"I AM A SOCIALIST" Truth| of Horthy Regime, Suppressed p by U. S., Told In Canada 1 By MICHAEL KAROLYI JUpon hi» arrival in Montr—t, Mickatl Karolyi, who** lip* had) b»*n **al*d by oritr of...

...Like all workers, he is exploited generally, by the white industrial masters, and in addition to theee, he is gouged by the capitalist-minded Negro, who makes hit appeal on the basia of raee...
...The reverse is also true...
...My land reform is based on private ownership, which is proof that I am not a Bolshevik...
...he must protect and prolong capitalism until he has had a chance to taste the sweets ef private property...
...d Pathetic" Gullibility Babbittry ptotoent Not unlike the average working-«'»»s community, Harlem's gullibility is intense and pathetic...
...There are any number of Negroes whose rent far exceeds their wages...
...Nevertheless, it is safe to say that the amicable relationship observed between the races in Harlem is due largely to the influence of the persistent propaganda of Negro Socialists...
...One may find a family today occupying the status of a tenant, tomorrow that same tenant becomes a lodger, and so the vicious circle goes en and on...
...These would have meetings like conferences or conventions...
...It will help the Cauae and The New Leader at the same time THE NEW LEADER Circulation Dept...
...Just bo-fore I left New York a returned traveler told ma that condition* in Budapest giow ar* worse than they ever were in'Vienna...
...Having to choose between paying the high rent or be without a home, they decide to pay...
...The outcome of th* campaign wa* a triumph for whole-hearted cooperative Socialist propaganda...
...Baldwin's "crime" was to hold a public meeting in defense of the right of union men to meet in a public hall to consider their problems...
...The war to ua waa fata), either way...
...t hereby giving the concrete negative '.aygr^ta the late President Hard-ingWpi^Hen that there is "a fun-(laMtntal...
...She "healed" them going and coming, right and led (departed...
...In a densely populated continent like Europe, these social reforms must come quickly...
...They pretend they have an unmuzzled press, but the 'fact is that the Government has a monopoly of the paper supply and will not burnish newsprint to a newspaper that doesn't suit it...
...In a country like America, more thinly populated, these questions are not so acute...
...Negroes no longer blindly follow the Republican party, but have gone over to Tammany Hall...
...Many u/ them approach Har-)*m with a sympathetic attitude...
...There is an old tradition which still survives, to the effect that whenever Negroes move into a community the property value decreases...
...Even under democracy the will of the masse, cannot always express itself...
...three dominant types fOODd toda> in every industrial renter—at one dollar or more per "heal...
...This is the personal reason why the Hungarian Government has done everything to prevent me from speaking of these plain truths which hav* raised th* curtain and which would have enabled the American public to see behind the scenes In-sttad of through the smoked glasses of official statements...
...Having witnessed the remarkable i lcceis (financially) of these two movements, one confidently (.waits the ilafc when Harlem will be honored by...
...And at the critical moment of the strike a Royal decree announced the exemption from taxation of the reserve funds of joint stock companies—a concession which, it is estimated, will cost the State something like ?2,500,000 a year...
...Another may be a system of special payments, one for economic affairs, one for foreign policies, one for hygienic and social problems, etc...
...Harlem is superstitious end patriotic...
...But perhaps th* greatest crime in the eye* of my own class wa* that I wanted democracy, and wanted ta introduce a radical land reform for tha purchase of the land by the Government and its sale to the people...
...a lodger's character may be shady and low and his habits loose, vulgar and harmful to the morals of the children in the home...
...at the York villa Ctaiao, SIO Ea*t 86th etreat, Naw York Cit...
...Wherever he has been able to force hie way into the trm ie union movement, we find that he is not aceovded all of the rights and privileges exercised by other union men...
...The people in the United States, perhaps, do not realize, because the truth is camouflaged by the Horthy Government, that those,who are run* ning Hungary now arc the very) same reactionary die - hards against whom tha American people fought during the war...
...Anbody whose liberty is an inconvenience can be thrown ipti- prison, not for crime, but merely pn suspicion, generally on the vague charge that he is a Bolshevik...
...I am a theoretical Socialist, butl do not think Socialistic views can be applied everywhere at the same time to the same extent...
...Third, the prisoners' camps should be closed...
...Demands Land Distribution & I believed—and I still believe-* tthat a* long a* the land I* unfairly distributed, a* long as there remains such semi-feudal institutions as the entailed property of the aristocracy aad of the Roman Catholic Church, there is no hope of Hungary becoming a modem State...
