Benavente and the Cinema

Benavente and the Cinema Noted Spanish Playwright, Nobel Prize Winner, Take* to Scenario Writing. Firet FUm Shown WITH » hundred pUyi to kit credit, cod th* Nobel Prii* /or Literature to attest...

...Th* play, written by B. Htrrison Orkow, till* of tha riss of David Milgrim from ¦ modest toymaker in a country town in Connecticut to t discontented member of the aristocracy In New York, end back again, and atiil yet again back again...
...Milgrim's Progress Louie Mann Inimitable in B. Harrieon Orkow'e Comedy at Wattack...
...Tkere is * wealth of mtteritl for the cinema in Spain...
...t>'.\ . The pltysn «ave, «n November 6, a performthc* of Shaw'* "Androclot nid th* Lion," and thty will offer ¦• their second production of the letion "Th* Power of Darkneii," by Tolttoi, at the Community Church on the evenings of January t, 7 and 9. William H. Bridge, director of the Players, announced Sunday that plays especially adaptad to the nitds of the churchtheatre will be considered by the Lenox Hill Pltyers thit ¦•¦ton...
...That every man, like the centaur of mythology, is "half man and half beait," is th* theory oa which Hume based hit ttory...* drimttlJi tion of tbe Robert Keeblt novel, will move from th* Klaw Theatre to th* Brotdhurtt, Monday...
...Tk* film is best described as ¦ series of chsracter sketches and vistas...
...We st* tbeir quaint customs...
...These and other stories may b* produced Jn Spain under th* supervision of * Spanish artistic director...
...Th* old man it only t tilent ptrtntr In th* factoty, th* financier taking ear* of all th* mtntgement...
...Yet of th* many opportunities thtt prttent themselves for legitimtte .entertilnment, Mr...
...Rudolph : Valentino in "A Sainted Devill" _ FRANKLIN Mondty to Wednesday—Shone and Squint...
...It wit tlmoit inevitably writttn In free verse, and Athley Dukes's translation, (published by The .University Press, Oxford, England), which keep* to that medium, it on the whole both adequtte and effective...
...We see th* daily life of then people, living virtually in th* Middle Ages...
...Ernst Toller's Swallow Poem ERNST TOLLER, known In thl| country at the author of th* plays "Th* Machine Wreckers" end "Man and the Maatet," and recently reletiad from the Btvtrian fortress of NUdsrsohonenfeld, where in th* courts of hi* five yean' confinement for hit activity in the Communitt uprising, wrote both of the above and this poem ** wall...
...In fact, Kathtrin* Altxandtr, Genevieve Tobin, and th* r*tt of th* cut help to *pr«ad ' th* tomtwbst thin butter of delight ever th* bread of an evening...
...Benavente himself it skeptical ef th* public interest in the peasant letting...
...The cist remains the same...
...A revolutiontry and something of a misanthrope, Toller I* alto a humanitarian...
...Eighteen month* liter: A ttetm-hetttd, expensive flat...
...this joke should hav* been outgrown, sty...
...The Foolith Virgin" with Elaine Hammertteln...
...REGENT Mondty to Wednetdty—Willie Creager and, Bind...
...Thunday to Sunday—Willi* Crttger and Band...
...It expresses the emotion* aad reflection* that earn* from tha netting of two iwallow* in hi* cell in his third spring there...
...Frankie wantt to marry th* ion of a big judge, and Sammie wantt a Follies girl...
...Pap* I* no longer Papa to th* children...
...Simon Celled Peter...
...the Garrlck, snd the new Guild Theatre on West 62nd street, built by popular lubtcrlp...
...As tht irascible, lovable, iffectiontte, quarrelsome father and hutband—his almost invariable roll—-h* wis inlmittble...
...There ert ttvtral unexpected turnt, not ¦11 unquestionable, such at th* pletiura of th* mother In seeing her idol overturned °y th* spurned on...
...Th* Utter has already bttn played at an opera jn Peris with success...
...It is celled "Para tod* I* Vide...
...He is leti sivigely doctrinaire and declimttory than mott prison poets, and is all the more a poet for thtt...
...Though digressive tnd diffuse, it it true to itt theme: th* finer thing bird* mike of this life" thin mtn doet...
...Barry waa more interested in immediate effect than In ultimata verity...
...Comedy of Revolt "tht Youngest," by Philip Barry, Open* at the Gaiety Theatre Philip Barry, of plsttant memory through "You and I," hat given Robert Milton • mildly pleasing comedy of inspired revolt, wall acted by Henry Hull, at tk* Gtiety Theitre...
...Barry avail* hlmtelf often...
...Firet FUm Shown WITH » hundred pUyi to kit credit, cod th* Nobel Prii* /or Literature to attest their quality, Jacinto B«n*v*ate ha* turned to toe tinemt...
