A SUCCESSOR TO SENATOR LUSK LESLIE H. ALLEN % 4 EET Mr. Hoptoy —th# M hob. James R. Hooky of iL»ru«, Ohio. Mr. Hopley IVtffitinfuiihed person whom fLlWbody ihould know. Mr. Smiley i» • P11,Jir...
...J Tuesday Street Meeliag Tuesday, July 7, 8:80 p. m. Irving place and 14th street Speaker: Patrick Quinlan...
...every Monday st 14 let street sad St...
...Lillian Kaplan, Recording Secretary...
...and it publishes the anws of charter members and national leaders, including "J...
...Esther Milgram, First City Org»nii*r: Isidore Ostrowsky...
...Victor Spi-vack, Athletic-Social Director...
...BRONX More than fifty street meetings have been held during May and June in various parts of Bronx County...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Thomas en East Sid* Socialists of tl e Lower East Side are planning a big demonstration for Norman Thomas, Socialist and Labor candidate for Mayor, for Friday, July 10...
...Circle 7 will meet Tuesday, at 7:30 p. m., at 204 East Broadway...
...n ll*» QUEENS Oatal Head* tha Tiebee Jsmet Oneel of Richmond Kill, editor ef The Now Leader, wet n*m*d candidate for Borough President at a generel party meeting »* Local Queans held at IT Beeafort avenus, Jamaica, Juns II, Csndi-dates for members of the Assembly end the Boerd of Aldermen, respectively, wsre nsmed es follows: ltt A. I) , Hsrold G. Andersen snd Isrtsl Goldin...
...Speakers: May Harris Mainland and Ernest K. Hsrrsen...
...Neverthe-nets, it would be postlbe to so frame a scheme of City-Manager Govsrn-ment that would be equally democratic...
...At to the theory of administrative and legislative functions, ont, may agree with Mr...
...Wednesday, July 8, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 116th street and Lenox avenue...
...It ia amazing to think that the league thst employs Mr...
...Hopley JUte in the front line of those STa.re preserving the nation "j^nat the machinations of tfoicow and the surreptitious Innings of the Socialists...
...Barnet Wolff was elected to represent Queen* on the new Greater New York City Committee...
...Hopley, to which Mr...
...Imagine the Socialists responding tot Cemmuniit convention call...
...Hopkins has written an open letter to Mr...
...You'll not And Mr...
...Finnish Brench Tuesday, July 7, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 125th street and Seventh avenue...
...First-hand knowledge ef the fundamental principles upon which th* Gov*rnm«nt of th* United Sielei is based will often protect a legislator from he...
...Hopley, being so busy preserving American principles and institutions, has not yet replied, and which concludes: "If you wish to ceas* to appear in a ridiculoua light, you will withdraw your resolution and manfully acknowledge your mis...
...Ann* avenue, every Tuesday st 160th street snd Daly avenue...
...Such a plan would have a l**rge council or legislative body, the members of which would b« chosen biennially by districts, or, better still, sccording to the theory of proportions...
...Hepley't H.pl...
...Jamaica's Picnic a Sue**** Braving th* showers of rain and blast* of wind that swept Gerken's i yprete Hills Garden last Sunday, the Socialists of Branch Jamaica and their friend* turned out In good numbers and helped make their combination picnic with the Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Society a real success...
...Throughout the Schenectady cam-, paign for Plan C which terminated June IS, the proponents of Manager City Government talked and argued in terms of Cleveland, Dsyton and the West, and 'carefully avoided reference to the four cities of New York State that actually adopted this specification of ''economy and efficiency," namely, Niagara Falls, Newburgbrl^uburn and Wstertown...
...He even describes thh sinister record of Roger N. Baldwin, though Baldwin is not mentioned in the previous Met at sll...
...July 10, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 10th street and...
...Brsrybody wentad to resd the thing...
...By HERBERT W. MERRILL Stat* Secretary, Socialise Party 1 - MR...
...of commerce of large industrial corporations Naturally prefer Plan C to any such arrangement as thit, for those who thoutad the loudest about "saving tha world for democracy" while they were plundering the public hate tha spirit of democracy in their hearts...
...Then Mr...
...The Issue of Democracy It is fearful and wonderful reasoning to claim for a tingle instant that Plan C is more democratic thsn Federsl municipsl forent...
...Srd-lth-10th A. D. Thursday, July 9, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 35th street and Eighth avenue...
...I 7th I«lh 20th AD...