...When unemployment seta in, Negro workers suffer longest and severest...
...Second, establishment of freedom of speech and the press...
...All that counts is to e;et the big rent for the landlord, fh...
...Before the international loan was granted to Hungary last year I suggested several conditions which were rejected because they would have broken the back of the Horthy Government, but- the loan should never have been granted except un-dei those condition...
...Id the kingdom of the profiteers, a ^arlem landlord is king...
...The lot of the Negro worker in New York City is a harder one, perhaps, than it is in any other industrial and financial center...
...This matters not, however...
...all of them .how practically no desire to unionise tab Negro worker except during the period of a strike when he is used by the employers against the union...
...The shortage of homes in Negro Harlem ia an ever present and serious matter...
...Garvey holds, in common with the "Mights of the Ku Klux Klan, that •¦a is a white man's country...
...it is unfortunately too true that they are the last to be hired and the first to be fired...
...From the day the Negro radicaf began his agitation in Harlem he was made to realize that between the great mass of white worker* and the bulk of Negro workers, in so far as understanding and serving their own interest was concerned, there was absolutely no difference...
...eveu tsur meat Utter eacmie* pay them this tribute...
...I did this openly and was mad* an object of persecution throughout the whole war...
...It is a problem for Central Europe, for all Europe, for the world...
...A Negro worker has as much or as little appreciation of property as his white brother in the same class...
...Business was exceptionally good...
...The election has thus installed the Socialist Party as the strongest Party In the nation and it is only logical that Comrade Emit Vand/tr-velde will be asked by the King to form a Cabinet...
...Politically, Negro Harlem ia reactionary...
...Those who support Admiral Hor-thy's regime are supporting, knowingly or unknowingly, that very imperialistic policy against which the Allies and the United States fought during the war and against which President Wilson directed his fourteen points...
...Of lata* however, a decided change has taken place in the political life of Negro Harlem...
...If you are to give a country a loan, you must not have material security that it will not follow a breakneck policy...
...These things are graduated and shaded by historical and economic possibilities...
...black is represented...
...They must be politically secured also, for what good will it do America, or even American financiers, whether they get 18 per cent interest on the money they lend if within five years there is another war...
...Long before the Chamber ws* dissolved on Feb...
...If we had won...
...Ia suite of saany ebcUclea, hew...
...soma of them are attractive and compelling, others are repelling and grotesque...
...I he Economic L*v*r ! The.' ovecwhelming majority of Negroj| in,Harlem are Workers, and during the period of industrial activity Harlem reflect* thi* fact in a large n'lamHtr of waddiiig", gorgeous eocial .functions, theater parties, 'ielaborata»«nd cojtUy funerals and the spont^nepui rise of natty busl-jness, etc.'^t^in thf industrial pace blackens, bringjngtmpr it inevitable unemployment, poverty and' hard times, Harlem again registera this change by contributing its share of holdup men, beggars, schemers, bootleggers, business failures, employment agencies and installment peddlers...
...r No Bid lo Gamblers The financial and political questions cannot be separated, one rrom the other...
...SOCIALIST CABINET PROBABLE IN BELGIUM JO RUSSELS.—A gain of 11 Deputies in the Chamber and of 138,000 popular votes by the Belgian Labor party, bringing its totals up to 79 and 810,-000, is the net result of the magnificent Socialist campaign brought to a victorius end last Sunday...
...Mussolini, it has been' publicly stated without contradiction, promised the steel manufacturers to insist on a high tariff against German steel In the pending negotiations with Germany...
...New York boasts of no basis, industry like the packing industry in Chicago or the automobile industry in Detroit, consequently, the great bulk of Negro labor is unskilled, and we find hint employed here today, there tomorrow, and God knows where the next day...
...Mr other crime wa* that I wa« a pacifist I nat only was again»t-war in general, but ws* especially against this war fought on the side of Germany...
...Eageae V. Debs, National Chairman ef th* Party...
...Baldwin has appealed the case to a higher court...
...Ihey mean well, but they come expecting to find countless curios of |ave-dwelling days...
...Th* Labor party cam* back vigorously, pointing to the need of freeing the people's mind* from the grip of th* Church and demanding that politic* be rid of religion...
...From near and far they come, pen in hand, to uncover before a gasping and gullible world the hidden secrets of black Harlem...
