A.F.L.Backs China

A.F.L.Backs China GREEN DENOUNCES FINANCIAL, IMPERIALISM THE Imperialist powers •bould give up their special privileges in China as the first contribution towards peace for that unhappy...

...For the declaration was in fact a pledge of help to China, then straggling with the problems of...
...The companies charge what they can get for their coal and a wage Increase of forty sen** a ton doesn't mean that the consumer pays only forty cents more a ton...
...It might coneelvably drag on for some time, but there is the sinister possibility thst the owners at the end of July may simply post up a copy of their terms st the pits and lock out those who refuse to accept them...
...It failed to keep prices down when the $600,000 Coal Commission had' ssid thst the operstors were earning Urge profits on investments that were slmost one-third wster, and when the man who settled tht strike ssid that there wasn't any excuse for a raise in prices...
...Than the strike came, and the wage increase added forty cents to the cost of mining th* coal...
...The weekly figures of unemployment show an apparent improvement after the heavy increases of the two previous weeks...
...S Editorials...
...S and David P. Bereaberg...
...The seat had bean held by the Labor party before ia...
...Cor American trad* onion movelent believes firmly that our ReBstands for ideals of human and equality of opportunity —, and that these ideals must direct not only national policies hut ot,f relations with other countries...
...The prices of coal do not la* crease proportionately with every wage Increase or drop with every wage cut...
...The record for the week,is 269 names, the best that has been made since this appeal has * gone to our readers...
...It is accounted for by the return to work of large numbers of women in the cotton trade after the holiday stoppages...
...The ignorant can only serve as bribed tools of reactionary intrigue or as slaves whose ignorance is capitalized by political adventurers...
...Cook with the rest of the Genersl Council, and from several quarters he is being urged to intervene to nationalise royalties...
...She refers to it as a "brief" list, but if 100 others will shower us with as- many "briefs" we will be happy to work overtime to get The New Leader to all...
...Now the bituminous industry is la a slump again and they aro meeting it by breaking contracts with the union...
...If By ART YOUNG | By SAMUEL A. DE WITT Next Step in Coal OPERATORS MUST SHOULDER RESPONSIBILITIES by H. S. RAUSHENBUSH (Mr, AowsAenoMiA ha* b**n e*» gag*d for a numbtr ef years im...
...The circuit should be eompoaedjiSl towns lying as close together as possible and in which the material and cooperation would enable the Organizer to accomplish something rapidly...
...Up to the last moment, and until a stoppage of...
...The men's figures, on the ether hand, show a stesdy incresse of unemployment The total here Is up by 2,177 on the previous week...
...3 The Now Leader Mall Bag...
...Re Kindlina Firae of Hate...
...During the long strike of 1922 when the miners fought to retain their war-time wages they hsd a battle cry "There must be no backward step...
...It is now certain that these dis'cussions will be interrupted on the last dsy of this month by the action of the owners, who hsve decided to give a month's notice to terminate the agreement...
...Look at this problem of capitalistic evolution and working-class emancipation and we are always brought back to the fundamental need of education...
...Two District Organizers are already at work...
...One of hi* present eoimeo* tion* ii a* Secretary of th* Coal and) 8up*r-Pow*r Cammitt** of th4 Ltagu* for Induitrial Democracy...
...If they will net do what is needed, the people must do It for them...
...Bed Time Stories...
...They didn't There was no power to make them do it for those last three month* of the year after the strike the independents were making a gross profit of $1.43 a ton, and the railroad con companies ware making owe of $1.9$ per ton...
...In taking this action the A. F. of L* ranges Itself against the imperialist interests that exploit China and declare solidarity with the Chinese trade unions and students who are making the same demands upon the Powers...
...Miners, railwaymen and engineers will all be in the thick of it within a few days...
...The Chinese sre an ancient e*< honorable people who have developed a distinctive culture of rare auntie* and they have a right to demand the respect and deference accorded to national sovereignty...
...Ie*lHi Cooperation That Will Build Our Paper I...
...He suggested politely to the operators that they pay the WSge increase out of their own pockets instead of out of the pockets of the public...
...Parcell Increased the majority from 1,309 to 3,032...
