A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "As God Sees It" ri O OOP the world mutt look vrry funny if, *»* uttd *• think at children, H* ha* m »W toy glait focutted on earth and a eteno_>tr at Hig mid*...

...What is true here is true out,in the coal-fields...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "As God Sees It" ri O OOP the world mutt look vrry funny if, *»* uttd *• think at children, H* ha* m »W toy glait focutted on earth and a eteno_>tr at Hig mid* jotting down th* net...
...We think too much of the ugliness of crowds, of the depressing sordidness of mankind in the mass...
...Rings bell...
...The traveler in this cass wss Lord William Canada 11, who had come across a second Promised Land, an Eden, an Elysium, a new terrestrial Paradise— Icaria, a land where peace and wisdom, joy and happiness, were universal...
...Brilliant and impudent, he ™-"led the old order mercilessly and tried to , orj ut' the dusty German mind to a fresh current ^jtsas....H1a writings cover the whole range of hu"*» activity, he sees everything with the clear, Hf7*Nl eye of the modern...
...Some pictured a future state of society in which the State would regulate in detail the life of industry and the lives of men...
...Children were to be taken from the families at an early age, brought up together and taught the principle of Communism, so as to prevent the growth of inequality...
...i Cdaclasloai While all of Babeuf's proposals csnnot be thrown into the discard, tha modern idealist will find his utopla on the whole cheerless aad.uninteresting, a fitting product of the age of terror and materialism though which its proposer was then passing, and in which he played so active a part...
...Very tired...
...The capital cit ies are in the center of each district...
...Very beautiful...
...Lord William kept a journal of this Elysium...
...The Professor it convinced that "faith in icientific conclusions" alone points the way to a cur* for*world unrett...
...bad feeding, bad living...
...Let no one worry about such a project being toe "high-brow...
...Speeches and pamphlets, motionpictures and radios and newspapers, all the paraphernalia of propaganda, fades into insignificance before the power of great music plsyed before great audiences...
...The City of Icaria contains straight and wide streets and contains beautiful gardens...
...These were joined by the peasants and city workers, whose misery was extreme) snd who were led to believe that an upheaval would mean for them liberty, equality, fraternity...
...And they would meet and mingle and talk over their common problems, and then they would go to hear some speaker who could talk their Irnguage and knew something of their hopes and difficulties,, tell of the possible "ways out of the predicament in which every coal-miner finds himself these days...
...has to wear the same kind of clothes, and all women and children are dressed alike, although variety is allowed in colors...
...Every man, alas...
...Prich Heine (1797-1856) l.'eine, great German lyric poet and gj* writer, was in a true aenae a "soldier in the ^wsttan war of humanity...
...Telephone bell dam...
...His deep-biting l' r'ch, humor, and high leriousneaa were effective **»• in the battle...
...to disease ie •jes^oed by...
...Adam is right...
...Would remove her from eartk but have m piece *for her...
...In working out their Utopias they worried but little as to whether the great industrial forces at work in society were ready for the contemplated change...
...Voltaire (1894-1778) expressed his vymgathy for the - pojbr, but relied on freedom of thought and individual self-culture rather than on revolutionary change for social sslvation...
...And every one of you hard-boiled eggs who* atari that epithet at projects such a* Adam's ». ould spend one evening under Van Hoogitrat'en's weaving baton up at the Stadium beneath a summer r-non...
...If hitman beings have an unbearable burden the) will try to ehirk it...
...He taid, "Until ihtfrealue that they have been cheated and will ttke the law into their own handt, claiming what k» their* by right...
...They have Wfiniaefraudcd, and that* who defrauded have lajfjlnsd them and doped them eo that they SjJN not underetand...
...That of Individuals was to follow, on the death of each, for there was to be no inheritance...
...The great eyes of that Negro girl staring out into the night , with who knows whst memories of music played aeons ago under tropic akies, the tense pose of that little garment worker straining to catch every wistful note that came sighing up from tha musicians' stand—these were tha status moulded of human flesh and blood by the magic of Tschaikowsky's music...
...Each citizen arises early for...
...However, they argued, this social contract may be altered by the will of individual members at any time...
...The hours of work were seven in the summer and less In the winter...
...a brave aoldisr in the Liberation War of 'K**'^ Sword, I am the Flame, I have lit you If •J™ darkness...
...But we caught a hint of it the other night, sitting In the C. C. N. Y. Stadium under a starlit sky, listening with thousands of others to the noble sounds that Conductor Van Hoogstraten was evoking from his Philharmonic Orchestra...
...Toases than aside...