...The few odd scats in the Chamber of 1ST Deputies went to the reactionary pro-Flemish Front party, which had four members in the old body...
...ever, and with a trm eWUrmioettaa that ia at once admirable and east, mendable...
...The two groups are alike in their opposition to anything new...
...Th* defeat of ex-Premier Theunis by a Socialist in th* Mon* district has probably eliminated him from active,politic* for a while...
...Not so the colored tenant...
...The gift of ?2,500,000 a year (at the taxpayers' expense) and of a high tariff (at the consumers' expense) are a pretty fair indication of the dangers which the Fascist Government saw threatening it if the strike went on...
...Orel* But while the morals of the children in the home may be corrupted, wjjile the home itself may be broken up through clandestine love affairs, in the final analysis it is the lodgers who pay most of the rent...
...Compared with the Chamber elected in November, 1921, the dividing 'ne between the Right and the Left is drawn much more sharply in the new Parliament, as the Liberals (a group wavering between reaction and progrossivism) have had their forces cut from thirty-three to about twenty-two, while the Clericals (whose Catholic faith serves as a strong binding tie, despite some internal differences over Labor Jegislation) have lost a couple of seats and now number seventy-eight...
...a white person of leisure, culture and reaataa meaner as dew* Use Mitred hiCaati wfcfb similar culture and refinement...
...Meetiagt Broken Up The street meetings of Negro Socialists have on numerous occasions been interrupted and broken up...
...Among the speaker* will bo Comrad...
...It is not a matter of indifference to one whether he lends money to a gambler or a business maii with good credit...
...There are some cultured and educated preachers in Harlem...
...fiep York unions are atop affected...
...If, on the other hand, the business element* among th* Liberals are in the majority, the new Government will be Clerical, with liberal support, aad the status 409 will be maintained, with th* solid Socialist opposition much Stronger and the big interests suffering from a seare that may de much toward halting their drive against th* eight-hour day and their attempts to eat wage*, especially in the mining and metal industries...
...In Ipr-time, Harlem, too, hates the Ipemy" and subscribes willingly to Wt loans...
...Fifth, the Fascist organlzstions [should be dissrmed...
...They are sometimes like the Ku Klux Klan...
...out of tha blood of generations Life will yet blossom, innocent and wise, And thou, my planet, shall be cleansed of lamentations, . A jade-green star in the moon-silvered skies...
...ha reactionaries have always Uancf...
...Under the present regime nobody knows what kind of government Hungary has...
...His sentence is a * call to every section of the trade union movement to rise to a defense of civil righte even up to the doora of tha textile masters of New Jersey...
...The Profiteer...
...What is good for one country is not always good for another...
...it whs eaay to sea'that Ifawasjfe wr would suffer the eafat&offipl that we did suffer...
...And the "second difference is, the ^cgree^of exploitation to which Har-|cm Ts~ subjected...
...Our rola waa that of the colored troop* in 'PlMttSj We were the mercenaries of th* Germans...
...The dinner will be bald oa Wedaeiday aveniag, April 20...
...When the Horthy regime in Hungary says it wants to re-establish a kingdom in Hungary, without mentioning what kind of a kingdom it is planning, it is camouflaging its aim to restore the Hapsburgs...
...They assume—these scribes—the pose of a Howard Carter or a Lord Carnarvon about to unearth Tutankhamen's buried treasures and tickle th* flickering fancy of their reader...
...Now, what are the safeguards America ought to demand before she gives a loan...
...they hope to dtacovet that long-looked-for, but never found "thing" which makes the Negro in on* instance the vic-tfcn of savage hostility and again th* object of sympathy and benevolence...
...The trouble is that public opinion, especially in the United States, does not always differentiate between Socialists and the Bolshcviki...
...to do so they resort to the established custom of taking in "lodgers...
...whether it be in religion, politics, economics or in any other field...
...But, say those who hold the former opinioa, "while we are receiving more income from the property when occupied by Negro tenants, we find, when compelled to secure loans, that the lenders of money demand a higher percentage of interest and more security than when the property is occupied by white tenants, because the former do not take as good care of property aa do the latter...
...As we go to press news arrives that Roger Baldwin of the American Civil Liberties Union has been sentenced to six' months' imprisonment by a Paterson, New Jersey, judge...
...Asked if he wduld agree to >uch a course, Vander-velde declared the formation of a Socialist Cabinet is "up to the Congress of the Labor party...
