Maurer, James H.

SUPER-POWER-PROMISE OR MENACE? The Menace of Private Monopoly— The Promise of Public Ownership By JAMES H.MAURER President, Pennsylvania Stata Federation of Labor THERE is one...

...If uncontrolled, it will be a plague without previous exsmple...*., possible under public super-power is proven by the fact that in On- , tario, where we have such a System, organized an,d conducted upon th* very principles here set forth, the rates are already reduced to thes* points in some cases snd are going down everywhere...
...Among tha most compelling reasons may be mentioned the following: Large Scale Production: Electricity can be produced most cheaply in large quantities in great co-ordinated and unified systems...
...In a few years, when we have increased our representation to, let us say, 200 and our popular vote from approximately 1,800,000 to 2,500,000, we may form a Government that will be willing and able to take up the question of revising the treaty provisions concerning the Eastern frontiers, the German settlement, the-Saar, the left bank of the Rhine and other details," M. Longuet predicted...
...He did not know whether the' net result was a gain or loss for liberalism...
...Wa are now engaged in making tha peace a people'* peace...
...Reduce the Costi It is also necessary to have public ownership in the power field because it is ih« only way to reduce the cost to the lowest possible point In the first place, it has been shown by the United States Census that it requires nearly twice as much capital to develop a water power plant by private corporations as it does by municipalities...
...There were many gains, many losses...
...Predict* a Socialist Europe "Belgium has a strong Labor movement which may take power at any time, the English Labor party will come into power in its own right before a few years, and in Prance the Socialists will be in control before long...
...With Labor Governments in thesis countries, the Lesgue of Nations will be altogether different from what it was when it was created during the postwar period of reaction...
...They can never safely be allowed to pass into the ownership and control, of private monopolies to be exploited for private profit if the people remain a free people...
...and it is the most serious issue before our people, the State, the nation, and modern civilization...
...Governor Pinchot is right...
...In time they will be gone altogether...
...This much is certain, if wa control it instead of permitting it to control us, ths coming electrical development will form the basis for a civilisation ssfer, happier, freer, and fuller of opportunity than any tha worid has ever known...
...The struggle for public sup*rpower is, tharafora, ona of «¦• mast vital and Impertant matter...
...Democratic Control: Public «***• ershlp of power is essential » order to secure some degree ef dr iiocratic control ox the industn* life of the nation...
...And It is already changed much in this direction...
...Long before th* general public awoke to the possibilities the privets companies were rushing their plans for the capture and control of the field...
...II must be manufactured en a largi scsle in order to secure the advantages of the lowest cost It costi ss high ss ten cents a kilowatt hour to produce electric current in s small, isolated stesm plsnt...
...Russia and Germany will be members, necessarily...
...This sentiment has little connection with th.e American trade union movement which, as before the war, seems to be that of complete isola...
...It is the'League of Nations that must revise the Treaty of Versailles if it is to be revised without bloodshed...
...The Menace of Private Monopoly From the above, it Is evident that we are entering a new era...
...tion in thought and action...
...It would know more about war and talk less about it...
...If effectively controlled in the public interest, it can be made incomparably the greatest material blessing in human history...
...The question before us is not whether there shall be such a monopoly...
...Ca-OraUaatioa of Public See...
...This will give us more current at less cost and besides will leas cities...
...It is almost impossible to imagine the force snd intimacy with which such a monopoly will touch and affect, for good or evil, the life of every citizen...
...They are the last and the greatest ef the natural resources thst hsve not been given swsy...
...The League can then be used to make a firm basis for a lasting peaae...
...Greatest Fact of Our Time "Nothing like this gigantic monopoly has ever appeared in the history of the world...
...From Germany th* Peace Pilgrims will mov* on to Zurich, Interlaken, aad then to Geneva, where they will attend the special lectures given for them by Professor Zimmern...
