SOCIALISTS OUT FOR LAFOLLETTE SEAT JOHN M. WORK FOR SENATE IN WIS. By MARX LEWIS Milwaukee Wfi«. " CONFIDENT that thotv. landi of thoM who 4cU lowed Senator Robert M. Ia Follette out of the...
...He eoadaeted a series of •xpcditions in the Philippine Islands, Borneo, lay MBiasala...
...terror of tbaif Indnatrial maeten than tho wage-famtrs of' the United SUtea are ia tanror of th^ foliar- ^ marked ploaderera of thi« cotuitty...
...Again, the United SUtes Government cannot consistently address Mfxico with insulting charges and insihuations that Mexico Is loose and lawless—negligent of law and order...
...Ha Ijm vad lU Vnh^ 4t MilHi i jJb^ Ifcat 4ala...
...locWb^U FoBetto^ SHttfcSMs Non-SoeialUt nawipapwa hall«4 the aatry of a Socialiat into, m nwa, aftar aavenl fiara of eovpna* tion batwaon tba 8oeiallat# aad the PragiMthraa bagun wban tiie Boa^l* lata doeUnad to nomlnata a eahdU diita againit Senator U Follatta ia IMS and eontinuad whan tba 8o> elaliata of the nation andaned Sanator U FolUtU aa tbair PraaU daatial nominaa laat yaar, aa a a^ in tba Prograaaiva fotaaa, Indwa** ing that they regarded aaeh a aa an opportunity for tlla raaa> tionaritf ^W gain control of tbe State...
...STAND BY MEXICO'S WORKERS A Proteit by the SodalUt Party of the United Staiea on'the Mexican Situation The Socialists of the United States protest against the recent action of the United States Government on the socalled "Mexican situation"— in which the United States Government arrogantly threatened the sovereign rights of Mexico...
...La KoUette, facing a national campaign, and possible fearing the strength of the machtn« that Blaine Was been able to create while Governor, made a plea for a united fronVitakind Blame, thus postponing the t««t of Btrength until luch time SI Blaine would attempt to realise his ambition lo enter the Senate...
...Ub^um, Ratgare aad tbe SUte Uaiverslty of New Jersey, Is a sBeclallst la tbe geld •# sell eeUw* Mabaa raialrsd da, graaeit Ralgara aaJ Caraell...
...Some thi^ are qalte aa aacied as property-rights, and the Socialista of th«-United State* protart againit tha attMnpt of the' Ualted Statea Oormment to bnlUloiii tiw Mexican OliranimeBt lato iorren dering the tbat indastrial I'Moin'eea and opportoaitiia of Mexiec to Araericaa earpetbaggm who targ* that tha Aaariclta fliw ahall pofeet them and their loot in Mesco...
...Ramember, alao, that whan La Fellatta died a few weekt ago ha waa out* tide tha Republican party...
...This was th* sseond timt ia tk|a Stata that a union has precjrM such an Injunction against an aim' ploy*r.» , HE TRUTH ABOUT EVOLUTION PLAINLY THE AUTHORS: Dr...
...No adequate p^u on these have been kept since ^Commineiun stopped Its work on ^iJn 1923...
...The Federal Trnde' Commission 'T* Ts month issued figures to iw that instead of adding a 40t increase imhiediately after the ¦3 suspension, four railroad comle» added B1 cents per ton, and these companies then made a profit of $1.94 per ton or per cent higher than the gross ita of any year between 1913 (Continued on Page 3.) DODGING FACTS (Continued front Page 1.) , and 1921...
...Another reason why I am confident that I will ba elactad ia because the Socialist Party ia tha logical and legitimate hair and successor of the La Follette movement of 1024...
...It wauld be futile for any progressive Wiacnnsin voter to support a RepublU can in this State when he knowa the Kepuhlicnn party nationally ia rultvn...
