The Realm of Books
Oneal, James
The Realm of Books American Politics A Review By JAMES ONEAL, THE EVOLUTION OF AMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES. By Edgar E. Robinton. S'tw York: Unrcourt, Urate it Co. $1.00. font POLITICAL...
...The sltvte were herded together more brutally than animals, and the consciences of the white men were put to sleep by looking at the rest of humanity...
...Slavery rubs Miss Johnston and her hero, David, the wrong way...
...Beth tended, to agrt* "on ''issues' involving Labor and political reform," but on other issues "the tendency to disagree was unmistakable...
...ffaldane or Mr...
...By Mary Johnston...
...Having been involved in the 1746 Jacobite uprising, he was sold as a political prisoner to a planter in Virginia...
...But the tell* you that thee* were the txceptiont and that the life of the avtrage *lav* wa* unbelievably miaerable...
...It might almost have been inverted in the book to show what" college poets can do whin their hearts are really in their words...
...h* depict* aomo good, kind overseen and one rather comfortable ship on Which the crew wire aimoit human...
...One wonders if tht barometer it really riling io fait: art the tkiei io soon to be cleared ? is tomorrow's day to be fit for picnicking and starched dimity, and for frolicking in the dappled shade...
...It I* this sens* of futility, of hopeleaeneai, that Mitt Johnston inject* into her "Slave Ship," making...
...This involved a itudy of 96,000 votes catt during 1,067 roll calls during a period of three yearn and included the vote* of 08 Labor men end 269 farmers...
...He bunt out...
...It is worth noting that but twelve of the 166 names are concrvably Jewish, and but a few of them are names not of northeastern Europran a ock...
...The work is chiefly a atrrative of party history, not an outline of the evolution of parties...
...of a lecture to an "Ariitotelitn So*l*ty...
...He finds divergent interests, to be sure, but he alio finds many points of common interest as well.*>On the matter of the Labor income of farmers he finds thet "nearly tb million* or 07.3 per cent of all farmers in tht United States between 1910 and 1916 either received no Labor incomes «r Lsbor Incomes of less than 1*00 per annum...
...It The Romance of American history as a background for novela has bean a* much discussed and praised a* it has been neglected and almost forgotten...
...Thi* it all the more surprising considering that the bibliographical •otes appended to each chapter show the anther to be acquainted with th* melt valuable sources and authorities on American party history...
...fThe Middle Passage 1 . & Review By MADELINE LEOfTHE SLAVE SHIP...
...To thoae who desire a small group of one-act plays (a form which we . have learned, in the latt tan yean, can pack in at much power at many full-length dram**) that will provide e good night'* reading, or tev; oral good night*' performance* in amateur theatrical*, we ean but say: Secure and uoe thia volume...
...if there are sleek dogs with jewelled collars crouching in overflowing mangers requiring a Cerberus-slaying Hercules, college minnesingers are not hearing much about it...
...There mutt be a combination of variant interests and an appeal to them to make a successful party...
...Hardly a tie is disarranged, a ringlet unloosed, in their favor...
...But the reader will be disappointed...
...And you will lovt her...
...My tint to heavy I can't get alongTrouble o' de world...
...Profeeaor Holcomhe'i book i* an acoaomic aad **cti*nal study of the present political parties, but his theme make* it nocouary to consider hliterical origin* at well as the development and purposes of the chief parliea in our history...
...Mitt Johnston presents what seem* to us a aincere picture of th* South, in which th* slaves were worked for ill the overseers could get out of them...
...Small, Maymri at Co...
...The plantation pictures in "Th* Slave Ship" are none of them colored by sentimental tune* or pickaninny croon...
...His reasoning on this score is not entirely convincing but it presents some considerations that are worth attention...
...Aside from the special studies of .Qitrogoriki, Professor Macy and Professor Merriem and the few spe«ial works mentioned above, the field of party history ha* been so far neglected...
...His spirit was too proud to endure slavery...
...One interest is incapable of maintaining a party or being *uec*t*ful in a political atruggle...
...But we shall assume Dr...
...Alexander Woollcott, the New York dramatic critic, haa written a life of Irving Berlin which Putnams will issue in the spring...
...Imaginative, piquant—"Erclei', vein" is never tapped—but they steer is clear ef the profound and the significant as a fox does of a csrrion-taited trap...
...Th* modern American novelist deals not to much with fact aa with fancy...
...Professor Rice's itudy of farmer* and worhers in American politici isalso a distinct contribution te the...
...The volume, indeed, seem* intended a* a text-book...
...Most of the peons are...