...Roger Baldwin must not ^0 to jail I Mussolini Bribe Ended Metal Strike The settlement ojf the Italian metal workers' strike, hailed as a triumph for Mussolini,, showed, on the contrary, th* palpable weakness of the dictator''* regime, authoritative advices from Rome show...
...One month before the war I was campaigning in Austria on the** lines, explaining to th* peo-pie why I wanted to break off from the German alliance, why I wanted democracy, why I wanted land reform and why I wanted to have Hungary separated from Austria...
...But if you support those who want to wage wars of revenge, then you are aiding the disturbers of European peace and are working with those with whom it is impossible to reconstruct Europe economically or politically...
...It will be a aplendid propaganda number, ideal for distribution at May Day and other meeting...
...Here, as elsewhere, religion is a luSative profession for the leaders, any who fail in other callings finally claim the Bible is a means to secure an easy and profitable existence...
...Radicals Maka Prograii The Negro radicals in Harlem have done splendid work, which can hardly be realized and appreciated by those out of touch-with conditions within the black belt...
...It supports the Red Cross, it furnishes its quota of vol-Ijtateers...
...Fourth, Jews should be allowed to inscribe themselves In the universities...
...Hungary is but the stepping stone on which they want to rebuild not only the Austro-Hungarian monarchy but the alliance with imperialistic Germany...
...This tyranny may eaetilpspread to other union centers...
...Tin* Number will be off the Pre** Thureday Evening, April 30, ready to be shipped in time for your meeting...
...they wanted the oppression of all the non-German and non-Magyar nationalists, who composed the majority of the population...
...Some did not have the price, which was of prime importance in one's being "healed," and besiJes, her mandate from God was to "heal" <iuly Jews and Negroes...
...I would also have much local government, on one hand, and economic centralization on eertai big lines on the other hand...
...One is tempted to say that every known religious faith has its faithful followers.' in Harlem...
...in some cases, ue union ia feariul of the Negro...
...America cannot be indifferent to what happens in Europe, especially now that it has invested millions and millions in foreign Government bonds...
...Encouraged by a reactionary leadership, they have set their faces stubbornly against radicalism and change...
...The general attitude of Negro Harlem towards a change in ipur economic system was tersely (voiced by a recognite'd leader of the race who said: "The Negro, ju«t out of slavery, cannot afford to agitate for the abolition of capitalism...
...BLACK MAN'S BURDEN Harlem Doubly Enslaved By Color and Capitalism By FRANK CROSSWAITH TO the enterprising young h unter of literary laurels and the profit propelled publishers of modern journalism, Negro Harlem has suddenly loomed upon the journalistic horison as the Klondike appeared to the gold seekers a genera* mn or so ago...
...I am a Socialist...
...that he reacts differently, lives differently, worships differently, and tMraere is a great "difference" jttC "distance" between life in NaB* Harlem and life in the rest , etfH*w York City, all of which 1* Negro Harlem Typically American Negro Hailem is a typical Americas, industrial community contain "tog all of the evidences of such a community...
...They spread the rumer that I had received money from the Agios for carrying on my campaign against the Germans in such an obstinate and violent manner...
...Last year Harlem was represented both in the State Legislature and in,the Board of Aldermen by Negro Democrats...
...In this book he openly said that the aim of the war was not only to get Belgium and the coal districts of France> but to form what he called a Mittel Europe...
...7 EAST IStb STREET N.Y.Will Greet N. E. C. and Debt At Dinner the 29th The National Esaeativa Cue*-mitt** ef th, Socialist Party will meet ia New York aa TaeeeWy aad Wadaeaday, April IS aad St...
...I AM A SOCIALIST" Truth| of Horthy Regime, Suppressed p by U. S., Told In Canada 1 By MICHAEL KAROLYI JUpon hi» arrival in Montr—t, Mickatl Karolyi, who** lip* had) b»*n **al*d by oritr of Wathimgt** wkii* in this country, for th* fbnb tint* on thU lid* of th* Atlantic, *pok* of th* i**v* betwitn Mm set*} tk* Horthy band* that ml* Hun~ oary...
...however, we would ait save ltipt much more than 4 coiotry1 of rfsft, many ' ^SaWa* Frederick Naumann wretaa be<% during the war which was widely read and very popular in diehard i circles...
...W. ml*- There is a local Chamber of Ijpmmerc* and a heme for fallen :|twJi...
