THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK national Comrade Short* of Dayton, a mam-bar of tha National Executive Committee, writes under recent date: "Our local workers are thoroughly awake to th* significance...

...All SoeialUt aaniaaliag petition* far tha November election* aut M •lad with the veriou...
...Local Westmoreland has organized a nmvr hreneh end 1hev are now trying to reorganise th* branch at (Wad* LI*w.llyn of New Caatls •end* in tha branch meet with a new member added...
...Thi* was mad* poMibi* by the recent »rgaalaation of paw branch** in Doreheeter, Raver* and Ch.Uee...
...A. Seligman of Columbia University promises to be the most inter-•atinc...
...Th* report of due stamp* rendered to th* Oeneral District Com-mlttee by District 8*cr*tanr Pits, gerald showed a substantial increase la membership for the in* three months of lets...
...Its drive for membership is on...
...No individual and no organization it responsible for tho present situation...
...At the last meeting ef th* 2nd, 4th sad 6th A. D., when th* call foe canvassers was issued, each ene present answered "ready...
...Petitions will be Issued as soon as possible Watch for yours and prepare to get signers...
...Thi* la th* last date...
...Space will not permit mention of more instances which show the need of restoring order out of chaos...
...The petitions for Governor will he sent out from the State Office aa soon aa the nominating referendum has been concluded...
...Nearly 8,000 signature* are required for the five candidates, or nearly 600 for each...
...Party and Professor E. It...
...Bill is a)** secretary of Local Allegheny and say* th* Local ia running a boat excursion te Jefferson Beach on July 4. The trip will be mad* on tha Verne Swain which will leave Monongahela Wharf at 9;80 a. m. This nourishing local 1* wag* ins a very successful membership drive, and has committee* looking up all er members How In th* heck would you go •bout discouraging a eontrade Ilk* that...
...All signed petition* are to be tamed In at tha meeting on Monday night...
...The Hudson County Campaign Committee meet* at B o'clock, Monday evening, April 13, with the fire Socialist candidates for Commissioner of Jersey City...
...county clerk* not later tbaa June 11...
...Each debater is a notable exponent of his point of view...
...A lot of old-timers were there and many filled out application cards and are pledged to firing-line service in the manner well known to the men and women who put the Heading movement on j the map...
...They have drifted into activities isolated from each other...
...The old spirit gripped •vary Comrade...
...They do not...
...Wo drifted into it...
...April 29...
...The debate will bo held in Arcadia Hall, Sunday, April SO, at 2 p. m. Admission is 50 cents, reserved seats one dollar...
...State Secretary Leemana calls attention to the changes made in the election law* by tht recant Legislature...
...Remember the date...
...Who's next...
...The State Office deficit is being steadily reduced...
...Blank petitions are obtainable aft headquarters, 366 Central avenue, Jersey City, any evening...
...Brooklyn should **" tickets in the school and the school should sell tickets in Brooklyn, but both should not sell ticket* for th* same play...
...Conflicts are inevitable so long as th* present loose relation* between the Party and related organizations prevail...
...I keep in touch with all the new members...
...Tha matter of publicity itself 1* of vital importance, we can reach thousands of peoplo with publicity in the newspapers, especially during a campaign, but no one borough or Party institution can undertake it If we had a publicity bureau there were many matters before the State Assembly in the psit few months upon which th* Party could have spoken effectively through the pre...
...Acting independently of each other both chose the same play...
...nartv event in Brooklyn this year...
...Neither it to blam* for what happened, for th* responsibility lie* with th* Party and Its related institutions...
...and Debs' Branch, Pittsburg, $15...
...It is not a matter of amalgamation or of anti-amalgamation...
...State Office Net** Report* from all over the State indicate greatly lacr*a**d activity...
...Certainly not...
...the Ith A. D. headquarter*, S87 Bast Fourth street Th* question of amalgamating the two blanches will be discussed...
...Wo must plan our way out of it and mobilize tho potential power we have into a powerful working form by associating mil our institutions into a functioning solidarity of purposes and aims...
...Comrade Lewis recommended that agitation be carried on for unemployment insurance In Massachusetts, a* It would have a direct appeal to the worker* of the Stat...
...There ia no longer any need far the tyranny which marked the dags of war hysteria and justice demand* that Deb* be placed upon th* same plane a* all other American...
...Come on, you young bucks, step lively, or you won't be in the race at all...
...They just held their first meeting in three months, and Comrade Shay asks for . organizers and speakers...
...Maurer, of the National Executive Committee, comes the news that local Berk* County (Reading) had a very successful , get-together meeting on the evening of March 29...
...Admission free...
...Manhattan might arrange for a night which Brooklyn claimed and which State Secretary Merrill had given te Yonkor...
...The Jewish Socialist Verband arrange* a lecture rout* for Comrade Abramowich across the country...