...He is a aievbar rf i>B WbIIwmI Wimnh CmflM,^^ jUerleaa AaaaelatiaB far Ibe Advaaeesaaat pi Science, tbe Aaierieaa Cheailcal Saete^, tM AawHiaa IlllUg el ¦aiHriilagilta...
...From 1893 to 1914 ha Unabt aeelen at 0—afcar aaJ OWUa eetieges...
...year, when Blaine wia a candlnte for reelection as Governor, it wai hoped that Senator La Follette would refuia to endorie him...
...The courts of Mexico now render justice to the poor man far more promptly and completely than do the courts of the United States...
...the minor "prograaaiva' laadara aal only did not live up to tka standing, but so^e of tkam crawled back intv the 'alepka|t;^H tent .A a soon as the SocialwU aaw Ihst a new party waa not going to l>r <.iganiied they realiiad that tka .s»v lalist Party itaelf waa tka natolai su^caaaor of tha La FoUatU movemaBt, and they laaaM^totaly begaa a great aatlaa-wida caatpain of orgaaiiatioa to baiU up tka party...
...Jacob G. Ii|Miuui: Dr...
...Marnard M. Metcdf: Dr...
...This nomination for United States Senator came to me atnolutely unsought...
...He U Prasideat of tba lateraaHoaal Society of iall illiaii...
...Tha Ugbeai court la ¦•»¦ ico cannot impa^Mitly itrika aa amendment oat ef tbe natloHl Constitution and tim profomdlf amend tbe Conitittttloa la lylta o< and in bold deilaao* of tbe wll] ef the people of Mexico, as otu lapreme Court recantly did ia «ompletely erasing the...
...Profeaaor Horatio H. Newman: Professor Newman was Dean ef tha colleges ef science at the University ef Chicago for serea yeure...
...But It ia doubtful at tkU writiac whether Blaine will yield ku ckaaeaa in favor of young La FoUatto...
...That this profit Uking out of all relation to the aire of the wage increase went on all through 1924 is shown by a statement of the Pennsylvania Department of Mine* that the average mine price of anthracite in 1924 was $8.83, which is $1.17 higher than these four railroad companies received in the last part of 1923 when they were making their largest profit and 88 centa higher than the fourteen independents received during the same time...
...Tha announcamant that t}ia State Exacutlva Commlttaa had dfcldad to hara Work, • lifa-lonc locialiat, and ona of tba tafrfliif et^mtHta of Seeialiim )n tha Unttafl States i fpreaa in th« bat« tla to eaptna thalr flrat Mai M Um 8«wU waf «ada at the •naoal BodallM pioBto bald «d July 19...
...Ha baa baaa aaeadaMT^ Iba MbHm ¦lala.^.Li^aU^al W...
...These States have paid nothing, or relatively so little, on long overdue obligations to this country that it is generally accepted as actual or practical repudiation—in the end... Coal Commigsion rfcofnired , w«gc negotiation...
...It may be that such assurance will keep Blaine out of i the rare for the present, but so far as the thousands of Progressives : who are opposed to Blaine are con-, cerned, such assurance cannot be' given by any of the leaders...
...They created a litaa'tion in N^w York City whieb Colonel Goethals, Foel 'Admhilftrator of the City, said was "beyond control " Immediately MIwrlng the etril<e of 1023, these iptrttors sold their coal at...
...The death of La Follette left Blaine...
...UNION ENJOINS EMPLOYER Judge Hammond of the Superior Court at Boston, on the bill in equity brought by Local 30, Boston, of the International Fur Worker?' Union, against Isadore Millman, fur manufacturer at 8 Winter street, has entered an Interlocutory decree temporarily enjoining and restraining Millman, until the further order of the court, from hiring or employing any fur workers in his shop who are not membera in good standing of that Labor organization where the union is able to furnish such workers...