...silver bed «jtk rose petal coverlet...
...The trumpets are sounding ^T*"»»e shall bo new and holier battles.— HOW TO CURE WORLD UNREST Me...
...Private property, he contended, was plunder, and the Golden Agccould be brought about only by its abolition snd a return to nature...
...Now they are beginning • to understand and to demand a reckoning...
...The belief in the need of revolutionary change was slso constantly encoursged by growing commercisl snd industrial forces of the dsy desirous of wresting political power from the aristocracy...
...Considerable success attended his efforts, and in April, 1796, it was said that 17,000 men were prepared to join the insurrection...
...All around u* were silent men snd women, Jew and Gentile, Negro and white, visionary and re-visionary, Fundamentalist and Modernist, capitalist and proletarian, at one 'or the time being in their worship of harmony...
...1, Governor of great hospital preparing report t/yssr's work...
...I atked Him if He meant mobtion...
...James I. governed shaks> peace: was he an abler man...
...I Ctrl waking up...
...It was intensified by the American Revolution...
...Too worthleee for heaven, too etgeth* for hell...
...cancer and consumption cures, over fifty thousand patients treated in various ways...
...Girl glances at the card accompanying the loses, not at the rosea at all...
...Magistrate told her that her chil,t»ii needed jer, and thought her the finest woman is tee worhT and advised her not to do anything Kdwage their opinion...
...APRODUCT of the French Revolution: With the coming of the eighteenth century, our scene shifts from England to France, for it is here that the majority of the great Utopians of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century—the school known as Utopian Socialists—had their being...
...It was in answer to this question that they elaborated their Utopias which differed in concept so widely from each other...
...Ctrl arranges for the races next dsy: theatre, diser, opera, reception, more dancing...
...Babeuf represented the old Communist conception of absolute equality rather than* the Socialist ideal of equality of opportunity...
...Tha Utopian Socialists Appear: These writers and prophets differ in msny wsys from each other...
...When music and courtesy are better understood," said Confucius, "there will be no mora war...
...Nature," his followers asserted, iln the first article of the official Declaration of Rights of the Secret Committee, "has given to every man an equal right in the enjoyment of all goods...
...But we have neither time for reSaJ* ¦Vr for «orrow...
...People '*»•contumption becautt they are herded together •"•eat'/reeh air and cleanlineet.% They get canheeauee the body's reeietance...
...Dissilluiioamaat of the Revolution: The revolution came...
...Men were made equal before the law/ but the relation of property had not changed, and when the common man began to ask what the revolution had meant to him, he discovered that the chief causes of economic and social equality 'remained...
...six o'clock breakfast prepared according to scientific standards...
...But most important of all, as Adam was careful to explain, there would.be music—good music, not jazz, but music from tha string* and'horns of some greet city orchestra that would melt these people with Hs harmony, give them release for a little from the care* and annoyance* and tragedies of everyday life in the coal-fields, and create a spiritual brotherhood that would transcend all exhortations to "economic solidarity" and send them back refreshed and re-born...
...They get *" tys diseases drinking bring* becaute their livee ,Wm .Wretched that they mutt find tome tort of WWmi They get eyphilie becaute, being herded **''BP of each other ae they ere, they can have :o Ml for each other's bodies...
...Woman «jhee court charged with attempted suicide...
...be realized by Society in the space of fifty years...
...Louis XV...
...The lurplus products of a more prosperous'region would likewise be sent to those district* in need...
...Becaute it mutt •r»;.*gt its own talvation," He laid...
...Msid appears aSttsa and letters, large bouquet of roses antr in'of chocolates...
...In matingafkumaiity we go on the principle of the greatest pit for the greatest number...
...m about me lie tfte bodies of my friends, but ro,,j* ,r'umphed...
...Veens' boning...
...a. , ., . MUSHA SAGBRAIN ' CHICAGO, III.—Profiteer Mutha Sagbrain, head of the tcientifle Mora tones of the Wiggle-Gum factory, says there ie no theory */ government that will ewe ths exitting cauttt of unrett...
...Hie Philosophy of Equality: The theoretical basis for Babeuf's Communism was' drawn largely from Morelly's "Code de la Nature...
...On his release, he formed a secret organization with the object of overthrowing the Directory and of introducing the Communist millennium...
...No petty paaaiona had a place in that world, there was no mad scrambling for the husk« of life there...
...They scarcely thought in terms of social evolution...
...Bed Time Stories Bourgeoisie ^ EVERY now and than, when wa wort working for tha minora out in Illinois, Adam Ooaldjhjger would coma in, his eyes flaming behind his spectacles...
