3V Stttlm of MottkB Eastman's Futile Labor A Review by 8 C. Vladeck "Struts and Frets" A Review by RAYMOND FULLER FISH AND ACTORS. By Graham Sutton, mt. Now York: Bran-tano'i. ONE of the...

...ia nothing but a commentary of a one-sided partisan on e theological discussion which has very little significance per se, which in fact cannot be understood without its background and antecedents...
...Brahm'a First Synfthony...
...Before dropping the subject, I must remark that if a reader has had his 1890-1900 period in some country town of our own cis-Missis-sippi topography, he will see conjured up before him by this odd book ghosts and ghosts of reminiscences of his own past and of the hams and hamlets which are tenant therein...
...Now Haven...
...For that purpose they lied, falsified, intrigued and applied all possible tools of oppression and supprssafon...
...Too many mines snd too many miners" have produced a harvest of unemployed men, from the fields of Pennsylvania off to faraway Utah and Washington...
...Tssisay: Dvorak's "New World" Srnphohy...
...The place of martyrs, leaders end teachers is being taken by priests and bureaucrats...
...various "industrial democracy" and "employers' representation" schemes...
...Perhaps this justifies offering such tales as this for sale over here — but I should have thought there were too few of us I Notes on Books William Smith Culbertaon...
...In his own words: "The policy of the United Mine Workers of America is neither new nor revolutionary...
...But ss litersture, as fiction, nay, even as Short Stories—American style—thsy too obviously, too athletically, put "the technique of the short story" (ss our American exploiters headline it) through sll its sweating paces over to pass aa very sincere writing...
...Tha stage ii being built in sections Ingeniously contrived with large roller wheels on which the various section...
...There he has made his strongest point...
...He utters never a syllable, either by portrayal or by digression, in arraignment of the eaules of so much poverty, deceit, drunkenness and misery...
...Max Eaatman put into thia little book a lot of energy and brilliance, a lot of research and labor, but it ia a futile book...
...Bv G T. W. Patrick...
...Dream," Tschaikowsky's "Romeo Juliet...
...From a religion and an ideal, Communism is becoming a canon and a church...
...London: The Swarthmqre Frsaa, ..rtCES...
...Tawney had one aye on his Williamstown audience of old-time economists — and much mellow humor...
...VoL II...
...Rett Publishing Co., Indianapolis, SOFT COAL is a heart-breaking business...
...Thereby, he apparently weakens his case...
...J"* Pantomime from Humperdinck's jtowl «nd Crete...
...The cruel legislation that pursued the laborers in their misery is also a sad end disgusting thing...
...By R. H. Tauney...
...By John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers of Amer-iea...
...It ia this "long view," as the en* gineers call it, which gives the book a lasting value...
...JWdy-Koriakoff's "Flight of the Bee...
...By A. E. N. V.: Macmillan...
...It proposes to allow natural economic laws free play in the production and distribution of coal"—the new and unique job of the union is that of "restoring American ideas of business to the coel industry, end making the ideas work...
...It Is written with extreme moderation — Mr...
...Hugh Arch-bald and other experts have ahown that the over-development of aoft eoal Is a "compounding'' proposition, ever increasing...
...By Stephen Gwynn...
...Jin oo...
...Personally, while I read "there flashed across my inward vision"—as the tales about men suddenly faced by death always sey —not sll my life's sins and shortcomings, but the scores of unspeakably cheap and artless "shows" of my boyhood days, perpetrated by the barn stormers that are no more in America...
...ONCE upon a time Max Eastman wrote a brilliant assay on Humor, so it is quite natural that humor should be ths only quality lacking in the beek under review...
...London: Tho Labor Pub' liohing to., Ltd...
...Nor does the "painful process of survival in a combat between economic mines" (which he recommends) seem to promise much in the way of relief...
...Now York: Boni and Liitright...
...JJJttaven'i Third "Leonora'1 Overture...
