WHEN NEW YORK CITY BURNS An Airman's Picture of the Next War "......Throughout the night the long orgy of horror will continue until the first faint streaks of dawn break upon a city, great...

...New York never came to know what an air raid was like...
...In Paris, the Socialists held their fourteen seats and Communists gained one, bringing their total Up to seven...
...it will be twenty shillings for those from Belgium, British Guiana, Esthonia, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Rumania, Spain and Portugal, and fifteen shillings for Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Czecho-Slovakia, Georgia, Italy, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Greece, Poland, Russia, Turkey and The Ukraine...
...Anti-aircraft gunners, searchlight craws and ground machinegunners will bo enveloped in clouds of emoko which will make rotaliatioa impossible, mobile batteries and fire brigades will be unable to move down the streets, and all the while the rain ef death will continue, as fresh squadron* of enemy aircraft arrive from different directieai, and the defence machine*, deprived of the aid of the searchlights., unable te distinguish friend from foe, will move helplessly across the sky above the deemed city...
...Aprons" are net defences suspended from moored balloons, but their maximum height i:> 7,000 to 8,000 feet, ana attacking machines can pass over them, and, once inside, descend to dischi.rge their cargo from a lower altitude, when the whole defensive organization would be likely to dissolve in confusion...
...But now machines can be sent over pilotless, guided by wireless...
...The exact number of delegate* is not yet known, but the minimum and maximum for each country are three and fifty, with the actual representation depending upon the final apportionment by the Executive Committees...
...Five hundred machines could drop more than three thousand ton* of dichlorethyl sulphide on New York in a week, one drop of which will disable and a few drops of which will burn to death...
...Particularly striking was the victory in Le Creusot, the noted industrial town, where the csndidates of M. Schneider, the steel king, were defeated snd Paul Faure, National Secretary of the Socialist Party, was elected Mayor at the first meetina> nf tha naur hitnrH In T.vnna tha Sooialists elected thirty-two Aldermen, sgsinst twenty-six Radicals, but when it came to the choice of Mayor, they made a "beau geate" and voted for ex-Premier Herriot, making his reelection unanimous, as there are no members of the National Bloc or the Communist party in the city council...
...The) Horror By Night Meanwhile the third wave wig have began te arrive, and a tin ef gas and poison been as will *V scagd upon the tormeetod city...
...The Socialist popular vote was 39,144, against 44,«00 in 1923, while the Democrats fell from 83,000 to 23,827 and the Communists from 11,000- to 3,644...
...The Socialist group in the Saxon Diet is apparently hopelessly divider], with what looks like a majority of the party membership supporting the minority on the ground of its members being more revolutionary and less inclined) to compromise with the bourgeois elements in questions of legislation affecting the rights of the masses...
...By this time tha whole scheme ef co-ordinated efv fnrt between searchlights end defense machines will have broken •p into confusion...
...The*•and* ef freaaied people will rash out ef underground refuge* that have become burning and pei...
...Yet war will be averted neither by sentimentality closing one's eyes to its likelihood, nor by morbid speculations as to its inevitability...
...Thousand* of ethere will be paurini la te tab* shelter ia subways anal underground refagos...
...Socialist organisation work has received new impetus as the result of the municipal elections and dues-paying membership is now estimated at 85,000, the largest in the party's history...
...On The International Front "Werkeri */ A* World, Unite...
...The question of choosing new secretaries will be taken up at the August 19 meeting...
...Throughout the night the long orgy of horror will continue until the first faint streaks of dawn break upon a city, great tracts ef which will be smouldering, poisoned ruins, while the streets are choked with tha dying and the dead...
...Fir* and Poison Now these developments in the aggressive potentialities of tse' aerial-arm would be important by themselve...
...The Paris eonference passed 'a resolution in fsvor of fighting for woman suffrage...
...An area contaminated by it may remain untenable for weeks...
...And the machines sent over might not be aeroplanes carrying a ton of bomb*, but airships carrying twenty tons or more...
...In its formal announcement of the Congress, the Executive Committee of the International repeats the working program, as given in The New Leader of June 13, and appeals to the affiliated parties and to Labor orgsnizstions to do all in their power to make the Congress a success that will testify to the growing strength of the working clsss snd a powerful demonstration for the great aim* of the worker*, for p«*c« and the eight-hour day, against tha enemies of Labor and progress, capitalism and Fascista reaction', and of international unity to be achieved with the S. L. I. The Executive Committee of the 5. L. I. will meet in Marseilles on Atfgust 19...
...TO write, leas than seven years after the war which wai to end war, an article on the next is a cynical commentary on life...
...Within a few Hours of tha declaration of war (presuming this formality ia adhered to) the noise of approaching enemy aircraft will he hoard, or probably tha Buret intimation will bo tha crash of an exploding bomb...
...We can, therefore, without difficulty visualise the nature of the aerial bombardment to which a city tike New York will be subjected during the neat war...
...Ivor growing clouds ef poi.oaens vapour will drift late bale tered heneea and buildings, ead roll down into basement, and tubas, burning, chekiag and destroying wherever it goes...
...No country may send more fraternal delegates than regular representatives...