...H^ Ma^aaettojfw M JM JUJb a r mmd aaal Saeratory rf «M AMrtaaa gaataty af Zaalafiala, af Iba Aaierleaa ^iely af Inli^ili, mmd «fiv lha Ai Aaaiaaiy far tbe AihaHMial ei III..........' • ' • work at tha Raeh lliftil CWWa mmi Aa Ha ie aaw BBtbr«ilngi aUfca llalwrtte Java, Mad«a<N HCTIlh**" aMi Oa fiS* t BBd carried aa imimttiM among Ihe...
...i« of the main conclusions made imouply by the Commission that the "perfectly legitimate •nds of the public Included: ifjT (1) The Itmilalion of nargins ^^ a reasonable relurn on legitiln*eatmeni(| i'f (2) Tha elimination of monprofifi whether in Ihe form |,^r*jpallie^ operators and dealar* !i»«artint or freight rales...
...cannot b« letad for the general welfare nt a complete diMoaaion of and profits...
...He ba* attraded widespread atteatioa by his study of experimeatai embryology and is the eatbor af BUMrMM bMl»en ThImh brepMhea ef acie^ce...
...JJntil the aore spot* of the industry are openly discussed they will never be settled...
...One of the chief reasons why I expect to he elected llai in tha fact that I believe the great majority of voters who followed Robert M. La Follette out of tha Republican party last year, when ha definitely and finally repudiated that party, are self-respecting, and 1 do not aae how any self-reapacting man or woman who followed him out of the Republican par'.y whila ha waa living could posaibly aneak back into the Republican party after he Is dead...
...In 1024, at laat, ka gave it up, and he aaid tkat tkara waa no hopa of aoclal prograaa la either of the old partiaa...
...known of him it tuffirient to make ! it certain that he would not be a ' logical successor to his father...
...Having been nominated, I expect to ba elected...
...Yet this Government utters no insulting threat of forceful intervention in those countries, presumably because there is so little,to win and so much to lose by invading bankrupt or half-bankrupt countries, far away, with no vast natural resources to he stol<'n under the pompous rhetoric of international law concerning property and debts...
...SixtafBtb Amendment from oar Hatloaa] Constitution...
...The reiponiibilltjr for the aituation, at well aa for tin determination of raal Prorraaaivei to have naihing to do with the Progreuive campai^, raita primarily with Governor Blaine, whoae reactionary record at Governor, deipite hi* Profrcuive profeaaion...
...Conferences were held recently, at Madison, in which Blaine, young Iji Follette, and a number of other leadera participated...
...Thla ka> ing tha cata, how could anyona go back Into the Republican party an4 ¦ at the tame time ba trua to tka memory of La FollattoT "It It a naeauity that tkara thould be a great national party ta combat the Rapublicana witk tWr Coulidget, their mlliUrltm, tkalr imperialism, thair fake proaparltp' and their bunk economy...
...So declared John M. Work, aaaociate editor of the Milwaukee Leader, and candidate of tha Socialist Party for tha Senate seat made vacant by the death of Senator Robert M. U Follette, at tha annual Stota Socialilt picnic...
...with the others merely rid ing into office on the L.a Follette band wagon, the death of that one I man destroyed the prospects, and ! the Socialuia enter the campaign to ' make tha Socialist Party, now > second in the Stote, the first Work ExpacU lo Ba Elactad "I believe in George Washington's theory that tha office should seek the man instead of the man aeeking the office...
...We call the attei tion *of the American people to the fact that, n making this threat and in not naking similar threats elsewhere, Jie United States Government is idicnlously ir.consistent We call he attention cf the American peo)le to the fact that the repudiation, rirtual repudiation, of debts by seviral sovereign governments in Euope, including Austria,^ CzechoSlovaJda, Sathpnia...
...He ia edilar ia chief of Soil Seienee...
...Attorney General Kkem, Secretary of State Zimmerman, and a nuaiber of other potential candidatea for the Senate...
...pvt of kt leait one froup "vithiR tMr rkflk* aii4 with lukewarm lupi^t on tha part of the other (Touft apparentlx united...
