EDUCATION a la TAMMANY Politician-Superintendent Educates Boys and Girls By HENRY C FENTON OB I iINABILY -peeking, thi function of an educational gxttem i» to educate. Tht gjoment that the...

...THE ROLL CALL California...
...It's sn easy enough problem for those with means...
...40*14 Chi...
...It's the working people and the small professionals who are met by tht problem of what toydo, and how to afford it, when summer comet...
...Of the ideals that havs made America he hed nothing to say...
...Woodland rotdt and trails lead to glorious mountain tops, fontt lakes, and roaring waterfalls...
...It is almost unheard of...
...That rest is often the difference bctwweeiH permanent ill health and an ability to go another year...
...Farmer la a see...
...NuW if OUr officials remain capable, honest and efficient, we may gat s n.ething for our potatoes...
...Of the greatness of Americana like Jefferson, Lincoln and Thomas Paine, he had nothing to say...
...How to escape the stifling neat...
...Behind the walls of this prison there are thirteen members of the working class, all members of the L W. W„ incarcerated because they were trying to make California the paradise that the real estate shark press would lead people to believe it js...
...He » right...
...Tht gjoment that the officials of thg gekoels become politicians, the moment that Uuty maJu uae of their official positions to advance the political fortunes of themselves or their friends, that moment public education higins to break down, and the, miblic suffers...
...Food and lodging conditions are intolerable...
...Class War Prisoners JULY 1IIS eBBBaavwaaaaaaa* ' 1 IN SAN OUENTIN PRISON NAMB NO...
...Set at regular intervals, miniature houses or towers jut heavenward from the "all, out of which the head and shoulders of a man with a rifle by his side can be seen leaning through the open window scanning the open prison yard below him...
...Bat they are going to get theirs first and Mr...
...Thinsfcit over, then see if you can't help us supply the few prison luxuries that they an allowed to receive...
...Put men and women in office Who will enact laws for those who produce the wealth of the nation...
...There are long motor trips... public life...
...J Smith, Jill* Ja,ck Hefcvert . 4MJI O 1 Tarrlll . fill...
...ondary consideration...
...THE LURE OF CAMP TAMIMENT WHAT to do in the summer is a reel problem for the people who livi in big cities, especially those who are moderately well off, snd worse...
...Hill Frank <•..< .. IT701 \V...
...The exercises proceeded in the usual wsy...
...11114 Henry Mattln...
...Jpoadefr .. 17141 Boy Carter ,. mil John Orlando .. 17110 Roy House...
...Undermining the health of the inmate appears to be the main objective...
...Illtl H M Coward*, ills: II...
...According to Dr...
...Republics are notorioualy ungrateful...
...1771: H It Stewart...
...ITIII Ivan Stats .. Sinn Frank Bailey .. 17147 Fred Mammon . lllll Wan...
...fc«Br*Mijh Laundry Drivers Continue Strike „The Laundry Teamsters' Union, gMu 810 of Brooklyn, is continuing Ja strike against tht "Beauty" or 2**away" Wet Wash Laundry of jNwnsviUe...
...11171 1. Martin...
...Down, with exploiters, grafters and thieves who have both hands in our pockets Up to their elbowi...
...This fact has been brought out many times, so we will not deal with it at length...
...wrried en...
...What right has he to uae his official position to beg votes for Dr...
...The Shoe 9alesmen% Union have been conducting a strike against the "Public" and "Yorker" Shoe Stores in New York and Brownsville for the last sixteen weeks because th...
...No nstural desire is allowed to grow or to be satisfied...
...At Tamiment you may indulge in every Summer aport...
...There is no denying it, hokeim always.gets them...
...They offered the State a contract for crushed rock ' *nd suggested that the State secure Jrat Folsom, by exploiting convict •ICT prison was built, and ¦fee that time prison laborers havs •Pa making "little ones ou,t of big 2»" »o that the S. P. Co., might affn'the rock necessary for the upkeep of their railway cheaper than they could possibly secure it if they were forced to buy from a firm in that business which employed outside, or so-called "free" laborers...
...Here they are denied the books end papers they wish to read and study...
...Its double row of high, grey stone walls, broken only by two ponderous fates of steel bars, surround a cluster of great morgue-like building^* On either side of toe two gates, guards pace too and fro, a sawed-off shotgun ifr rifle carried across an arm, tpeir slow, heavy tread reverwating with monotonous regularity...
...177,02 B.I Dewe...