...The State alone has adequate power, financial resources, legsl authority and co-ordinating ability to develop such a system on ouch s scale as to secure its full advantage Utilising Water Power i Millions of horsepower of energy thst could be utilized for the manufacture of electric current are rushing away, unused and lost in the rivers and waterfalls of the continent...
...Electric power is revolutionizing the industrial world...
...The United States is prepared to admit that France bore the brunt of a common fight, losing 1,600,000 men as compared to 50,000 American dead, but you refuse to consider adjustment of' til* money loaned so long as We spend milliards of frsncs on our army and bther war preparations...
...when every article on the average man's breakfast table—every item of his clothing—every piece of his furniture—every tool of hie trade—• that he, himself, did not produce, will have been manufactured or transported by electric power...
...Municipalities are becoming constantly more dependent upon electric power for lighting, for operating their water works, street car lines and other utilities and for industrial development...
...And, Anally, the same project will develop electric power...
...The mightiest monopoly the world hss ever seen is upon us...
...Even with that aid we may fail...
...The time is fully in sighl when every household operation, from heating and cooking to sweeping and sewingwill be performed by the aid of electrical power...
...But Communism is receding as Socialism gains...
...Among th* students may be found colored arid whit* young men and women from all parts of th* United States, also from Japan and Belgium,, All of them happen to be either college students or college graduates...
...Every drop of hydro-electric power thst can be developed should be developed not only because jt is cheeper to produce electric current that way, once the projects are built, but also becsuse, by developing our water power, we conserve our coal, oil, aad gas...
...The group is being led by Thomas Q.'Harrison and Brent Dow Allinson...
...Whil* In Germany, the Peace Pilgrim* will go on long hikes with the varinus youth groups in Gei'many...
...They also serve to mske the river navigable...
...power that costs $15 per horsepower would then cost $3... must charge rates sufficient to yield a profit on the capital invest"'' to say nothing of Paying divide ,s on watered stock, fubiic' ownership alone can Wminafe* first thcjrojrt *M'hn.Hr"" "the capital charges and dMdendsYt actual cost...
...Lawrence, three, and sometimes four, great public functions are involved...
...No private corporation can ever be trusted to undertake the development of the great waterways of the nation, with all these public functions properly provided for...
...And every consideration of the general welfare demandi public ownership and democratic control...
...Everywhere, the farmer is crying out for electric service...
...As we see it, American radicals, who want a jlpet settlement that will be i guarantee of, peace instead oi a source of economic and- racial friction leading to war/ ahould get ih#r Govern rrflht Into the League mstesd of helping to keep it out" If the conditions of membership in the League are wrong they can best b* changed from within, M. Longuet suggested...
...A new industrial revolution is upon us, fer greater and more completely transforming than the industrial revolution thst the invention of the steam engine brought on a century or so ago...
...Wants U.S...
...So, instead of ship ping the Coal by the alow, laborious, and eostly system of rsilrosd freight, the current will be shipped by wire...
...American radicals ought to work for that" Raps American Legion "The European veterans of th* last war are an almost certain guarantee against another one in the next few years,1' he said, adding: "It's too bad the American Legion didn't get in the war for a few years instead of a few months...
...The great thing that America could do—although I don't aee much chance of it—would be to get into the League qf Nations," he said during the talk...
...But water i* an exhaustible resource...
...Dams era built to form storage reservoirs to secure flood control...
...Electric power is beginning to revolutionize farming...
...We believe that (he League is the only instrument for securing s resl peace...
...French Radicals , •¦ . Weak on Imperialism* "One* the German aeople reject militarism an<T revenjT," he continued, "the liberals and radicals of Europe can do something toward insuring peace...
...No power like this has ever before existed in human history...
...Of course, it is a bad treaty...
...return by way of Cherbourg and will arrive in time to speak at ths Swarthmor* conference of the F. Y. P. and the F. O. R. They will report on their success in exchsnging peace and goodwill spirit with the youth of Europe...
...The Socialist Party of France has gone on record three times Since the war as being against the' policy of imperialism and armed 'security,' but, to date, we have not b**n able to put our opposition into force to any great extent...