...By SIDNEY POTTER (Captain Potter eerved throughout the war in the Britieh army, first in the infantry and later a* a pilot in the loyal Air Force where he had experience in bombing and night flying...
...But the whole situation ha* been revolutionized by the really effective harnessing of chemical destructive agencies to the science of flight...
...Progress in attack has not been accompanied by equal improvements in the defensive arm...
...C. Johnson, II Rsst 7'mIi strett, Nrw York City...
...Consequently, the Republican combination of Socialists, Democrats and Centrists remains in control snd is expected to throw out the non-partisan State Government headed by Herr Von Fincky, a reactionary, which has been existing on suffrance since before the 1923 elections due to the Centrists' demands for more than their just share of Cabinet posts...
...Men, women, and children alike will trample one another underfoot Ilka wild beasts, and horror will be piled en'horror when the fourth wave arrives, and scores of scout i»schlnas scream down tbe streets a few hundred foot from tha ground, spraying death ia the form of explosive bullets from machine guns...
...WHEN NEW YORK CITY BURNS An Airman's Picture of the Next War "......Throughout the night the long orgy of horror will continue until the first faint streaks of dawn break upon a city, great tracts of which will be smouldering, poisoned ruinf, while the streets are choked with the dying and the dead...
...Tom Shaw Baek On Hi* Old Job Having answered a call to his old position as Secretary of the Textile Workers' International, Tom Shaw hs* offered his resignation as one of the Secretaries of the Socislist and Labor International and it has been accepted, _ with regret and hearty appreciation of his good work in the London Bureau...
...Thus far the national office of the party has backed up the so-called Saxon moderates, but what will happen at the- National Convention Is hard to guess...
...There is, too, a form of attack known as "ground strafing," which ha* marked potentialities...
...Comrade Shaw will attend the Marseilles Congress and report on the eight-hour day and the progress being made toward general ratification of the Washington convention of 1919...
...Pbeaphorous and other incendiary bombs, unquenchable by water, will begin to fall...
...There are many reasons for this...
...This substance is a liquid, which not only burns, but evsporatea alowly, giving off a gas which is poisonous when breathed...
...True, sirships are very vulnerable to attack by aeroplanes, but the wireless controlled fleet could be escorted by scores, perhapa hundreds, of fast, heavily armed defence machines, which would fight off attackers en route...
...The sky will at once become a forest ef searchlights groping aerose the heaven* for the attacking fleet...
...GERMANY Republicans Hold Oldenburg The hopes of the reactionary combination of Nationalists and People's party men for victory in the election for the Diet of Oldenburg on May 24 were doomed to disappointment, as the new Legislature consists of nine Socialists, Ave Democrats and ten Centrist*, against fifteen members of the socalled Land Bloc and one "Racialist," compared with t,we'v* Social-' ists, nine Democrats, ten Centrists, fourteen Land Bloc men, one Racialist and two Communists in the Diet elected March, 1923...
...The casualties suffered i by the raiders will he high (10 per cent per month, probably), and although the** might be made good by standardisation and mass pre* duction of machines and engines, pilot* are leu readily manufactured, and it would be difficult on thl* account to maintain an inteniive aerial attack for more than a few month* (although it ia doubtful whether that would be necessary...
...But in the Rhineland the Allied raids produced a state of widespread panic, which did much to cause Germany's collapse...
...While tha artillery and defence machines are engaged with these, ether squad ran* will arrive from different directions, past over tha "apron," descend to a lower altitude end...
...If an ultimatum U due te •* fire at snidnigbt, large masses af the papulation will be preparing te evacuate the city...
...After listening to reports by various Yipsels and Jean Zyromski and A. Guilevic, representing the Permanent Administrative Committee of the Socialist Psrty, on the need of harmony and active work, the conference unanimously adopted a resolution providing for the constitution of a mixed national committee, composed of five members of the Permanent Administrative Committee and four elected by the Yipsel Conference, which will have charge of general organization...
...Compared with the presidential election of April 26, the Republican combination lost about 9,000 votes in the Oldenburg district, while the Right Bloc lost 43,000 as the result of the citizens' lack of interest in the Diet election...
...Incidentally, Comrades Hillquit, Berger, Maurer, Roewer, Cahan and Panken, who will represent the Socialist Party of the United States, will have a chance to sample the famous bouillabaisse snd watch beauty parades on the Cannebiere far superior to anything of the sort in Pari...
...As Friedrich Adler has expressed his willingness to carry on the work of the Secretariat until as long after the Marseilles Congress as may be necessary, the continuity of the administration is assured...
...The squadrons engaged Buffered heavy casualties, but signs war* not wanting that the odds were lengthening in favor of the attackers, and today it may safely be ssid that the advantage is substantially with the raider...
...The Land Bloc rose from 57,000 to 60,517 and the Centrists from 38,000 to 42,704...
...aided by tha conflagrations, proceed to drop high explosive bembs on the railway terminal, electrical power stations, and gasometers...
...A complex syitem of defence against night attacks can be organised, comprising searchlights, anti-aircraft batteries, "aprons," and fast single-seater "scouts...