...I hauled tome 700 bushels or 41,890 pounds, and up tc date I have received 13 cents for 100 pounds, or % 54.4 6. I will not mention all the bills that could be Hated, tueh hs interest, tsxes, machinery, labor and ao on, but will mention two items: Sacks, $19.45, Parit green, 128.00...
...So far I get 13 cents for 100 pounds...
...Yes, all things repressed...
...Cooperation is .good, 1 but ' the masses, will never get justice untill they have a Government in their interest...
...tVOLSOM Prison is situated .,W at Represa, California, twenty miles from Sacramento, • the banks of the muddy American River...
...ssys "let tht farmers help themselves...
...111!J H.hry Powell .'111** Win...
...Vary simple, isn't it...
...Finally, the court decided that the workers have tha lawful right to picket...
...There an boata and eanoet, and excellent bathing facilities...
...On June 26, the highest class ef jiUic School 67, The Bronx, acjjsjpaaied by fend relatives and adaging friends, met at Morris High W«"l tor Commencement...
...He owes it to the school system...
...There you have a picture of what Folsom is...
...What do city residents pay for potatoes...
...NA.MB NO Pat Ctnr...
...always preachinJsWhe idea of Industrial Unionism, so that all workers in all lands and in every industry-might' be free to enjoy life's benefits...
...We have as much use for these blood-sucking shsrks at a dog hat for a mets tt fleas...
...The return address of the sender is required on all mall going to inmates of either prison...
...Hamilton who can descend so low that he can consent to have e Boylan appeal for votes for him on such an occasion...
...rHiWk'» and "YpAm" Shoe Stores ftjpre Injunction Against Worker...
...11107 Jamra Oleen .. litis W. Rutherford...
...John.nn . 111)1 A. Nleholaen .. tiui }J LaUaSe...
...Illtl P. Sherman .. IITII C. Pederaen .. mil 0. J. Baton .. 11127 A. O. Bom...
...igent people...
...Workingmen Expiate Their Loyalty to Labor for several years the rnffity s|s*s<f of California have mod* rug* tf constitutions anil laws in dialing udth the I. W. W, Here and th*r* will is found a lawyer who dissents from tit* degradation of hi* profit' mm by **rvile type who do th* will i'I the ruling Babbitt* in protieuting men for mere memberehip tt the hated organization...
...What right has Boylsn to speak from the school platform to such en effect...
...Here Dr...
...Hamilton had given freely of his time and energy to come to these graduation exercises to help these children with his precious words...
...Here is u case of the su/vival of tha Attest, Wt have either'got to get rid of the potato bug or there will be no potatoes...
...Hamilton was a man...
...Men have also been shot down on the most trivial excuse, or no excuse et all...
...Several times have these men been beaten...
...Gloria arrive!, on Thursday of last week...
...or if you live in New York, you may secure complete information at the' Sand School, 7 East 16th street...
...Sam G. Wallace Lhke Ave...
...Since th* end of the World War the descendants of the** early bu*in**t bandits have attempted to make th* sljaMlhsiil institutions of th* Stat* their private property, while in Lo* Angeles they have excluded weekly mgatim that hav* criticiMd th* t$iilii.(ian «i California...
...If you are interested in securing the release of these innocent men, write to: Lee Tulin, Box 674, San Francisco, California...
...Exploiting the Farmer Editor, Tht New Leader: I had occasion to spesk at a Farmer-Labor picnic Sunday, June 28, where a Minneapolis man gave i line address <.n the need of the farmer end laboring man getting into a solid ciganixation fcr their mutual benefit, to wrest the Government from Wall Street and its gang of thieves, and hav s Government for the people...
...These were the subject of his talk...
...IIT1T Bert Krler...
...All the malic* of this date and its lawyers Aos been concentrated against the I. W. W. However much one may believe thai this organization is mistaken in asms of its policies, every decent human being must revolt egainst the illegal prosecution* of t. W. IP...
...You may choose your daily program feeling positive it will always be interesting...
...How to get a breath of blessed sir, s smell of the woods, a dip in cool, refreshing water...
...But it's the people with moderate incomes who are in trouble when summer comes around...
...And what sort of a cheap politician is Dr...
...How many rtaliae that 00 fsrmtrt out ot every 100 ere broke, yet Cool Cel...
...The union intends to carry thia fight to a higher court, and meanwhile urges the public to patronize only, union shoe stores...
...And then came the shock...
...This is one of the great lessons in biology that every farmer must learn...
...Hill C. A. Drew .. 17114 B. D. MiNaaaer...