...Mining is being electrified and the whole industry is very likely to undergo reorganization and readjustment as a result...
...We, who do understand, at least partially, do not hop* for everything, but we do sse a chance that tha New World may help the Old World save itself...
...White the Bolshevist regime represents a'gain'for Russia, it has split Socialist' snd trade union' strength throughout Europe and the United States...
...From Edinburgh they will go to Germany, where they will continue attending the Sherwood Eddy lectures in Hamburg...
...The eame development makes possible great irrigation projects...
...I refer to the problem of electric power —super-power as it is called by eome, giant power as it is called by others...
...Bat what ia lift but optimism...
...i He had little to say about the w*r...
...This conference is held under the auspices of the Young People's Action for Peace (a federation of twenty Dutch Youth Groups...
...However, with the coming of this new era of electric power, we are face to face with the most serious problems that have ever confronted a free people...
...when the home, the farm, and the factory will be electrically lighted, heated, and operated...
...Of the twenty-six Communist Deputies, nineteen are from Paris and vicinity...
...It is immeasurably the greatest induatrisl fact of our time...
...Pinchot of Pennsylvania, in the Message of Transmittal of the Report of his Giant Power Survey Board, made public in February of this year (1925), in part, says: ¦ The Electric Monopoly "No one who studies the electrical developments already achieved and those planned for the immediate future can doubt that a unified electrical monopoly extending into every part of, the nation i» inevitable in the very near future...
...Early in September the Peact Pilgrims will...
...The danger of Fascism in Franc* is passed, he thought...
...In France the Communists made a great coup by capturing in 1921 the established party newspaper L'Humanlte, which has a Circulation of 150,000 in and around Paris...
...Thus far the private monopoly has the advantage...
...The Labor movement has been hurt by the ' Russian Commun 1st party policy more than by 4ny one thing...
...Of course, Herriot, had he been the most enthusiastic opponent of the policy, did not have the backing to grasp it" M. Longuet, who visited the United States two years ago to deliver a series of lectures, ssid thst he sdmitted the soundness of the American talk against, easing the French war debt while France is spending millions for armies...
...Railroads are being electrified...
...AMERICAN SOCIALISTS and theLEAGUE French Party for Full Revision of Versailles Treaty—Longuet By PAUL F. SIFTON -a— THE Socialist Party of France, who put Harriot in power and whose consent was necessary to the forming of the Painleve Government, will ultimately consider revision of the Treaty of Versailles, Jean Longuet, prominent European Socialist end former Deputy, said in an interview with me hi Pari* recently...
...The main purpose of the pilgrimage is to bring the spirit of Fellowship to the youth of Europe and to bring back a better understanding of our neighbors across the water...
...But no private company can operate on that baas...
...Paris will be their next move...
...The private interests have been quick to see the tremendous possibilities of electric super-power add swift to seize upon every possible point of advantage...
...So with other leaden...
...It has been estimated by several high authorities that.'four-,' fifths of the cost of manufacturing electric current by water poweVTs-' due to the capital charges...
...The war, its results, good and bad, all are past...
...It is the cheapest power end a veritable god-send to the farmer wherever he ran get it For pumping water, grinding, chopping, milking, sawing, filling silos, threshing, and for lighting the barn and the house, as well as for all other domestic uses, electric power on the farm means a new era for agriculture...
...As Pennsylvania and the nation deal with electric power, so Shall we and our descendants be free men, masters of our own destinies and our own souls, or we shall be tha helpless servsnts of the most widespread, far-reaching, and penetrating monopoly ever known...
...It is everywhere replacing certain industries and creating literally hundreds of new ones...
...For example, whenever possible, great power plants will be located at or near the mines or fuel resources and the electric current manufactured there...
...later they will attend the Edinburgh Conference of the World Federation of Education Associations...
...In the development of great waterways snd water power systems such as those of Muscle Shoals, Boulder Csnyon of the Colorado, or the St...
