A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Bacon's "New Atlantis" THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER, Ph.D. THE Last Struggle of the Peasants: After the death of Sir Thomas More, the...

...Albans, and there devote himself to science and philosophy...
...Bacon, on the other hand, a representative of the National Science period, felt that the salvation of the race and its ultimate perfectibility depended, not on reform of laws of property, but rather on increased productivity brought about by the progress of science and its applcation to human life...
...I never thought prohibition could be made to work...
...Did those psalter and halter bushwhackers get an opinion from the State's attorney of his royal nibs whether their . action was legal or not...
...As a result, two bootleggers have already committed1 suicide on account of overwork and the balance are down with nervous prostration...
...Krim didn't figure it was much of a job to lick the Spaniards in the first plate...
...The despairing cry of the farming population was thus vividly described by Robert Crowley, vicar, printer and archdeacon: "The great farmers, graziers, rich bufthers, lawyers, merchant*, gentlemen, lord* . . . men who have no name became they are doers of all things where gain in to be had . . . they take our homes over our heade (raise our rent, levy great (yea unreasonable) fines, they enclose our commons...
...He bitterly attacked thi loose marriage relations of (he da) and urged monogamous marriage faithfully observed, as the ideal ol any good society...
...Ho was educated at Trinity Col lege, and ultimately bfcam* one o More's successors as Lord Chancello of England...
...If I have things by those laws then I have them . . . Things are not so common that we ought to distribute them to the poor . . . But we ought to help one another...
...Inspection lovltrd...
...It was in these times that the great Utopian, Francis Bacon, philosopher and natural scientist, lived and gave to the world—nearly a century after More's "Utopia"—at least a fragment of his Utopia in the "New Atlantis...
...So you see, boys and girl*, both in Africa and China you have wonderful examples of how the War to End War haa purified the great nation< and ended Imperialism and established the rights of backward natkns and made everybody happy except, of course, simple people like the Riffs and the Chinese...
...Students who had been educated in Western universities and had learned how naughty it was to organist working people frowned upon the effort...
...The revolution on Lake Shore Drive fizzled out Bullshevism in the stock yards is crushed, and the soviet of peasants still rules supreme in Springfield...
...It seems that in Shanghai , the biggest factories are owned by Japanese and English who pay tha munificent wage to seven-yearold children of seven cants for a twelve-hour day...
...Drinking the State Dry...
...Spirit of seventy-six—nix...
...But this wasn't the way it happened...
...The history o civilization has since shown tha science may not only be used as thi great constructive force, but also a: a great destroyer, unless guided l...
...Weil, all us economists know that if you have a war going on somewhere your chance of selling army supplies it increased a hundred-fold...
...They train them for two weeks to do "fours right" in Spain and then put them on a boat and shoot them over to Africa where they go up against a gang who can't do "fours right" any too pretty but can shoot like hell...
...So naturally the King wasn't any too keen to call off the war...
...Thus Bishop Latimer, In urging leniency for the peasants, felt it necessary to quote Scripture against the Communist tenets: For "if all things were in common there could be no theft and so this commandment 'Thou shalt not steal,' were in vain...
...Any Y. M. C. A. secretary knows that...
...On the whole," concludes Beer, with the rise of Protestantism the clear Scriptural text of the Ten Commandments prevailed over the communistic traditions of primitive Christianity, monastic orders and scholastic iu...
...Wa think the Riffs are real stubborn and mean not to let tha French have their territory, and we have no doubt but that the League of Nations will decide that Krlm is a bounder and write him a sharp, note to that effect...
...More, a representative of the Humanist Period of the Rennaissance, had laid his emphasis on the recognition of equal social rights for all reasoning men, through the return to a primitive communism...
...As it is, Chicago pays a ! little better than half of the State taxes, but is considerably short of one-half of the lawmakers...
...The Weekly Peck Trouble Chicago Kevolts arid Kecant...
...Throughout his life he has been educated in a false religion...
...AU the great world saving deeds that ever were accomplished were the results of revolutions and not one of them was carried out in conformity with the laws of that time...
...It sounded so grand and revolutionary that it made my heart jump like a yearling colt...
...These researches are conducted by twelve endowed students who constitute the real aristocracy of the island A number of these are sent abroad every twelve years to observe the progress of science elsewhere...
...Its great interpreters, Spencer and Shakespeare, were both antiCommunist and anti-democratic" The place of communistic agitation was taken by the Poor Lav/ Reform and similar legislation...
...Imagine Tom Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and doughty old John Hancock calling off the revolution because a lawyer informed them that the revolution was unconstitutional, according to the laws laid down by King George the Third...