...There is no longer any right to secrecy aa to such an costs, profits and wage It said that there was "a lllng reason for public conCommission realized that the blem nf the anthracite ins the ?xisi.enre of a small Independent owners that ium coal during coal emerand made exceptionally high for their nperatora or paid aa fb^ leaseaa...
...When the Repnbllcunt in tka Baaate outted him from tha commlttoa appolntmenta which ha had hal4 h* did not whimper, for ha had bumad hia bridgaa behind him and laft the Republican party for good...
...Ramaoiher that ha did not run for PraaW dent on the Republican tlckat, altkar In Witcontin or in any othar Stata...
...beva bees ¦¦able agree •• a caadldale er a arap Ibat will iMt ba urtreMiyf, itoieal* ig M-peiaa ip-la a way.ttet r.whUetbelk a a aerie* ¦¦4 yet yrogreMlra eMMfb I twe ef tbe,U Pelbiie^ ¦trMftb...
...We SocialiiU went into that movement heart and aoul and farailM a vary la...
...Oaring tjia past yaar ba has bees duhwUM af (be —¦iHee 0m biology aad agricaltare of tbe National Research Council...
...Cole received tbe degree ef Bachelor of Science at Northwestern...
...The representatives of the De partment of Labor at the Atlantic City negotiations should be busy informing the public aboiit the way prices are increased out of all pro portion to wage increases...
...Tha Damocrata, who were ftil* tieally wiped oat in th» Mgte.^ (Conti^oed 0* Page - jt/ JOHN/M...
...F«]r-O>oper Cole: ' Dr...
...tka .Wiahau cMsat aa tha aapyart ml aaaay La FoUatto faUawara, wke will aat voto tka raactiaaary tkkat oat of loyalty to tka lata Saaata*, and because of the raactieaary prarram...
...Assuming the sincerity of this teaching, why not Insist that American industrial carpet-baggers, seeking get-rich-quick char.ces In Mexico, must take their own risk...
...Within Mexican territory the Mexican Government is sovereign n the same sense and degree that ;he United States Government ia lovereign within its own territory, md our Government should no nore invade than it would permit an nvasion of jiovereign rights...
...Ha does not conaider tlia yoaif^ man a formidable candidate, in apite of his name, and hopes to ^apitaliia much of the opposition that is expected to develope to having the Senatorship handed down from father to son, particularly tinea the son ii youthful, and alto tinea he is not known to have any of the talents that made his father a fighter...
...the ¦iaM at $U.5fl, or six dollars more •aa the bulk of the coal...
...if^.Ihere has been no limitations of l^ta at all and that the 40 cents * ton of wage increase in 1923 P*ve been added many times to the plte of coal is clear from GovernTMnt figures...
...State Fair Park...
...h .. Dr...
...Yet the Commission iipnded Ihst a "fact-finding J must now he put qn a perBt and well coordinated basis...
...auMbar •( atartad a a«vtaa«Bt to fat Mia...
...On the contrary, what is...
...On the ground that American ;>rcperty interests are in danger in tfexico, the United States Governnent has insultingly addressed the Mexican Govemraent, uttering a ricious and veiled threat to use the jower of the United States Govemnent within Mexican territory, in lefiance of the Mexican Government, in the protection of those property Interests...
...hat^faJSiy'^eiaiyTbii^ 'SU world...
...Ua4er Uaaa drenwatoaaaa...
...The purpose of these conferences was to reach an agreement by which Blame will arree to stay out of the race for the frevnt, in consideration of which he will receive the support of all Progretsivet in the regular election to be held next year, when Senator Lcnroot will be a candidate for re-election...
...i Dr...
...Af aMIIer* (taad bow, iIm eialltto are lb* ealy aMe pt— •OetUf a ¦¦Mad (r««l aflahut • tbe fMMtiaurU...
...landi of thoM who 4cU lowed Senator Robert M. Ia Follette out of the Republican party will rofuM to crawl back to th« Republican party atandarda, no matter who h««da the Republican ticket, SoefcHsta of thia State are getting thtir forcea in ahape to elect John M. Work, SocUlist homhiM, to the United State* Senate...