...In Harlem one finds— as one finds in other working-class centers— a plethora of churches...
...Union, aad Raee Prejudice Most of the trade unions • are . saturated through and through with race prejudice...
...a "mm up," i. e., one who will raise up tlie dead...
...Negrifes main-lain that i wife...
...Ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the population of any European coun'ry would bo against wars of revenge and wars in genersl...
...The Communists have entered the Parliament for the first time with two members...
...Six union men ware also fined $50 each...
...whether the next generation shall live in peace or war is wrapped up in this question...
...they glorify the past and are fearful of any departure therefrom...
...As a result of this I attitude, there is a growing conviction among Negroes to believe that, while they deplo.c the necessity for such action, the only way of escape is for Negro workers to form a colored Federation of Labor...
...Theee were the pie*' pie who wanted the war, and who wanted it to go oa to the last man, up to a final victory, Th*s* .people wanted the anti-democratic Government of Austrian* and Hungarian...
...Of course, she came at the command of God to "heal" the crippled, the halt and the blind—th...
...Eight powerful dally papers, supplemented by aeore* of weeklies and monthlies, carried th* message of Socialism to •very corner of th* little kingdom and it la safe to say that not a (ingle one of it* com* 7,660,000 inhabitant* able to read failed to see some .Socialist propaganda in print...
...Contrary to common' belief, the absence of any large number of Negroes in the unions of the industries in which they work is due not to th Ntgro'a failure to grasp the significance and importance oif Unionism in (be life ef the modern worker, but to the failure ef organ-tied labor generally to realise that the Negro is simply a waiter whose skin is black...
...every poasible • liadfcluf <col(r between the extremal of white and...
...These are not regular troops, but bands that march around under Awakening Magyar banners...
...To which Negroes mrfke this reply: "Granting as true what is said about loans, the question thereupon comes down to a class basis...
...I can understand the attitude of th* Horthy Government in .trying to keep me bottled up but I cannot understand why America should fall in line with it...
...In view of the fact that the voters have shown that the Socialist program of maintenance of the eight-hour day,, no wage reductions and a possible levy to lighten the war tax burdens has no terrors for them, it is possible that the so-called radical wing of the Liberal party may conclude to support a Socialist Cabinet, which they know would do something tow/ml cutting down the State contributions to Clerical schools, which have risen since the war to nearly 100,000,000 francs (at about five cent* apiece) per year...
...what a fortune awaits such a thrifty genius...
...If America pours her money Into Hungary under the existing conditions, and if there Is another war in the next few years, America will have financed it...
...These are used for a disgusting sort of persecution...
...To both parts of this question 1 must answer in the negative...
...I must ssy that, although I feel it very unjust, I am pleased that I was prevented from speaking while I was in th* United States...
...owing to the restrictions placed upon the Negro tenant, and being udable to mevgtwhere he can find a Vacancy, he la compelled to remain within the pale...
...it has its "uplift organi-Wions," its Y. M. C. A. andY...
...White tenant* may move unhampered from one end of the city to the other...
...The supreme tragedy of this is better grasped when we bear in mind the fact that the Negro worker receives far less in wages than his white brother...
...Of all the groups propagandizing in Harlem, none have done as much to remove suspicion and hatred and to feater the spirit ef tuicrauc* cut) mutual awod-wdl among the ur* race* aa have the Socialist...
...1 vish to emphasize, however, that' while I think all these things would be good for Europe, with its great overpopulation and its war losses, I.do not think them necessarily applicable to the United States...
...in most cases these "lodgers" are total strangers to the family with whom they lodge...
...Even democracy alone is not sufficient without justice in land distribution...
...I am an evolutionist...
...the assumed ' and steady income from ownership'in a certain piece of property is greats est it is then that the value should he high...
...A Vision On, happy earth...
...these are usually without the necessary training to fit them ysa competent expounders of that much expounded book...
...Babbittry is rampant here...
...There arc four or five MKipfirnu^azniei which are con-11 liiidnMhe main, with chronicling \egr» achievements in the field of 1111'jatujre anu business...
...their speakers assaulted, just as white Socialist meetings have been broken up, and their speakers assaulted in other sections of the city and country...
...I do not think that parliamentary aemocracy in its old stago Ik tenable any more...
...If you want to give support to a gambler, yon must first take a pledge from hint that he will not gamble any more...
...Mala Street Papers There are published in Harlem four weekly newspapers...
