THE NEW LEADER A Weakly New.pepe. De.oted to the later«•«• «f the 8 acta tut and Labor Motm..l •nblithed Every Saturday by the Now |_f>nfj«r A MOJtUtli on i PEOPLE'S HOUSE, 7 EAST 18TH...

...But the whining tool of a vulgar gang of plunderers thrusting his smug face into our presence, talking of his purity and heroism—well, words fail us in attempting to express what honest men feel...
...An entire community buzzes...
...Capitalism is refined robbery tempered by the sanctimonious sermons of Dr...
...Eighty-six persons paid taxes in 1923 on incomes in excess of $1,000,000...
...Continued assertion of purity is evidence of a defense mechanism erected in the hope of warding off suspicion of her illicit indulgences...
...It includes 2,616,824 persons...
...Three Month.................% -76 Singls Copy ..................Jf .08 To Forsign Countriss " Ons Year...
...are worth the income of the Rajahs for their skill and honesty...
...These miners face a program of the operators whereby they close mines snd force the miners into non-union fields...
...Meantime Kantao Yang, Secretary of the Paris group of the "Chinese Social Democratic Party in Europe," urges workert of all nations to oppose the imperialist governments' rule in China, adding that the Chinese struggle is not a race', but a class struggle...
...Henry Ford, Andrew W. Mellon, Cyrus H. K. Curtis and Ssnator James Couzens of Michigan...
...oAfter having stood Socialists Quit by the Painleve GovBloc In France, ernment through thick and thin, even to the extent of a vote of confidence in the Premier's war policy in Morocco, the French Socialist Parliamentary Group has finally broken away from the Left Bloc and voted against the budget of 1926, thus regaining the political independence partly sacrificed in the interest of joint action with the near-Radical and semi-Socialistic parties against the reactionary Poincare Bloc...
...But, on the whole, the medical profession under capitalism is as craxy a patchwork of quackery and outright greed as is tt* bucket-ahop in Wall Btreet...
...That ha hat meddled in China goes without saying, but that he Is responsible for the Chinese unrest, as the imperialist powers charge, is false...
...Smsll wonder, then, that in apite of all that the great bacteriologists and honest laboratory workers have done to immunize a world from disease, three-quarters of our population pay weeklyaand monthly tithes at the shrines of medical incompetence and bunkerino...
...ute Specialists and 1,000 per cent Profit...
...The Marxian generals, Foster and Ruthenberg, announce that the Workers' party has expelled Max Eastman for "maligning and attacking the leaders of the Russian Communist International...
...Every two years a portion of one herd deserts to the other, and thus the two parties of capitalists have been able to exploit both...
...There are no unions in the Rockefeller industry and the workers joined with the officials in accepting the new arrangement "unanimously...
...rain, who know real estate, tennis, cabarets, and pinochle .expertly, into tha hands of these mostly i* the life end health of our glutted communities entrusted...
...The General Council of the Trade Union Congress has also pledged the miners support against "degradation of the standard of life'of their members" and protests that the mine owners' terms "not only .propose drastic reductions of the already meagre wages paid the minora" but would "abolish the principle of a minimum wage...
...Then the bill as a whole was passed by the Chamber by a vote of 421 to 160, only the Communists and a few extreme Radicals Joining the Socialists in opposing it...
...Lovi it t»>4 tallied en a string of year, With hutory and stupid live* and d*bt*t Lov* Uve* to reckoning by tkrnh...
...For our part we prefer the bandit of other days who made no pretense of virtue and who made his career picturesque...
...the tariff issue WILLIAM A: OLDFIELD, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, expects his party to win in the next congressional election, and he foresees the tariff aa the principal issue...
...Softpate, who has been suffering With hypochondriacal and highly imaginative ulcers et the usual $3.00 per, now is happy to pay the newly arrived specialist $60.00 a hand-shake...
...Get man Communists alto get a "proclamation" from the same source...
...Now why...
...some oil "Ecowirr ONE of our leading feudal oligarchies, the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, has instituted the 8-hour day in its plants and has given an "increase" in wages to the men employed...
...We also suggest that Europe may also find it necessary to raise a wall against recognition of credentials from such states on the ground that the bearers represent the child stage in the evolution of the human race...
...In a majority of the campaigns the very issue which Oldfield forecasts next year is the one that has been used to attract the attention of the voting herds...
...Prescription Pete...
...They are told to give all their energies to "capturing the German trade uniona," adding a program of the "united front" with Socialists with the view of knifing them et the first opportunity...
...Their aspirations are turning toward the Social .Democracy...