...Whan ker jitantiaa aot to niD waa made known...
...and who will likawiaa be aaable to vote for a ticket tkat a««kt to apportion tke spoils of oOke, avan though It la labeled "frofraaKfe...
...American Sociallsti point with pride to Pmidmt CaOe^ SodaHrt —^miabla And eamaiit...
...Thia campaign af orgaalaa* tion ia meeting witk flaa aaeaaah All men and woman who «oto4 far La Follette ara cordUUy lavltad ta cait their lot with tha Socialial Party...
...The millionaire moral moron has leu control over tba Mexican GoTemment than lie bai over tbe United StatM Oormment The low-browa4 gangster has less influence iiv naaici^ politics in Mexico than bt baa ia tha citiea of the United SUtMk way robbery and iinpaniiked mnrder are far more commoA la tb* proudest citiai of the United 8tat«l than in Mexico...
...The arrangement, Jf finally' agreed upon, will find one group of Progressives, headed by E. J. Gross of Milwaukee, who was I..a Follette's principal aide for yearn, definitely aligned against the Progressive candidate, even if young Bob Is the candidate, and it will find the other groups, hoaded by those whf will consider the arrangement an attempt to foreclose on their prospects next year, giving the ticket only lukewarm support...
...tbe AMflcaa Aeaieey af Seieaee...
...kale rvrn bteo ibU ta ftt togtiVr fw » coiiferenct Gov...
...aa tha bast ckoica...
...Pr*graa> •kee, e^l ¦ half d«n« «f«rMlt waya b^vM at tbe aSoe-eeeUag' ieadeira wbe ave^eMb ttylM Mae«Ter tbe meeiiMtlea Iheir way, are mmw Iryiag le'patafc ap'Ibw ^ffaraaeei ia wiU iprereMt diaatler, •alioaaHee, ietyile ^ oeafereaae...
...La FoUetto and Son Conaidered In the hoM of avoiding a cont t r I •>ct tkst »*aM 4eaira7 tktit mn ckMcea and kalp aUat My...
...Ha bas received degrees from Oberlin, Johns Hopkins...
...He bas received honorary degrees at tho Unlverilty of Chlcagi aad at.lleMaat«r UBivoraity...
...Atlantic City negotiabetween operators and ^•B are not dealing with the nmers' interests in the andte industry and are discing the Coal CommisB'b analysis and recommendDS...
...They gl^ly gave every wholesaler and ^¦lll^ar, especially in New York and New Fnjrland, « chance taite the price of all coal to the nm level...
...This situation is not considered at Atlantic City...
...BO I the deciiioa tkey ' to t ondMate, tr* Ukaly to b« confronud botk wiU dirMt oppotition on the...
...u tte lUyabUc, PMted to OMkMlly get I or th...
...haa anJ tagoniied all (enuine ProgTesslves...
...Ttte body of La Follette had not been laid at rest when the manruverinK for advantage on the part of the different candidates began...
...Monu inc acv^ptrrf that day tarriad tke «vii[i of tbo Boebllit dfcialoB, a«4 Work'a appaeranca en tha platfanB* •coottpaalad by Insane V. Daba, Bapreva^atlva Vktor L, Barger, Mra...
...ftreec^ gary, Poland, 'Russia, JuKo-SlavfS, also France and Italy, is equivalent to "property rights Ignored or property rigtits in jeopardy"—to use the current phrase in discussion of the "Mexican situation...
...Uoaa Pi«Creauvea anxiaus to praaerra aoaa degree of hanaony decided aa tka nest beat karmoniser, Rakart M. U Follatto, Jr...
...WORK FOR SENATE, t (rontmind froa PAg, L| • re»uli of tlM DMocr.tfei wrship of Um w.f...
