cew $tjOO...
...The^ book has Mm called by one critie "an experimMt In prose that reveal* the pofkibOU tie^ of the language elonc the lioea jf iU endeavor...
...Beer was ru>t the fli tk American hiatorian to emphasise the economic factor in colonisation, but the old romantic idea of adventure waa sUn prominent before he went to Ix>ndon and spent many weary months consulting voluminous ^cords to get first-hand daU...
...N«w Book by SliipUy "GREENBERG" U to issue this fall "KINO JOHN," a first novel by Joseph T. Shipley, who Is one of The New Leader't contributing editort...
...The movement as a unit has made a go of it...
...In styie the volume is espeeially novel, nwkfnr 4 lemand on lU readen beyond Jbff't 'Ulysset...
...Although for a time we had a board consisting of trade unionist* . . . th* policy of the paper wa* not merely unofflcial, it was avowedly anti-offlcial...
...This, of course, is '«nt logic...
...Two Labor Dailies d I, Id s f o K I. e t> n s s f 1 t I r THE MIRACLE OT FLEET STREET...
...Youthful Poems A Review by DAVID P. BERENBEAG YOUNG HARVARD...
...Therf foUow life, of his wcrkt in general, of hi* one another brief account* of hi* mci t important poems, of hia proae, of his technique, of his critic* and thfir words <o/erlooking Prof...
...This latest story of ShelU Kaye-Smith's Is a ipUndtd thing, although it is not ao tn^ portent as " The End of the Hwtai of Alard...
...Harry hansen compreMe* into this little volume what might be called the "coMpleU guide to Sandburg...
...It is less concerned with analysis nf things as they are than it is with things as they ought to be On Sandburg A Review by WliiJAlX CARL 8ANDBUBG, THB MAN AND HIS POBTBY...
...Unfortunately for the former, largely the result of its own lack of foresight, it did not decide to turn a new leaf until its doom waa sealed...
...It should be obvious, therefore, ^t "the sense of Justice," which ¦ Kropotkin ia so insistently desirous of interpreting as an inherent part of man, and which is the thesis of his book, is really nothing more than an abstraction, helplessly vague and futile from a philosophic point of view...
...Girard, Kania...
...Bynner has evolved...
...This Mmoritl c«rri«i • tribuU to 0B« •* ffrcaUft of th« modtrn historiaiu by • number of'fiiand* who •pprociated hit piop«*r work in • ntfUeUd field...
...a thorough survey of all one might wish to tsy about the poet...
...Kro^kin's illuminating contributitiean be stated with esay simpiicityiid conciainn...
...We might caU thia the theeit, aatithetit, and cynthesi*—to follow the old Hegelian and Marxian terminology...
...or with degree... addt no contribution of critical worth, but ably and effectively gathert together the thoughtt of othert, to characterize the "horny-handed poet," who hit como out of the people without loting hit sense of fellowship...
...The X^ail was a perfect counterpart of The Herald...
...for a year now financial difficulties have been unknown, the paper having paid it^ own way duringr that period...
...Beer waa one of that group of students at Columbia who have been pioneers in the new kiatory, men Hke Charles A. Beard, Carl Becker, Harry Barnes and others...
...Brilliant journalism, as exemplified by the publication of the secret treaties given to the world by the Soviet Government, built the reputation of Fleet Street's despised...
...Blu* Book No...
...He emphatited thie again and again in the flrtt chapter...
...We must flrst impty out whst is uselets.—Tolitoy...
...If we enquire into the story of the Daily Herald we may learn much that will explain the disappearance 4f The Call... his epthuJlBI for equity and justice, failed • Aierve the relativity of his ma¦pl and the devious origins of his pitutt...
...He conceded that there wai alto a political motive, bat, he added, "on mors exhaustive analytis this motire will, however, appear to be chiefly economic in ita nature...
...Kropotkin adduced Wl|lcal evidence in plentitude to PWI his point, carrying his comMlOns far beyond tlie ant and the ¦ fronps so frequently mentioned l lSli reference, and in so doing Mtraed a healthy function in illTOmg the muddled logonrtchies Ml bourgeois theoreticians...
...By Gtorgt Lanthury...
...Here, if anywhere In eenteix porarjr, English Ist^rs, we hare mat* ter that will endure . •• - An Anarchists' Illusions A lUvlew by V. F. CALVERTON iii«»»f «/ rk* Htwtr tfirit t/ni'ii » ' "" tST...
...In ^ or evolving capitalist so^vidualism is bound to pre^ snd purely egoistic imwno to extravagant and ex^rtttion...
...It is neither permanent nor inherent, neither absolute nor divine...
...WTement was always justice, **try revolution, no matter into It later generated, always inid into social life a certain of justice...
...Under such a the senM of Justice be'¦"ctly indlTidualistic and fl«n...
...As Professor Andrew* writes in this volume, Beer "looked upon history not as a narrative, but as a science of the origins, connections, developmente, and transformation of policies and systemi, and whatever aspects of it he needed to examine he approached, not with the lighth^rtedness of the diletUnte but with the courage of the explorer facing a tMkV infinite diflculty...