...During the last few weeks it hss been apparent that unless* the French Socialists quit supporting the Painleve Government there would be' serious trouble in the party, the rank snd file of which, as represented by Paul Faure, General Secretary of the organization, and other veterans, was clamoring for fight, not collaboration...
...3We ere not perticular on the subject of medicine, doctors and drug stores...
...M. Feif enbaum Clement Wood C. A. Hooka Joka M, Work Came.on H. King Joeeph T. Shipley SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States One Toar ...................• ** 00 Sis Months...
...Meantime, an American scientist hss found a Fundamentalist Baptist group meeting In a hollow near Dayton -that cannot accept the heresy of Bryan...
...The Rockefellers are among the few whose annual incomes are about $5,000,000...
...S. A. DE WITT...
...That it, if it dots not rain...
...On the whole it has1 been as effective as a war "to make the world safe for democracy," and it may sejs/e next year...
...They owed allegiance to this party by . accepting its instructions...
...However, the "proclamation" bean evidenct of recognising THE • Chatter-Box More Sonnet* to a Dirk Lajy xxv...
...The dues-paying membership Is reported to hsve psssea the 90,000 mark and to be well on its wsy toward 100,000, and the active party workers, in contradistinction to Paul Boncour, Pierre Renaudel and some other Parliamentarians who are willing to compromise s greet desl for the eeke of trying to Influence the bourgeois GovI ernment...
...If there is a swing from the Coolidge wing of capitalism to the Democratic wing thia will be consistent with nearly all elections since 1876...
...Of course, now that the specialist has ordered the medicine, Prescription Pete chslks up the calcium ingredients to something like $100.00 a gram...
...Six weeks before, price of tame medicine $1.26...
...The total income of the eighty-six men who contributed large sums to the Treasury in the form of taxes waa more than $162,000,000...
...Eara perk up, eyes glisten, tongues wag...
...There are 30 per cent too many bituminous mines and the same percentage of excess miners in .this field, so that the mine owners tend to undermine the union by this process of closing mine: and throwing men out of work...
...There was a charm about his daring, his frankness, his absence of hypocrisy and his stoic bearing when caught...
...feel confident In winning the ulI timste victory by weging the class struggle 1 vigorously all along tha W...
...It is about the general medicos, however, that our grouch is fiercest...
...Wages and hours are reduced...
...In fact, Sir Reginald Stubba, British Governor of Hongkong, hat a remedy of his own that is characteristic of Britiah imperialists in dealing with weak colonial peoples...
...0The coal Industry again A Possible reminds us of all the Mine Strike "virtues" that go with capitalist dominion of a great necessity...
...To be continued—shortly...
...LoO Three Months .................78 Saturday, July 18...
...Phelps went to Venezuela about twenty-five years ago, settled down as correspondent for the late lamented New York Herald, then hired out to the A. P. fifteen years ago, and is still on the job...
...00 Biz Months...
...The Chinese workers, who are beginning to organise themselves, despite persecutions, do not accept the doctrines of war professed in the name of Bolshevism, nor the prscticee of war'that have come from Europe or elsewhere...
...Of all the most inadequately fitted personalities to wear the cloak and wield the scalpel of Hippocrates, our crop of American medical men take the raffle...
...The company will have to employ about 500 additional men and the increased outlay in wages will be eomething like $1,000,000 a year...
...He is a 'Wonderful Administrator,' Says Mr...
...In this pamphlet they are ordered to resort to trickery, to lying, to concealment of the truth, in order to obtain control of the unions...
...It is only here in Lydia Pinkham's Tea Garden that specialists in eye, ear, throat, brain, long, stomach and cartilaginous tissues secure ¦air' post-grsduste endorsements by a Cook's Tour to Europe for six weeks...
...Coolidge kindly favor us with another sermon on the virtue of "economy" ? The oil oligarchs appreciate the noble theme...
...Louisiana sugar is an "infant" that requires a Federal bottle and Louisiana Democrats have generally been able to get it for the sugar barons...
...Alabama has its claims fer the iron and steel masters around Birmingham and good Democrats in Congress answer to the roll call of Steel...
...six reported incomes of $3,000,000 to $4,000,000...
...And the free University of the Far East, founded by the Bolshevist State, is merely a competitor of similar Institutions where English, Americans, Belgians, et al., plan to train graduates for their advantage...
...Tool-handlers who received about 88 cents an hour or $10 a day will receive $1 an hour or $8 a day...
...Other trials have been as widely reported in this country, but this thing of Bryan "taking personal charge of God" has set all Euiopean nations laughing at us...
