Final Drive On Child Slavery Begins

Final Drive On Child Slavery Begins LABOR LAWS ARE AT MERCY OF PROPAGANDA Speaker* at Welfare Legislation Coygreti Charge Finance Uses Ruthless Method*. CHICAGO. — Recent...

...The convention was attended by 250 Yrpsels of the local League as well as a number of invited party members...
...Congreet hat tb* power te 4eel*r* war, to toaicrlpt our bey* to fight In foreign treaehet t* tax th* leit penny out of th* pocket of th* eitlsen, to impeach and remove Preil4enti...
...California, aihington and Oregon will unitedly ratify at their earliest opTnroughout the country the forces which stand for social progs rest are lined up solidly for the amendment...
...According to a report given out by the London Bureau of the Socialist and Labor International, M. Thomas waa received by Government officials and feted wherever he went...
...Other New England States seem te be on the fence, but New Hampshire may be saved, for lbs OtrrfTnor-elect, John Winant, will be active in the light for ratification...
...Baldwin quoted the chief as saying that he would not allow any speaker to abuse President- Coolidge, and that was the reason for closing Turn Hall...
...Justine Wise, daughter of Stephen S. Wise, reported an interesting experiment of college students now working in New Jersey textile mills and receiving about 117.00 a week...
...He then went to see Police Chief Tracey and demanded to be arrested with the others, on the ground that he alone had arranged -the meeting...
...Labor Student, Rand School Publication, Makes Appearance The first '*me of the Labor Student, the i ew publication to be issued i, i it...
...George W. Alger, Chief of the New York Child Labor Commission...
...Florence Kelley, Secretary of tb* National Consumer*' Leagut, and John P. Coughlin, Secretary ef the Central Trade* »nd Labor Cetmeii... is th* duty ef all forwari leaking eitlMit* to combat th* effort* of the** proflt-mongtr* and *pre*4 th* truth ameng th* people...
...FIGHT WILL BE WON OR LOST THISlfNft Hostile Activities of M» ness and Reectkmary Organizations Endanger Proposed Act...
...Thirty-five of the thirty-eight States are needed to insure ratification...
...Co.nrade Flueras spoke first an J said: "We will give information to Albert' Thomas because the... with a courageous speech in which he described the oppression under which the workers of Rumania were suffering...
...About seventy-flve student representatives from leading colleges and universities now comprise the student council of the organization with a student membership of about 3,000...
...The singing of the International and other tongs tel^rwwd...
...The meeting, he said, was held there as the only available public place to protest against the action of the Paterson police in closing Turn Hall, both to strikers and to the Civil Liberties Union, which had engaged it for that night...
...Baldwin testified that when the police clubbed the crowd and arrested nine silk workers they failed to arrest him...
...In tha first place, there > tiydftlfrm si/he trade onjfna, i \ which is bound to come sooner or 1 later in all countries...
...The strike waa officially declared ended on December 12...
...On former occasions M. Thomas, at one time a prominent leader of the Socialist Party...
...The Paterson free speech fight and the indictment grew eat of the recent *t-".e of QjeOO silka^WMta, 4*u cafef... its meeting in Amsterdam, December 1-2, besides replying to the Russian letter on trade union unity, aa reported in Tha New Leader of December 27, approved the plana for regulating immigration worked out at an International trade union conference in Prague,' accepted tha report on educational work (both reported in The New Leader of November 16), and, upon request by the International Transport Workers' Federation, decided to ask the unions of Belgium, France, Germany and Great Britain to furnish statistics on export and imports, coat of living, and wage and labor conditions in 192223-24, as a basis for determining how tha operation of the Dawea Reparation Plan affects the proletariat of Europe...
...James P. Holland, President of the State Federation' of Labor;' Mr...
...of France and still a Socialist in theory, had been accused by Swiss Socialist papers of being inclined te accept King Ferdinand's and Queen Marie's assentations to the effect that everything wat lovely in their war-twollen kingdom at their face value, to this time he concludtjtt" Xo go and lee for himself...
...One can understand the value of present day freedom in Rumania on hearing that this meeting was arranged with the greatest secrecy...