...The French Utopian Socialists were a product of ths forces that led to the French Revolution and its aftermath...
...All wrongs, oppressions and wars have their origin in man's disobedience to this natural law...
...It ahould be altered in such a manner that men—who are by nature good—shall be freed from vicious institutions that pull them down and be permitted to develop according to the laws of Nature...
...Complains (•'friend on telephone that she is bored stiff...
...and Ms mlstressss governed Turgot: was it by their super** sVity in ability or character?—G...
...But there wa* no place for her on eartk, u iki tried to come here...
...He is the modern j*&fjja»rnate...
...Herein he launched violent attacks against the institutions of civilised society, snd in particular opposed those who had terminated the Reign of Terror...
...His philosophy may be'expressed in the phrase: "The aim of society is the happiness of all/and happiness consists .in equality...
...The sentiment for the overturn of French monsrchy wss increased by the stand taken by the ruling house against all reform measures...
...These writings greatly inffuenced the revolutionary current of the day, and gave encouragement to those who would sweep away rather than patch up monarchical institutions...
...All must eat alike, be dressed alike —allowances being made only for one sex and age—and be educated in the practical sciences...
...he dreamt of what ht could do with 500,000, but failed to get hit 1,500 to work in harmony...
...Ha would All his pipe, sit down by tha window in tha office of tha Illinois Miner, and tell ua of a vision that he had seen...
...So I hope that, some dsy, someone who can sense the depths and saaeness of Adam's philosophy will make it possible for him to have his miners' chatauqua where the great musicians of the country will come to play for tha worn workers who are at tha mudsill of our civilisation...
...RaeoaDiNo Angel's Comment.—Cannot tract one utful thing tki* girl ha* don...
...Told court aha had hi d law/ children did not know what to do with !!„ snd wee in despair...
...equality, freedom and brotherhood might become a reality...
...Gradual Natioaaliaatioai Babeuf, however, did not hope to%btain this state of absolute equality at once...
...The long reign of Louis XIV (1643-1716), with its unceasing wars of conquest, its profligate Court, its burdensome system of taxation, its bankrupt finances, its weakened economic system, and its impoverished peasantry, had caused bitter resentment against the monarchical system- Resentment increased under the dissolute rule of Louis' successor, XV (17151774), and was voiced by many , Frenchmen, notably Voltaire and Rousseau...
...These conditions led many idealists to extreme pessimism...
...it turned the attention of others to constructive methodn whereby...
...Tly the end"bf fifty years, all property would be in the hands of the nation...
...indeed, that it could...
...Pauses »»d then writes: "We have a good year's work to look back on, but as long as people have to go n*k to -slum horn-1 all our scientific knowledge is srscticaily valueless...
...CABET Cabet's Careen Babeuf was one of the two Frenchmen included under the general title of Utopian Socialists who aligned themselves definitely on' the side of absolute equality...
...For for these activities he was arrested and imprisoned...
...We know here in New York that the most reverent and appreciative of music-lovers come from the working masses...
...Production would then- be carried on under officers elected by popular vote...
...The inhabit The Utopian Socialists ante choose the officers, but these officers sre given much power, snd during their term of office there is something akin to a dictatorship of engineers...
...With the sheer sweetness of the Andsnte Cantabfle ringing in their ears or the ecstatic grandeur of the Slavic March ssnding them up on wings of flame, these people all about u* had become citizens of a new world...
...Literature and fine art* were not included in the category of useful occupations...
...Between them they hsve taken all, the march and go out of the Labor movement and made It drier than tha bone* Of Karl Marx...
...a Unlike many visions, this of Adam's could easily come to life ia no more romantic or Impossible a place than the coal fields of Illinois...
...He escaped, however, to .England, and while there became acquainted with Sir Thomas More'a "Utopia," It was from this book that he drew the inspiration which resulted in the writing of his social romance, the "Voyage to Icaria...
...She haa not had an hour's real ^ for years...
...All that was necessary to do, the msjority of them believed, was to present a plan for social salvation, begin to experiment on a small scsle, interest powerful man in its development, and extend it to the mass...
...For what he saw In his dreams wss a miners' chatauqua to which the coal-diggers for miles around would come, just ai tha farmers of tha wheat-belt corns to their chatauquls, whols families of them in the slack months of summer when the mines are elossd down...
...Dancing till three o'clock is morning...
...The peasants and city workers were still the burden bearers of society...
...Nearly time for children to come home to dinner...
...He secured a grant of land in Texas, started his band of followers there, but, with*the development of yellow fever, transferred his colony to Nauvoo, Illinois...
