Rome's Art Theatre Opens-Luki Pirandello, Director

Books, The Realm of

Fame's Art Theatre Opens— Luki Pirandello, Director ATHEATRICAL event ef sosa* i»- | portance took place ia Rome this past month, when the new Art Theitre, of which Lnigi Pirandello ie director,...

...Shubert will present a new operetta by Oscar Straus, "Riqu-ette...
...Paul to show his films in public, Olympia was the first purely cinematograph theatre, (lire wondert why no official celebration of these feats is arranged...
...With th* aid of crucifix and equalling pig, tha clashing of sacred and profane, of squalor and wealth, of serious thought and ribald laughter, ha has endeavored to extract the aoul of his country and hold it up to human pity and contemplation...
...The Gorilla," the satirical mystery play at the Selwyn Theatre, will reach its 75th performance Monday night...
...Basil Dean to produce...
...N. Y.,, by Jessy Trimble...
...The famous camera was invented simply to provide films for the Edison one-man "peep-shew" k i it* t o s c o pe, which Paul had been manufacturing in London...
...W»rren's Profee-lion," will be inaugurated July 4, in Woodstock...
...Thomsl Holding nnd Jack Benlley and other acts...
...LsurtWi Rhodes and Ruth Watson, and Bob sef Lucy Gillette...
...It was an orgy, a friesa ef aotual Italian life...
...It was really the first film ever thrown on a acraen and shown simultaneously to a number of spectators...
...Magnier is supported by a notable cast including Linda Moglio, as Roxnne...
...Pirandello and his company of young actors hope to give to Italy a Little Theatre sueh as that of Lugua Poe, or the Everyman or Birmingham Repertory In England...
...They did not adopt, as Paul did, the Edison standard* of perforation in the edges of the film, by means of which the film is given motion, with the result that they could not compete with Paul's prodigious output until they came into line with him...
...Shade ring battles...
...All are well-known figures on the Continent...
...This exclusive production is claimed to give n clear, unbiased explanation of the evolution theory, now being discussed throughout the civilised world...
...Th* vole** of th* players were meat naturally adjusted to th* scene Th* utili-aitioa of th* auditorium a* entrance passage* for tha actor* transformed th* theatre Itself into part ef th* scene, and lent added realism to it* verisimilitude...
...It Zat So...
...Eastman sad J*t...
...The Four Belli...
...In the cast will be Charlotte Walker, Minett* Buddecke, Whitford Kane, Oc-tavia Kenmore, Stuart Brown, Emmet O'Reilly, Alan MacAteer and Clement O'Loghlenn...
...There ia no doubt that a principal share in the success of th* revue must be laid to the Gertrude Hoffman Girls —eighteen in number...
...This is sn sdnptotion from an English fsree by Clifford Grey...
...To those who had not aeen the drama, tha motion picture had some elements of interest, though even to these it waa little of a novelty and less of a thrill...
...Alfred Lunt will play Captain Bluntehli and Lynn Fontanne will play Raina...
...Eugene O'Neill's Plays . Vary Popular in London Basil Dean has purchased the English Sights to Eugepa O'Neill's "Desire Under the Elms," now at the George M. Cohan Theatre, and the tragedy will have a London production in the early fall...
...T. S. Mabel Normand In Broadway Show the Coming Season Msbel Normand, noted screen star, will appear on Broadway next season ss a dramatic actress, according to word last night from Los Angeles...
...Angelo Ferrari, as Christian...
...Orlando Daly and Hugh Chilvera appear as liveried butlers, Catherine Hayes has the role of the magnate's wife, Mary Walsh does a bit as a stenographer, Austin Coghlan acta th* part of a reporter...
...This experiment in colors: the Banners of the famous Cadets, the yellow glint of Roxane'a hair, the lurid glare of the cannons in the battle scenes, and the gorgeous greens, browna and reds of the soldiers' doublets are done, with seeming fidelity...
...but to all who enjoyed the rieh humor and effective aatire of tha play this seems hut a sorry travesty...
...Shubert heve gone out of th* usual course of producers to provide an evening's entertainment, which for its beauty, apeed, comedy and dancing surpasses any show seen at th* Winter Garden...
...Tha acenea in the atudio ef the poor musicians are lengthened, delaying the action through many close-ups and lingering attitudes...