...Th* pattern ef the well-mad* ttory, grown from the rules ttt dewa by Edgtr Allen Pot, never ceagat Into rigidity the writer* ef other land*, at it did our own...
...Then Is a period before the revolution which holds an abundance of historical romance practically untouched...
...Condensed Drama A Review By WILLIAM LEA . ONE ACT PLAYS OF TODAY...
...i #p-i...
...i Notes on Books In their list of title* for January, Harcourt, Brace and Company announce a book by J. Russell Smith, •uthor of "Industrial and Commercial Geography," entitled "North America.'7 Th* author i* Professor of Economic Geography in Columbia University, and naa worked for sOverai year* on thi* book, which describes the resources, industries, problems, and economic future of various regions of th*' continent...
...Hovering in the background i* a Scotch lassie whom David loved but whom he never saw within tht rover* of the book... it compiled by one who** previou* writing experience ha* been in the field of text*, not of drama...
...1* first chapter give* promise ef an illuminating analytic of American party history, but the author toon drifts into the narrative form and except for an interesting statement here and there this form is continued to the end of the book, the resder is not given to understand the full significance of the economic* of Clay's "American System" or a knowledge of the sectional and economic bail* of JackIonian Democracy...
...The results show that the farmers tend to vote together more on "moral" issues than on economic issues, while the reverie is true of the .Labor man...
...Swift end brave, h* effected hi* escape only to find himself on board a ship which wat engaged in tht butincte of bringing staves from Dagt in Africa to the colonial coast...
...Fragments of this work have appeared, like McCarthy's study of the Anti-Masonic party and Cole's study ef the Whig ¦party in the South, but these are limited te e special field...
...From the beginning of the struggle over th* Constitution the author coneider* political struggle* rooted in economic interest... of American parties and movements although it is confined to the two main section* of the working clan...
...Russell in their "Daedalus" arid "Icarus...
...For a historical novel, "the Slave Ship" is unexpectedly broad of outlook...
...Compiled by Dr...
...Stan wood's "History of the Presidency" will always remain an invaluable documentary and factual source...
...What are our college men and women concerned about...
...Are the two major parties much alike T Hii entwer it that they are...
...the idea of political parties r*pre¦tntlng th* whole people And* no place in thi* work...
...You will alto love her...
...Here would seem some evidence from which to judge...
...stories of plantations and planter*, of slaves and slave ships, of free man and prisoners...
...The Negroe* worked and the overseers ground away to the tune of the black refrain: "When have I dona with de trouble o'de world...
...Tht title of this anthology it presumptuous, for perhaps little of th* poetry of the future will come from college graduates, as today little of our best poetry is being turned out by college graduates...
...The Stratford Co., Botton...
...Three chapter*, "Th* Sectional Basis of National Politics," "When Cotton Was King," and "The Reign of King Corn," are invaluable studies of the sectional ami ScaMpie batis of, political Usual ana party struggles...
...So thi* group, especially the French volume, rang** from th* "feuilleton" of four pages to the "reman" that wa* a complete book in th* original French, and from the motionless character-sketch te th* tense thriller...
...Slavery wa* a fair trado...
...New York: l,vngm*n$, Green a\ Co...
...In this collection of 166 poets and poetesses 'there are a, bare eight who might bt aware' of more vital matters than beautiful flowers, enchanted moonlight*, blue bays, and "deep, deep, deep, love...
...Freedom of life is to them an essential, and slavery, in any form, It to them despicable...
...An Anthology of College Verte, 1922-1924...
...While it i* true that a number of interests muit be appetltd to, it it> a ftct that one will become dominant and throw just enough to the other* to hold them in line while the chief interest administers power largely in behalf of itself...
...Rome1 few authors have uaeft piltvtctl material: John Doa Passos and Laurence Stallage built their talet up about th* war of 1914...
...but Mr...
...The anther has not made full nse ef hit opportunity and the result it largely a book like that of Sloane't, .with tbt.-wceptioa that Pr«_*i*er , JteMaeen writ** llko a human being *ai not like a Pruuien Junker...
...Schnittkind's chamber-music...
...The biography grew out of tn* friendship between the critic and the writer of popular songs who, ha* come to be known 'round the world a* "The King of Jut," (*" - - •The latest volume In the Today and Tomorrow series, of whioh the Duttons are the American publishers, "Tantalus, or the Future of Man," is by F. C. S. Schiller, fellow and tutor of Corpus Chrlsti College, Oxford, who has been accused of being even more pessimistic in his view of the tendencies and probable fate of civilization and the human than are Mr...
...V'w York: Warp**- A p'Iro...