...1 Peat.....J...
...Incidentally, Adam Coaldigger will give New Leader readers a pretty full earful on Evolution in hie column next week...
...Chinese situation lean opporytty for further application of ¦awe Ideals, and Labor earnestly Jwre* that our country act in conto the highest Ideals of hu¦•nlim snd constructive progress...
...He tells the story himself: "Shortly after the settlement of the 1983 coal atrike I took up tba question of coal prices with members of the same operators' committee with which I had dealt la the eattlemeat and Isssrssisj apaa lham by every means in my pawar, both eiagly aad In a group, aad hy, public • tat amen t, the self-evident I rath tamt'jK Wise thiag far lham to do was to aaderake th* ale*****) ef Wjht own houi* Ta remedy a*ls|im| abases, suppress aatoetlee...
...S By HENRY C. FENTON The Socielist Party at Work .. • The Baetille of Repreta...
...Should tfcit coarse ha taken the only method left to the imperialist powers would be fore* in r*-*nforclng the hated treaties, bat armed intervention would be at sach an enormous jsst that they would hesitate to IHert to.it...
...1 A History of Indeetrlat CrimBrilieh Labor Faces Severe...
...Anderson, Indiana, for many yeara before the World War pealed a heavy Socialist vote and it is still one of the ekies fNefrwlll eventually be carried by Intelligent Socialt« Vfto3!iJ Comrade I. S. Walker, » grand-nephew of %^r^Aort«gi,'GiJvrtnor opndtj^e^fcrthe Civil War, eendk us the nam* and aMdresses* of projects Wtnbuted over Ave states...
...What do you say...
...What about towns near yours in which the organiser could expect some local cooperation...
...They have,* indeed, already opened the negotiations for the revision of the Agreement by demanding a return to the old eight-hour day...
...There should he no reasonable objection to bunching th* idle time...
...We have to clean out these minds and replace the rubbish with sound knowledge...
...y • Do you want the services of a district organiser in your community...
...COLEMAN AT SCOPES TRIAL ¦ McAlister Coleman haa left for Dayton, Tennessee, to cover the Scopes Evolution trial...
...The newly constituted Federal Trade Commission has started it off already...
...They have called a. conference, which is intended to pave the way for the more formal...
...The time has come for everybody concerned in the industry, producers and consumers both, to say that triers must be a forward step...
...The total (1,280,700) is 10,491 lass than that of last week, but 221,069 above that of the same week last year...
...There are a large number of miner...
...The next stage msy possibly be that the | owners will then shift the discussion to wages...
...it than they have done, this summer...
...They want a free hand...
...Comrade Charles Alexander of Washington, D. C, heads the list with 150 names and thus equals the service of "Jimmie" Graham of Montana...
...Com* through...
...They could have sold the coal at...
...It Would be a boon in the clothing industry or any other seasonal or semiseasonal industry...
...Will you "quit" or light...
...Every person who is a possible subscriber is one that we want to see The New Leader...
...C, Virginia, or Maryland...
...They only want oae bind of Government help: tha .establishment of compulsory arbitration in Labor disputes...
...That talk is a large waste of time, i, People who are willing to let this suspension happen and other suspensions happen without accomplishing any forward step will shsre in this talk of the power of public opinion in s highly technical question like a wage dispute...
...They finally declined to undertake the necessary house-cleaning themselves...
...The railways rest their case for a-general reduction of wages on the fact that the decrease in two years of no less than 17,000,000 tons in the quantity of coal carried during the first quarter of the yesr has reduced' their receipts so heavily that their expenditure is now equal to 88 per cent of their receipts, as against 68 per cent in pre-war days...
...This is a small list, but just as welcome as the others...
...We are getting that cooperation and this week the builders of the classless social order of our Socialist philosophy respond to our urgent request for names and addresses as they never responded before...
...The collecting of figures done by the Federal Trade Commission was stopped by the decision of the Supreme Court lsst winter in the suit brought against it by the Mayr.srd Cosl Company...
...The human mind apparently has a number of compartments...
...If the soft coal industry stays in s slump snd people start using more and more soft coal, the anthracite industry will get to be in a bad way...