...Brench 8. 4 snd 5 A. D, wfH meet Tuesday evening, July 1. at headquarters 1167 Boston rotd V. P. S. L. Circle 1. will meet on Fridsy, July 8. A lolly ev*ninf it promised...
...2nd A. p., Charles Ress and Elsie Ehret...
...The next paragraph is evln more ridiculous...
...later with Bill gsywooii, 'Gene Deb* snd twenty-ytvtn others, signed the first I. W. ft...
...Are elected officials more responsive and amenable to the people when their terms are doubled, or less to...
...The function bf legislation is to ascertain those things that promote the "happiness of the greatest number," snd to crystallize them into policies, laws and ordinances, "Th* function of administration 1* to make the determination of legists-tied?effective in the shortest possible time and with the least friction and resistance...
...Speaker: Patrick Quinlan...
...Neon-Day Str««t Meeting Thursday, July 9...
...Upper Wast Sid* Branch Tuesday...
...Plan C's Deficiencies However, the technical deficiencies of Plan C of the Optionsl City Government Law of 1914 art beside the question of democracy, and that i* th* subject with which I propose to desl with very briefly on this occasion...
...Speaker: Leonard C. Kaye...
...Millard should have sent him into our State to urge the adoption in Yonkers, Schenectady and elsewhere of e certain plan of Manager Government that our four Manager cities had found so indefinite and unworkable that they straightway went to the State...
...Legislature for complete supplementary charters or substantial amendments...
...Marlus Han-some, Rand School lecturer, will speak on "Contributions of Biology to Sociology...
...Meetings fart at t.to p. m promptly...
...Hopley introduced his resolution, but he doesn't car* much about facts...
...History That Michigan trial was over long before Mr...
...Organizer Schwartz will bt present at this opening of the Washington Heights new headquarters...
...3rd A. D., Mstthist Palm end Charles Freyt 4th A. D., Sadie C. Smith and Ernest Mtgerlin...
...And I shall dispose of the democracy ef Plan C by asking Mr...
...Hopley's statesmanlike opus explains the iniquitous connections of these gentlemen...
...That ia not his fault /fill find hinf in Ohio 8. J. R. JI 46 Of this reaolutidn, this J\i of Mr...
...rale avenue...
...ft showt, arst, thet Mr...
...y tpproprlation of State funds «e resolution would also deny ?»ny teacher publicly active a*a HH"»t, atheist, Communist^or organization of revolutionists...
...The audiences were very responsive, collections and book sales were fair coneldering the hard times, and many new members were obtained for the party and tha Y. P. S. L. Ton much praise can not be given to Circle 1, Y. P. S. L„ for the splendid assistance they gave Local Bronx at these street meetings...
...lag responsible for libellous charg** agsiaat organlislions and individual, about whom b* really know* aelhlag...
...Millard alludes in his contribution to The New Leader of June 13, as well as the secretary of a non-partisan committee of Schenectady citizens responsible for the defeat of Plan C by the overwhelming vote of 13,500 to 5,200, I have had occasion to look into the democracy of this all too "simplified" government...
...n>«y provide for a legislative in-'•Hegtting committee of three, with •»ly $2,600 to equander for the Wrpose of inquiring into the teach-"*» Ohio State universities and "•raul schoola...
...Council* of Prussian siz* would not be too large— 60 members for cities of 100,000—as »ueh council would permit of elmott every *h*de of po-liticsl snd economic opinion being given expression...
...a— Eaeculiv* Committee Mond*y, July 6, 8:30 p. m. 7 Eait 16th street, Room 506...
...Comrad* August Claea...
...PIsn C, condemned by the State Executive Cemmittee of the Socialist Party, if one may employ a biological snslogy, it much like a dinosaur—a mountain of bone and muscle with infinitesimal hrsins...
...Ith A. D. Fridey...
...Primary petitions will be in circulation within a few days, and after the butlneu of preparing for th* official nomination* is out of th* way tha reel campaign work will begin...
...snd Hsrry An-dsrton...
...It Is lopsided, unbalanced, dsngeroue...
...Smiley i» • P11,Jir of tne Stat* Srpart of the rock foundation ITthe nation...
...H. H. Hopkins, Amos Pinchot, G. E. Rec-osi, and Harvey (his real name's Howard) Williams...
...Hopley then whereases that "I 48ers demand the "legalization twikes...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK tant for the summer months at members often neglect this duty and thut hamper the State Office in its work...
...but let us inquire whether a Mayor, who msy be flung out of office in two yesrs, is more of an autocrat than a manager whose employers, the1 select little council, cannot be touched or "bounced" by the people in four years...