...ltgert (offstage) listen to th* tirad* thst frees him from hi* family, I* th* best of th*** moments, and make* an effective climax to the second act, after a -alow opening...
...The book and lyrict were written by Harlan Thompson...
...For Barry ha* written on* of thott comedies thst should be wholly rollicking mirth, tkat should at th* tarn* time allow real human* to gleam through th* events that movt them—tnd that I* not seen clearly enough by th* aathor to *ebl*v* thst* ends...
...Fourteen yt*r* ago he hsd bean a eloakmtker on strike, snd when ho got on hit feet h* forgot himself, he thought thst ft wa* back in 1910...
...There mutt be ¦ fund Of good stories in th* pstios of Andalucla and fa th* mountain villages of tk* Atturiit...
...j The nit are good enough, or not quite so good, Tbe letting* are adequate...
...Th*r* It a strike, and David, having nothing particular to do, ttrayt into ttrikt httdqutrtert, tnd before he knows It he is miking a speech...
...David hi* * ton tnd daughter who got big idea* in college, and who didn't want to itick in the mud all their live...
...There is * likelihood of a Spanish film company doing such stories as th* life of Cervantes snd Alsreon's "Three-Cornered Hat" on th* screen...
...Thty call him Daddy, and sometimes even Governor...
...Molnar's comedy it th* Booth, niched itt 100th performanc* Friday evening...
...A Btinttd Devil" with Rudtlpa ValeaUa*, Community Church To Back Players Lenox Hill Group to Present Toletoi Drama AN effort it bting made to bring the Church and the Stage nearer to each other and make the stage what it once wis—t help to the Church through its presentation of miracle and morality plays...
...Hia first film is being shown kore, tsys th* Madrid corretpondtnt of the Christian Science Moti/tr...
...There is a wealth of Interesting coltumet, customs and quaint manners ef living...
...He doesn't know how to let badly...
...Thit will be for a limited engagement...
...Mtrie Rtichtrdt, .** his wife, is excellent *s a Germtn-Jewith matron, with an accent to perfect that it it doubtful whether it it real or tcquirtd...
...Tht children are happily married, the charge against Sammie I* dismissed, th* Judge and David discover * mutusl love for chest, and all endt like ¦ movie ending...
...Th* house it eold snd th* fist wag warm...
...In dispassionate pesssnt fashion th* pair *r« supposed to b* en th* road to getting married, but tbe memory •f th* past sad th* jealouly of • designing spinster *t*nd between them...
...So David sells out bit invention and gives tha proceeds to charity, returning to Woodbury, foaming and raging at his family...
...Louis Minn, of count, it good...
...W. M. F. Theatre Guild Leone* the Klaw Theatre The Theatre Guild hat ttken over the Kltw Theitre for th* period of one yetr with in option of rtnewal...
...Eleanor Boardmtn and Aileen Pringlt play th* leading feminine roles...
...It I* an adaptation of th* novel by Cyril Horn*, telling th* story of a m*n with many lovej...
...i h a Broadway Brief* Bernard Shaw's charming comedy, "Candid*," will become tho regular bill it the 48th Street Theatre, beginning this Saturday...
...The vaudeville act* include McLellan tnd Carson, Alexander and 01¦en, Stanley and Dimes, Ruth Harris and Mae Burke, John Drake and Company and other acts...
...King Vldor directed the production...
...The musical program will Include the peraontl appearance on tk* sttge of th* Capitol Singers, better known a* "Roxy'i Gang," a ballet, von Blon's "Whispering Flowen," with Mile...
...Simlitr distortions ef chsracttr for th* sake of a moment's teorlng indicate that th* author of th* play had net gripped it firmly enough to tqusere hie points out of hi* persons' true attar...
...Th* "Centaur" it played by John Gilbtrt...
...Eltirfe Himmerstcin in "Tho Foolith Virgin...
...Four Casting Stirs, other ¦cti...
...Sim Milgrim it Sherman Mills, a lawyer, and Fannie hts skipped Frincit and it now Frtnkie...
...Vaudeville Theatre* B. 8. MOSS' BROADWAY The Broadway Theatrt for next week, beginning Monday, will have Harold Lloyd in his latest comedy, "Hot Water," it th* principal lereen attraction...
...Louis M*nn wint over th* playwright in th* rlntl clinch tt Wallaek'* Theatre, when "Milgrim'* Progress" opened up last week...
...In addition, "The Guardsman," by Frtns Molnsr, Is playing it th* Booth...
...Gambtrelli and othere, and Wtber't "Oberon" overturt by th* Capitol Orehtttr...
...Tht world eongealt...
...Shone tnd Squires...
...A poacher and ¦ game-keeper k» •* • fatal quart...
...Barrett and L*e, and others...
...Tht landscape alone has one valuable quality: it hss scarcely ever been filmed...
