THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK INDIANA As soon as the organizer (or Dietriet 6 reaches Indian, he will kin some thoroughly effective cooperation from the Ststs office of tha party. Stat*...
...8th A. D., Patrick |. Murphy...
...Helper* 21...
...Auditing Committee, William S. Hoffman, Henry Kruchkow and Warren Farmsworth...
...Financial Secretary and TieaMtrei, Frenk C. Carr...
...26th Ail), Sol Wechaler...
...admitting lady and gentleman are 50 rents and can be obtained at Headquarters, 256 Central avenue, Jersey City...
...Organiser Johnson is rounding up former members and interviewing prospective recruits...
...Comrade Isabel King, retiring State Secretary, has been conspicuously efficient aad faithful for years ia her work through thick and> thin, salary or no salary Cameron King and his fellow committeemen are working heroically to make the California demonstrations a success...
...Plans for the municipal campaign ars being formulated snd all indications point to the most extensive campaign undertaken since 1812...
...Speaker, Richard Boyajian...
...He insists on eooperstion...
...Before the end of July it Is expected that eight meetings will bi held every Saturday night...
...He takes the work of an organizer as a matter of business...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor of New York State, will be the speaker nf the day...
...A picnic will be held on Sunday, July 12, at Maywood Grove, Fairview, New Jersey, under the Joint auspices of Local Hudson County and the Socialist Educational Club...
...E. Swltkes 62...
...The Finnish Sunday school of Portchester entertained by singing songs...
...CALIFORNIA Comrade Lena Morrow Lewis has been elected State Secretary in California, and is on the job in San Francisco energetically cooperating with the Committee of Management ' for the two regional convention* and demonstrations in August...
...Local Haverhill is preparing for the city election which will take place in December...
...NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT State Secretary Fitsgersld is on the Job with eooperstion with th* Nstionsl Office in connection with the new orgsnlsstion effort...
...5th A. D., David Ka...
...CONNECTICUT The Finnish branches of the Socialist Party held a State picnic in New Haven, Sunday, June 14...
...Henderson ie a man of the first magnitude in the affairs of the world, and a greet host of men and women will turn out to hear him In Chicago...
...where eooperstion doesn't come esiily he goei sfter it, snd gets it...
...Speaker, William Allman...
...Speaker, Frank R. Crosswalth...
...County Clerk, Hilda O. Claasacns) Register, Nettle Wfiner, Sheriff, Abraham V. Brsndon...
...28th A. I >. Issdore Phillips...
...Ohio snd Michigan comrades should rally to their opportunity...
...Jewlab Harlem Ireaels Friday, July 1, at 1:80 ». m. Stieet meeting at 114th street and Fifth avenue...
...1 18...
...Nomination* for public office will be made, and other very important business...
...O. W. Klein 68...
...He reports enthusiastically of his opportunities to accomplish the regeneration of the movement there...
...Shapiro 14... A D. Wednesday, July 1, at 8:80 p. m. Street meeting at 118th atreet and Ltnoa avenue...
...Comrade Snow, the retiring State Secretary, has been cooperating most effectively with the National Office in promoting the work of the district organizer...
...every Wednesday at 180th and Daly avenue...
...Joseph Well 85...
...Everything possible has been attended to for the Annual Press Day Picnic—at Riverview Park...
...B. Felgenbaum 66-56...
...The Committee on Vacanciee will short!* announce the selection of candidates for Surrogates, Assemblyman, 3rd A. D„ and for Alderman in tha 30th A. D. Street meeting* ars held every Frldsy at Wilkins and Intervale: every Saturday at Tremont ana Washington...
...Candidates for Alderman: 25th A. 0., Emanuel Duetch...
...Gertrude Green 81...
...It is expected that auto parties will attend from all parts of the Stat...
...Street assetspeaker...
...He neglects nothing...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Special Central Committee Mooting Monday, June 29, 7 Eait 15th street, Room 508...
...J. J. Coronal 19...
...Thb garden may be reached via the Ridgewood car lines and the B. M. T. to Cypress Hills Station...