...Nevertheless, something ought to be done to reduce the number of representatives from the rural dry counties...
...Communism Loses Oaslei In defending these rebels peasants, the churchmen of the day made it clear that they had no sympathy with agrarian communism, for communism was losing caste with the Christian Chureh...
...They haven't, done any good for themselves in estates where legislatures are 100 per cent corn-fed, so what does it matter whether they have a .'ew more or less in Illinois...
...The professoPwill spank...
...and because they would have all commune, we will leave them nothing...
...Jb«y have been that way ever since Mohammed denounced wine and song in favor of more women...
...abou°»WfUVer' il won,t do t0 *et 80 al|-fiml "tuck "P •due f 5' r*CB t0 Wnich we h8nPen 10 orlonK- An of wfcit Chin"n'«n told ma once that the body odors ami ' ?f rowd" "'most made him sick at the stomach, that « li he w" t0° delicate to say so, I'm sure car if IT rent wonId m,ke me ride in a Jim Crow urallt, ha" • 'hance...
...It persist ently kept out foreign influences, ai tending to corrupt the population A Defecti Bacon's great defec was his refusal to see that the de tfloproent of science, while neces sary to any ideal society, was no sufficient...
...The Turks are the original drys as everybody knows...
...If they don't do it soon wa suggest that Secretary of State Kellogg make a speech about Krlm just as he did about Mexico and tall him that the United States understands that Krim has been bumming around with a lot of radicals, and if he goes on the way ha has been this country won't recognize him when they pass him on tha street...
...A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Fear drives cowardly Governments to arm ignorant serfs under the frightened pretext of defense...
...They have a perfect right to vote Springfield dry, but they'have no right to drink it dry...
...So every year they sand out a large section of thair army to* do maneuvers in those mountains...
...Everything is dons with trua French courtesy...
...The King's overhead is high on account of having a new heir-apparent every alternate Tues« day and he has to hustle around to make some ex* tin jack...
...Thus trade with foreign lands is maintained "not for gold, silrer or jewels, nor for silks, nor for spices, nor any other commodity or matter, but only for Cod's first creature, which was light...
...but he didn't like this peace'ful penetration stuff any too well...
...Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulanr and ranking only second to Shakeapaar in intellectual achievement of the six teenth century, waa born in London li 1681...
...A company of soldiers comas Into a native village and buys supplies from the natives and tells them what a good-looking town they have got and how beautiful thair woman are and that there is nothing in Paris that can compare with the town hall...
...He has been trained- to accept subjection as a virtue) to worship abjectly at the altar of fear, and offer himself to vain sacrifice under the guise of country...
...Did we hear some little girl say, "To hell with world politics...
...The Chicago law makers act like gentlemen in that respect...
...About China, now: we met a feller who has the low-down, on that, too...
...They said that it was better to make the workers good Christians and learn the text about "Blessed are the meek...
...He has been cunningly discouraged from any attempt to think intelligently for himself...
...In 1549, fourteen years after More's death, the peasants again burst forth in angry though'unsuccessful revolt—the last such rebellion on a national scale staged in England in protest against the crushing of the village communities...
...The Chihese students tried to organize these poor devils and didn't have much success at first...
...They will cast down our parks and lay our pastures open...
...later released by th King...
...THE Last Struggle of the Peasants: After the death of Sir Thomas More, the conflict between the peasants and the masters of land and money continued for a number of years with full vigor...
...But the Chicago nightcap burghers were not made of the same stuff as the bushwhackers of Runnymede...
...Men's minds turned to scientific and geographical discovery, to experiment, to invention, to industrial production...
...People's ll'ius* ftlanascr, 7 East Udi 11 Street, Nsw Tork CUy...
...But the way these down-State solons fco after the job, they are liable to make it work y*t Their war cry is, "Down with booze," and »nd they sure down it...
...medicines are discovered with wonderful healing qualities which banish diseases and prolong life, and an attempt is made to widen the gamut of human intelligence through scientific research in every sphere of human knowledge...
...Here new metals are artificially made, great towers of half a mile high aid in the observation of the weather and of the fiery meteors...
...Bacon was a strange combination o a philosopher and an unscrupulous poll tlcian...
...FRANCIS BACON Bacon vs...
...For my part, they can rule supreme till the cows come home to roost...
...Marriag* and Other Relations i Bacon did not advocate communism in property, but "communism in knowledge...
...A man,' with hia talent for gullibility, claps on his tinpot helmet, fixes his gas-mask, dons his dusty, lice-harboring garments, and sallies forth unquestioning to the fray...