...Glorifying War The' spesker of the occasion was Janes A. Hamilton, Ph.D., the State Industrial Commissioner sad former Secretary of State, and a most astute and bold-faced politician...
...Farm, Ptrhtm...
...One was even taktn from the prison to an abandoned insane asylum, staked to the ground and beaten to insensibility by the things called guards...
...Gloria Ross Arrives A daughttr—Gloria Doria-^hkt been born to Comradtt George and Sophie Hecht Ron...
...There are no idle moments at Tamiment, no need of thinking for something to do next...
...lllnl n. W. Mlnton . If III A. BraUand...
...Men who have gone forth into the lumber and construction camps, the mines, mills, and down to the sea taships...
...Th* property interests in California voir* spawned by thievery, bribery and corruption following the discovery ef geld in 18if...
...There is a whole eaatinent, a whole world, at one's disposal, if one but has the wherewithal...
...It* railroad and land thieves have become notoriou* to the student of California history...
...And to the amataeltii audience William A. Boylan spoke to the fellowtag effect PUa of the Politician Hs had enjoyed the,graduation exercises, let in the exerciaea there was one high spot...
...Stop exploitation so that men and women who produce will get what they earn, less the actual cost of transportation and handling, which can only be done by Government ownership of all public utilities...
...III7I B. Kullman .. 17711 F.W Thompaon...
...That's all...
...One would have to go far afield to find such another exhibition of impudence, and, the word is used, advisedly, misuse and malfeasance ef an office that should be honored and respected try everyone, particularly the incumbent Such eee of position is dragging tha office, the entire school system, in the mudt it is, to tap the least, intellectually dishonest...
...He himself was no politician, he waa a school man...
...And Dr...
...He began with the Revolution, traced his bloody way through the War of 1812, the Mexican and Civil wars, the Spanish and World wan...
...The afjjtrrir" of the school was Seed with parents, friends and tives who had come to see thejr youngsters graduate...
...The old line party asJWulani have gone far hi their attempt to inject politic, into the schoel system, but tins speech ef William A. Boyien passes the bounds ef even common decency...
...Therefore,* if the time should come, and the time will come, when Dr...
...It seems to the writer that this District Superintendent should be called before the Board of Education for aq explanation...
...members and the abysmal cruelties which they are subjected tt...
...and Mrs...
...There in swimming instruction and a daily "gym" dais under the direction of the Camp'* physical director, all free to Tamimentites...
...Mill r. Meilm.n I7IIJ B. Jehanaon , lllll F. Fr.nklln .. ITIII A. f. Anderaon...
...Do we need Socialism...
...All hope of having a passing friend for a visitor wss also' killed, as no visitors are allowed, except relatives, and they have been known to deny that privilege...
...This ¦Wke has attracted a good deal of 5*eetlon and sympathy from the Mblic, as constant agitation through 2*"-»ir meetings and leaflets is P|f...
...It is believed that both companies are owned by the same people...
...II7I4 H. CeOerhelm . 11101 J C. Allen .. III4I J. B. Chllda .. II1M Wm Bryan ,. III44 H, BWHane«n...
...The address of Csmp Tamiment it Forest Park, pa...
...That is why they were arrested and that is why they are now serving their one to fourteen year sentences...
...Even the California law, which this prison is supposed to be governed by, prohibits so many people in such small space, but anything goes at Represa...
...The following etory of how the thirteen men incarcerated in Folsom Prison are treated reads like a transcript from the diary of an inmat* of the old French Bastille...
...Letters to Folsom must be sent in csre of Warden, Represa, California...
...It was gut by workers, to imprison other ; Writers, et the behest of Capital, "olsom was built for the Southern ¦ 2*«inc Railway Company', who weje ¦[the market for crushed rock for ¦"king and maintaining the roadbed Ifrtheir railroad...
...That it a brief external description of this bloody mausoleum of California's Boss Class...
...This firm had applied for an injunction some monvhs ago and the case dragged along for quite some time...
...But Dr...
...It's easy enough to get away if there are the means...
...You mr.y hike or go on horseback, for there it a stable of flnt laddie horses...
...But consider ths nerve, the brezen effrontery of this district superintendent of schools who dares to mount such a rostrum and make such an open appeal for votes to such sn rudience, on such an occasion...
...Camp Tamlment, in the hills of northern Pennsylvania, has been established to give vacations to adults st moderate rates...
...H. Wrlsht . 11117 C. F. MiOrath...
...III7I Jo...