...The Local will soon have to look fot larger headquarters if tha member ship continues to increase as it has for the past six month...
...Wednesday evening, July 1. All members are urged to attend and help boost the sale of tickets for "The Commonwealth" Banquet...
...S. I* Friedman 6. (Left In hands 49...
...W. M. Felgtab&utt I. M. Welssberg 8...
...Th* Local has situe the first ef the year roaintslned their ewa headquarters at the above address, being the only Local in tht State that ms a permanent home...
...29th A. n . Samuel Orr...
...2nd A. !>, Andrew McLean...
...Warrsn Edward Fitzgerald, District Secretary, is doing organization work in Haverhill and his report hi that the local is coming back strong...
...Literature "Agent, Fred Schwartzkopf...
...Local newspapers sre giving th* party columns of publicity, something we hsve been unsble to get for years...
...Ann'a avenue...
...every Monday at 141st street, and St...
...Five of th* twelve districts are ready for organisation...
...Vacant) 47...
...Comrade Nylander...
...The district chairmen are soliciting members in their respective districts and plans are on foot for the re-establishment of ths district clubs which were so effective reveral year* age...
...QUEENS Jamaica Picnic Sunday Branch Jsmsica invites all Socialists in Queens County to join it it)' attending ths picnic of ths Queens and Brooklyn brsnches of the Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund in Oerken's Cypress Hills Garden, Sunday, June 28...
...Philip Nolan 8. S. Sarasohn 38...
...LOCALBRONX At s well-attended and highspirited Party meeting ef Bronx County Boolalists, tha following candidate* were nominated for the coming campaign snd elections;, For Borough President, Samuel As DeWitt, Judge of the County Court, Nioholss Ro**nau*r...
...District Organizer Alfred Baket Lewis sets a fait pace a* a district organizer...
...Results are above expectation...
...David P. Bertsreferred to berg committee confer with Bright 20...
...32nd A. I)., Robert Hofbauer...
...The Boston Central Branch, in conjunction with the Boston Y. P. S. L., had a truck party to Weymouth Landing, Wednesday, June 17, which proved very successful...
...Cuthin 2. I. M. Chstcuff sb...
...Reports by the retiring officers showed new member* coming in as well a* many of the veterans who have been inactive for the past few years...
...Ellen 22...
...About 100 people attended...
...Leonard C. Kay* and Erneet K. HStress...
...Sol Rlvkln 41...
...The Chicago movement is moving upward, A vigorous effort will be mad* to heve Arthur Henderson on the occasion of his visit to this country this summer...
...Lip* Zw|r*n 4. Jacob Dubnew 84...
...The Committee on the Commonwealth Banquet met Junelfl and perfected plans...
...NEW JERSEY Local Hudson County's outdoor campaign get* under way this Sat uujay, with th* following four meetings: Hoboken—Washington and Fifth street...
...Pel genbaurn (f) 10...
...A speclsl meeting wss voted to be held Monday evening, June 22...
...BRIDGEPORT Local Bridgeport, at the party's headquarters Room 33, Lincoln Building, selected the following officer*: Organizer and Town Chairman, Carl R. Johnson...
...Union City—Summit avenue and Courtland street...
...They are making preparations to run a Field Day the latter part of July...
...G. Vsltnti 66...
...gust Claesseni...
...West New York—Bergenline evenue and 14th street...
...Distriet At* torney, Max B. Waldar...
...There will be refreshments on sale to reinforce the supplies brought by the picnickers...
...Speaker*, August Clsessem, David Sommer, snd others...
...Fioaieh Broach Tuesday, Jan* 80...
...He is enthusisstlc about the American Appeal and really sells subscription cards...
...District Organizer Viola is this week in Akron...
...I.ouis Sadoff Committee on Vacancies—8, PavlorT, J. Weil and E. Bromberg...
...of New York made an addreia...
...They came in busses from Portchciter, Colliniville, Bridgeport, and New Haven...
...S. Rivk|n 10...
...The monthly meeting of 1-ocal New Haven will be held at Machinists' Hall, 119 Temple street...
...Sadoff 87...