...The period of more or less amicable conference between mine-owners and men is apparently at an end, and it has led to no results...
...This is the gist of a letter to President Coolidge by President William Green of the American Federaffoa of Labor...
...I do not doubt that they will...
...It will not, and The New Leader will report the Socialist victory...
...All are located in Washington/D...
...studying th* coal tiluatvm, fit Is th* author o/ "Anthraeit*," « fcetaeie contribution to th* study •/ indu— trial r*lation* in th* hard coat in* duttry...
...In ease there were no euepension the ninety idle daya would be scattered Inconveniently throughout the year...
...You are helping In this work, Comrades...
...Algernon Lee, Educational Director of the Rand School, supplies us with three names...
...Smillie snd Mr...
...This past year the anthracite industry has suffered from the competition of chesp soft cosl...
...His letter reads: Washington, D. C, July 10, 1925...
...We hope that he and others will follow up our work of sending The New Leader by casually Inquiring whether prospects would'not like to subscribe...
...Thus ths fall in coal exports-becomes the excuse for s reduction of wages not only in the mines, but on the railways also...
...Write to the National Office about it...
...People who think that it is about time that the industry cleaned its house will consider what the next step should be...
...In this coBstitueflcy and tha attempt of the mine owners to increase houre aad reduce wagee contributed to the Ineroese la tha Labor vote...
...S Shaking the Empire...
...These appalling figures call for...
...To the...
...S By H. S. RAUSHENBUSH By HARRY W. I.AIDI.F.R A. F. of L. Backs China...
...Ratification of the Washington "¦"ties by France make* a strategies) opportunity for euch action...
...At the wme time the Chinese (Government 1* reported as ready to denounce existing treaties which restrict the sovereignty and administrative authority of China...
...Who will respond this^oming^week with a list of names...
...There is every reason to believe that the fundamental cause for present disturbances in China ia due » special privileges given foreign nstions in tresty pacts, and that the abolition of extra-territorial rights of foreigners is necesssry to China's administrative integrity and sovereignty...
...In the first part of that year th* independent companies were selling their coal at the minea for an average of $7.10 a ton, and the railroad coal com pan* ies, the larger producers, were a*il> ing it for 88.78...
...Baldwin's snswer to a question in the House shows thst the Government haa not advanced beyond its habitual attitude of negation...
...Louie Convention ..» S Menace...
...In This Issue • Pago Page Th* Next Stop ia Coal...
...Some are inclined) to attribute this to the leisureliness with which negotiations are now being conducted at At* lantic City...
...Labor's Right...
...No solution of the recurrent difficulties between the miners and the operator* that doe* not recognize that fact will be a satisfactory solution...
...American Socialist* and the Reviews by Benjamin SlotLeague ......., 4 berf( Clement Wood, WllBy PAUL F. SIFTON ]i.m L#Bf Jtmm Oaeal "As God Seas It...
...Yet for th* last three months of 1988, the months after the suspension, th* independents raised their price only fifteen cents, and the railroad coal companies raised theirs ninety-one cents, to $7.68 per ton...
...3 Labor Jotting, from Abroad .. S Super - Power — Promise or The St...
...1 ¦'— i LONDON.—The massed offensive of Capital against Labor is about to begin...
...There will oe talk about a factfinding commission and the power of publie opinion again this yesr...
...Address the National Office, Socialist Party, 8488 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111...
...More and more power is being generated at the mines and shipped by wire to the factories...
...The increasing use of oil as a futl has replaced about 6,000,000 tons of anthracite coal...
...The Coal and Superpower Committee of the League for Industrial Democracy will propose such a step* " Purcell in Parliament a What Is coasiderod one of the most ' Important by-elections la 'England for meny month, resalted Wednesday la the election of A. A. Purcell, President of the International Federation of Trade Union,, to Parliament ia the Forest of Dean, Gloucester...
...to be ignorant is to sleep, and the sleep-walkers form the basis of every form of economic servitude, political dependence, and social degradation...
...The railway companies, as if to prove that Capital is even more ready than Labor to mobilize itself for concerted action, have chosen this moment to demand a general reduction of wages...