...We have in mind the eminent Harry M. Daugherty, once Attorney General of the United States, when the "Ohio Gang" raised the pirate's flag in Washington...
...The breek came early in the morning of July 18, when a Socialist amendment to the budget bill exempting retailers with three or fewer employes and food dealers from the sales tax was rsjected by a vote of 826 to 246 in the Chamber of Deputies in order to get the bill through the Senate, which had repeatedly refused to accept the amendment...
...Oldfield should be careful about this tariff issue...
...The Communists are hoisted by a halter of their own make and it is likely that their corse will bring (hem the same results in other unions...
...In that statement Mr...
...In the old days, before the quarrel between Northern capitalism and the Southern slaveocracy, Louisiana sugar was tariffnursed by the Whigs...
...A miner may earn six or more dollars a day, but owing to the many id^e daya In the year he and his family generally live on the edge of want...
...Consequently, it came aa a shock the other day to read these headlines inthe New York Times: "Says Venezuela Is Prosperous...
...the two preceding groups number almost 6,000,000 persons with salaries ranging from $1,000 to $8,000...
...He went on to say...
...Swatting three Gorgon* around on one hot <ven|B* it too strenuous ever for a Knight of tt* Type Table...
...m\\\i*n THE VIRTUOUS DAUGHERTY WE did not have to wait for the rise of the new "psychology to explain the woman who takes •very opportunity to assert that she is virtuous...
...From London cornea the report that thia trial is "the best joke of the century," and one big news agency finds it difficult to supply the demand for Dayton news received from many nations abroad...
...When we consider the income tax returns reported in another column on this page it is evident that the industry could easily have assumed the "burden" of paying its workers the old wage for the lesser hours...
...0 ¦ i i. - That consummate "Proclamations" est, Zinoviev, gets Of Zinoviev into the limelight . again in the matter of China and Germany...
...The tax collected In these cases totaled $86,788,476...
...0 ' That the Chinese are The Demands determined to end the ' of China extra-territorial "rights" of the capitalist powers is evident from the reiteration of this demand above all others...
...The next largest received salaries of $2,000 to $3,000, numbering 2,470,970...
...Phelps—Oil Industry Gains...
...Ha reminda us of the religious manlact who from timt to time got out their Atcention robot reedy for a flight to heaven...
...Even Japan, China and Russia are crying for all the newa that they ran get of thia backwoods struggle in Tennessee againat modern science... reported an income of $4,000,000 to $6,000,000, and four were listed aa receiving incomes in excess of $6,000,000...
...The Paris Soir observe* that the trial will decide whether "a monkey or Adam waa the grandfather of Uncle Sam" and then goes on to hope that the monkey will not be saddled with the parentage of Uncle Sam...
...The principle applies to men as Well...
...s o We Just stopped for breath...
...Of course, Juan Vicente Gomez, the Venezuelan Dictator, is a wonderful administrator and all is' well with the world...
...London forwarded one story to sixteen papers in China...
...Secretary Cook of the Miners' Union announces that "the constitution of the proposed alliance of miners, rsilwsy men, transport workers, engineers and shipbuilding workers haa been signed by a committee of the uniona snd the scheme will come before meetinga of executives next Friday" (July 17...
...Drillers who received $1 an hour or $12 a day will receive $1.25 an hour or $10 a day...
...And the story justified the heading...
...A PRESS CORWPOKDtKr OF course, everybody knows that the Associated Press is an absolutely non-partisan news gathering association devoted to the determination of truth, regardless of whom the facts may hit Hasn't the A. P. solemnly affirmed sad reaffirmed this at its annual meetings, .and hasn't Melville Stone, its sort of President Emeritus, been decorated by all the despots from the Csar of Russia to Porfirio Diaz of Mexico for his faithfulness to the cause of truth...
...oSome 6,000,000 workers British Coal may be involved in a Dispute British mine strike if an agreement is not reached between the miners and the /mine owners by August 1. The miners insist on a living wege and preserving the 7-hourday...
...They represent to us a world spart, undesirable and unmentioneble...
...It appears that Mr...
...Religious instruction and schools in the end serve the purpose of modeling skulls adapt cd to the slavery of capitalist imperialism...
...Zinoviev can spoil a promising situation for the workers but he cannot help them...
...tears, In vaulting ecitaeie* wed grim rtgret*, 1 Th* fragmentary touch of hand t* tea/ i May run a cycU in bewildering bli...
...True, through the rural districts there are thousands of strugglinjt yet competent doctors who make up with diligence what they lack'in actual ability...