...Tha Ron* Art Theatre, or Pirandello'* theatre, is housed whera was, until a year or so ago, the Teatro dei Piccoli, or Marionette Theatre, which Signor Podracca, aeema to have definitely abandoned after hi* London and New York triumph...
...Has he succeeded...
...Joss* son nnd Baker, others...
...For the Teatro Odesealehi in Rom* is a tiny place...
...Harry B. Smith will do the American version...
...And, indeed, ha wa*, for* had B* not, through th* Government, lent financial support to the venture...
...No patents had been taken out to cover the kinetoacop*, but the Edison camera was an American secret...
...Vaudeville Theatret B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY At B. S. Moas' Broadway Theitre, beginning Monday, the feature pletsr* will be "Passionate Youth," with a cat including Beverly Bayne, Frank Ml**, Bryant Washburn and Carmelita Cer-aghty...
...Bren-nan and Rogers in their "Margie" act...
...There are no l*tt than sixty-elx speaking parta in thlt work, which occupies in representation barely sixty minutes...
...Billy B. Van Is there with the laughs...
...The Everyman Theatre in London corresponds to the Provincetown Players group in this city...
...Weinert, Slattery vs...
...It was Paul who alto discovered the principle of intermittent movement of the .film in both camera and projector, which ensured efficient acquisition and projection^ of sequential exposures...
...The police and Robert Paul's mechanics and frienda were th* first cinema audience,* just as a year later, when Sir Augustus Harris persuaded Mr...
...Th* Messrs...
...This group js probably the most versatile combination over gathered for a «how of this kind...
...Robert Warwick will play Sergius ie the Theatre GuiId's production of "Arms *ad the Man," which will open th* Shaw aeason at th* Garrick Theatre on September 15...
...for th* Girls are one of the important features of this glorious revue...
...Emphatically yes...
...A Great Show "Artists and Model.," with 18 Gertrude Hoffman Girls At th* Winter Garden Th* Winter Garden It homing a most pretentious revue of outatanding excellence, the new "Artists and Models, Pari* Edition...
...The book is by the authors of "Maytime...
...Th* authors of th* play apparently share oar conviction that these chances were decidedly overlooked in the transference of th* action to tha screen, for George S. Kaufman, with the help of Dorothy Parker, has put a spoken skit of four brief scenes before the film...
...The genuine sense of fsntasy in th* films his been foreshadowed...
...Arthur Byron and .lanet Bcecher will have important roles...
...The title' role is portrayed by Pierre Magnler, a well-known figure on the stage in Paris...
...I. Ball and Bro...
...region of the Rockies, and, was filmed in th* actual locations called for in tha story...
...She has signed a five-year contract with A. H. Woods...
...Gemma De Sanctis as The Duenna...
...Engaged," the W. S. Gilbert- burlesque with lyriot and mutie of th* period found by Brian Hooker, will move from th* 62nd Street Theitre to th* 48th Street Theatre, Monday night...
...Claire Windsor, Pat O'Malley and Itohert Fraier head the cast...
...The religious imposture, th* vigorous mendicity and mendacity of this latter play, appealed specially perhaps to th* Italian temperament It was, anyway, given the greatest attention...
...Th* cheers which cam* from hi* Hatton-garden workshop at three o'clock on* morning and brought th* police on the scene as if a riot were taking place betokened more than the paragraph suggested, that here was th* first film being shown which had been taken by • British camera...
...The screen version of "Bergerac" follows very closely the stage version presented Inst season by Walter Hampden...* fantastic elements, instesd of expanding the possibilities of th* play in a glorious riot of imagination and fancy, ara little mora than tame reproductions of what the stage presented...
...He has appeared in support of Bernhardt and Rejane, and he has also played the swashbuckler hero, Cyrano, in France and in other countries...
...Greb, Wills vs...
...Foreign playwrights will alao be repreaented... the same time (and at this moment being very properly celebrated in France) were designed with the same ends" in view as Paul had...
...The official fight pictures of the Greb-Wilker, Wills-Wcinert and Slat I cry Shade bouts, will be shown st tha Cameo and Broadway Theatres, beginning this Friday...
...The musie is the weak part of the show—but why find fault here...
...The pieturitation depicts the hardships Incurred by a construction company in drilling a tunnel through the anow-swept...
...For English purposes his place Is quit* impracticable...
...Umberto Casilinl ss De Guiche and Alex Bernard aa Ragueneau...