...Aetuil carajMlfnlnc w}ll <iOt be(In until Govtrtior Bliin* iiMM tile call ioT ¦ ipteial alaetloD t«rftU the vacancy eauMd by S«nal«riM F«U IctU'i daath, bpt with tile or(anls»< tion In TarloM parte ot tba BUHm pHmtd in tht maantiM*, • more vicorou* campairn within tha llm> Had tima tliat will ba allowad It axpaetad to devalon whan tha call ia laiuad...
...IMetcair is anfaged in private reitarch at Johns Hopkins...
...Mexico does not stand before the world as a nation of bootleggers...
...Tha maatar...
...metka* wUtk audt It a i We waot lato it witk tka staudiac tkat aftar tka <______ there waald ka a great ar* fl4< eratad party farmed...
...D. at Jabas Haytos ia liOl...
...IG FACTSNEW COAL PASTIME NORMAN THOMAS , /IiITIL thoae fundamenta U problemfl which the Unitec ^jtaa CmI Commission founo both anthracite and bitu industries are openlj ^"d, they will be a conaource of trouble to th« Hers...
...La Follette triad for forty yaara to reform the corrupt old Ra< publican party...
...othtt tb« k*lf s didatMwiM h«ft aintdfi their inttntiM of amtert but tht Pr«ci«MhM...
...Fourteen independents made a gross profit of $1.42 per ton or 195 per cent higher, than any other year in the decade...
...La FoUttu to rua, ia tka kaya tkal in defareaca to her thay waaU all retire...
...Martin Wittt, aa master, found that he had employed non-union fur workers from March 16, last, until the filing of IJie present bill, April 7. The union seeks damages in tbe (Continued on Page 9.) UNION ENJOINS EMPLOYEE (Continued from Paga L) amount of wsgas union man trouM hav* r*<,*iv*d if *mp<oy*d by MiU> man from March 16 to th* asplra* tlon of th* agraamant...
...BUm Th» p«.iUM of tlM i* probably the ( froup...
...eflcieat aad popnlar lervant of'tto people of Mexico—>where the naltitade ef wage-earn era are mticb Uoa In...
...It ia different in Mexico, whore billions of undeveloped treasures seductively invite the shameless looters, the blindly greedy devotees nUt «li« .dollar nUfy?' ^ We call attention to the fact that the universal teaching of the young In this country is to the effect that there are now and have been in this country plenty of wonderful opportunitiea for every American citizen to succeed in high degree if he will try—right here at home...
...howaver, was unsbia to agraa witb this theory of dsmagaa, put fortk by Ro«wer A Baarak and Uo Malts«r, countel for tha union, but i^U that, if msUrlal, tha danagii.irom' b* $11,000...
...After gradaate ' UBivenity ef Berlia he received the degrea of Doctor of Philosophy of Columbia, ef Cbieage...
...The altuaUon is net one likaiy to improve tke proapacu fat tha evaa tual fortaaUM of a third party, in whick tka SocialisU and tha otkara will be able lo work kand In kaad aa tha Socialist* deairad wheaitkay sacrificed all their own poliucal for tunes in order to aid in the forma tion uf a national third party But inasmuch as it was largely a one man movement so far at the Pro gressives of Wisconsin aie con cerned...
...Bargtr, AaUmblyman Cola* , for an all* thttiiaatio andonamant' of Worii by tb« thoaaanda of workara aiaamblad to kaar IIm apaeehaf...
...Millman was a member of the Boston Fur Merchants' Corporate Association, the members of which on October B, 1924, entered into a two-year agreement with the union, Later, Millman withdrew from the association...
...Cnwl "But tka mtaor 'progreaaira' > art fatlad to carry oat tkat | La FoUatto klaaaalf waa atek...
...Wlntatloa C. Gortb: - ' Dr.CBHie raM«alli»4aar;a af fb...
...Mk bU Imn t««4b<ag aoology since 1898...
...The only sensible thing to Hn is to line up with the Socialiat Party...
...He aided U excavating citiea of the Cliff Dwellers in the Soathwest PaebU aad Navaje I^dUas...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31