...Add these to the millions of workers whose wsges are so low as to escape the tax list and we have some idea of the widespread want upon which is piled the magnificent plenty Of our capitalist and financial nobility...
...THE NEWS OF THE WEEK The Scopes, Evolution Trial Not in a generation has a trial provoked so widespread interest aa the Seopef Our Royal Incomes Interesting figures of the revenue obtained by our royal princes, dukes, barons and lesser nobility are reported by Washington this week...
...Of these eighty*!* persons the incomes of thirtynine were $1,01)0,000 to $1,600,000, twelve peid tsxes on incomes of $1,600,000 to $2,000,000...
...This group believe* that the earth is aa flat as Bryan's head and that the sun goes around it like'a needle on a phonograph disc...
...De.oted to the later«•«• «f the 8 acta tut and Labor Motm..l •nblithed Every Saturday by the Now |_f>nfj«r A MOJtUtli on i PEOPLE'S HOUSE, 7 EAST 18TH STREET New York Cily Teltphone, Steyvesant 6885 BaW ________JAMES ONEAL Ataittaat Editor____EDWARD LEVWSON MuMCar_____________________U...
...Wherefore, behold the virtuous man who with noble courage saved the nation when it was rocking/rom the assaults of the "Beds...
...OUSTING COMMUNIST OFFICIALS IN suspending 76 Communist local officers from holding office in the union for a number of years, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union has taken the only course open to it...
...Together with the rest ef their crushed people, they demand equality, justice and peace...
...Associated Presa Correspondent, in Business in Caracas, Describes Country's Progress...
...while Deen Rusby, of the College of Pharmacy, suggests that if Bryan wins, that the universities should Ignore credentials from states having anti-evolution laws because the bearers could not meet the educational and scientific qualifications of the Evolution states...
...These offenders acted not as members of the union but as agents of the Communist or Workers' party...
...As though to justify this suspension from office, the Workers' party, of which these officials are members, announced the same week that Max Eastman was expelled from the party...
...the same number paid rates on incomes of $2,000,000 to $3,000,000...
...Men who in the main never read a book, or delve into a brochure of any sort, literary or professional, who art at far removed from serious interest Is the ethics, abstracts and theory of their work aa Bryan is from sanity, whoss en* tire lives are wrapped up in making financial marriages, swell fronts, snd big business, who miss the influents epidemics even as flowers miss the...
...If they alone bore the extra expense of paying the old wage for an 8-hour day they would still have a few millions left to squander each, year...
...Praises President Gomez...
...The British seem lesst inclined to consider it...
...Harry M. Daugherty and virtue 7 Faugh...
...In addition to sugar there has grown up textiles and the steel industry in the South...
...And who mm turn the era* that art -]—irgj While timid lover* venture to a kuusl ' ¦ Than when you aik me, dear, how long, hem long ' ^m Our love wW hold it* fragrant* and it* efce...
...As for wages, enough light hss been thrown upon this aspect of the mining industry to show that the standard of living of miners la always low...
...The largest group paying taxes received salaries of $1,000 to $2,000...
...Since that year American elections have impressed observers as two great herds in charge of drivers...
...It also calls attention to the need of nationalisation of tha, coal ii duttry...
...He proposes the "flogging of strikers" in Shanghai and to use "prisoners for scavenger work", just to show the Chinese what a superior breed the noble Briton is...
...The Government haa appointed a committee of inquiry to make an investigation of the coal industry and but two weeks remein to determine whether the miners will be forced to strike and what part the Labor alliance will play in the struggle...
...It is only hsre in the lend of the Minute Men (note, historical derivation of thii term goes back to Barnum's famous aphorism of "one being born every minute") that full-fledged general practitioneni ia Materia Medica are made in a half dozen years of vacationing, tennis snd pinochle I playing, and semi-annual exams...
...What is more, they subscribed to a course of action in the union which the Workers' party outlined in a pamphlet written by Lenin and intended as instructions to all party members regarding their conduct in the unions...
...The ssme chalk and water bromides, the self-same diet, interspersed with a German phrase, and a look of more infinite wisdom—for $47.00 more than quoted six weeks before...
...Men like Dr...
...The miners contend that anthracite wages are lower than the wages in the unionized bituminous fields and the anthracite dispute may eventually bring the bituminous miners Into a strike...
...Every man and woman in a union has the right to urge any course or policy that may to them appear to be of benefit to the union, but no member can be permitted to organize cliques and act upon orders from an outside organization...
...The American Federation of Teachers, in a letter to young Scopes, expresses the opinion that the Tenneasee law would make all scholars hypocrites...