...The New England District has Eurchased an automobile for the istrict Organizer, Alfred Baker Lewis, for organization work...
...D. Luchio 18...
...6th A. !>, Kurt Kiehler...
...Jrd-8th-10th A. D, Thursday, July 2. at 8 30 p. as...
...The sale of dues stamps for the first six months wars IK per cent greater than the previoui sis month...
...Viola is full of enthusiasm for his work...
...every Tuesday at Simpson and 163rd streets...
...Speaker, Charles Kruse...
...for the State for several months, preferably Leo J. Harklni...
...M. Wolfman of committee) 7. Mrs...
...J. Meserole Coumy Judge.., .Harry W. Laldlsr «th Municipal .......Morris Paris 7tb Municipal......Jacob Axelrad ASSEMBLY ALDERMAI* 1. Eslsngcr 83...
...C. Christiansen 9. J. Llchtenftld 40...
...B. Betwlnlck 17...
...W, W. Passage Supreme Court.....D...
...B. J. Riley ' 48...
...The Local i* engsged in a membership campaign to enroll 180 member* by fall...
...Bayonne — Broadway and 23rd street...
...4th A. D., Au...
...ILLINOIS District Organizer William H. Henry will begin bis work Monday at Oaleeburg, where the comrades hev* been yelling for sn organiser and pledging first-class eooperstion in service, cssh and private entertainment for the organiser when he comes to help build up the Gelssburg movement...
...oiuo State Secretary J'anschar will soon be on the road again organising, having attended to some secretarial office work and Iocs) organising business in Dayton since the Cleveland meeting...
...J. Weinberg 41-46...
...Specially argent requests have come from Comrades Job of Reelsvills, O'Connor of CrawferdtviUe, and Matthews of Muncie...
...Frank Pinte 12...
...Durng the past week, Comrade Lewi* ha* done organization work in Braintree and Weymouth, ai.d he reportl ethst the local has taken in eight new members...
...The Branch will have its banner flupg to the breeze all day and it lopes to see it the rallying point for a host of a awakened old-timers and new recruits...
...31st A. I)., Alexander Braunsteln...
...The Committee assurei every one a good time...
...Breckenrldge 44...
...BROOKLYN Following Is a complete list el candidates for public office nominated by the Brooklyn Socialists at the borough matting two wtsks ago: Borough President...
...J. Swltkes it...
...Street meeting at 86th street and Eighth avsnue...
...A. T. Williams 42...
...T/hls Sundsy's Bridgeport Herald will contain a full page review of th* local political situation by the Town Chairman of the party...
...N. Cohen IS...
...A banquet will be arranged after the September mass convention in New York with Eugene V. Debs as the principal speaker...
...Stat* Secretary Emma Hanry raporta that a number of encouraging latttra have been racaivad from comrades making inqulriat ralatira to reorganization and pledging hearty cooperation...
...Last week be organized a husky local at Lorain...
...Emit Bromberg t. Joseph Atkins 41...
...The picnic was a financial as well as a social success...
...Hymen Nemscr 15...
...All Hudson County comrade* srt nuked to keep thi* date open, as it is desired te have thi* year'* picnic greatly excel in attendance that of last year...
...7th A. D-, Alexander Tendler...
...Candidates for Assembly 1st A. I)., Benjamin Horowitz...
...Speakers, Leonard C. Kay* and Alexander Schwarta...
...Emil Herman has been appointed district organiser for District I, California, and will report in Ban Francisco immediately to do all possible to build up the movement aad cooperate with the Committee ef Management, to the end that the regional convention* (hall b* fruit* ful ef a greatly increaied memberchip...
...every Thunday at 165th street, and Prospect avenue...
...Jack Cane 45-46...
...Speakers, Ernest K. Hsrrsen snd Alexander Schwarts...
...27th A. P., Louis Painken...
...It is regretable that we have not two organizers for District' 6, ens each for Illinois and Indiana...
...Those wishing tickets for the banquet should order them at least one week before, as only those having put In their order ahead will obtain seats...
Vol. 2 • June 1925 • No. 26