...In general I they believed, with their predeces- i sort, that the institution of private property was brought sbout by a contract made in remote area after < the disappearance of the natural State and its communistic system of property...
...Such trifles as the* state of .industry and the physical preparedness of the mass disturbed them not st all...
...For our part, wa are dead *Ick of tne tighc-i'.pped economists representing the intellectuals on the one side and the thifty-eyed ward heelers calling themselves Labor leaders on the other...
...Asked God why Wwiaet deitroy the earth...
...Kko«ding Angel's Comment.—But cannot he jemet poverty ts at the bottom of diteate...
...Others pinned their faith to a system of free and voluntary cooperation...
...Swayed by the sort of music which ths slim young conductor was drawing from his men, the homeliest about u* took on a sort of supernatural charm...
...Daughter of land miser who ts doting collieriet because, he says, the* it met pay him...
...These officers would decide on the needs of individusls and would divide the products of in- 1 dustry smong the worker...
...No, merely reinetatement...
...e Until the Labor movement Jof America accepts the visions of Adam and the all too few idealists like him within its ranks, it will never be much more than an ineffective imitation of capitalist organisations and politics...
...All tried, however, to visualise an industrial society wherein equality of economic opportunity prevailed, and wherein no man waa able to live off the labor of his fellows...
...One of the inner circle, however, informed on the "Equals," ss they called themselves, and Babeuf was again arrested, and was subsequently sent to the guillotine (1797...
...Thie f~Lk\t Me m» »** *hi* uteeh, 3»*t before jSftvd the ttenographmg Atgtl took it all iJffr'Umt...
...and when the battle began m the first rank and led you on...
...me but a divine n"""*\ I have never attached any great value fdJj"*1' fame...
...There were great dust collectors, and the sidewalks were covered with glass to protect the citizens sgsinst the rain...
...A beginning could be made by passing minimum wage lsws, by training the children in the doctrines of Communism, and by progressively taxing the rich and leaving the poor go free...
...What they do not it* it test tee woman only wanted to be alone and go toAttp...
...B. Shaw...
...But Cabet was not a born leader...
...The city sees to it that the citizens sre supplied with every sanitary convenience...
...Nothing for taaau-,father an dole...
...Father comes In to say he ia granted another month to find work...
...1L woman, mother of eleven children, of whom Zj'm* living> '* expecting another...
...Marriage is monogamous, a preliminary courtship of six months being provided for...
...He bent all the energy 5 h" many-sided genius to the task of freeing the "j"1"1 spirit from the grip of stale bourgeois ideas J^°ld conservative Institutions...
...before committee today si dole is finished, Woman packs up man's shirt and boots, children's clothes just ironed...
...features of his program...
...The lot of many had been made worse rather than better by the development of machine production, with its accompanying long hours, its low wages and unemployment...
...He was one of the stormy petrels of the Revolution...
...He givee her $100 a week tUeevenee...
...Csbet'was born during the revolutionary period in 1788, received a good education, became a lawyer, was appointed in his early thirties Attorney-General of Corsics, which position he soon lost becsuss of his opposition to the Government, and was shortly afterwards elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies...
...WiU tett her with poverty io jn'her\i*r erne or the other...
...We have triumphed but •sinb-i 1 m* "* the bodie* of ™v Iri*nd»- Amid seegj?1*"1 »'>ngs of victory the dirge of the fuj^gt beard...
...He believed, furthermore, that the establishment of a sample colony in some undeveloped region would help to convince doubting Thomases of the virtue of his scheme...
...Sole of boy's boot til come off and he cannct go to school ia afterRacoawNG Ansel's Comment...
...There ia a volume of his poems ^ttth, admirably translated by Louis UnterT^P- 1 ¦flSfTHft if I deserve that a laurel-wreath should g ?y be laid on my coffin...
...It is from the matrons of/the middle-classes and their pale progeny that there rises the chatter which breaks the spell of our finest concerts...
...Not knowing music, as does Adam who fell In love with all things musical back in the days when he wss a happy-go-lucky art student In Munich, we did not see, as he did, the importance of ths musics...
...McAllster Coleman, The Governing Classes It la Impossible to prove that the governing fee* have ever, in any generally valid sense, been thf ablest men of their time...
...Cottage in town owned by girl's father...
...Each block has precisely fifteen houses, sll of uniform sixe and construction...
...Icariat In this book, Cabet employs the familiar device of conversing with a traveler who had visited aa ideal land...