...inefficiency and planlesaness thst are costing the country many millions every year...
...12 How to Care World Unrest .. B The Ch.tjer Bo...
...This, too, will come into competition with the stesm sizes of anthracite...
...How much cooperation can you and your fellow workers'give...
...A short suspension will not produe* • large shortage pf coaL There is plenty it eheaev soft eoai Those who insist upon anthracite will probably have to pay a little mor* la...
...Now think of our job...
...In 1926 we have no up-to-date figures, and public opinion can be even less effective...
...Their usual spokesman is a Phi Beta Kappa man, and President of the Lehigh Valley Ceal and Navigation Company, a company that owns large reserves of coal land and because of that speculative resl estste venture does not show a large profit...
...They do not netd the Government eny more...
...N.w, of ,h...
...The only way you cam make sure of not missing any of hie stories is by subscribing...
...The sooner the miners, operators 'and consumers start thinking about the next step to be taken for the combined coal industry, the nesrer we will nil be toward ending the present waste...
...A lock-out in these conditions would deprive the men of unemployment benefit, Mr...
...7 By BENJAMIN P. CHASS By EMYRS HUGHES , Edueatioa a la Tammany...
...A.F.L.Backs China GREEN DENOUNCES FINANCIAL, IMPERIALISM THE Imperialist powers •bould give up their special privileges in China as the first contribution towards peace for that unhappy country...
...To know ia to live...
...They can plan their lives hetter than the bituminous millers who have to hang around their collieries day after day waiting for the whistle to blow...
...SSPaV give the public ¦ square deal would, at.I painted out, go far to provide the rehabilitation of tha industry before the publie of which it Staads ia need...
...In order to recover the urport trsde, it Is proposed in efj feet to ruin tl e home market...
...It's right up to you now...
...He is certain that It will not be long before Anderson "comes back...
...THE National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party has nearly completed, its vote on candidates for approval as District Organizers, and the natter of assignments is under consideration...
...Therefore, we stress over and over again that The New Lender has only one mission, It is published to awaken the sleepers, to inspire the working class with hope, to spread knowledge, to build the Labor and Socialist movement, to encourage the soldiers of Labor in every battle, to promote the solidarity of the working class and to inspire the workers to think...
...A I general fall in wages can only mean a decreased demand for the products of fsctory and farm, and a consequent increase of unemploy...
...Th* man know they are going to be idle for a while...
...the persoa of .(•me, Wi'unfII...
...but as yet there la no sign that either owners or Government will consider any constructive policy whatever...
...procedure of the Wages Boards...
...The improvement is, however, only superficial...
...1 By STEPHEN A. DOYLE Co operating for The Now Amalgamated Strikers Staad Loader...
...He sends the second largest Het of names, a total of 60...
...What Governor Pinchot Said In 1988 Governor Pinchot did what President Coolidge may try to do this year In case there ie a wage incresse...
...The Suspension In 1923 The last suspension was in th...
...The anthracite operators do not want Government interference with their profits, or any kind of Interference...
...They do the industry an injustice, A suspen* sion of work is almost as deft* nite an industrial policy aa any] other part of the wage negotiations...
...1 The Utopian Soclalats...
...Baldwin has, Indeed, met Mr...
...Purcell represeate a loft wiag tendency ia the Leber party, bat this tendency is not Communist eltkougb it fevori aa allieace with the Raeeiaa trsde union...
...By suspend* ing work In September th* Idle days are concentrated...
...fhll of 1928...
...y-VlIR Socialist movement for working-class liberation If is one that labors against tremendous inertia and misinformation...
...Tba.organizers will certainly be sent where they can accomplish the most and they can accomplish most where they get the most cooperation...
...reorganization, as well as to countries participating in the conference, which wished to assure China' opportunities for aelf-develepment and reorganization...
...Up-to-Date Figures Not Available Here public opinion failed to work in the way those people who think it is an adequate remedy for anything that goes wrong with the industry think it ought to work...
...If eight organizers receive the cooperation they should have we shsll "come back" so rapidly and soundly that soon we shall have twice eight organisers In the field...