...Once behind the walls of this prison, they soon learned how well the name "Represa" fitted Folsom prison...
...Ross were both, at Ma taw*, full-tims studenU ef the" Rah* School and an tt present active aedall* Party wadset...
...A few weeks after this decision the attorney ef tha union waa notified by the court that all picketing must cease...
...Hamilton handed out the hokum with many ohs and ahs in a most Pecksiffian manner... is disgusting...
...flTnlnn . . 3I1!4 rTV Taylor . 31316 John Push i«i:s D r Ruaeell 3ini 1 lUwechlau . I«|ll John limn...
...There were the usual auaical numbers, ths usual salute to the lag, the ususl recitations and ?uauaj speeches...
...Hamilton addressed the children for seme ten er fifteen minutes glorifying the United States...
...Hamilton presents himself to you people of The Bronx, remember his untiring efforts in your behalf and rally to hie support...
...I joined the Potato Exchange, but told the organiser that I did not believe in signing a five-year contract...
...It is worthy ef note that lis thing he found to glorify in the history of this nation was the fact that it had fought in a number of Wan and had never yet met defeat...
...EDUCATION a la TAMMANY Politician-Superintendent Educates Boys and Girls By HENRY C FENTON OB I iINABILY -peeking, thi function of an educational gxttem i» to educate...
...There are luxurious snd beautiful hotels and even more luxurious "camps" in the midst of Adirondack forests, where the pine trees are at one's very windows...
...even more then an explanation, he owes an apology to the parents of the children graduating for reducing the tvent to which they had looked forward with such anticipation to the level of a political meeting of the lowest order...
...We can help curselvea by taking possession of the Government...
...Suffice to say that then'are nearly twice as many inmates as the prison waa built to accommodate, and consequently the air in the cells is very bad...
...Athletic contests are part of each season's program, with . suite We prizes and interesting "write-ups" in the Camp's daily paper The Breakfast Serial...
...Make your vacation reservation today...
...Tern Connors . 49110 I** V arella .. . »1 J.I IN FusJSOM PRISON Joe floheeey t>0 Stark- I' J. Oordet, Herman Sukr Richard Ford John Hlia Jamea Prloa Louis Allen H C. Dak* J. l*YI,aushlln C. J. Sullivan Karl Flrey Joe Wasaer Letters to San Quentin must carry the prison number of tat addressee on the lower left hand corner of tht envelope...
...No J. P. Morgan A Company at the head of it to throw monkey wrenches to prove that publie ownership will not work...
...J. Dunn .. 1(114 Tom O'Mara . 31111 Qeers* Ryeir . IW7 Jack Ni»h...
...There are fifteen tennis courts, handball courts and baseball field...
...Following Dr...
...There are far cruises, sojourns in Europe and California and the Rockies...
...There is Mailly Hall, on the lake shore, wherein 200 couples may dance in comfort to the music if the orchestra and where half a thousand persons caa gather for theatrical performances, ¦ concerts, and other entertainments...
...Not even a paper printed in the State of California is allowed them, let alone any of their own organization papers or pamphlets...
...Only this time speeches were not so usual...
...Hsmilton there sross to address the audience William A. Boylan, a District Superintendent of Schools of the City of New York...
...indeed, it appears from frequent bored expressions that one reads in the "Society" pages thst there is a genuine diffiiculty in selecting one out of a wealth of places to'go to...
...Socialism is the only salvation for Labor...
...And we hereby cell on the Board of Education to properly diaeipline this Boylan for his ward heeler tactics while a District Superintendent of Schools...
...Sail* L. V. French . JII41 Frenrle Hart . mil W. Lonaatreth Hill Pierre jane .. HUT J oh a Mr Baa . SUIT i.i...
...The ides of a ?w official making uae of his dice to appeal for votes it gppstrous and an affront to all jtfc...
...Over 3» hundred children were there to Jstive their diploma which signless) that they had completed the lift step in their education...
...Tha union feels •nfident of victorV shortly as all P injunctions cad thugs used by ¦I employtr have failed to break the strike...
...To date I have received $9.00 after paying for "sacks end Parit green...
...Hamilton finished snd sat down amidst applause...
...There is only one word for the whole proceeding...
...Without a bit of rest and recreation, the machine will break down, and frequently does...
...employers refused to grant union conditions...
...Hamilton the history of the United States is the history of a universally triumphant warlike nation...
...And that high spot was tile wonderful and superb address of Dr...
...This strike is now Jj*ttne over fbur months...
...All these men are readers snd thinkers...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 29

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