...Tht most Import, ant of the French itoriet it andfubtedly "Tht Prelude," by Paul Geraldy...
...thi* it t novelette that combine* the moit subtle psychological intlght ef on* of France't moit ikiltftl living dramatists with t simplicity of style that reealla the pastoral romance* ef tht Second Century Greek** Other, namw wall known in America, infratinted in thia volumi, a?* Paul tourgtt, Colette (th* first FroMh woman in th* houit of deputies), Dubamel, LeNormsnd, MaaOrltn, tht Count*** it Notillti, and Paul Morand, The volume ef continental ttarist, whUh without mention of tht ftct txclndt* the French, It mors unequal in artistic value, but contains itorHt that hold in almost every instinct Snd that at timet rit* to height* of Imaginative power...
...What yon reproach m* with i* tftet yen ar* not thst young ' gtrlr..', thould read "He protested.*'' Then the woman continues, detpita hit protett: "Yet, you love her...
...For those interested in education, there is a suggestive dramatisation of Thackeray* "Vanity Fajr," for performance or at a model in high achool work...
...In "Th...
...Henry T. Sehnittkind...
...However, w* believe that one fact ii overlooked in thit analysis...
...Numerous table* and diagrams add to the value of a book which Is absolutely essential to the student of farmers and workers In American politics...
...if there is muddling and fuddling In high places awaiting appeal to young Portias...
...Miss Johnston includes no love story in her tale...
...peclally vivid her descriptions of the voyage aero is the ***, where even on an exceptionally good boat like The Janet a certain number of deaths the first week were the ordinary count of events...
...A. A. Milne, Arnold Bennett, OKphant Down, John Galaworthy, Lord Dun*any, J. A. Perguaon, Allan Monkhouse, Laurence Houtman, contribute the bolk of the work, and their name* are prominent in any lilt of living dramatists...
...By Stuart A. Rise, Ph.D...
...Eaton hat translated th* tntirt volumt of French ttoriM, tnd moit be pardontd the error* thet will Inevitably find their way late a new venture, for the take of the project ittelf, and for th* value, not only of thett two volumt*—about th* bttt reetht short story collections one can find—but alto for th* promised continuance)' of th* yearbooks of the French and of the Continental Short Story...
...In the attempt to get an answer to his inquiry he presents th* moot exhaustive study of the economic, cultural and biological backgrounds of farmers and wag* worker* that we have ever »etn...
...not to much With ttory a* with character...
...If the poets of the future are poetizing in their snug colleges only about the delicate topics and in the thoroughly proper way shown by this collection, then the future's intellectual leadership will be nothing for Labor to be jubilant over...
...Into these, stories Mary Johnston ha* carefully delved, and out of them the hai deftly made "The Slave Ship," a delicate itudy of David Scott, Jacobite, end the famous Middip Passage—that passage which ships took when they bore their black cargo from the African jungle to the English colonies...
...Only extreme htite could explain inch a slip...
...Net at all...
...i onsidering the excellent werk that has been done in the pett twenty years in the field of economic end tin i»l interpretation ef American jiutitutiom it i* surprising that no gistorian hss attempted to interpret the rise end disappearance of American political parties...
...Yet, I love htr...
...Bat* ten...
...Sloane's "Party Government in the United States" is pretentious but is written in the spirit of a Prussian Junker...
...Prelud*," which requftee the moit d«licat* handling, there ere tome blundert at Important ai, on page 223, putting into the hero's mouth wordt spoken by tht woman...
...Haynes' recent "Social Politics in the j United States" adequately covers the third party movements but it is disappointing as an interpretation...
...The mips, charts and statistical tables are alio, invaluable aids in illuminating the text...
...Bot> ton: Snail, Mtynard cV Co...
...The men who indulged in it fairly juiti-od their own position to th*m**lv** and to the world...
...What of the idealism, the vision of the coming generation...
...She point* out many happy, tinging heur* In th* live* of the black...
...Mist Johnston'* manner of writing is pleasant, with a distinctive charm that eomee from a modeat pen...
...His study convinces him that they serve a real purpose and that third parti** a* a rule have a hopele** outlook...
...Oohl Trouble o' da world...
...Short Stories Abroad A Review By JOSEPH T. SHIPLEY THE BEST FRENCH SHORT STORIES OF 1914.1924...
...If he is justified in his assumption, we shall need to take the volume seriously...
...Harriet Beecher Btowe, Ambrose Bierce, and Paul Leicester Ford, although each writing in as different a milieux as though he hais) come from a separate country, uied civil war and colonial days as their background...