...Among other things'he arid: Frankness of Thomas "I.luW* fiwu* 4>ere at the invitation of the Government, but this invitatf*H does not clash with, my functions jior with my wish, which is to JetHdHrnow the conditions of the^Ackara in Rumania...
...It is not ru...
...The convention was welcomed on behalf of the New York organiaation by Harry Bordman...
...On November SO Thomas r/as accompanied t* Cluj by the Rumanian Minister ef Labor...
...State granges and 'farm bureau federations have been per* suuded by employing interests te tl row their influence against th* amendment Through the efoft* rparid Clark, the editor of the Ltfatrn Textile Bulletin, 50,000 Bp 0f literature were distributed |"wr«l districts, pointing out to the Lyter* that the amendment .was By at their seventeen-year-old i$yi They seem to have been completely fooled...
...The force of this group is well known to readers of The New Leader...
...Judge Delaney Is chai/man of the board of directors of the Peterson Labor Bank, supported by A. F. of L. unions...
...The Civil Liberties Union has announced that an adverse decision will be appealed to the New Jersey Supreme Court...
...Other cases growing out of the City Hall meeting are ^?iii pending...
...Senator Antin predicts that New York will ratify the amendment for it is well known that a majority of the lawmakers favor it Both parties have pledged themselves te ratification...
...Director of the American Civil Liberties Union...
...F. Louil Slade, President of the State League of Women Voter*-, Mr...
...After reviewing the work of the past six years he stressed the need of strengthening the organization so that it may be of greater service in the propaganda for a third party, the enactment of the child labor amendment, and do more effective work among the students in our schools and workers in the factories...
...LONDON—The rulers of "Rumania, noted for its fascinating Queen Marie, its oil wells, It* antiSemitism and its hounding of Communists, Socialists and Labor leaders in general, may be sorry that they took the chance of inviting Albert Thomas, director of the International Labor Office of the League of Nations, tofwy Miem a viait and see for himself that conditions were not so bad there, after all...
...Recent legislative cemp*i**n» have furnished new evidence that proposed social and weU fare laws are too frequently at the mercy of a powerfully fintneed and ruthless opposition which is able to weld public opinion by arousing unfounded fears, according to speakers at the opening session of the eighteenth annual meeting ' of the ABericsn Association for Labor Legislation here...
...I won't allow it at strike meetings," Chief Tracey replied...
...Xanjaret Robinson, President of tte Massachusetts Public Interest l*ague, which was prominent in the tght against ratification in Massachusetts, and Mrs...
...It Is the same group which always wages bitter war on the Labor movement...
...r y'J& ytaat of the propaganda ggfW of those opposed to BroWW»* L*bor .-HWrttoa, Edward I ^* M*cy...
...Thisvery Citizens' Committee, al»ough padded with names of pub- . ac-spiritec persons such as A. Law»nce Lowell, Bishop Lawrence and Wdinal O'Connell, received its «»»f support from Charles R. Gow, F? president of the Associated Wastries of Massachusetts, Charles * Rackemann, director of the ^•ight Manufacturing Company, MM Louis A. Coolidge, treasurer of n*(United Shoe Machinery Corpo"Hon...
...Robert Bruere of the Survey Msgazine, New York, speaking on "Propaganda Methods of the OpposijljBv* took issue with what he tsnaad the type o* propaganda that trial to, 1w*nd the proponents of any social Welfare measure as "enemies ef tea family, the home, the church, the Constitution, and above all of privet* property, as in the case of theearrent tactics employed against tat advocates of protective Labor It**" Be alto criticized the opposition for "lack of candor when, to defeat imposed protective laws, they epftoulage their attack by profesoar humanitarian purposes, as <fW to defeat the exclusive State ^Jjh)"f niatlon insurance fund in Hptrl they professed opposition HHIe proposed accident compensa1 "war lawoft the ground that it did \ net provid* adequate benefits for the 4i**b!ed workers...
...If they fait, another opportunity will net be had for some time...
...That* k. too, the fear of the unknown, the fear of anything that is new...
...The only farming ! ppi/iion in favor of Ihe amendment 1 appears to be that expressed in Sen*tor Capper's papers, which take the itand that the farmers' children g-MMi* be protected against exploiteKyi when they enter industry...