...He does not ihun rhetoric or proagindt, but he keept them in check, to the salvation of hit Imaginative, life...
...tts introduction here shows that Mr...
...Th* youngest tnd downtrodden ton of this family of high society wants to be * writer...
...Every province has it* strange unspoiled ways of going about th* brutintii of every-dty lift...
...The Community Church, P»rk Avenue «nd Thirty-fourth atreet, has entered into sn agreement to give » yeir's support to the Lenox Hill Pltyeri, "latv, a semi-profetsional group, with Vtidquarfin it 12 Park avenue...
...There it almost continuous daily sunlight in most p*rts...
...Frank Dixon tnd Company, others...
...jit has a room full of books and manuscripts...
...Htrry Gribben and Company, other tctt...
...Th* constant bickering within tk* family I* alto wellhtndled, and th* *«!f.e«nt«r*d delight of th* visitor In inspiring th* upheaval...
...Eddie Dowling in "Sally, Irene and Mary" "will be the following tttrtction...
...Yorke and Lord...
...Tbelr orphaned children, * boy aad a girl, grow up, tk* poacher's son besring on his forehead the sear received from • ston* thrown by th* gamekeeper's little girl shortly after the parents' quarrel...
...Jobyna Ralston, Josephine Crowell, Charles Stevenson and Mickey McBiin play principal rolei in the film...
...In the end, In spit* of elaborate side-plots and enemies, all th* villains contest and the h*ro snd heroins *t*nd forth , vmdioited and live happily ever lfter...
...Little Jessie James," at the Bronx Opera House...
...The letse of the Kl*w Theatre brings the Guild's prttent theatrical holdingi up to three, the Klaw...
...Wt sre given (muting character sketches of village types—the money-lender, the game-keeper, the poacher, the rich tplntter firmer, th* gossips at their weaving, and th* young ne'er-do-well...
...Other* in the cut include Allen Kearnt, Laura Hamilton, Miriam Hopkins, Al...
...The Guild will move "They Knew Whit Thty Wanted" into the Klaw on Monday night, January 12, and that lame evening will open at th* Garrlck their third production, "Proieiiiontl," by John Howard Lawion, a J»*s intsrpratitlon of American life, with George Abbott ead Jan* Walker ia the leading nil...
...Robert Ketblt, by th* way, it seating e*et te tee kt* ploy, Jaaeety IX... a likely boy of twelve...
...Little Jessie James," the musical comedy direct from its run on Broadway, opens a week's engagement at tht Bronx Open House, Mondty night...
...Yst when his lawyer mentions the word itatutc, th* budding author puns on statuts'i likeness to ststst...
...the music by Harry Archer...
...W. L. "Wife of the Centaur," by Cyril Hume, at Capitol Theatre Sunday Th* motion pletur* at th* Capitol next week is Metro-Goldwyn's, production, "Wife of tho Centsur...
...But all is not over—not while ther* are loot* endi to be tied up...
...Th* medieval is always somewhere to be found la th* Old World towns... who hates himself for hi* infidelity but who cannot resist temptation...
...He believes th* cinema eadUac* is largely feminine, and tkat it ia mere interested in pretty actresses, tn* cloth** snd scenes of society life...
...Th* tpltndld ipeech of "th* youngest," in which th* delighted vil...
...Thursday to Sunday—Pilcer and Douglas...
...Hit book holds tome tender obt*rration and some telling imaginery: Tim* it a mist that settles in the pores Of endleti longing.— I freeze...
...Papa invents a dye process that it of Immense commercial vtlut, snd tht children cotx tht aid man to get a flntncltr promote- th* invention tnd make them rich...
...and he urged th* strikers to stand Arm and increaet - their demands, which he promptly grant*—to th* ditgutt of hi* partner...
...The charity re/uses th* check, tnd th* ptrtntr begs David to rejoin him— as an *ctiv* member of tha Arm...
...The cast includes the James Girls, dancing chorus, and the James Boys, a Piul Whiteman Band...
...It mult be beautiful to fall asleep A crystal in tht tge long floe* of lilence...
...All thing* come to' a head In an* hectic night, whin th* ton la jelled for Mi p*rt in a .row precipitated by a drunken admirtr of hii.Trixle, and when the great jodge who** son loves Frtae** remembers that he hsd sent Dsvid to jail during the big strike for strike disturbances...
...The letting Is • village In Castile, on* ef those crumbling pueblos of th* barren plains...
...Tim* Cits," scheduled for the Princess Theitre last Monday, ha* been Indefinitely pottpontd...
...The Habitual Hutband" doled Friday night...
...Raymond, John Hundley, Gladys Baxter, Ev»n Valentine, Clara Thropp and Madeline Grey...
...Tha Gnirdimtn...
...there I* tk* inevittble sweetness and light and long embracing at th* end of what could b* a better, but is • good, light comedy...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 1

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