...Speaker: May Harris Mainland...
...ie on the executiv* t*»mitt*e of th* Civil Liberties Union, which "recruited bodle* of 'eonicientiou* objectors' among thai draftees in camps and is securing money *nd printing propsgsnda for the defense of thirty-two Communist...
...Millard without much difficulty...
...The issue of democracy as between Plan C and the "White Charter" Government of second-class cities revolves stound responsiveness of elected, officials to the people...
...on trlel in Michigsn...
...every W*dn**d*y et 163rd ead MaiNt itrsets...
...Circle 11 will meet Mondays, at 8 p. m„ at 1836 Lincoln place...
...Brooklyn, during the months of July and August I - y Circle 11 and Circle 1 will hold a Joint Meeting on June 86, at 1886 Lincoln place, Brooklyn...
...According to the Lusk Committee, rrtnk Bohn formed s "Socialist cirri*" right in the chapel of Ohio State University...
...If the members of tuch council could be elected yesrly, it would mske it even more representstive, but un-fortunstely the State Constitution stands in the way, providing, at it does, that cities mutt elect in odd-numbered yeart...
...But Mr...
...THE CITY MANAGER PLAN AGAIN Can It Be Made Democratic In New York State at this Time...
...And here's sn-etbsr Hopley contribution of history wMeh never happened: Communist leaders celled a mas* convention of Socialists at Cleveland and joined teem, the 48ers snd the C. P. P. A., to neminsting Ls Follette...
...RichsrJ Boyajian has been engaged for the month of July and he will deliver a series of lectures on the following street corners: every Fridsy st Wilkint and Interu...
...Hopl«y *hows, too, that revolutionary organisations are active in Misnr, Ohio snd Ohio State universities, end thst the "loyal legion...
...it Wlg„.t nec„,lry for nim ciihai Commi«ee of 48, the So-nr enybody else against (3* h« >n«de his chtrges, for sny Uak Ur°n Whkh t0 ba" th«m- The *mftBB...
...He doesn't know that Jtfikes are legalized already...
...At this ' "it resolution is retting in committee while the revolution tears along...
...Without Initistive, Referendum snd Recall, e Manager-form Government with a small and limited council of seven absolutely fails to satisfy the first condition of efficiency, and may wtll become, through abnormal administrstivt power, s terrible inttrument of tyranny snd oppression...
...Among the many things Mr...
...July 7, 8:80 p. m., at Billings Social Club Rooms, 3786 Broadway, corner 167th street...
...and every Thursday at lttrej ttrset and Pro*p*ct avenue...
...tleyiiy0U Me' 11 fl«'ht'n« God'¦ And there you are...
...Hopley never waates capital letters) has protested sgsinst the teachings of bolshevism in Ohio University...
...Hopley's gjSeiory is long, If not intelligently selective He hssn't forgotten the jail Committee report yet...
...Circle 2 will meet Tuesdsy evenings, at 7:80, at 819 Ssrkmen street, Brownsville Labor Lyceum, during the months of July and August...
...Executive Secretary...
...Lpjey'e intrepid spirit the 2g would wave in vain...
...Hapless Hopley'* History Hopley then hss Hopkins «ttend-inf th* "Communist convention" in 8t Paul last May...
...All members are requested to attond a special meeting for the purpose of nominsting cnr.didatea for the Board of Aldermen and Assembly...
...Jewish Harlem Breach Friday, July 10, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 114th street and Fifth avenue...
...To your careful study w* recommend th* Declaration of In d*p*nd*nc* and th* Bill of Rights, especially its paragraph about tree Speech...
...Members ware present from all the six Junior Circle* and made the Convention a success...
...Just a pot shot for good ¦mure...
...Hopley is an omniscient {'"on...
...The Sixth A. D. is arranging for the meeting that night at 137 Avenue B. Realizing the importance or this first meeting of the campaign on the East Side, the Sixth A. D. is, planning to reach the* masses with publicity regarding the meeting...
...Her* the resolution becomes funnier: • "Opprobrium attached to the xime&Deialiit' after testimony in th* trial of officials of the psrty for treason", so, in order to masquerede under t same which did not indicate thilr purpose, a conference of tht mit influential leaders in the wwal states waa called and th*y tdoptrd Ike name 'the Committee ef it.'" , (Italics and all snickers ours...
...s*n* will «ntert*in at heedquerterf, 1167 Boston roed...
...Speakers: William Karlin and Alexander Schwartz...
...Much was mad* in Schenectady of the power of the Mayor over the boards of estimate and apportionment and of contract and supply, snd the executive of a second-class city was pictured as a municipal Kaiser by virtue of his control of these boards...