...on the Campus of New York University...
...Philadelphia: Lippincntt.__ Onward...
...For nearly 600 years the agricultural laborer contended wit i adverse economic forces, rural exploitation, terrible privations and a Parliament in the hands of his en* emies...
...Mozart's E Flat Symphony...
...Sme|tana's "Bartered Bride" vnrhmt...
...M, ONE of ths...
...tha "Blue Danube," by Strauis...
...It will of couree prove "summer reading" of some anesthetic value for e few thousand of our chronic revolters against thoughtfulness in any form: thoss who find the new theory of the relativity of time such a justification and relief...
...It is something of a morbid jest of the present economic system that is starving eoal diggers and their families in the heart Of the world's fines.t coal-producing area...
...Somehow there ia a lack of living wisdom in the book and also a lack of understanding of tha historical background of happenlnga in Russia...
...While Oppression lifts a finger To affront us by his might, v While an error elouds the reeson Of the universal heart, Or a slave awaits his freedom, Action is ths wise man's part, —Charlea Mackay, SINCE LSNIN DIED...
...By H. M. "winwlck...
...lOW AMD FOREVER, By teasel' Roth...
...The result is the accumulation of a mss of fact* and a growing proletarian culture that.are indisspensable to an intelll* gent movement of the working class... beloved of ths intellectuals of the British Labor party want to the Williametown Institute Ipf' Jftfag last summer to tell kslwijea i tive gathering something of the poll* cies and ideals of the workers in Great Britain...
...The Interstate Commerce Commission was forced to admit last year that an inequitable situation existed, and readjusted rates accordingly...
...In attacking "devouringoverheaiV' in pleading the benefits of mm tion, and in defending ths check-off, President Lewis is on famltiaf ground...
...In a word, the "subject-matter" is the life of the bsrn-storming "actor" of the Irish provinces...
...but he could have helped the situation still more by showing tha ultimate solution to which the soft cosl must come—Public Ownership with Worker Participation in Control...
...j WMsiidiy: "Peer Gynt" Suite of Oliaj Overture...
...Rather than planting himself on the solid ground that workers' control i. ust be always the outgrowth of unionization,' hs views all democratic ownership as "red" and tainted with "European syndicalism...
...Music Notes Schubert, MacDowell snd old music will form the programs for tha fourth week of the Goldman Band Concert...
...It ahows how competition for markets, for supplies of raw matarisls, for loans, and for concessions are major causes of eontrover-siss snd miiundentandings snd wsrs between nations...
...This month seei the publication of a new play by, Francis Neilson, "Tha Day Before Commencement" (Huebich), a comedy, in four acts satirising— among othe> things—censorship...
...N. Y.I Hutbseh...
...Hade leaa successful, hoes, ever, in laying low those recently* developed "substitutes for unionism," such as the...
...who dared deal with fundamentals, and one who had stethoscopes for ears...
...Roxy and His Gang," tha title given by radio fans to S. L. Rothafal and hii group of broadcasting artists of the Capitol Theatre, left Tuesday night for a three weeks' tour of the Province of Ontarla as gueita of the Ontario Government...
...ftldsy: Beethoven's Fifth Symphony: **»»• "Death and Transfiguration...
...Social Sciences IRELAND...
...asloons which had bean etossd with* out compensation by ths Stats, and finally visited tha State University, I heard a professor of economics, whoas salsry was dafrsyed from public funds, deliver to a body ef ssvarat hundred students, whose fees ware paid from tha same source, a lecture on tha Importance of untrammeleg rirlvats enterprise and tha dangerouo hrmorallty of Socialism...
...Thars will be 100 choristers snd 60 musicisns in the orchestra...
...A handful of characters from this pursuit in life run through the short stories of the book, and we are certainly given a vivid scenario of the existence of these struggling mimes...
...Strauss' "Wiener Blut," Pdertttkiia Dances frpm Borodin'i "Mle« Ig0r," and "Finlandia," by Thtridsy...