...The work of the League for Industrial Democracy has more than doubled during the latt two years and its speakers have appeared before the student body of almost every American university and college...
...Labor Minuter, Chiroulescu, .i -here and can learn from thi r °eting with what difficulties the workers have to struggle in order te improve their material and moral condition...
...ya - , • t, A. J. Parker, acting National Director, submitted on behalf of the National Executive Committee a list of the accredited delegates, who were seated without a contest...
...igaed t* eadew Ceagrea* wlurfkli P»»*»- . '-'•*[ "The ln«m!*i ef this human proposal art the *n*ml** ef th* nation's wtlfaro In titir efforts to defeat th* ratification of thi* am«ndm*at taty are eeadaeting a earapalga of falsehood and raisrtpresentatlen...
...Friday's session began at fo a. m. and was followed by an entertainment by the Dramatic Group of the Young People's Socialist League of New York, and Dorsha's Dancers...
...The meeting was broken up at the start, when John C. Butterworth, candidate for the U. S. Senate on the Socialist Labor party ticket, tried to read the Bill of Right...
...Th* Child Labor Amendment should be adopted...
...Nine persona fined in police court for blocking traffic have appealed their cases...
...The Hupr papers are giving tremendous ¦tpfort to the amendment in the '.flTwest, and jf opinions in large j centers -re the only consideration It ratification of the amendment ,old be assured, ftntiment on t'.e Pacific Coast ims to be overwhelmingly in favor the amendment...
...pMafaetnrert Chief Opponent '"R* of these organizations are B^J,d witn material by the Na1 WW Association of ManufacturBWhose counsel, James A. Emery, ^prepared a brief against the ¦Moment, and, whose employe, IBKr Allen, who was removed from her position as Chief of the Child Labor Tax Division of the U. S. Bureau of Internal Revenue, has written a pamphlet called "Find the Facts...
...Incidentally, he made a sort of survey rJfthe general situation in the Baftaas and reported that the danger of Communist ploti amounting to anything serious Wat slight...
...The convention concluded its first day with a banquet held at the Hotel Gonforoni, attended by 125 comrades...
...editor of the new publication, concerning which further infornutinn^iWjM h- had j from the Rand t'chcol, 7 last 15th street, New York City, ' AWAIT RULING ON BALDWIN Free Speech Trial in Paterson, New Jersey, Is Concluded...
...International Conference To Open in Brussels f At ft Joint «mier.enea to ba ttSeJetin BruueAOodiyf (January 3...
...An industrious person could make a "spider-web chart" of the officials of these organizations, > whose only object seems to be "to rerve American ideals...
...Naturally, I must enter into contact with the empliyels' organisations and the Government and I danuat ¦ retase, invitations which I receive...
...Flueras continue' • describe what was happening in Cluj and chowed that scientific and non-party lecture', had been "orbidden even in the tveek when Thomas was there...
...Stirring messages appealing for nationalization of mines, workers' education and civil liberties were brought to the students by John Brophy, President of District No...
...Report* submitted to th* Bureau of Mines eovering the first eleven month* ef 1924 show a total of 2.135 deaths, ef which 1,697 occurred at bituminous mines and 438 at anthracite mines...
...eHtMMtaE** Tracey suddenly closed "the Turn Hall at which the striken had been holding meetings for seven weeks without interference...
...In a plea for atudent support for the cooperative movement, Cedric Long, of the Cooperative League of America, declared that college groupt art now occupying the leading positions of trust in the cooperative movement, and declared that the opportunity in this branch of development is even greater for college students than it is in the Labor movement...
...A genuine demand was apparent at this conference for more opportunities to serve Labor directly by college students...
...You talk as if you were the censor around here," Baldwin said...
...The college students/' he declared, "are not fond of labeling themselves radicals, Socialists or trade unionists, but there is a tremendous growth in understanding and sympathy with Labor in the colleges...
...New York it to be the next hsstltground in the national fight 1m the child labor amendment Tsi» wat made evident at a public hearing held by the New York Stale Children's Welfare Commission an December 89 at the City Rail, at which Senator Benjamin Antln presided...