...particularly aultabla Cor tjibor union es> ! ecutlvs offices, for rsnt...
...In disgrace he retired to hi horn* in St...
...His writings embraced a wor derfully wide rang* of interests...
...We will teach them to know their betters...
...Salomon'* House: The mod important institution of this South Sea island was not, therefore, the Communist form of property, but the great college called Salomon's House wherein scientists were eternally engaged in discovering new scientific truths and principles— "the noblest foundation that ever was upon the earth, and the lantern of this kingdom...
...His State wai ruled by a king, but a king ruling through sheer ability...
...This Spanish schmier Is pie for Abdel and hia gang and they have gobbled them up as fast as they have sent them over...
...Forget it, Katrina...
...to have light, I say, of all parts of the world...
...So I was ugh* glad when Chicago got on its high horse, and hoisted the noble slogan, "No taxation without representation...
...This he does by selling supplies to the army, mostly running-shoes, for which there is always a demsnd in the Spanish army...
...He wa fined 140,000 and sentenced to life im priaonmcnt, but...
...The Spaniards would have called off the war long ago if it hadn't been fur the King, the gent with the trick nose and all the feeble-minded children...
...There are still people in this grand old democracy with the soul of Cromwell under their straw hats...
...But they sure have been acting •candalouily ever since their country went dry...
...not only produce, bu must alto learn the art of socia cooperation, and must study hoi every new invention and discover] may be applied to the broadest pos sible social ends...
...strange new fruits and flowers are brought into being...
...They doped up a method of grabbing off a lot of territory in the country between their colony and the Spanish called "Tha Zone of Insecurity...
...They pushed the nose of his majesty in the gravel and sat on his neck until he cried enough, and now England is as free as this country, which means that the few who have rule the many who have not...
...So draw your chairs near to th* professor and he will tell you all about world politics in Africa and China...
...The laws of the realm make mium and luum, mine anil thine...
...Then they jutt sort of settle down and stay there, and one hot day tha natives wake up and find that they are all good French subjects and that somehow France has taken over their town...
...The end of the foundation is "the knowledge of causes and the secret motions of things 'and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible...
...They bring their booze with them, while the downState prohibitionists drink theirs on the way up here, and then attack the home supply for the balance of the week...
...k i the war to raak« Turkey safe for Allah, they •bollahed the State Church as a protest against having been double-crescented from above, and reanS th* Anfc"or* Government got the Angora of 1 rifht-minded people by passing a law prohibit'n« Christian organizations from doing business ""•tar the name in Turkey...
...What I mean by this is that I got all excited over , the noble gesture made by the Chicago city | fathers when they refused to pay any more State taxes until the Legislature granted them equal representation with the down- I State peasantry...
...Just think of that noble document, the Magna Charta, by which the high clergy and nobility of England forced King John to let them in on a three-cornered division of the swag taken from the yeomanry...
...Besides, the army was a good place to get rid of your radicals tn...
...Moras Then came the accession of Elizabeth, the destruction of the Spanish Armada, the triumph of the Reformation...
...deep caves are dug to be used in the conservation of bodies, and as chambers of health...
...For my part, I can't see why 'Chicago should want more law-makers because laws increase with the number of law-makers and there are already more laws on our statute books than Chicago can break by working three shifts...
...Th "New Atlantis," written in 1S21, fou years before his death, was th* produc of hit final pariod of study and specu lation...
...Tying Up With the Turk...
...He was the son'of Sir Nichola Bacon...
...and this brings m natWarih.*l"u!,d t0 Chin»> where CMn)it *n Waow J'W* witn tn* white m,n'* burden, Bed Time Stories for the Bourgeoisie IT'S pretty hot for world politics but it's never too hot to learn, is it, girls and boys...
...While this haa been going on our tx-Glorious Allies, the French, haven't been losing any time...
...So irregular were many of hi activities that he was driven from th office of the Lord Chancellorship I 1621 oa the charge of accepting bribe and practising other dishonesties which charges h* admitted...
...It means nothing in my young life whether the laws folks break originated in the stock* yards or the cow lot...
...My friend saw some of the homes of the workers and in one typical house ha «aW six man alaaping together on a seven-foot shelf hung on tha wall, one of the sleepers dying of tuberculosis at the time...
...great lakes of salt and fresh water exist similar to our marine laboratories...
...The spiiit of seventy-six, said I to myself, isn't dead yet...