...One thing that stands out is the ruthless seizure of lands in various forms with the sid of Par* Hament and the transformation of the rural population into beggars and outcasts...
...His adjectives in describing them are like pointed arrows, hie logic infallible, hia proof uncontrovertible...
...This little book is an addition to many publications of tht kind in England that show what sound scholarship in the sendee of tha workers can do In making Ihe past clear...
...Nocturne and Scherzo J™a Mendelssohn's "M 1 d s u m m e r "IfM1...
...Typical of the sly digs which Mr...
...When our own movement gets down to the serious task of publishing books like this and the organized] workers begin to digest them, wt) will be less susceptible to the creeds of mere theoreticians who sonr in cloudland without knowing that there is a past to explore before we can forecast what ths future should lOt Stadium Concerts Start Monday Thl eighth lesson of the Stadium Cmetrti wilj begin Monday evening at til leviiaja Stadium of the College af the Citlf of New York, when the Philharmonic Orchestra, augumented to 110 musicians, will begin an eight •Mii'iaanR) of nightly performances...
...the Air too Bwh'i Third Suite for Strings, ni Bbsikr-Korsakoff's "The Russian Faster...
...The ship will be/moored with broadside facing the circle of the western end of the grsnd stand at such distance aa to afford aeata for sn audience of 16,000 within proper view of the stage...
...Hoping to force the non-union operators to unionize their workers and put them on the same scsle as their union brothers,, the miners' union expects in this way to halt the de-unionization of soft coal and to bring about a condition that will force a reorganization of the industry...
...The concerts are given every evening except Tuesday and Thursday...
...THERE is little doubt that the British Labor movement is doing more in the way of ex* ploring the economic and social history of tha nation and bringing thia to the masses than ths movement in any other country...
...for the "tenth-rate motion picture" is too good a competitor for the favor of Irish villagera... book, "International Economic Policies," has juit been published by Appleton...
...N. Y.I Macmillan...
...President Lewis gives the miners' ease, as he sees it in his little booklet just off the press...
...There would have wrought a great artist, one...
...ONE of the signi that the pub-liahera—at leatt the Britiah onei—are not ia serious straights 11 the publication and •ale in America of books like this...
...M. S. Pinafore" To Begin Polo Grounds Opera Season The Municipsl Opera Company of New York City will begin its summer season in the Polo Grounds on Wcd> nesday night, July 22, with a spectacu-lar revival of Gilbert snd Sullivan's comic opera clasaic, "H..., conspired to rob Trotzky of his rightful leader ship snd to denounce him, humiliate him and destroy him in the eyes of the Russian people...
...It is not conducive" to any greater or deeper understanding of Russia...
...By J. A. Spender...
...Tha ship will be 130 feet long and 60 feet wide, with practical maits, rigging, etc...
...His next novel Will bs entitled "Hsngmsn's House...
...By Herbert A. Millet...
...N. V.i Scrlbgeri...
...Waldwehen" music flea "Siegfried": Liszt's Second Hun-1 nriu Rhapsody and Berlioz's Rslroczy lum...
...Handel's "Lar-fc sad...
...However, after one is through reading, one feels that a new scholasticism haa come into the world, a new art of hair-splitting over matters that have oo direct bearing on reality...
...Further, he scores again in showing the discrimination in freight rates in many instances against the union mines...
...According to Him Trotsky Is pa near a deity as any humsn being and revolutionist can be...
...Revival of "H...
...Tom Burke, general director of the enterprise, is arranging s csst of lingers snd comedians from grand opera organizations snd from Broadway stages...
...George Englea announcea another addition to hii Hat of artliti for naxt season—Lewis Richards, harpsichordist, snd with 'Lsndowska rsnking as the world's lesding exponent...
...Jliehutz" Overture...
...By Man-tng ne Fordham and T. R. Ford* ham...
...By Harry Hansen...