...There are those who fayor and those who oppose it...
...Tickets for the l)ebs dinner will be on sale next week at 1187 Boston Road...
...A ugust, Claessens will lecture on "Race Prejudice—The Economic and Social Factors," at the East Side Socialist Centre, 204 East Bro*dway...
...The result is 'Confusion, weakness, and sometimes a conflict of activities...
...John Pkge, $1.00...
...The Party's committee on survey will have to consider these_ questions and recommend ¦ program that will substitute cooperation for competition, Order for chaos, and bring all Party organizations, schools, publications, and other institution* into intimate relationship with each Other...
...At this rate w* shall soon De out of the mud and ready to go up th* hill on high...
...Thty had a banquet on April 4 to raise money...
...Th* committee decided the* the district convention be held June 7, plac* to be decided upon at the neat meeting...
...spirit in the State...
...The financial report shewed the district to be on a sound financial bans for the first time since its organisation...
...They "w»nt all , the speakers coming this way, and hope to hit the ball in good shape from now on...
...6th A D. James Oneal will lecture on "So...
...Besides the borough and branch Party organizations there afe other institution* and organization* that are close to the Socialist Party...
...Branches applied to Merrill, to their borough organiser and to Thorns* himself for dates...
...Walter F. Kern, $5.00...
...Pennsylvania Is coming back, and cumin' fast...
...Hew can tha master* ever keep down a movement with workers like th...
...Klrkpatrlek-Seligman Debate Tho debate between George R. Kirkpatrick of the National office of the Socialist...
...Tha Branch arranged to meet on the Ant Sunday of each month at Walton's Hall on Stanwl* street I am elected Branch Sccietary and will dig up a branch report coon...
...For a good time, Comrades and friends, visit this»branch...
...One does not know what the others art doing...
...Brooklyn comrades sold ticket* In the school and competition ensued where cooperation should prevail...
...Thousand* of petition* will be sent to Socialists sad sympathizers of the party la Berk* County calling upon President Coolldge to restore the aged champion of tha working class t* hi* full standing as an American...
...Consider the looseness in th* relations between borough organizations *nd between them and the State organisation...
...t ¦ Scott Nearing will deliver his last lecture for Branch 104, Workmen's Circle, 8875 Third avenue, Friday, April 10, at 8:15 p. m. His subject is: "Unemployment and Hard TJjpes...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK national Comrade Short* of Dayton, a mam-bar of tha National Executive Committee, writes under recent date: "Our local workers are thoroughly awake to th* significance of the Cleveland convention and demonstration, and our State Executive Oommitte will go the limit to make the thing a *ucce*a . . , Thar* are many sign* of coming •ueceaa . . • district ofcolumbia Local Washington, D. C, want* one of th* regional convention* and demonstrations, if you pica**, and call* for a list of name* and addresses of all the speakers who might be available for use In Washington COLORADO State Secretary C. A. Bushnell of Colorado write* most inttrcctingly of the reviv...
...WEDNESDAY, April 15.—August Claessens will lecture on "What Can We DA With Human Selfishness," at th* Harlem Educational Centre, 6l East 108th street theIwonx The membership drive i* now Jn full awing...
...y _ -Demand Citizenship for Debs 1 At the regular monthly meeting of Local Berks it was decided to cooperate with the national office in a campaign to restore to Eugene V. | Debs his citizenship, which was taken from him by tha Harding administration...
...The Party Builder Borough Problems AT the recent New York City convention of the Party fears were expressed of amalgamation of the borough organizations...
...Preceding the Central Committee meeting, there will be a meeting of the Executive Committee In the office of the Secretary...
...Certainly not 11* the Party to blam...
...MIOMGAN Detroit Socialist* with to finance William H. Henry's campaign In the city to build up the local and beset the Cleveland convention and demonstration...
...Marl* Wannemacher, $2.00...
...The entertainers will he announced neat WThe 7th A. D., 4tM Thiff avenue, continues its l*ctar*i »t**y second and fourth Thursday of the month...
...Several times it has arranged affair* in New York that cam* Into conflict with other things arranged by th* Party...
...The State Executive Committee wants a mass convention and demonstration in Denver for the Inter-mountain district...
...Kerlin, $2.00: Henry Hufnagel, $1.00...
...Every Saturday night they have dancing, games, and other affairs...
...In addition to those previously acknowledged, tht following contributions have been received: C. W. Broomall, 12.60...
...Other important work of the Verband is not known to English readers...
...The New Leader doe* not get tha liit of datei or report* of other activities of th* Verband...
...One may cite Incident after incident to thow the necessity of tying all our Party institution* Into a working and harmonious solidarity...
...The Bronx Will celebrate May 1 in th* beautiful McKinley 8quare Garden*, 1108 Boston Road...
