THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL Comrade William H. Henry writes from Detroit: The Detroit comrades sre already making arrangements to run an excursion train to Cleveland for the...

...Comrade Gerber reported that the Ullmef Park, Brooklyn, had been obtained for the mass convention on Sept... the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, II10 Sackman street, Brooklyn...
...All persons!* Philadelphia and vicinity interested in education from the worker's viewpoint should make a sprcfpl effort to attend these gatherings...
...n < >,•th A. D. Ferae* "Th* New York Assembly at Work" will be th* subject at • lectur* by August Hlaeeseae at St 6th A. D. Forum of th* Leaf** far Industrial Democracy, at Bush wiek and Gatee avenues, on Sunday afternoon, April 6, at » P. M. Tha Forum etarted *.> Feb...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL Comrade William H. Henry writes from Detroit: The Detroit comrades sre already making arrangements to run an excursion train to Cleveland for the Convention...
...Central 1 New York and Syracuss for July...
...As farmers I, and all the rest of the farmers, surely belong to the proletariat...
...Idaho Socialists are to be counted upon for cooperation in the mass convention and demonstration enterprise and for the quick realization of a powerful national Socialist weekly newspaper...
...Substitute social and educational enjj§ment for routine and wt will grow...
...In this age of the movies, the Ford, parks, museums snd the Sunday newspaper, a Socialist brsnch meeting is st a disadvantage...
...Samuel E. Beardsley said that the biggest thine McCarty had to his credit was his fight against war...
...The victorious Socialist csndU dates, with tho Vote polled by aech, are as folldViS George 0. Strehlow, 10,674...
...He was at one time editor of our peper, La Parole, and organiser of the Italian Federation, tie will arrive in this country Msy 1. Comrade Vacirca is eager that all State Secretaries and Socialist editors make note of his avsllsbility for service...
...Otherwise he is lost t< the branch...
...Ferdinand Varrelman will lecturs on "Social Lif* Among Insects" at the headquarters of th* 6th A. D., 167 Tompkins av«nu*, on Friday evening, April 8, S o'clock aharp...
...We are most positively exploited...
...John Tucker hss written a history of imperislism, the best thing in the English lsngusge on the subject of imperislism past and present... addition to the election of officers and regular committees, a very important committee on Centralisation of the English-speaking Branches will report...
...Lectures, of course...
...CONNECTICUT The monthly mooting ef the State Executive Committee will be beid at Machinists' Hall, W Temple stroet, New Haven, Sunday, March 22, at I P- m. At a memorial meeting in honor of John P. McCarty, held in the Ansonia City Hall, Sunday, March 29, the following comrades spoke about the many sacrifices that he had made for twenty years at a member of the Mxty...
...Admission free...
...Never in the history of this (Wisconsin) community have so many farmers been compelled to buy so close...
...Hoopes, of Pennsylvania, and executive secretaries of the Bronx, Brooklyn and New York, approved...
...Centralisation is entirely new to Local Philadelphia and promises to mske possible much more effective organisation of the districts...
...Newt itemi concerning Pennsylvania Socialist activitiet should be tent to that addrett...
...He was so bitterly persecuted thst he wss forced to flse to Switzerland...
...The more important actions were that a hearing be asked of Governor Smith on the bill to install voting machines and that State Chairman Block try to interest the Hon...
...I ¦¦ * j Leeture Note* Friday, April 8, August Claessens will lector* on "Do Socialists [' Believe in Free Love...
...Ki use and AugOst Claessens ! spoke to those thst fame and urged , them to join the party...
...A loyal comrads in the sunny South writes...
...To hold new members is essential or we will have to rebuild again...
...I wanted to see a Labor party organised, but as that was not done, it behooves us to work the herder to build up the Socialist Party...
...But tho State executive should assist them with suggested programs each month...
...U lu business msetlngn ar* attended en masse...
...His subject will be: "The Klu Klux Klan and the Negro...
...The foundation • has been erected and the cornerstone will be laid Sunday, April 26...
...Comrade Friedman sailed for England on March 28...
...Organiser Stille's work waa planned as fol- ' lows: Wsstcfcs*tsT to May l; 1 Broome and Dutcheas for May...
...Another Wisconsin letter runt: "1 recently rounded up seven comrades for a new local and would by this time have had a good local if I had not had to iy a elave job and save my farm from the clutches of the bsnker . . . IH have that local era...