...marian excerpts from "The Flying "•tdiauui," "Lohengrin," "Gotterdam-¦Wsg," and "Tristan a*d Isolde...
...In this booklet of 62 pages the authors are only sble to take a sweeping view of the life and struggle of the agricultural worker over a period of 600 years...
...Willen Van Hoogstraten will begin hii foirth season as conductor, and will tonourt for five of the eight weeks...
...The rest of the field will represent Portsmouth Harbor...
...President Lewis hss made a help, ful plea for the miners' Immediate fight...
...Evan hia defects are virtues, even his shortcomings are due to the loftiness and altruism of his character...
...By Arthur M. Schleslngsr...
...The Russian Communists hsve already discarded the illusion of a world revolution and they are engaged in aaving their power inasmuch as they can no longer save their principles, end in this process any man who still carries the idea of a "permanent revolution" and of a military revolution cannot be tolerated...
...It forms s survey of the economics of diplomscy, and affords strikingly interesting resding for everyone who Is thoughtful of publie affairs snd International relstions...
...MaoQowtld was in office then, ece^sgtoJM'twe^ Cabinet posts and thsmwisT'wflp speculation ths world crveV as' ttf What the Labor Ministry Wottm do...
...A pathetic, catch-as-catch-can sort of profession...
...The high wage theory is supported by him in a strong snd effective fashion...
...Girard, Kansas: Hsldsmsri-Juliui...
...unimportant I mean to ua over here...
...They present sufficient phases of these struggles to inspirtaih* resder to take up the niore t.hoWugh writings of authorities like the Hammonds, Nevertheless, the outline presented] ia clear...
...Not st all that it ia an unworthy volume—only that the word "unimportant", aeema aptly to fit it...
...His appeal is rather to the "thinking business man" than to "visionaries and Utopians...
...It might ssem that the recent Tory victories would make this book of Tawney'a, consisting of the speeches ha delivered at Williamstown, ia* teresting only as tha hlatory of a brief phase of British politics...
...Ths grim realities of reconstruction eat more end more Into the febric of the idealogy, leaving nothing bat a tranapareat aerssn to cover np all the incongruities snd contradictions of life...
...while a wrong remains To be conquered by the right...
...N. Y.: McBrlde...
...We have no doubt that whatever Eastman says about the triumvirate ia right...
...Yal$ V> tss...
...M. S. Pinafore...
...An exclusive public monopoly, through Nationalization, can turn the trick—though that is rather far off...
...A totally untouched field, I think...
...Only a bunch of villains and blasphemers in the persons of Zlnoviev, Stalin and Kamsnev, et...
...N. Y.i Stokes...
...This is because he sidesteps the stand .definitely taken by the American Federation of Labor at Portland, In favor of workers' control in industry through unionisation, and Jake* the attitude that Leber unions muat "compel capitalists to act like capitalists, and to discharge the social functions of capitalists...
...The scene Is Enoeastown, Illinois, snd ths principal eharactars are membara of ths Purs Bo6ki Club, bent on ths uplift of their fellow-townsmen...
...Only a powerful 100 per cent union, such as President Lewis aims to create, but with a definite de-termlnlation to reorganize the industry—or drastic steps upon the part of the American Government— can check this process...
...When boom periods return, still more "unfit" mines crop out, to sdd to the confusion...
...His ship, however, cams in too late, and Mr...
...R. H. Burnside, who will direct the staging of this revival, will also provide the equipment of scenery, costumes snd effects...
...Logic and fairness snd ability are on the side of Trotsky, but Russia ia not ruled by logic or fairness or ability, it is ruled by a party that came into power quite unexpectedly and found before long that it is much more comfqflkble and much more profitable ** poaaess power than to possess the truth, and only to the extent that Trezky will abdicate from his principled positions and will stoop to cooperate with the ruling bureaucracy will he ba recognized and given a responsible position egain...