...Those who wish to ersae the blackets spot in America's social life must put their shoulder to the wheel now...
...He lonchded bt^fegs*^ <¦* , A Courageous Speech "tfrm IstsW W"-*" may take noU.uX.thnsa conditions...
...But things turned , out otherwise...
...E. S. Shamway and MJat J*t*> phlne Morton of the New Tork Cesp* mittee for Prott ctlan of Our Hornet and Our Children...
...In view of the opposition to the League's plan developed in Great Britain under the Tory Government, the chancea of the proposed ' disarmament conference amounting to anything, even if it is held, do not seem very bright The executive committee of the I. F. T. U...
...There for* be it, Heiolvfd "That th* County Committee ef th* Socialist Party of Camden County call* upon th* member* of th* General Aeiembly and the Stat* Senator from thia district to vote favorably upon thia amendment and work for it* ratification by th* New Jersey Lefiilature, and be it further, Eeeened "That copies ef thi* resolution b* tent to th* above aimed ogklals and to th* prott...
...I am," said the chief...
...Greetings were received from Bertha Hale White, Executive Secretary of the Socialist Party, Eugene V. Debs, the Workmen's Circle, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Ui.ion, and many others...
...Continued on Page J),_____^ Closer Relations Between Labor and Students Urged Sixty students from twenty-three colleges and universities in the East met in New York under the auspices of the League for Industrial Democracy in a Students' Conference which closed December 3D and pasted resolutions calling upon American- trade union officials to cooperate with the League in the placing of college students in industry...
...Keep Cool with Coolidge WASHINGTOtf, 0. C — Aecident* it coal nines in the United States during November, 1924, esuied the death of 15G men, according to reports furnished by State mine inspectors to the Department ef the Interior through the Birtau of Mints...
...On the witness stand the police chief denied the conversation, but Baldwin's testimony was substantiated by Ernest A. Shay, a reporter for the Newark Evening News, who was present during the dialogue...
...J hn Balch, who is active also in the Citizens' Committee for the Protection of Our Homes and Our Children...
...Chief Tracey accommodated him...
...6iar.»j«re presented against wuthnipirV <ic,ppt>r.'«ti m lawk k aed ether legislation of this charac"'Row that workingmen** compensation laws have been paseed and Wt ere familiar with their working, it la inconceivable that they would ever be rescinded...
...Baldwin asserted he wanted to get the issue into the1 courts by holding this meeting in order to settle the right of free speech in Paterson...
...Ira Jewell William*, well known for his opposition te every piece of social legislation, appears to be the chief opponent of the amendment in Pennsylvania, All indieatl s from Connection* point to the fact that she will follow the advice of the MasaaehssetU voters and reject the amendment...
...of the Executive Committee ef the American Constitutional LeagMI Mr...
...Th* people are divided into two wafiieting camps -epreeenting fuftj daartnuily different *,ttitudes to"W- the business of Jife, according *«M^ Bruere...
...and e lit jr-ials in pa ¦V"Tying heavy advertisements Hfinaijuf»ctur*d erticl...
...Paul Blanshard, Field Secretary of the League for Industrial Democracy, reported that he had spoken to 50,000 college students from Maine to California during the year 1924...
...The conflict existing between Government and workers in Rumania was shown by tha fact that the Socialist Party's secretary, Comrada-MoscovicI, who waa invited to a banquet in honor of Thomas, declined tbe^avijationa...
...Import*nee ef New York State The ratification of the amendment by New York State would tend to assure a favorable verdict in other Eastern States...
...Fred Keough, director of the newly fanned National Committee for Rejection of the Twtatieth Amendment, has been associate editor of Industrial Progress, formerly Industry, one of the most rabid antijfrbor journals, which has devoted Patch space to a campaign against lb* eight-hour day and which has •en attacked the Y. W. C. A. for a* industrial program...
...The trend of the convention wat outlined in remarks made by the chairman, Morris Novik...
...I am the law," the Chief of Police replied, according to Baldwin...
...Our discussion groups in th* colleges are designed to break 1 down the inertia and indifference nf college students in the hcrpe that thsy will not be subject tr> the type of reactionary' hysteria which swept the eouatry in the teat campaign...