...Clemenceau, who founded the French radical movement forty years ago, ended by being the greatest Jingo of them ah...
...when, from morning to night, from the cradle to the grave, electric service will enter at every moment and from every direction into the diily life of every man, woman, and child in America...
...Made at the time it was, with reaction and national_ * ism in power, .it could not have been otherwise...
...The question is whether we shall regulate it,' or ¦whether it shall regulate us...
...Gains From The War ; "Among the Mini ire the advances msde in Russia, Germany and, Austria and several other countries...
...Their vocations and avocations run all the way from being "just an old-fashioned girl with an oldffshionsd smile," to writers of movie scenarios, cow-girls, preachers, lecturers, artists, writers, and secretaries sives and radicals, including Senator Borah and the late Senator La Follette, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in Washington, fought against American membership in the League because they thought the treaty which brought it into existence was unjust...
...Moreover, the expenditures required are so vast thst private eriterprise is unequal to the task...
...And, finally, .if street car* are used, the power should he supplied by the same co-ordinated power system...
...This is a matter of such vital and far-reaching importance that every trade unionist and every organization of Labor should give it immediate and earnest attention...
...Nothing has ever been imagined before that even remotely approaches it in the thorough-going, intimate, unceasing control it may exercise over the daily life of every human being within the web of its wires...
...service that now costs (2.40 per month would then cost M cents...
...Either we must control electric power, or its masters snd owners will control us...
...Ceaaervatioa it Coal, Oil and Casi Not only will th* public ownership and control of th* superpower system conserve our resource* of cosl, oil, snd gas, but the full development and use of water power will still further conserve them by developing a better system of utilizing them...
...Part of the group will hike through Ult Black Forest with th* "Wsnd*rvog*l...
...Opposition' of French Socialist* to the French policy of armed security, a standing srmy of 600,000 men, of supporting militarism in P o 1 a n d, Czechoslovakia, Roumania and Jugo-Slavia will be strengthened...
...We are rapidly exhausting our fuel resources A* they grow scarcer, the price goo* up and it becomes easier for the private monopolies to control them...
...before the people of th* !UUi**> ( I urge that tha Amaricaa Federatlon of Labor and all It* affiliated bodies and membership «'"• )"* .object their ImmadlaU .attention aad sariaas eenslderati*n, •** that everything passible be doaeto' the Labor aad tha g*n*r*l P"»He ia this critical situation...
...And t/ieir plans for a private monopoly of the power of this continent are well under way...
...Shall it be a private monopoly, or a public monopoly...
...In the electrical age into which we are just entsrhtK control of power will carry with tt the control of practically every r phase of the common life: industry arid transportation, mining, manufactures and agriculture, th* municipality and State, as wellati th* home life of the people, all will »• absolutely dependent upon elestru) power...
...But the rjvsrs snd waterways of ths nation belong to the people...
...Electric current'that', todiy costs nine, ten, snd tw*Jy* cents a kilowatt hour, would than, cost around one, two and the** cents...
...This difference between public and private ownership, in the manner of handling the capital account, is enormous...
...The final stop will be in Holland, where they will attend th* International Peace Conference for Youth, in Soesterberg...
...Here thy will get in touch with the French youth groups and will also hike about to the various points of interest...
...It was past...
...So, then, th* hydro-electric power resources of every river in the country should be developed to its utmost...
...When we enter the larger field of national services, the necessity of public ownership of power is still more essential...
...If this' is true, the public ownership of a,': State-wide and ultimately T nation^, wide public super-power systs's»'< would result in revolutionary reductions in rates...
...But no city can safely turn over to a privet* monopoly all of its public utilities for private exploitation...
...No king, no kaiser, no potentate of the past, and no combination of power in ''modern times, has ever had such power over the life and death of the people or the destiniea of mankind as they will have who finally succeed in monopolizing the electric super-power of the Continent In view of these facts, the question of the ownership and control of the super-power system of ths continent becomes at once the moot vital and strategic issue la the whole utility field...