...These are truly Main Street...
...What is good in Europe is not necesssrily good in America...
...Harlem is honeycombed with •eeret societies—not of a subversive ilitore—which hold tightly to "long »»o" and are dedicated to "yester-¦W...
...Mai lilsii EaploitatMa Nevertheless, the Negro Meant is the victim ef a brutal and mirwmts exploitation by both black and white landlords, and the tragedy of the situation He* ia the fact taut there is no escape tar bias...
...Special Bundle Rates $3 00 per Hundred Copies Get your Local or Branch to order a bundle...
...The landlords of Harlem take advantage of this condition to bleed him "most mercilessly...
...eternal and inescapable difference between the races...
...Th* locals ia Graater New York bar* arrant ad a din oar an tbi* occaiioa...
...It must be readjusted to meet modern views of life...
...The practice usually is to replace white tenants with colored ones and in the process increase the rent of the latter anywhere from 60 to 100 per cent...
...If this sentence and these fines stand, trade unions may as wall close their doors in Paterabn...
...On national holidays, Harlem, like any other working-class section, Jhhbrates with its unfurled flags, jit* parades, dances and picnics...
...By COUNT MICHAEL KAROLYI I am not a BoUhevik, although I would not be,*/wd to say so if I were...
...FoMght tha German Alliance Before the war I fought against the German alliance in a way shown by the first volume of ray memoir...
...Comradei daiiring raaarVatioaa (hoald gat them immediately Price par plete '» two dollar* ($2.00...
...She should demand real democracy, freedom of support and real liberty—and tlen you can be sure of the will of the people having a way tc express itself...
...tfegjS' 1 larlem differs from any 1'tlJtefti'Iaortal center in two ai-l"'d»p»lgV, Firstly, i. js a veritable li u feaa' raUrbow...
...In vain did I argue that it was raving madness for us to enter the war, and pure folly for us not to get out of it as soon as possible by trtying to make a separate peace and thus getting rid of the German alliance...
...Paradise" Negro Harlem is the profiteer's paradise...
...The old tradition of the Negro in politics as voiced by Frederick Douglass, vit., that "the Republican party is the ship and all else the sea," was for a long time accepted by Negroes here and else* where as "Gospel truth...
...TltBfre are'Horn Nagrees here who caa'.pass the Nordic's rigid inspection1 and qualify for * ie Kn Klux Kian One only regards (frese as Negroes because they themselves msjjt upon being so classified, at least* while they are in Harlem...
...We were not fighting for ourselves, but for purely German intercuts...
...The question of whether Hungary is to be a kingdom or a republic, if you know what is going on in the back of the heads of those who are governing Hungary today, is more than an internal problem...
...What Hungary Needs These conditions were: Th* Allies should demand that Hungary should decide under universal suffrage what kind of government she wanted—republic or monarchy...
...The United States wants something more than mere financial security for these investments...
...between Aestrla-Hungary and Germany...
...Due to segregation, the Negro worker is the victim of a savage and double-edged exploitation...
...in other words, they enter , etjis "citv in itself" to prove the old chum thai the Negro is "different...
...Th* following U what th« Coolidga Adminittration did not want u* to htar: THE question I wish to discuss it whether th« Admiral Horthy regime wri food for Hungary and tha peace of tha world in general...
...They dread the thought that if permitted in the union in large numbers he will dominate the organisation and perhaps monopolise the jobs...
...In other words, they aim at the revival of Neumann's Mittel Europa program...
...any Intelligent consideration •I "today" and "tomorrow" is firmly opposed by them...
...eaany of them'.covertly bar the Negro from their ranks, others openly deny him entrance...
...while segregation continues, Negro tenants will continue to be offered up on the altar of greed and proit, to the glory of gold and the benefit of real estate sharks...
...the news that they.'see "(it to print" mainly con-id*V* murders, divorces, fightS, coui^ decisions, scandals, etc...
...Of course, all who desired could not be'"healed...
...The question of who will be asked by King Albert to form the next Government—Vandervelde, the Socialist leader, or some Clerical— may be answered according to th* attitude of the Liberal*, who (till hold the balance of power...
...Most of what they write about Harlem ia misleading and much I* false...
...Reservation* accompanied by cback or money ordar ihould b* •ant to Juliu* Cerber, Room 505, 7 Ea*t IStb street...
...There war* and lUll are two important campe in Hungary—one Hie conservative, reactionary, semi-feudal group, an Infinite minority with tremendous wealth and political power...