...PENNSYLVANIA TO PENNSYLVANIA READERS Information concerning the Socialist Party of Pennsylvania may be obtained from the Stat® Secretary, Darlington Hoopes, 41S Swede itreet, Norristown, Pa...
...Of cours*, contemporsry problems should not be overlooked...
...Usually there is a reading of the i minutes, followed by the reading of communications and bills...
...Leemans, of New Jersey...
...13rd A. D. At the last meeting of the branch In th* Brownsville Labor Lyceum delegates to the city convention reported and the members voted in favor ef a city organisation te oar-, ry on the work In Greater New York...
...Comrade Camans of Idaho writes that the comrades are full of the oldtime zeal for the Socialist Psrty as the Labor party...
...Hlllqoit te Lecture ' > Morris Hlllquit will lectur* on i "American Socialism" at th* Amalgamated T*mpl», ArJon plac* and Broadway, on Friday evening, April 17...
...ents, the party candidates finished 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and Vlh, each with a vote that is a glowing endorsement of them...
...It it or it should be the beginning of a wide culture for our member...
...18, and 19...
...r Comrades will be interested M learn of tha marriage of Mlee Lea Nazler end Dr...
...Runnlfig in a field of eighteen candidates, three of whom are mcurnb...
...I heartily agree with you, Comrade White, we must right now build up our own party...
...He must find fellowship fraternity, social and lntellectua enjoyment...
...Since the* they kfcVe be< a invited to a special r meeting...
...Imagine Detroit furnishing the only trainload...
...The meeting is open to outsiders...
...New members come in, remain members for a time, and then disappear...
...Irwin St...
...I with • small audience, but it hi gradually building up in this aw Socialist dlatrict...
...On March St, about 75 peopie hearod James One*) debate Edward Dobeon oa Socialism...
...e I)r...
...The members' lives will be enriched, enduring social contacts will be formed, and Ike Socialist Party will become a living, active and powerful eoeiai /ores...
...Our education does not end when we join a branch...
...BROOKLYN The Ji'ew Borough Park Labor Lyoeum is under construction at the corner of 42nd street and 14th avenue, Brooklyn...
...Branch meetings hive been dry, uninteresting and often futile...
...Watch this column fbr the results of th* driv...
...For example, if Garrison is chosen, an outline of the most significant events in his life should be mentioned snd a few books regarding his career should bp suggested...
...Do not leave this till the last minute, as the time will soon be at hand for the filing of the petitions...
...Every Comrade is urged to attend and express his opinion of the new plan...
...One dollar in cash and a liberal remittance came with a letter from Wisconsin in which is the following...
...Admission te : free...
...Enclosed is my remittance—with all my heart...
...Locals snd branches in New Haven .and vicinity will hold a May Day 'celebration in New Haven...
...1 am in the employ of the Government and therefore must do what I du secretly...
...Absent: Noonan, Steel and Wiley...
...We should always keep an educational and social program before the branches, suggesting esch one months in advance...
...New members become bored and sleepy...
...Rudolph Beyer, 10,178...
...est Ballot Association and other civic organizations in the matter...
...A report on the recent city convention will be given by the delegate* •th A. D. An important meeting will be held this Friday night .at headquarters, 207 East 10th street...
...Nomination nspers sre being circulated snd all comrades who can help in getting signstures are requested to report at once as -40,0 names are needed to put our candidate on the ballot...
...The first batch of enrolled voters—600 ef thsm— have hash written 16...
...The comrades make Home helpful suggestions in connection with the Cleveland mass convention and demonstrstion, offer one thousand dollars to the National Office for one lecture by Ramsay Mac Donald, and have no doubt that several thousand subscriptions for the new national weekly can be secured in connection with a great Pittsburg meeting...
...This branch meets at its headquarters at corner Tremofit and Third svei- nues, and svsry Saturday etanlng a it holds a social gathering at which e entertainment, games and dancing B follow...
...both tho attendance and th* collection were record-breaking...
...Nearly, BOO signatures sre needed for each candidate and all Jersey City mrades are urged to call at once at party headquarters, 258 Central aVenue, to obtain blank petitions...
...another from Pittsburg...
...Pageants, festivals and, by a large city organization, an occasional fair with a program of several days, are important...