...Second City Organizer...
...The district is being thoroughly cir-I cularized in preparation for a rousing rally...
...Chairman: Ben Goodman...
...The term "scientific," st applied to Socialism, haa nothing to dp with "measuring and accounting, hut with the fact that Sotialiim hat aa historical foundation on tha systems of socitty that have gone before, and It tha next atop in social evolution if the peoplee of the nations have the intelligence and- orge'n-Itatlon to tak* hold of tha huge forms of production which capitalist development has brought Into being—London "Justice...
...8th A. D. Friday, July 10, 8:30 p. m. at 137 Avenue B. Norman Thomas, Mavorality cendidate, will talk on "Why the Socialist Party...
...Then, »rno spparent reason, a tossed-in Wtgriph says that Labor unions JB expelling Communists, and *n-««*r states the dangerous fact that "•Ohio State University Liberal w* tried to get La Follette to J**jP on the campus...
...report WM g00d Hop|,y Beyond Hop* J^nataly, the Ohio Legislature «v»r h *"*d,««n»e to waste no time S?W- nightmsre...
...Second avenue...
...6th A. D, Willism Burkls, Jr...
...In a word, that Government will be most efficient the leglslstive power of which* It most diffused |nd tha administrative power of which it most concentrated...
...Y1PSELDOM Junior Ylpsela s At the Semi- Annual Convention of the New York City Lesgtt* bf the Junir-r Y P. S. L. the follow-inr officer* were elected: Louie Ygvnsr...
...Hopley deeth'tknow Is that the Communists ¦W excluded from the La Follette nominating convention...
...Hopley'e wary brain, iem-ar* only s few copies left...
...Hopley in af ho'* Who...
...22nd 23rd A. D. Wednesday...
...every Satarda...
...H. g, Bigslo...
...The new <>nt*»l Committee will meet during the months of July and August on Thursday evenings, at TiSO p.m., st 219 Sackman street, Brownsvlll* Labor Lyceum, Brooklyn...
...Is a limited council or commission of seven, the members of which might all come from the "silk stocking district," and who hold office for four years, more responsive to the people than a large council elected by wards, the members of which may all be "fired" when two years hsve elapsed...
...The Ohio Legislature should not b* askad to wast* its tim* on charges which reflect not only a , lack of Information ,aa to facts, but alao a lack of any dtair* lo obtain such information...
...wtn H not for men of Mr...
...nu Mr...
...Irving place and 14th street...
...The spirit of comradeship and optimiem was mors than a match for tha had weather' and everyone who attended felt well repaid for having defied the elements...
...David Asherowltz, Educational Director...
...and now,-with Scott Meerinf, Jane Addams and Rev...
...Then came the Be It Reiolveds...
...Is s Msyor, who can be turned out of office, st the expiration of two years, less responsive^) the people, forsooth, than a city manager who is not responsible to tha electorate at all...
...Manager Government with.sdch a council would eVeape practically all the objections of the Socialist Psrty manifesto against Plan C, and could be framed, in my opinion, under the provisions of Section 20 of the City Home Rule Law...
...WALTER J. MILLARD, one-time Socialist lecturer and present representative of the National Municipal League, is valiantly striving to make a case for ?CitywManager Government In the Empire State, but with very doubtful success...
...6th A. D . Ernest Welsch snd Peter J. Flanagan...
...It it reel'ly quite funny...
...As the compiler of the statement of the State Executive Committee on the subject of Plan C Manager Government to which Mr...
...I, for one, rejoice that it waa slain in Yonkers snd Schenectady...
...What's a fact among r«d-b*itersT Mr...
...Millard and hit friends a few simple questions, the answers to which should be conclusive...
...Speakers: Leonard C. Kaye, Ernest K. Hsrrsen and Nina Prey...
...i Thursday, July 9, 7:45 p. m. Organizer Schwartz will meet Sixth A. D. Branch member for canvassing among the enrolled Socialist voters for party membership and subscriptions for The New Leader...
...These meetings were ad-' dressed by August Claessens, Nettie Weiner, David Sommer, Hilda G. Claeitent and othen...
...Manhattan, during tha month* of July and August...
...at 170th street and Gnat avetrae...
...Lester Shnlm*n, Financial Secretary...
...Julv 7, 8:30 p. m. at 51 East 125th street...
...Nobody needs to tell you whst a fool statement that is...
...It isys thst the 48ers "reorganized tie Socialists in Ohio State University in 1920...
Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 27