...Now the American Y. -,c- A., which got tangled up with the Turks wh'l« telling Fatima cigarettes at fabulous prices 2 our doughboys, has been compelled to change r? Jame °f its Constantinople branch to the Turk(»1 *r,can clubl which in my opinion is linking "je auhlinie with the ridiculous, for what is to heme of our Anglo-Saxon supremacy if we allow jfw'T t0 be hypnenated with the "unsPeak»ble * • * * The Why of Shanghai...
...What is going to happen to that goddam little brfi if she uses naughty language...
...Lord Keeper of the Great Seal and, like Mora, was intended for th ministry, but actually educated for'th law...
...Whether it waa the trouble engendered by the multiplication of wines or the absence of the cup that cheers which made the Turk unspeakable is more than I can tell...
...You know to read in the old-line newspapers you would think that this bird Abdel-El-Krim, having knocked the standing army of Spain flat on its hack, had got cocky and gone over and pulled a fight with the Flinch just to work off his surplus energy...
...It's a long way from this burg to Turkey, but » little prohibition makes the whole world kin...
...Of course, as 100 per cent Americans our sympathies are all with our one-time Allies...
...But the other students stuck to the job and got some sort of an organization and pulled the workerk out on strike and then got up a . demonstration...
...I UNION OFFICE SPACE TO LET I PEOPLE'S HOl'SK— Twa atljolnlnf rooms...
...But recently this Krlrrt feller, when he had got through laughing at tha communique in the Spanish papers telling how badly he had been licked, sent word to the French that if thoy would pick out some Una that they would call their boundary it would be Jake with him...
...and to go to the cities we have no hope, for we hear that these insatiable beasts have there all in their hands...
...JUST when I get ready to shout, "Hurrah , for the worm," the worm turned again ; and crawled back in his little hole...
...A State's attorney came along and told the embattled wind jammers of Windy City that their form of protestation was against the law, and they crept back to their carpet slippers like the degenerate Philistines they are...
...But seeing that this is a democracy based on one representative for a given number of repressed, Chicago is really entitled to its share of trouble-makers...
...Our former "Comrades in Arms" sent back word that Krlm could go chasa himself, but he chased a couple of French companies out of their towns instead, and that's how that started...
...We will now arise and sing that wonderful hymn of Rudyan Kipling's "The lUctssion*.'' McAliater Coleman...
...Tha Spanish army Is all draft men who don't know a Riff from a rifle...
...natural* . . .. Communism lost its sanctjon in Church and State, and took refuge with the extreme wing of non-conformity, revolutionary rationalism, and working class organizations, while 'society at large moved toward individualism, whose first manifestation was the Elizabethian age—an age of pioneers, men of kean initiative...
...a correct philosophy...
...When tha British heard about this they hollered "Remember Amritsar" and "Take up the White Man's Burden," and got out their machina-guns and shot down the unarmed demonstrators in goed Christian fashion...
...t They have done this so nicely that up to now there have been no kicks...
...Besides, why should the farmers have more than their share of law-makers...
...He has been doing it t onsi tenly since lit 14...
...And that's how that started, and as 100 per cent Americans our sympathies are naturally with the English textile owners and we think it is right ungrateful for those greeny Chinks not to take what the British are willing to give them and shut up about it...
...And so, in his New Atlantis, which described an imaginary island in the South Seas, he tells how a wise law-giver had organized a kingdom of happy and prosperous men on the barsis of applied science...
...Also slnel* Offlea J Room available...
...H was at once historian, logician, phil osophar, essayist, waa conversant wit almost every science, and Was on* o th* few really great scholars of hi times...
...To this indictment, the lord, accusing the peasants of Communistic beliefs, replies: "The peasant knaves . . . will have no gentlemen, they will have all men like themselves, they will have all things in common . . . They will appoint what rent we •hall take for our grounds...
...Imagine George Washington turning his horse about and returning to Mount Vernon because the revolution he was about to lead wasn't according to Hoyle...
...Unlike More and Plato, he regarded the family as the unity of society, and saw to it thai his New Atlantis gave special placi of honor to the father of largi families...
...For the people of a na lion must...
...It goes up into the Atlas Mountains, and who knows but that there may be oil and coal and minerals In those mountains...
...Well, boys and girls, we have just come up with a friend of ou.'s who has just come bark from Morocco, and he told us all about the Riffs ana] tha French and the Spaniards, and he seems to have the low-down, he being of an inquiring mind and having bummed around the coffee houses which art the newspapers fur Morocco What he told us isn't in any of the old-line newspapers, sn that makes his story better with us...
...If the Present session of the Legislature lasts another month, there won't be a drop of booze or a bootlegger left...
...Was that pretty...
...But I should have known better...

Vol. 2 • June 1925 • No. 26

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