...Drawn by the haunting will-o'-the-wisps, equity and Justice, he founded his ethics upon a moral instead of a scientific basis...
...The leader* of Labor and Socialism, as personified by Ramsay MacDonald on the political field and J. H. Thomas on the trade union side, found little comfort in i^e pages of the early Herald...
...A Proudhonist at basis, • Mftmed a sense of justice in regardless of class-psychology, gj^n maintained that "the imWftg motive-of every revolution...
...Pattee's "Tradition and Ja»i," and probably too early for Clement Wood's "PoeU of America...
...The book therefore well detervet a place betide the volumea of Sandburg't wnrkt...
...By WitUr Bynnor...
...The aim of ail HRjr is to promote cooperation, l»<.«bmpetition...
...animal habit or phyletic exbut with the manifestaJZrf behaviol that prove thi g^lm* of hit re forinert Darwin^0teept of "mutual aid" and est^Ubb the evolution of the "suit^ prinnplf "f j not ice" in morAn ansrchi.Ht in philosophy, ^illlk it a confetitinn of idealitm in mtil theory and tactic, Kropotkir jiKSlceiy more of a realist in ethidlMl^it...
...American radicals finally decided to remodel their daily paper on lines that might insure it a reception in all wall(s of the Labor movement but it made the move at a time when factional strife was rampaftt...
...3TK1N is a philosojAei ,„ urge for the absolute EF^ relativity of aniniil eth Irf humsn Hiorei'interest hin , profftundly than the char Jet of organic behavior— JJjn be observed and class ft the reactions of lowe) S£ker forms "f lifp T||e con mutual aid mutua: 22^11, abftrartions derived'fron J3lof shifting criteria, consumt j^^r— of hit ethirai cnnsidera JL Be was not conreriied as ii ifcflosophic materialist and s^ 2j2lt with the exprpntion oi ^^^ a reflect inn of the naturt TjJJi^ial tytteni...
...With the integra^Pitaiiit loelatx and the of ceoHratiT* produc•^Ivlitle lapalM aritcs L**"""* '« • eoUeetlviit ¦J"* dyMuat* aa4 IwportMm the 1mm tf lutkeagain change* and throtigh the annihilation of cUese* aim* toward an equalitarian level...
...MacDonald, Snowden, Thomas, the Webbt, Shaw and all the Fabian family were stripped bare, shorn of all their glory, and treated like ordinary, stupid, or on occasion rather cunning people," Lansbury declare...
...From 1919 until September, 1922, "The Mir^l®" again went it* way a* an unofllcial paper, though it became noticeably less "antl-offlcUl" as the month* passed...
...For their specialized point of view these factions have their own, usually well-edited, weekly papers...
...The atory beneath thia shifting mask of piaia [)retentt a problem every intelligent modern mutt face...
...Ttoy »tt| it ta • Mtioi where it soon became a financial asset las well as an effective ipokeiman...
...The book is a probing, in the modem method of "ptychotitm," into the deptht of the mind of an actor who findt that tuccatt depends on our aimt and that compromise is the inevitable condition, even of the life of the mind...
...The George and the Crown'' is at well written, but its theme it more individual...
...rnnspqupntly StlirfMiPoiis lofric tn rnnclude that Ml vHhin a .sppcips must he nf a lytlttive instead nf a cnnperaI character, wliirh wns thp type iriument stressed by the biolnliand sociolngista nf the last cenite.trdent if unconscious defcnd¦tlthe status quo...
...It it more thsn the story of tw» taverns that confronted each other arrots a Suitex lane: it Is the story of the contest between two near grades of middle-class society la England, • study nf the Strang* un-Rngliah folk on the island of {lark, and a lovely chronicle of the life of an average man...
...In his poorer works Ssndburg is indignsnt, is moved by tocial injuttice to anger and to pity...
...For years...
...Survival of the fttttd" is an admirable phrase to dttu^ the struggle between ifKM^'but is inapplicable aa a dllCll|M of life within the species M£ #lthlc the speriea itself tkldMinant motif, in order to pro«. for it5 survival in ita clash other specfes, ia the instinct M "mutusi aid," conprratinn, ancinl tknolation...
...And they, too, will wonder why the book was ever Issued...
...All these partial itlons of Justice will, finally to the complete triumph of jus• earth...
...n this work on Wcs...
...i They have done things better In England...
...In^in't "Mutual Aid," in it« lb* nrved an important purpose tieHBteracting the vicious myopia l| HO-Darwiniaii ,logic... iU going would b* a calamity, to rank with "Black Frtdfty" * The Labor party and Trad* Union Congres* recogniied th* power that had been built for them in The Herald...
...The Herald, since 1922, offers a picture of what a Labor paper should be... hi* b**t moment* he it moved by an encompassing love...
...Kropotkin did not escape the illusory idealism of the ansrchist...
...jA^anstely a zeal for an abjWUon, an aflinity for an ideal, y carries the scierrtist, and more jiy the philosopher, beyond the jjfaes of close logic and consecujjl latiocination...
...Ixmdon: Tht Labour Publi$hina Co...
...A strike and lockout of London printers gave Itjt* start For three months It foM its way to the streeU each day...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31

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