...The title of Profetior Robinson's book gives hope to' the leader that here at last i* a history that relates the rite, development snd disappearance of American pari ties to the sectional, economic, *oeial tnd geographic factor* in American 'llitory...
...With the exception of th* iterieS from the Dial, no recent coil te tiein America or in England shew* e group ef ttoriea of *u*0 ppjlgjfto-t merit as th...
...hopefully, we may not be in for another Victorian era—as these pr„tty poems would lot us imagine...
...Not that Mis* JoHnaton hit written a blind paean -af hatred against Virginia planters, nor an lntpired hymn of praise for slaves...
...While every major party wa* one* a minor party every minor party has not become a major party...
...yet ita chief value seems to lie—at is natural enough, after all—in the playa that it offers for eontlderation, one will And much that is compelling, and if one hat not read much previously in the Sold of the one-act play, one will rite with the plaetur* that tprlngi from the acquisition of a new source of delight...
...which, in addition to presenting a view of whgt it Sting done in th* short story field in foreign tongue*, give* th* pltssare of reading two koto well-told tslss...
...Edited by Richard Eaton...
...only in th* d*t*ttW* tale has a Conan l)*yl* developed a formula, as oar O. Henry and our magattn* masters...
...Schnittkind's pleasant fiction...
...Hit final conclusion ii that agreement between the two classes is generally possible in politics "upon issues involving rational calculation of Intereitt...
...ft.M seek...
...skillful, full of fragile beauty... gives a clear, fine, honeat picture of the awful state in which the blacki were transported, and it is written in a charmingly simple and unassuming manner in short, plain words, and short, curt sentences...
...H* ia concerned to learn to what extant the Interest* of farmer* and wage worker* coincide and to what extent they differ...
...Here we have the daring, the sympathy, the Intlght of great promise...
...They both resent it on principle at well as because of its visible effects...
...They hat* it for the way it takes men out of their homes, transports them in hideous ships, subjects them to disease, filth, and death, sells them on the block, ar.d inflict* them with a life of torture...
...Botton Litttt, Brown aad Company...
...History it ttrewn with the wrecks of mipor parties...
...One important conclusion he draws regarding both class** ia that "However they may differ in economic functions, or habita of thought, they are alike in receiving incomes below the minimum amount which Federal lawmakers hive deemed it proper to tax...
...What is Labor to expect from the college...
...Barrie, Kathtrin* M*n»n*td, write tt freely and it lottery—or at firmly-knit, whtn they d*»irt—at any continental...
...Professor Rice took the pains to investigate the votes cast In twentyone sessions of American legislatures by men claiming to represent either farmers or worker* in order to learn how much they cooperate with each other...
...Hopefully, our roll*-** srr not all ivory towers...
...The play* are almott all either eld favorite*, tried and found feelingful, or piece* by playwright* who are known as good craftsmen...
...It is startling to come upon such a poem at "The Serf," by Elton Everett Erieton of Montana State University...
...Stephen Crane helped to immortalize the Spanish feud...
...If there <s injustice in the world crying for young Galahads...
...He follows no beaten paths and hi* itudy is decidedly original and mggeitiv...
...Mils Johnston's book bat two meritorious traits...
...By Arthur N. Hoi...
...On the whole this is one of the most valuable studies of American politics that has appeared and it will rank high with atudents of party history...
...They serve much tht same interest*, but he does not there the belief that they are empty bottlea with different labela...
...Is it then our full collegiate symphony orchestra, or just Dr...
...Schnlttltr is present, with a story from the American -Mali PiresaeBe with a tragic itudy of th* starvation of a foundling, to supply money for a bride...
...What yen reproach me with, what you hare always reproached me with, it that I am not that young girl...
...The Imprint,'' for example, by Karel Ctpek, r*pr*••nting Czechoslovakia (SI countries , ar* included in this group) it s we that tombint* sn eery f**tpript-li*« i in the mew with the symbolist...
...But, remtmber we must, that this collection is one man's listing...
...Kttprtn and Ibante and J««aori and Maris of Rumania til ar* included...
...Thi volume* ar* well prepared, with torn* ividencii of hatta or tartUseneti in trantlttion, but with viriiom that on the whole read •monthly...
...Selected by J. W. Marriott...
...Th* collection, in addition to being the work of well-known and competent worker*, it well choien, in that there it a variety of moods represented: tragedy, melodrama, quiet character comedy, broad farce...
...Our embryo peett thin': to...
...This trade was as hateful to him at was hit own slavery, and he at last found a way out to a mode of life where he wei neither enslaver nor entlaved...
Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 1