...In this field, at least, the necessity'of public ownership should be obvious to all...
...No one can tell how long peace in Europe will last under present conditions, but it is my belief that it will be long enough for Labor Governments to come into power in the principal countries and then peace would be saved...
...Whil* on tour the group will take in the Sherwood Eddy lectures In London...
...From what has already happened in this field, it is evident that a vast and far-reaching organization, what is called a giant or superpower system, is inevitable...
...In tha League "Although the United States in domestic affairs is, becsuse of its greet natural Wealth, individualistic, we would like to see it in the League becsuse, in international relations,' your nation adheres to the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice...
...Of the 107 Socialists, all but four represent districts outside Paris...
...The Christian force for good will and fair dealing is very strong in America in dealing with other nations...
...At no distant day, if this monopolization is allowed to go on to its completion, it will be possible for one person, with his hand upon the switch of a great super-power system, to dsrken every home snd city street to stop every street csr line snd transcontinental railroad train, to silence every mill, mine, and factory, to seriously interfere with agriculture—in short, to paralyze the common life of the community...
...vice*i Public ownership is also nssseajry in order to co-ordinat* the various public services that are involved...
...Service at Cost: In order thst electric service may have thjl' widest possible use and industriij, domestic and agricultural development, the greatest possible axpan- ¦' •ion snd progress, it is necessary to reduce the rates charged for tha current to the lowest possible point, To accomplish this, the power system should be operated on the basis of service at colt...
...Ths cost per unit goes down rapidly ai the siss of tha plant and the volumi of production increases until, in th* lsrgest, combined, water-driven, super-power1 system, the cost is ai low as one-half a cent (tie) per kilowatt hour, or only one-twentieth as mueh...
...American Labor is actuated by the aristocratic ideal...
...Details of **¦ amazing results of this Ontario EMj' trie Power System may be seoaref J of-the Public Ownership Leaj«*# 127 North Dearborn street, C*> cago, Illinois...
...The grandson of Karl Marx and ion of an exile of the Commune refused to be retrospective about the last war, pr as gloomy as most radicals are about "the next one...
...That we cannot prevent...
...Shall it be our master or our slave?, That is the, issue that confrents us now...
...The Menace of Private Monopoly— The Promise of Public Ownership By JAMES H.MAURER President, Pennsylvania Stata Federation of Labor THERE is one particular phase of our public problems to which I wish to direct especial attention...
...I know thst Ameriesn progresA Pilgrimage of Peace it A WARLESS world in *» this generation" read the banner carried by twenty members of the Fellowship of Youth for Peace who sailed on the S. S. Belgenland on a peace pilgrimage through Europe... can be used over and over again as it flows in tha rivers to tha sea, and even then is picked up by the sun and the winds and brought back to the meunteins in th* miet and snow to flow again to the sea...
...They can thus b* operated at a very great advantage and economy So, toe, tee ahould be manufactured by the electric power plant swing the "eg p**k" load, aa it is called...
...In a city, for example, the water works, which are slmost universally public owned, should h* wsahiasd with tha electric light and power plant...
...The advantages of such a system are so great and compelling that economic necessity is drawing the State and the nation into it very rapidly...
...French radicals have always been weak'on foreign policy, from the intemstionalist's point of view...
...Thst some such rates as these...
...It is also well known that the Government—municipal, State or Federal—can-ber-' row money more cheaply than a private corporation...
...Nine of out ten Europeans know absolutely nothing about the United States and political, and •conomie conditions there, so it is difficult for them to understand...
...In other words, the but service and greatest economy in the operation, of the public utilities of a city can be secured by the unification and co-ordination of all of them, with the central power system...
...The losses a re the increase of jealous nationalism, of hatreds caused by new boundaries, multiplying of tariff walls, the sweating o'f Labor in many countries, dictatorship in Italy and Spain...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 29

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