...Tawney takes at opponents of public ownership is the following: "I remember s delightful visit to tha Wait pf Amsrlcs, After pining sonie weeks In a State-owned park, and driving through fifty milsa of Stats-owned foraata, I crossed a river on a publie ferry, and after travailing soma distance on a municipal tram, was conducted over tba elvle elsetrie world, the tax-supported hospital and ths public schools, triad in vans to obtain refreshment st savers...
...Th(program follows: Kofilsy: Trhaiknwsky's Fifth Sym-ihoay, the prelude to "Pie Meister-¦laget...
...Vol, I. By Homer C. Hockatt...
...When depression comes on, the uneconomic mines become Idle—and ao do the "economic...
...All institutions, ideas and movements have their roots in the past and to understand the present it Is essential that we should understand ths past...
...A disappearing one, too, the author tells us...
...Ha was fereaighted enough, however, to reaiize thst MacDonald's ministry might be overthrown almoat any day and ha deala rather with tha philosophy and tha peculiar brand of SocsV.iam back of the British Labor Movement rsther than the doings of the party and its personalities...
...By Carlston Besls...
...As a challenge to this situation, the United Mine Workers have celled their strike in West Virginia...
...Chicago: Shaw...
...He adduces arguments of the employing interests themselves that the welfare of industry in general depends upon the purchasing power of the masses...
...By cleverly contriving to set most of the short stories into the covers in ¦ a reverse-chronologic order, as the author does, he works us along backward into intimacy with the peraonnel, and this schema gives a peculiar element of interest...
...Strauis' "Don -Juan...
...But Nationalization muat logically be the basis of any effective appeal to the "public," because you can thereby show a clear-cut remedy and you can also show the "public" that Its interests, through ownership, will be protected...
...By Mat Edttman...
...It is another story of the early accumulation of capital which answers tha fiction of the professional economists that the first accumulations were the reward of "thrift," "abstinence," etc...
...It puta the case for Socialism fairly before readers not inclined to be sympathetic...
...Bryne, with his wife, a successful playwright,'left for Europe on June 20...
...The ataga will ba the deck of an old-fashioned Britiah frigate...
...of tha instrument of olden times...
...It will not, however, And » host even of these easily pleased insurgentsia, who will bring enough interest or background to the subject-matter to make them greatly relish the book...
...The author undoubtedly has lived the stories in most part, yet he has emerged with the W. W. Jacobs view of life rather than with that of a deep feeler or thinker...
...President Lewis Speaks A Review by Louis Budenz THE MINERS' FIGHT FOR AMERICAN STANDARDS...
...For it is pretty clear, as the "American Federa-tlonist" has repeatedly pointed out of late, that workers' control in itw dustry—in real or sham form—is the next order of the day in American economic development The union's job would seem to be to advance It in a real way, by linking it up with the democratic demand for unionization...
...Boston: Houghton, Mifflin...
...By Edward A. rilent...
...But a bit later, the Commission decided that it would wait la putting these nets rates into effect, upon a general survey of coal freight rates all over the country...
...One of the troubles of Trotsky outsids ef his abilities and outside of tiaa jealousy ef his former comrades, is the fact that he is still a Communist ef the vintage of 1918-1980 and he can be tolerated in the present Russian order as much as Christ could be tolerated as leader ef the retholic Church...
...Donn Byrne, author of "Mesier Marco Polo," "O'Malley of Shanganagh," and those other romancss of delicate beauty, ia an addict of boxing, and hs has just made s flying trip to this country to >«e tha TunneyGlbbons light...
...may bs rssdily hauled off the grounds, whenever necessary, between performances...
...It is Eaatmaa'a purpose to prove to the world that the only man of any worth in Russia, sines Lenin died, la Leon Trotsky...
...Thia is to be done through the maintenance of a high wage scale, which will drive out the "unfit" operators and force a reorganization of coal...
...Roman Csr-"nl" Overture of Berlioz...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 27

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