...I cannot understand why Washing-tor should have treated me as It did, merely because Gladys Vander-bilt married Count Dxechenyi...
...tha other the great massea ot the people, about 75 per cant of whom are peasant*) in addition, there is a very eltm strata of th* middle claa...
...The Clerical*, made desperate by the prospects of losing their grip on th* Government, fought tooth and nail, with the one-time universally honored Cardinal Mercier taking ah active part in slandering the Socialists...
...Nat uraJtiK they are all si cessful and M>nie of them even exercise political infbfjjfue...
...Until very recently Harlem "en masse" went to the polls and voted as "my grand-daddy did...
...like many another fable, this one is...
...n<R true...
...he •Pposcs the election of Negroes to ¦"th political office and accepts as [ftje the assertion that Negroes are wferior to white men...
...Proof ** this is plainly evidenced by the response to movements such as the wvey movement and Sister' Har-.toll's spectacular campaign of fhealing...
...But the restoration of the dynasty is only a very small portion of its real pro-, gram...
...This is what America rrfast tinder-stand...
...Wa must sweep back this tide of reaction...
...the Negro aadicals have kept up the fight, until today cue can say with pride that Harlem baa ¦ore Negro Socialist*, organbml and unorganised, than anywhere else In the United States, and cue U even tempted to predict that the first Negro Socialist to be elected in the United States will come free, black Harlem...
...10, tha Socialists were at work for th* coming electipn, with their 635,000 dues-paying members, their tens of thousands of "Yipeels," their Labor union*, their cooperatives, their educational institution* and their (port organisations...
...If these conditions are not met, and if Hungary is supplied with more and more foreign mtney, it will sim-p'y mean the fanning of new flames of war In Central Europe, This money that' has- gone and may go into Hungary is being used to rebuild ill ¦ old imperialistic machine, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Unman alliance, which \t bound to break out in a war of (.ggression against the Little r.ntcnte mat proo-ably will involve the whole of Europe...
...OUR SPECIAL MAY DAY ISSUE Order a Bundle Our May Day leeue (May 2nd) will contain a numbei of Special Article* on the Significance of Labor a International Holiday...
...PevertbeUss, Garvey is reported to ¦N collected over $2,000,000 from Pjgroes for the purpose of build ¦j: *n Empire in Africa/with him-E ,s Emperor, President or Popple—whichever title suits his PKIcular-fancy at the time he is WMklng—and transporting all Ne-i»*s thereto I'gittcr Harrell (while), with a' K Negro spokesman, cam* to Harlem...
...This was a terrifying prospect— meaning that there would be a kind of fortress inside of Central Eur rope permanently fighting against the other countries...
...Economic conditions in Hungary are frightful...
...Roger Baldwin must not go to jail...
...for whenever the landlord increuaes the rent of a tenant, say, $10 per month, said tenant in turn distributes this increase on the weekly rental of the lodgers — lodgers puy rent not monthly like tenants, but weekly— and, by so doing realizes in most instances much more than the additional $10 per month...
...My words probably would have been only a call in the desert, but th* fact that I was stopped from ex* pressing myself drew the attention of the public toward me.' I think that the publicity which my cause received in that way will outweigh all the efforts and millions spent on the mean, stupid and lying propaganda against me...
...I am inclined to think that a kind of recall system will probably be one of the corrections of democracy...
...and partly to the fact that Negro workers are largely unor-gansted...
...1 The fact that the Government, alarmed at the development of events, offered the employers what can only be described as bribes in order to induce them to negotiate with the Fascist unions...
...PrevenUd From Telling Truth...
...Some Negroes oppose this idea and hope that organised Labor will soon see the folly of its ways and change its attitude before the Negro worker is driven to this extreme, perhaps to the mutual hurt of both black and white labor in the United States...
...The economic position may bs tl.e same, but the grrat difference lies in their moral and spiritual character...
...The only real security for America is peace in Europe, and this peace can be safeguarded only if the general line of policy gives moral support to those who want to solve the European question in a .peaceful way...
...This is due partly to the raee prejudice evidenced in every walk of life in the United States, whether It be in the church, the school or in the factory...
...he justifies •mi Crowism on the railroads on the jtfounds that Negroes never built *?y roads and do not own any...
...Of course, they will be asking for another loan in six months or a year, and after that probably ten more loans...

Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 15

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