...The State owps all of the large industries, sees to the cultivation of the land, to the building of the houses ind all other production, and dirides the product of industry equally imong the workers...
...In its realization, however, the teacher, not the gunman, should >e employed...
...are1 .*•» nets...
...All can retire at 65 years of age...
...There is always ajeaei to he got clothes to wash and mend, a child _ keep in order...
...There some 1,600 Icarians gathered...
...Maid prepares bath for her, lays her clothes on the bed, brushes her hair...
...1 Attempted violent entry into heaven...
...The country is divided into ioo provinces, and each province into ten communes...
...jjcosoiNG Angel's Comment.—// human beings tnMvtr alone they will hate their kind and themuleii...
...Poetry, dearly as I J**1*v*d it, haa always been to...
...Suddenly *Zpoi through window...
...Sent her back for a aljtji until her children need her less...
...That which America had done, the Frenchmen should do...
...Art snd literature are encouraged, although books must be submitted to the State before, publication* On the whole, while it contains more idealism then do Babeufs proposals, the Utopia pictured by Cabet presents the same restrictions on freedom of individual action and the same monotonous uniformity which are so deadening to initiative and so contrary to the modern Socialist conception of a future State...
...They would receive the ssme reward as J the ordinary workers, and rotation ' in office would prevent them from .[ becoming habituated to a position " of power...
...First, all of the property of corporations and institutions would be nationalized...
...BABEUF A Stormy Lifei The first of the school of Utopian Socialists, and an extreme product of the revolutionsny period, is Francis Noel Babeuf (1764-1797...
...Dissension finally broke up the colony...
...Subsequently he became editor of Le Populaire, a journal of moderate Communistic principles, snd wss condemned to two years' imprisonment for an article appearing in this journal in opposition to the King...
...Said to God, *He»\leng, O God, how long...
...Women are held in high esteem...
...Only citizens per-, forming labor considered useful by the Government could exercise any political rights, a provision not dissimilar from that afterwards adopted by the Russian Soviet Rapubllc, Teaching was regarded aa useful only If undertaken by one who had declared his adherence to the principles of the community...
...Glances at clock...
...The bourgeoisie received the power formerly possessed by the titled classes...
...Boom very hot, children T«aad irritable, The woman is never alone for mi mmute of the day or night She never knows S| it is to be free of strain...
...According to the journal, Icaria is a well organised and imposing industrial machine on a national scale...
...it was\a spacious domain, ruled by an aristocracy of amotion and intellect There men and women came at length upright, to full stature, forever parted from the ways of the beast, guardians now of tha divine fire within them...
...But lay on my coffin a tword...
...It was to be established gradually...
...Following a short career as land surveyor and administrator of the Department of the Seine, he entered the revolutionary movement, and founded the Tribune of the People, probably the first Communist newspaper ever published...
...Education begins at five, and is continued until eighteen for boys and seventeen for girls...
...Sagbrain hoe made a special etudy of the principle* ef Socialiem...
...There are no newtpapers, and no way of crystallizing public sentiment, but there is the right of submitting propossls to public sssemblies...
...Their next question was: What social organizations can be devised which will give Nature's forces full play...
...Thereafter both sexes are put to the work to which they are best fitted...
...He had them printed on litmue paper and after a chemical teet they ditsolved...
...Some of the branches continued,,*or years, but had no great significance, and the world of his day failed to set his vision and follow it...
...Whsn I waa In Marion, Illinois, in tha heart- of the "Egyptian" coal-belt, the people of that little mining-town stood in line for heirs for a chance to hear Anna Case of the Metropolitan sing her lovely lyrics...
...Among the latter group were the Socialist Utopians...
...Crowds can bs hjaautlful, too...
...Everything is symmetric, and follows the decimal system...
...takes them to pawnshop and gets 60 cents...
...Ths second of this school, and s msn of for more idealism and poetic imagination than Babeuf, is Ktienne Csbet...
...Soft lights shons down upon the listening form* of tired men and women, revealing unsuspected besuttes, hitherto hidden graces...
...The girls and boys of our manual laborers have brought from overseas their passion for beauty and it is to them that we must always turn for naming response to its expression...
...Marvellous strides made in healing...
...1 Farther Detatlsi The country, ' under Babeuf's Utopia, would be 1 divided into various regions, and, on I orders of the Government, workers would go from one commune to another as required...
...Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) followed with his criticisms of the palliatives of the intelligentsia and his advocacy of the total abolition bf the reigning order...
...Buya inner...
...Means of Raalisatfeni Cabet felt that a State similar to Icaria was in the realm of possibility...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 29

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