...the CUaton-Tibor com-edy, at Chanln'i 46th Street, Theatre, celebrated its 200th performance Tuetday sight...
...Two numhera stand out for their originality and, beauty: "Mothers of th* World, a group representing six nations...
...A stock season of eight weeks, beginning with "Mrs...
...O'Neills "Diff'rent" is being currently scted st the Everyman Theatre in London, and "The Hairy Ape" and "Emperor Jones" have had profitable showings there...
...Ralph Spence* play opened in London laat Monday night at the Oxford Theitre...
...George Rosener, Aline MacMahon, and Herbert Corthell have effective scenes...
...If the melodies are not tuneful and catchy to be carried away—the Fifty Beautiful Models from the studios will have that effect...
...Pirandello, aot satisfied with the laarele won by hie plays ia Europe end America, has decided to become a manager, and aae placed himself at th* head •f * company *( young me* and women with th* intention of producing in * bijou playhouse dramatic works outside th* scope •( th* com menial stage, *¦ well as plays by young dramatists of talent...
...Lewis (iensler and Stephen Jones are writing th* score, and "Buddy" DeSylva the lyrics...
...Th* operetta ia now running at the Deutsche* Kunstlertheater in Berlin and in September will be produced by James White in London...
...The Paul camera, however, was to successful snd the films it took were so good thst the Edison plant in New Jersey had to close down...
...If Wishes Were* Horses "TtM Beggar On Horaaback" Dismount* Into a Film At Criterion Theatre The fantastic possibilities of "Th* Beggar On Horseback" are ao great that one ia inclined to believe th* motion pieturtl will revel in th* opportunities afforded...
...They thereby lost valuable time...
...Fame's Art Theatre Opens— Luki Pirandello, Director ATHEATRICAL event ef sosa* i»- | portance took place ia Rome this past month, when the new Art Theitre, of which Lnigi Pirandello ie director, opened it| doors...
...The terrifying beauty of the greet stretches of snow land' at tha top of the Continental Divide in Colorado, known ** the White Desert, has been transferred to th* screen...
...In fact, on the opening night Lord Dunsanyie t'Godi of th* Mountain" was included with hi* own "La Sagr* del Signer* dell* Nave" ("The Festival of Our Lord of th* Ship...
...Wilton Laekaye plays fne part of the business man...
...Parker, Kand nnd Cagney...
...The vaudeville acts will include Jane Day and Leo Henning, sssisted by Pttl Tiesen and His Band...
...Of the principals who go to make up the entertainment, special credit must be given to Walter Woolf, who has the principal singing roles: Lulu McConnell, who handles many of the skit numbers exceedingly well...
...the principal role sung by Dora Hoffman, who possesses a voice of much excellence and phrases well...
...Of equal intereit to the cultured audience assembled seemed the per formanea of Lord Dunsany's "Gods of th* Mountain...
...The fencing seen* was most remarkable...
...The picture itself brings sharp disappointment...
...At on* time it seemed *s if there were at many per-formers on th* atag* a* th*r* ware people in th* audience...
...Th* theatre con tains only 400 aeatt, all at on* price, and though tickets will be sold at th* doors it i* hoped to secure th* sue e*ss of the season by meant of a subscription list of regular patrons...
...Thais Lawaon will play the leading role in "The Snake," by Myron C. Fagan, soon to be produced by Mr...
...So far, our hopes are realised...
...They appear som* dostn times on the stage, and in each number, whether it be a wild "Charleston," a dainty and clever aerial act called "Webbing," or in the ballet number "Spring"—with music by Strauss, their work is simply astounding...
...Among the plays to be given during the forthcoming season are...
...La Sagra del Signer* della Nave," a* Pirandello call* hi* playlet, weald tax th* skill of Mr...
...Another screen attraction It the official motion pictures of tflt Walker vs...
...Ben Mernff and Bit "H1...
...The other number, a novelty called "The Rotisserie," an effective scene representing • restaurant scene with the girl's acting the part of the chirk-ens and fow| being prepared for the dinner...
...Luigl Pirandello has in hit latest play compressed th* whole soul of Italy...
...The musical version bf "Captain Jinks" will be produced by Schwab and Mandel, at th* Martin Beck Theatre, on Labor Day...
...The direction is by An gusto Genlnn...
...The discoveries made by the Lu-mteres in Pari...