...Since, therefor*, "Boom" (as we in the R. A. F. used irreverently to call him) has igven his blessing to the civilian population, it is as well that the civilian population should know what await* it...
...A calm and dispassionate examination of its unpleasant possibilities, however, may stir the peoples into an intelligent revolt against the conditions which engender it...
...Gases and poisons can be transported in the form of liquid* or solids of email bulk and low weight, and we can now drop a greater weight of bombs ia one day than was dropped during- the whel* of the recent war...
...There are other agencies available, such as arsenic compounds (Lewisite), a (olid which becomes a smoke, penetrating most respirator*, causing excruciating pain, mental distress, madness and attempts at suicide...
...FRANCE Municipal Victory Was Big Details of the municipal and communal elections in France on May 3 and 10 show that the Socialist victory was even greater than indicated by the cable reports...
...In any ease, as mustard gaa burns as well as chokes, the only safeguard lies In completely insulating the body by an airtight overall, gloves and a helmet, which i* impracticable on a large ecale...
...Only those who have toon * ; panic-stricken civil population in flight eaa imagine the scenes that will ensue...
...It was thought that these interesting possibilities might largely be averted by training the entire population in the use of gas masks...
...The local Yipsel groups are to be attached to the department organizations of the party, but are to enjoy a large measure of autonomy...
...Ground , Strafing" London was never seriously raided during the last war...
...These fraternal delegates will not be entitled to address the Congress or vote...
...Saxon Row Still On When the National Convention of the Social Democratic party meets in Heidelberg on September 15, one of the important matters awaiting its consideration will be the split in Saxony, once known as the "Red Kingdom," but where the workers have been so discouraged by party strife during the last two year* that Hindenburg actually carried the State last April...
...Unless, therefore, some revolution is effected in defensive preparations (as by "heat rays"), it will be impossible to ward off any aerial Sttack which is made on a large •tale...
...Indeed," he continued, ingenuously, "although it is nacessary to have imu defence in order to maintain the morale of our people, it ia far saore necessary to lower the morale of the enemy's people, for nothing else can end the war...
...Then, all defensive armament* would be worst than useless, for the destruction of the raiders would bring little satisfaction to those on whom the cargo fell...
...But a mask is a very unpleasant thing to wear (I have had men vomit inside them), and many persons, .women and old people particularly, would find themselves physically unable to use them, while the difficulties where young children are concerned are obvious...
...It is thus difficult to use in ordinary military'operations when your object is to dispossess your enemy of a certain portion of territory and occupy it yourself (unless your troops are lagely impervious, e.g., Negroes), but it is ideal for dropping on an area which you wish to harm but not to occupy...
...Modern aircraft attain a height and • speed, and have a weight-carrying capacity which a few years back were almost undreamed-of, while great improvement* have been effected In the silencing of engine...
...PERSONAL i ANT GIRT, tn used of a frten«t or advice, r (res, max apply In Mrs...
...The mixed national committee is to have a secretary and assistant secretary and will issue due stamps through the party's department organizations, t will also look after the Yipsels' international relations...
...It consist* of attacking ground objectives by machine-gun fire from low-flying machines travelling at high speeds...
...Yipsels Malting Good Progress That the number of members of the Socialist Youth of France had doubled in 1984 and was likely to do the ssme thing in 1926 was the news reported to forty-five delegates from sll over the Republic who met in Paris on April 19 in a National Conference for the purpose of coordinating the propaganda work of the young Socialists and tha regular party organization...
...Tsle-I---- i,,., , 1QAC...
...TIm Flight From the) City But if modern developments have given the advantage substantially to the attackers, there ia yet another development which seem* to clinch the matter...
...Each party is to pay a Congress fee for every delegate, varying in accordance with the aconomic conditions of the different countries...
...In addition to holding the big cities of Marseilles, Lille, Roubaix, Narbonne, Brest, Strassburg, Limoges and many others, the Socialists won msjorities in the Boards of Aldermen of Bordeaux, Toulouse, Mulhouie, Ssint-Nsssire, Ninise, and in a host of smaller towns...
...The aeroplane is the moat offensive weapon yet invented," said the British Air Chief Marshal Trenchsrd at Cambridge University a few weeks ago, "but a shockingly bad weapon i of defence against aeroplanes,' and it is doubtful if any other defensive weapon will take its place for a hundred years...
...soeous death-traps in a vain hem) ef escape...
...The fee will be twenty-five shillings (about $5.26), for delegates from Argentina, Danzig, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Holland, Latvia, Norwsry, Palestine, Sweden and the United States...
...Yen have nothing te let« but your chain* and a world to gain," THE INTERNATIONAL Marseilles Get* the Congress The friendly contest among the many Socialist cities of France for the honor of being host to the Second Congress of the Socialist and Labor International has been settled and / Marseilles has won, Consequently the Congress will open in the Pslais den Expositions ef the big southern port on August 22, and Mayor Flaissieres will welcome the delegates from nearly two score countries in the name of the victorious French workers...
...The loss of life war small, although the morale of large sections of the population was severely shaken...

Vol. 2 • June 1925 • No. 26

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