...ILLINOIS The Cook County Executive Committee (Chicsgo) and the Organization Committee of the perty have adopted a resolution scoring an ordinance which is being supported on the grounds that it will advance municipal ownership of the Chicane traction lines...
...Ours is on educational movement...
...Alexander Render, 8,888...
...I Upper "Wait Side Branch Frank Crosswaith, noted colored spsaker, will address the next meeting of ths breach on Tuesday, April 7, at 61 East 126th street...
...Thd canvass of the party members in the county is going actively forward for the purpose of enlisting all in the work of psrty building and collecting funds for special organisation work...
...reports of committees snd1.officers...
...M any Philadelphia Comrades have been taking part in the work of the Philadelphia Labor College snd hope to attend the Workers' Education Bureau Convention at the Benjamin Franklin HotelrJkprU 17...
...The new member Joins because he is impressed by the ldesls of Socislism and not because of any dc sire to psrticlpate in routine busi ness matters...
...Those Ideals musi find expression in every brand meeting if the new member is to bi held and his {ooparstion is to be re talned...
...Decided to get the cooperation of adjoining Statee and that net profits of the convention be distribute,, in proportion to the tickets sold by the States and the New England District participating...
...This book msy be hsd through the National Office, Socialist Party, Chicago, for 82.26...
...6 Capital district for June...
...Mills has issued a similar challenge to Mayor Dever...
...Comrade Vlncenzo Vecirca was elected a Deputy at the beginning of the Fasclsti fight in Italy...
...The Stete Executive Committee has voted to cooperate with the Socialists of Nsw York and New Jersey in holding the proposed mass conventions in New York City this ! summer...
...Every subject chosen necessarily hss its social and economic background and its Socialist interpretation...
...Comrade Fitzgerald, of the New England District...
...The semi - annual membership meeting of Locsl Philadelphia will be held at the Machinists' Temple, 13th and Spring-Garden streets, Sunday, April 5, at 3.00 p. m. This is the most important meeting of this kind held in Philadelphia tbi a number of years...
...Comrade Swan Johnson hw challenged Alderman Schwartz to debate the bogus ordinance and Waiter Thoina...
...Decided > Croeewaith and other good speeksrs I for open-sir m**ting* a* funds per- * mlt...
...The National Executive Committee has voted to give credentisls to Esther Friedman of New York as a fraternal delegate to the British Independent Labor party conference which meets in Bristol on April 10...
...I. Poltky of New Hsven was elected chairman of a committee to raise s sustaining fund for maintaining "Our Commonwealth," the monthly bulletin...
...I A series of lectures <?n Science, , Literature aim Religion will begin , on Monday, April d^and each Mon. day thereafter, in the Lyceum at i 219 Sackman street Morris Parla» . H A., L.L.B., will five the coats* t The first lecture will b* "The Proud' i ian Theory Of Sex...
...Martin sky of New Haven, Jasper McLevy, State Organiser, and Louis Krahl of Meriden, a member ef the State Executive Committee...
...a Buffslo Branch to Meet ( Branch I of Buffalo will hold a t special meeting, Sunday afternoon, t April t, at the East Side Labor Ly- i ceum, 1644 Genesee strsst 1 MANHATTAN Leeture Not** Sunday, April 6: August Claes- ' ssns will lecture on "Race PreJ- ' udlce—-The Psychic Elements," st ' the East Side Socialist Center, 204 ( East Bro*dwa...
...Anna Ingerman will *p*ak j for Branch 7 on Thursday, April U. Subject to b* announced...
...Plans are being made for a monster Debs banqust to be held April 24...
...Local Essex has nominated Comrade John T. Wherett as candidate for Commissioner in the coming election in Newark...
...What program is feasible...
...His address is "Socialism and Its Future in America...
...Report* will be made by delegates to ths City Convention which will be followed by an address by Meyer London...
...The Party Builder Effectiv« Party {tranche* ^O BUILD the Socialist Party is important Jbut it is not A enough...
...Chicago Socialists have suffered recently in the death of two devoted comrades, Ethsl E, Beers and John Boening, the latter being ono of tho oldest Bocisilsts in the country...
...northern counties and Monroe to • the middle of Stptembet...
...and more foreclosures nave taken place this year than ever before...
...ContiaMd from Pag* 1.) ' for New York State...