...Stanley Lupine and June are to have important rolea...
...its satire I* obvious but well-pointed and strong, its speech** and attitudea are those w* might expect of an attack on th* com plaeenciea of big business men...
...Mortn ssfj Mack: Albertlna Reach and Her Dsn*-ing Girls...
...In one or two pictures, such aa "The Cabinet of Dr...
...Broadway Briefs The Messrs...
...Others include Frank Currier, Mathew Bets, Trixi* Friganxa, Snitt Edwards and William Eugene...
...Business Ia Business," as this playlet I* called, manages to re-create th* mood that the original play evoked...
...Jim McWilliams...
...The musical score has been especially adapted to the film from Walter Dnm-rosrh's opera...
...Formerly the home of marionettes, it haa now been taken over by Pirandello and hit company Pel Teatro d' Art* di Roma...
...The credit for the artistic production goes to Watson Barrett and if any man deserves credit for beautiful effects it is Mr...
...PALACE Jimmy Hussey, assisted by EdeW Mick;ey nnd Sammy Stept...
...Riesenfeld's announcement is unusually timely on account of the tremendous nation-wide interest ia th* Scopes Lrial is Tennessee, Thirty Years Ago a N item in th* London Morning A Post recalls th* fact thst it it ''Just thirty years ago since Robert W. Paul's discoveries in cinematography astonished London...
...Cleveland Bronner...
...William A. Brady's much talked of play, "A Good Bad Woman," by Win, J. McNally, will continue at the Playhouse Indefinitely...
...Matseliai waa present, and hi* •entrance te a tax was cheered tad clapped, aa though be were ont ef th* actor* in the draaaa...
...It* crowds, its movement, it* mingling of the grotesque and the devout, were handled with singulsr *droitaess...
...British films reigned supreme for a time...
...Spooks," now playing at the 48th Street Theatre, will be transferred to the Cert Theatre, Monday night...
...RECENT Monday to Wednesday—Mellon sn* IXass...
...The opening eere-mony proved mor* of a aocial function than • theatrical display...
...Darwin Theory To Be Shown on Rivoli Screen Hugo Rieaonfeld has just secured the first motion picture version of the Darwin Theory, to be shown at the Kivoli within the next few weeks...
...and Irene Rich In "Man Without a Cos* science...
...ita light ha* yet to aprtad across the screen...
...Reginald Barkers "The White Desert" At the Capitol Sunday Reginald Barker* "The White Desert," the Metro-Goldwvn Mayer pic turir.ation of Courtney Ryley Cooper's novel, coime» to the Capitol Theatre'on Sunday...
...There are many comedy offerings in the revue, 'Some very amusing and others screamingly funny—the scene with Phil Baker and his plant in the box Ted Silvers, waa very amusing and furnished much laughter...
...In addition to the two lately mentioned, O'Neill* "Oil," Vildrae's "Tha Pilgrim,", Sehnitsler's "The Companion," San Secondo's "Talk With a Sunflower," and Glovsnnettl's "Pauline," a play on the subject of Napnleon's famous sister...
...Clifford Grey furnished tha lyrics...
...Harold Atteridge and Harry Wag-staff Gribble are responaible for the sketches, with th* music furnished by Alfred Goodman, J. 'Fred Coots and Maurice Rubins...
...Thursday to Sunday—"I'M Show Tea tha Town," with Reginald Denny...
...The film It presented in natural colors...
...mTb!*7*"wTi no enforced ailenc* whilst each actor apok* hit linea, but a continuous Babel of accompanying music, noise, epoch, ejaculation or effect of laughter, song or dance...
...He has ranjured up its riotous lov* of life, its animalism, its superstition, Its brutality, its feverish, nony vitality, its color, its joy, Its throbbing btsuty...
...Her first play will be "The Five o'clock Man," which will open at the Rits Theatre on August 24...
...The Lumieres were quite as successful, but one curious factor hindered them...
...Cyrano De Bergerac" Filmed From Rostand's Comedy At Moss' Colony, Sunday "Cyrano De Bergerac," Edmond Rostand a comedy, will receive its initial American presentation on Sunday, at B. S. Moss's Colony Theatre...
...June Marios...
...Hsrry Rotej The Hamilton Sisters and Jene Wg dfsa In a playlet, "Playtime," by Tea, Howard...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 27

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