...n Unlaw the suspension last* or *V**t*ae lo last Bay eeaslderabU time, there I* no oaeaee far a mallied laer*eee in the price ad anthracite...
...Does Your District Need an Organizer...
...Forefront • Because of the fact that present •olitiral provocations have paralleled the coming of trad* unions in Chinese industrial development, and the straggle of Chinese wage earn. eja for industrial justice and civil rights ia projected into the international problem, it ,is most importsat and necessary for fully bal•aead consideration of the whole question that representatives of w»ge earners participate in this injury...
...Make people learn the lost art of how to think—think in terms of their own happiness and welfare and abandon the parties of their enemies...
...Look over the situation in and around your town and hurry your letter into the National Office...
...Comrade M. V. Halushka of Chicago sends us a list of three for Illinois...
...That would require legislation, and [it ia certain that the men will refuse point blank to discuss it...
...In 1923 we had accurate figures, and public opinion failed to be effective...
...Minnesota is slowly coming back into the Socialist ranks, and Ernest SMiskar, of Ely, ia certain that The New Leader will help in making.Socialists and organising them for the Socialist Party...
...In esse of a suspension there is plenty of this cosl to keep the country from freezing...
...Respectfully your*) WILLIAM GREEN,, Pres., A. F. of L. Labor's Dividends CORNWALL, Oat., My 15— »•» last their lire* yootar.«plo.i„„ at the silk g* *»*r*te« by Cortl.ad, Ltd...
...the mines is imminent, it will leave the industry "to work out its 'own salvation...
...With its servile press, its schools and its politicians, capitalism has filled these minds with this rubbish...
...the old price* and still mad* a good profit...
...Teat of Green's * Letter President Green's letter adds the voice of American workers to the British workers in suggesting the only course that will bring peace to China...
...The anthracite industry doea not work full time, only about STB days...
...who beloags to the moderate wing of the party...
...Operators Oppose Regulation ' The operstors are sfrsid of regulation...
...His first story will appear in The New Leader Next Week...
...S. D. Warriner says: "Any proposition of Government regulation which limits the constitutional rights of investors in this industry must either be prepared to furnish substantial guarantees sufficient to attract capital in the snthrscite business by freeing it from competition, or else tht effort would be so evidently one of hostile class legislation ,as to be obviously unconstitutional and ineffective...
...We urge that the initiative be taken by the Government of the United States in calling an economic conference to consider the Chinese situation, and that this pronbion for Labor representation be incorporated in the conference invitation extended to the countries...
...But without the cooperation of our readers, and workers for the paper we can do little...
...end Political Questions in the Pacific and Far last, convened at our invitation 1*1921, provided for the appointment of a Commission to study this subject, and that action was not carried out, there devolves Zn us a responsibility for keeping faith with China and the friends of international justice to see to it that the intent of that pledge ia redeemed...
...THERE win probably be I suspension of work in the anthracite industry at the end of August...
...Comrade Helen Diskant of the Bronx responds with a yst of thirty-one scattered over the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New Jersey...
...Unfortunately, my appeal to the members of the committee for better conditions la the anthracite industry produced no result...
...4 Newe of t|„ Drama......« 10 By JAMES H. MAURER n. RmIm „, Book...
...Each has been stuffed with some taboo, a'prejudice, a superstition, a fear, conventional lies and intellectual rubbish inherited from other days...
...The bituminous operators ran to the Government for help in 1934 whoa their industry was in a slump...
...Sir: On behalf of the American Labor movement I wish to org* for you favorable consideration and speedy action that the fitted State* take the initiative in calling am international' cor.feraW to make puSns aboUsh*^a.t*Vfitert*t right is China...
...ngniing ^ui'v, - ¦ ¦ . - 9m ,, ,---th• i Labor In the Hoaee ha* a*» eared neat Monday far a vote of caasura a* the) Gown ment, and batter etllf that tha Oaaeeal Council haa ealled a special Trade* Union Congress on Unemployment for July 24...
...To move the workers on the road | to their own redemption is often a thankless task, but it must be done if we are to avoid a blind and fruitless rising of an ignorant mass suddenly desiring change but not knowing what to change...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 29

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