...There was no unity, no cooperation, In that campaign...
...They plan to finance their local campaign and to send a handsome remittent* te the National Office...
...A Comrade In Crawford County has volunteered to canvass registered Socialists in that and adjoining coun-ties and try to get them back into th* party...
...A committee was appelated to gather data on thi* matter, and it waa decided that th* Socialist Party sponsor a bill on unemployment insurance to be pr*a*nt*d to th* Legislature of th* State...
...At the city convention Comrade Thomas complained that last year he never knew from on* day to another where he was to speak...
...My mail average* yearly 600 Utters per month ., Jj Friday night at 6 p. m. there will be a joint meeting of the 9th and 1th A. D., to be held at...^^rk Comrsd'e Stille writes from Yon-km, N. Y...
...Local* and branches throughout th* State will therefore proceed at once to nominate candidates for tha Assembly and for county and municipal office* sad obtain th* necessary signatures...
...W* reinstated sis eld members, admitted seven new applicants, contributed 115 to the State fund, and appointed a committee te assist the Local In erranlstng a speakers' class...
...Bill Adams eat in Pltuburg writ**: "D*bs Branch m*t Sunday afternoon, April 6,-with thirty members present...
...Where... england ^ A City C.nua^oramittee ees» Yipeaf CircjThM baaa crrgantswHo Boston...
...Neither would do what was done if both war* *war* of the plan* of each...
...The subject 1st "Resolved, That tho Socialist Movement F-epre-sents the True Interests of the Musses...
...BROOKLYN The Central Committee will meet Saturday, April 11, at 8:15 p. m., at party headquarters...
...The (.ttendanre is increasing, and this branch, noted for its activities, will not be outclassed...
...The feverish Impatience for the Debs dinner is now testing tho patience of the local secretary...
...minnesota Tht comrades of Minneapolis are busy arranging for the mast convention and demonstration set for June 9 and 7. Logically they make th* first order of business th* ••lection of an organizer an/1 the financing of tha work to be done in preparation for the enterprise...
...PENNSYLVANIA From Reading, Pa., through comrade James 11...
...The* State OfAc* will put an organiser out to do work similar to that of Comrade Stille in New York...
...One incident will illustrate what I* meant The Rand School and the Brooklyn comrades decided to hold * theatr* benefit...
...Wt may enumerate Th* New Leader, the Jewish Dally Forward, the Rand School, the Workmen's Circle, the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, the Jewish Socialist Verband and many sympathetic trade unions...
...Wo cannot drift out of it...
...jl A meeting of th* City CamAari and Organization Committee will He held this Saturday afternoon, at 1:80 p^ffi., in the office of Local N*V ' *>* • ., ft Manhattan SUNDAY, April 12...
...Th* Dlttrlot Commltt** adopted appropriate resolutions on th* death of Comrad* J. J. McV*y, ef Haverhill, one of th* veteran* ef th* Socialist movement in Masts* chusttts...
...Tha advancing of the primary election date from September to June 16, ha* advanced the date for filing of petitions of independent candidate* accordingly...
...District Organiser Alfred Baker Lewi* presentee an outline of contemplated organization won for the summer, which include* specie...
...Tha fact that the war is aw and that the statements which sent Debs to the penitentiary war* after-ward* repeated by President Wilson will be pointed out to President Cool-idgc...
...No matter what form Of organization we have, to let the present state- of affairs continue would defeat the purpose of Party organization...
...Do the borough organisations and these institutions work in unison with each other...
...I start ia the morning at 10 o'clock and work till 11 at night...
...It was erroneously stated In these column* last weak that 800 signature* were needed, for each candidate...
...jit is not our- purpose to discuss its merits or demerits, but to consider some present defects of borough organization...
...The confer-ene* will be held In County Headquarters, 49 H South Delaware •tract The committee will also aaIndianapolis...
...Slightly over 160 hsve so far been secured...
...Branch York is coming back...
...cialitm, Past, Present and Future, St the 6th A. I)., 167 Tompkins avenue, on Friday, Atnil 10, at 8:11 sharp...
...Is it to blame...
...then 1 study usually till I a. m. My correspondence is vary heavy...
...Tickets may ba obtained ah the Rand School or at 167 Tompkins avenue, Brooklyn...
...A very interesting end appropriate programme has neen arranged... in Boston, Lynn, Salem and Springfield...
...indiana The state Committee of the So-delist Party of Indiana and Local Indianapolis have planned for an all-day conference of Socialist* and a banquet at Indianapolis on May 10, at the Hotel Lincoln, with Eugene V. Deb* a* guest of honor ana principal sp*»k*r...
...Comrades are asking, "When does it take place... jersey The State Committee meet* Sun* day at 2 p. m. at State Headquarters...

Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 15

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