...Blanshard, field secretary, has just completed a trip from the Pacific Coast and will make a tour of the South and Middle West during January, February and March...
...n>Wems, together with news of i - progress of the biggest Labor enlh.w in the nation," the Band Schom >f Social Science...
...This is a fight, not only for the children, but for every other move for future social legislation...
...It is now reproducing articles from The Woman Patriot, an anti-feminist Jtptr edited by a man, which spends most of it* time hounding the "nil...
...But the workers themselves must organise and their organization will be a help to the'I, L. O, and will mean the quickening of its work...
...Middle West Opinion . The States in the Middle Weet seem to be divided in sentiment and hot fights are anticipated in thoee States where there are large urban votes...
...It la ridiculous and ebtnrd to contend that it ha* np power to Intervene between profit-hungry employers and th* child worker* of th* Unite* States...
...Norman Thomas and Harry W. Laidler', executive directors of the organization, described the extensive editorial and pamphlet service of the organisation as well as ita work among adults...
...This is the open season for abusing President Coolidge...
...The TradC ffnion Secretary, 'Comrade1 Mireafti/oopened the...
...of the Measure The list of opponents is almost as long, but the personnel overlaps in ssost esses... I...
...Whiy, chief," Baldwin said he told him, "John W. Davis is abusing President Coolidge...
...The resolution adopted bf the committee ia at followi: 'Th* Cengrat* of the United State* I* thi only UritUtlv* body In th* world Which it without powtr to rtwKP3S3b*U»V#»iAil& >r*»^ tatty eeu* tefor* Ma rW'Jeruy L*gl*l*t«r* for T»tifh«tre» is 4...
...Report* from the colleges tending delegates showed a great increase in the Interest amonj college studeate ia Labor problem* and eeeial change...
...Ratification by New York Stat* will undoubtedly influence New Jersey, although the Legislature ft predominantly Republican, awl it* platform contained merely a promise te "consider" the amendment, in spite of (he fact that prominent R*a^iidU committee women put up a ttreng fight for a more definite ptenk...
...J.) Socialists Urge Ufisktore Btck Cttki Labor Anmdneiit The Camden County Committee of the Socialist Party at It* regular meeting held latt Sunday night, at 206 North 28th street, Camden, N. J., by a unanim:u* rote called upon the member*, of the General Assembly and their State Senator to vote favorably on the proposed Child Labor Amondment to the Federal Constitution and work for it* ratification by the New Jereey Legislature when it comet before that body for action...
...Wat MeCarroll, a director of the New York Board of Trade and Transportation, also spoke against the Amendment . The child labor amendment I* part of the legislative program H be introduced by Senator Antin, chairman of the Child Welfare Commission, at the opening station of the New York State Legislature...
...On the one side are Labor, | women's organizations, teachers' organisations and other organizations each as the National Consumers' League and the National Child Lator Committee, which have been identified for years with the cause •f the children...
...Camden (N...
...The outstanding feature of the trial was the testimony of Baldwin, who assumed full responsibility for the October 6 City Hall meeting which led to the arrest of the ten defendants...
...The new magazine is drdlcb °d to *'' usatlon for the new ktcial i d,<r," aid will present timely urtir...
...But on this occasion the authorities hesitated to shot their true character and permitted the meeting...
...In this principal town of Transylvania martial law still reigns and all meetings of workers are forbidden...
...Charles K. Gilbert, Executive Secretary of the Social Service Gemmission of the Episcopal Church of New York DIotete...
...The convention immediately proceeded with the business of the first session by electing Morris Novik chairman, Max Wagner vice-chairman, and Louis Dickttcin secretary...
...LIGHT THROWN ON CONDITIONS IN RUMANIA Albert Thorwtt la Shown Poverty of Workers Under Government Repression...
...l Jfederal-State cooperation in the aeessili in of maternity and to¦ rsjKy, the child labor constitutional ¦a|*ndment, anu proposals to extend "workmen'* accident compensation la**, were cited as measures that here especially suffered fro*» organized misrepresentation...
...After Saturday's session, the convention will close with a dance, atthi Debs Auditorium...
...Once the manufacturers prove to themselves that their propaganda can kill such a mild proposal as the child labor amendment, there will be no limit to the power they can exert...