...This committee will deter mine whether thst bill for printing tickets is excessive or not snd will save branch members a long debate It will save long discussions on other routine matters and thus givi time for social snd intellectual enjoyment...
...Those wishing to contrlbuts should send money or checks to Martin F. Plunkett, Wallingford...
...The and, 4th and 6th JL D. Branch meat* at 1167 Boston Road n on Tuesday evening...
...Enclosed you will find the meager sum of one dollar to help in whatever way it can...
...Comrade Van Essen urges that all speed be made with ths new national Socialist weekly...
...From New Castle, Youngstown and Akron, from Buffalo, Dunkirk and Erie, Springfield, Columbus...
...Decided that the Committee of 17 of the city convention take charge of arrangements with two representstives each from the other States and the New England District...
...discussions snd disputes regarding the routine of these matters to a late hour, and then adjournment...
...Admission free...
...He csme to Chicago in I860 snd was identified with the early activities of the German Socislists in the eity and took an active interest m the party down to a recent date, WISCONSIN The five Socialist candidates for school board directors were all nominated by aafe majorities in ths recent primary election in Milwaukee...
...Merrill and Arland elected (Continued on Page 11...
...The first essentiel is to transfei evpry possible bit of routine busi ness to an executive committee foi action...
...A committee of six was appointed to raise funds for a monument in his memoir...
...i - BRONX The Bronx County drive for mem* ] bership is on...
...A special meeting for active party workers will be held st the home of the county orgsnisation on Thursday evening, April 2. Personal no» ticcs sre being mailed to membtrs...
...But whst sort of lectures...
...The lives of eminent men, Garrison, Phillips, Lincoln, Cobbett, Marx, Lassalle and others, offer appropriate themes on their birthdsys...
...We are boosting the big doings and I am sure the comrades here will turn out in fine shape...
...Not at all...
...Further announcements will be made hi the Forward, Juetlce and The New Leader...
...Varrelana at «th A. D. Dr...
...the exact thru and plaee will be announced in the near future...
...Joeeph N. Cohen, t Membere of the brsnch extend their . best Wishes to these Comrade...
...front Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio...
...Every branch meeting will become an anticipation as well as a center of fellowship and social enjoyment...
...Shall we ask the new members to listen over and over again to an exposition of the principles of Socialism...
...The next meeting of Local Hamden will be held Friday evening, April 10, at the home of Gustave Berquist, 28 Millis street...
...Benjamin Scherer, 8,842, and Leo Wolfsobn, 8,280 NEWJERSEY JERSEY CITY About 100 slgnsturee hs»« been secured so fsr for esch of the lv« Socialist csndidstss for City Conk, mlssloner of Jersey City...
...In each case something more than a bare suggestion should be sent to the branches...
...Tha ab. sentees will not be neglected as sijusds of Bronx comrades are now , preparing to visit personslly every f enrolled Socialist voter and aolicit . his or her membership...
...The Labor Lyceum will be the home of the Borough Park branches of of the Socialist Party and the Workmen's Circle...
...In the smaller towns and cities where one local is organized it will work out its own plans...
...Comrades may look forwsrd to sn interesting ' evening...
...Wednesday, April 8; August Claessens, will lecture on "Is the Love of Money the Root of All < Evll7" at the Harlem Educational I CenteT, 62 East 106th street...
...In the larger cities where numerous branches sre organized the city executive should act for the branches, either through itsslf or through a special subcommittee which once each month should work out social and educational programs snd send them to the branches...
...Piqua, Delaware and Marion, making up another trainload...
...A former member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies will soon be in the United States...
...Comrades Samuel Orr, t Chas...
...Great episodes, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Chartist movement, the crussdes, msy be suggested...
...7' Comrade Debs wss at his desk in the National Office last week, still more firmly fixed in hie determination that the mass conventions and demonstrstions shall bs national triumphs, a tremendous influence in the rapid upbuilding of the party and of the national Socialist weekly newspsper...
...NEW YORK STATE The State Executive Committee met at the People's House last Saturday with Merrill, Arland, Feigenbaum, Gerber, Kebbe, Riley and Sander present...
...Thi* is th* I- banner branch of Bronx County d with tha largast active membership...
...There is no doubt about it, there will be a long trainload from Louisville and Newport, Kentucky...

Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 14

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