...The preaent dispute revives the discussion of some form of public control or supervision of the mining industry, but in the hsnds of capitalist politicians in office this mey be merely a jumping out of (he frying pan into the fire...
...Whether the overtures of President Coolidge are intended to frankly meet this demand of the Chinese remains to be seen...
...SOLOMON Contributing Editor*: Eugene V. Dab* Morris Hillquit '" Victor U Berger Algernon Lee Abrabam Cakan Noraaaa Tbo mat Harry W. Laidlcr Liu Morrow Lewit JOMpb E. Cohen Wat...
...This mesns that the owners want to keep the miners et a bars cost of living, reaping what adventsge mey come from low cost* in any particular saining region...
...Daugherty calls attention to two "outstanding acts" of his department, one the breaking of the shop crafts strike with an injunction and the other his refusal to surrender the files of the Government to the "Red-controlled, so-called Investigation Committee of the United States Senate...
...In the meantime he has acquired a chain of seven American stores in the country and a considerable fortune...
...What's sauce for the goose it sauce for the (propa)gtr.dt," eight Pete...
...six weekt later, $12.60...
...In a* recent "proclamation" he observed that the troubles in Morocco, China and Bulgaria, the election of Hindenburg in Germany, and unemployment in Great Britain—all these "spesk of the march of the coming revolution, coming slowly but surely, in the capitalistic world...
...The Anthracite Operators' Association rejects the demsnd for a 10 per cent increase in wsges and counters with a demand for a wage reduction and it is feared that there will be a strike on September 1. For 26 years the coal industry has been an example of all that is vicious in capitalism...
...If the Workers' party must expel a member for mere criticism then it forfeits any right whatever to object to the suspension of Communist officials of loraduniona who followed the "Leninist" tactics of deceit, plotting and lying...
...But even the tariff is really no longer a question between Republicans and Democrats...
...rwy, I anewer — by the m*atur* of my song, And through th* eweet r*currene* si deeue .., . m Whin all my long* for you are don* and *atd, Thin will you know that love and I an dead...
...object to the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union expelling Communists for "maligning and attacking" ita nffiriala...
...The owners went to go back to the 8-hour-day and adjust wages to the varying costs of living In the mining areas...
...He is merely charged with having attacked "the leaders of the Russian Communist party and the Communist International...
...With all the disrespect and irreverence we can call to surface et this moment of our horribly healthy state of being, we sally forth, pennons fly, ing, ermor glistening, chaVger prtneing, with heart and intent as pure as Sir.Gala* had, to bring back the heads of the Dragel named Three Bucks a-Visit, snd the- two two lesser monsters—Fifty-Dollars-a-Mis...
...Daugherty has taken every opportunity to assure us all that he is a virtuous man and recently returned to this theme in a letter to the Ohio Bar Association...
...The civilisation of The Bronx, with its thousands oi ailing babes, children end adults, snd its thousand* of money-mad physicians, is not a shade removed in bunk from the hordes of Hottentots in Africa and their grotesque medicine-men...
...In the Carolines the textile industry has developed so rapidly that the Republican party has also acquired considerable voting strength while Democrats favor a tariff for the textile masters...
...Will Mr...
...A growing capitalist class in the Democratic South may have to tell, him where he gets off...
...the hopeless situation of the German Co*munlst movement,'which has been stetduy declining for many months, and the emphatii upon the "united front" appears to be the wiggle of a dying man seeking W obtain the blood of a heelthy one In we hope of auryWng a f*w week* toag«« trial in Tennessee...
...The Senate quickly O. K.'d the budget, which calls for the expenditure of 88,161,000,000 francs (at about 4M cents spiece) and the collection of about 13,000,000 francs more, and Parliament adjourned for the summer holidays...
...His offense was not trickery and lying...
...True, there are dozens of sincere snd hard-working masters at the profession...
...Among the big income taxpayers, according to tha returns made public in 1921, covering the calendar year 1923, were the .Rockefellers, father and son...
...Lore'ns and Jacob...
...But the increase would be borne by all shareholders and not the Rockefellers alone...
...A group receiving $8,000 to $4,000 numbered 1,125,662...
...After viewing the Champs Elysees, London Bridge, the Berlin Rathskellers, and a few Vienna rolls, these medicine-men return te their gossipy neighborhoods snd still gossipy clients to tell them about the marvellous operationi they hsd seen performed, the soul-stirring lectures they hsd attended, and the terrific amount of study they had done under Professor Hssen-feffer at the Medical Academy «t Pratwistdnger...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 29

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