...presented against drfk...
...2, United Mine Workers'* Union, A. J. Muste of Brookwood Labor College and Roger N. Baldwin...
...There follows a list of national organizations which tre actively supporting the, Amendment: The Socialist Party, Ameritan Association of University...
...The troubles and sacrifices of the Rumanian working clasa will be added to ' the sufferings of workers in other lands and will finally form tha indestructible moral foundation for the organization and the victory of ) the workers...
...The Li.bor movement was created by men who suffered and has been maintained by martyrs...
...The first i ie contains an article by Bertrand "iseell on "Socialism and Educatioi "; Education, End or Means...
...It it expected that the question will come np before thirty-eight of the forty State Legislature* which meet thia month...
...director of the department IkjajJN-'lic information, National 111111 Labor Committee, dec'nred .Moment in the recent Matter l>oR2'***ndum was brought about [gUpiosentation...
...the executive committees of the International FeeWSation -of Trade Unions and of the Socialist and Labor International will discuss the Geneva Peace Protocol recommended by tha League of Nations' Assembly last Fall and make arrangements to hold an anti-war propaganda conference at the same time and place aa the Disarmament Conference proposed by the Assembly...
...Morrabin, editor of Plebs ard i mtr^or of Wells' "Outline of His v." Algernon Algernon Lee is th...
...The I. L. O. throws light on the struggles of tha workers and shows the way to them...
...Only by the unremitting efforts of every person can the amendment succeed...
...Coolidge L also chairSP of 'he Sentinels of the Repubwhich, at a recent meeting in sgwsdelphia, planned a nationwide vMmign to defeat ' amendment...
...v j. e moment to speak about utheifmflam injustices which "we have r^t**a*w*- t» the knowledge of the (JWHtesssTsjad which we will conlinapBf~W*q~?»lg** its notice in oapg'rfriaBy to hsvji.jour grievSnceS_sMJisK<s If they are not abolisaffj-iji'e'tSsvM-rvsnent' can expect mr...
...He would never havi heard about the condition of thi only have spoken With th* workers' representatives in the presence oi high Government officials...
...The same arguments which are Mew...
...and discussion of Labor educutio...
...Both of these organizations wars active hi tetefing about the defeat of the amendment in M*t**eaaa«tts, Mr...
...strati ops of oui disiatisfactififtwhich wrtj be of a much lest plsaspt formF * ~. r; Thfi speech jarred the Labor Miniifc and other- Rumanian auAftgA^ouiej* had retained to BuchnMblgjr^tjMlded & meeting cstlledHIBfeTrwIS Uniorj Committee Wvmft*rttti Home...
...Ernest G. Draper, treasurer of tits Hills Brother* Company, New York, who j,resided, declared that ea* of the greatest obstacles to protective Labor legislation is human ¦flare itself...
...Let every worker see to it that the fight is won...
...Only by coordination In Labor policy can the I. L. 0. be strengthened...
...Speakers advocating New Tork ratify the amendment wer...
...TPJie natural inertia of the hura»n mind, particularly when influeeeed by the economic motive," he Mid, "is enough in itself to account for much of the opposition to obviously beneficent laws of a social nature...
...Opponents of protective measMgf he said, "mal » service and "Win'well being only incidental to J* success of business enterprise in %«cquitit»v4 sense, J*W« who 'reeate toclaf leglsla¦** struggle fa subordinate the "•rcantile fetanology to human JPN arid to *mmtn well-being as ••principal /hjeetive of civilized we, \ J"*n*r »on*ure wealth In terms I !i ^•rkrtable goods...
...Senator Pepper will be a strong influence toward ratification ia Pennsylvania, at will William Draper Lewis, ex-Dean of Pennsylvania Law School...
...poster on billboards, ¦r and abandoned farmhouses, ¦P speakers' ureau, the distriSz_, °" enormoue quantities of
...The police charged the crowd of 600-800 persons with drawn clubs, splitting open the scalps of two silkworkfis...
...One of these forty, Arkansas, has already ratified, and another, the Legislature of Nor'.h Carolina, has refused to ratify (at have also the Legislature* of Georgia and Louisiana, which do not meet in January...
...The amendment Is the crucit' test as to whether -he American people are capable t" ruling themselves, or whether they can be deceived and bull-dozed by the mtnutacturing interests...
...Chief Tracey objected to criticism of local officials by "oniteide agitators...
...Martial Law Finally* Comrade Fhieral succeeded in holding a public meeting at which <t wat possible to bring the truth to light...
...The fourth national convention of the Young People's Socialist League, which opened itt first session on Thursday in the Debt Auditorium of the Rand School, proved to be the beat in work and enthusiasm which the Yipselt have held for five yean...
...The convention was addressed by Meyer London, August Claessena, Samuel A. De Witt, Patrick Murphy, Frank Lorimer on behalf of The Conference of Youth Organizations, Bertha H. Mailly of the Rand School, and others...
...After various* official receptions Albert-Thomas appeared at the {porkers' met 'eg and with him the Minister of Labor...
...Of the 155 men killed, 114 lost their lhes at bituminous coal mines throughout the country and forty-one at the anthracite minea in Pennsylvania...
...Fire workers are being held for trial January 9 on enlarges of assault Two men who wars sentenced by the police court to five days in jail have had their sentences reversed by Judge Delaney...
...Tfhe workers most organize themselves as a class, and only by so doing can they Teach their object...
...II happened that Thomas had a long talk with Comrades Dan, Fluerae, Gherman, Mirescu, Moscovlci and Pistlncr, and wat informed of the facta concerning the persecution and oppression of Rumanian workers...
...On its board are Mrs...
...By JEAN MacALPINE K»R THs fate of the pi upusaji... the Rand School of Serin -ionce, appeared this week and < general approbation in f.'ocialist id Labor circles where it fit 'ulated...
...Chief Tracey, however, admitted that he told Baldwin he wwuld like to take him out on the City Hall steps and make him kiss the American'flag, to which Baldwin replied: "Chief, you couldn't make me kiss my own mother if I didn't want to...
...iWimen, American Federation of 'Labor, American Fi -ration of Teachers, American Home Economies Association, American Nurses' Association, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, Centmission on the Church and Social Service, General Federation of Women's Clubs, Girls' Friendly Society in America, Ladies of the Maceabees, Medical Women's National Association, National Child Labor Committee, National Consumers' League, National C uncil of Catholic Women, National Council cf Jewish Women, Nation...
...1 Council of Women, National Congress of Patents and Teachers, N.-tional Education Association, 'National Federatio&AjjLPasiness and Professional Won*** Clubs, National League of Woman Voters, National Women's Christian Temperance Union, National Women's Trade Union League, Service Star Legion and Youag Women's Christian Association...
...T e organized employers, often conceal :d behind sonorous titles indicating a patriotic purpose, constitute the chief opponents...
...we, in terms I 2*?rt» ,ln" -he days of Socrates, I . n '¦ther vaguely ealled the f e**Q life...
...After him, Thomas spoke aft length!about the worjohe had set before hjmself as director of the International Labor Office...
...SOCIALIST YOUTH CONVENTION Ml Fourth National Gathering of Y. P. S. L. Opens in New York City—Attendance Large...
...I can do that because my mission is an official one...
...Evidence of a new awakening was marked and a cheerful spirit of optimism characterized the proceed-* ings...
...The fret speech trial of Roger N. Baldwin, director of the American Civil Liberties Union, and nine silk workers indicted by the Grand Jury for unlawful assemblage on the steps of the City Hall in Paterson, N. J., on October S, waa concluded last week before Judge Joseph A. Delaney in the Court of Common Pleas, sitting without a jury...
...jgu tional child lab** anMittfM will be decided this month...
...Why, chief, you talk as if you were the law...
...The judge took the case under advisement, and a decision is expected shortly...
...B*«»mpaign for the child labor' ¦Jwent in Massachusetts," he ¦aurally demonstrated the ability Rjjwerful group with almost unpen finances, such as the Na¦U :*anufaeturer*' Association P»f through affiliated State Rj^tjont, to overwhelmingly ¦JLt1* 8 propaganda through 8* P»id advertisements in HP...
...But I shall come to the workers with or without' invitation...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 1

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