HYLAN'S "HONEST" GRAFT Democratic Practice of Letting Millions of Dollars in Contracts Without Public Bidding Was Vigorously Attacked by Socialists When Republicans Lagged Behind By WM. M....

...A large portion of this land had been sold to individuals and many residences had been erected, but there was still a considerable area available—sufficient for the first 400 homes under the Thousand Homes Scheme...
...Rather, he gives the impression of grest placidity snd peace, and to us whose picture of Mexicans has been drawn by the "movies," this tall, fairalmost-to-blondness, big-almost-tostoutness, genial young man immediately brought to mind, by contrast, the supposedly typical, dark, sinewy, ferocious fighting Mexican...
...But the Liga is not just s Labor union, it is a socisl institution and an economic weapon as well...
...Iturralde, "and convey, to them greetings from the Socialist Psrty of Yucstsn...
...And now the task of carrying out the dream...
...While the Socislis^s would like to hsve a Socikllst President, they are willing to accept either a Democrat or a rial Republican Centrist as the joint candidate, so there will probably be no trouble in effecting the bloc needed lor the final trial...
...I asked...
...The story was released last Monday and was sponsored by one Harold G. Aron, a leading real estate lawyer...
...The Liga builds schools...
...Red Mondeys "Every Monday is Red Monday, when the Liga in every town meeta...
...The only place to report a gain in the Communist vote was Halle, due to highhanded action of the police early in the campaign which resulted in the killing and wounding of several persons at a Communist rslly...
...Willy Hellpacht, the Democratic Premier of Baden...
...Iturralde's first visit to New York— snd he wss going to see the "Follies" this evening, his last before sailing...
...The award of contracts, the handing out of positions to ward heelers, and...
...He was allowed first choice of allotment and design of house...
...But Mr...
...Therefore, if Hylan's gang is driven out and Aron's gang swims into office next fall, it won't he long before Tammany will be able to make up a nicj little tabulation of instances of "honest" graft, if not in the form ef letting public money go without public bidding, thea in some other farm...
...There's a reason, too...
...Other typical cases are: Widow with four children, occupation office cleaner, now paying $7 a week for house with no conveniences or bsth...
...LIKE every other Australian State, South Australia has its slum and housing problem...
...Some of the occupants ! will be fortunate in having their or-1 chards ready made, for some of the I land was formerly an orchard snd vineyard, and in planning the homes i care has been taken to preserve the . vines and the tree...
...Aron's statement mention this public spirited work of Socialist aldermen...
...He presented to the Cabinet a scheme for the erection of l,00p homes, and the Cabinet speedily gave its approval...
...Iturralde, his nnhappy country is at lsst achieving a certain measure of happiness and contetat...
...All he it required to pay down it $125—in instalments, if ha withet it, while the houte it being built...
...It was decided to give preference in allotment to "site of family...
...I hope the Mexican children to whom they are going will not accept them as typical Americans...
...snd it was indicated more by the purpose and the vision Mr...
...Drive them out as you would drive out a bosses' representstive if he dared to raise his head in s union of your trsde...
...The mala street it 90 feet wide, and has bean pleated with an aveaue of trees...
...Wife of lsborer with nine children, psying $8 for a house with no conveniences...
...Today that is nesrly sll chsnged...
...As the houses are built of brick throu(hout, and have either five or six rooms, with bath, gaa, electric light, sewerage and water service, with an additional 400 gallon tank for rain water, the price seemed astonishingly low...
...Now that the Socialists have shown their strength they are ready to make a deal with the* other Republican parties (the Democrats, with some 1,670,000 votes, and the Centrists, with about 3,900,000...
...In the center of the suburb is the site of a recreation ground 13 acres in extent, while at well-chosen points In the streets small gardens are designed...
...Socialism Scores Gains In Germany —BERLIN...
...1 on the list was a men with a wife and 11 children...
...The public welfsre, the right to life end liberty and happiness of the men and women who do the world's work, cannot be taken care of honestly and decently except by the Socialists, who set human welfare above everything else—even above real estate speculators' profits snd politicians' graft...
...7, and 3,746,671 on May 4,'1624...
...Thst factor was not overlooked...
...J. Denny...
...Every foundation has be^i laid and the first occupants entered into possession recently...
...Timins has to hand over 1,000 homes by June next...
...Out Socialist Progress Socialists, however, while insisting upon strict honesty in public business, while giving an example of ab...
...lp no cate, however, may the occupant tall hit place within ten yeart...
...Iturrslde explsined, "not by individuals...
...While the Communists will run a candidate again in the final election, the other little parties will drop out, leaving the field clear for the race between Republicanism snd resctiOn...
...Many thousands of applications were received for these (1,000 homes...
...Frequent Socialist Prol«»U Again and again a Socialist would raise his voiee in protest, to be met with weary objections, and frequently an official statement by the leaders of the Tammany majority that it was such a small matter, anyway—why waste time and money on the mere formality of observing the law...
...Wild has the Socialist Government given him this liberty and land...
...solute honesty whenever they have control of a city, nevertheless hold that expenditures of public money, and public business is a means, not an «nd> that the and of all governmeot should bo the comfort, the wetfare and the happiness of Old men and women and children who live in a city, a State and a nation.' The public welfare is not safe in the hands of Tammany, of Hylan and "Hearst and Wahamaker and their mulUoAimonatre "friends of ths people...
...Mayor Hylsn took office on Jan...
...Unless the csmpatgn during the next three weeks should bring out huge numbers of ordinary stay-at-homes to reinforce the Conservative bloc, a Republican victory is sssured...
...That ths Socialist voters turned not in* such numbers, despite the fsct thst only , by receiving a majority of the total vote can a President be elected on -the first ballot, speaks volumee for the effectiveness of the party discipline and the active propaganda of the last few weeks...
...The Liga nominates, and because it is the only single, permanent organization, elects the candidates for political office...
...la planning this skew sakurh, provision wat aado for extensile troa planting...
...The soil is extremely fertile, beinn suitable for vines, vegetables, and fruit trees...
...A terrific indictment of the Jovian administration, indicating a large amount of^'honest" graft, Competitive bidding is required by law and is insisted upon by all honest admin istrationi to protect the public treasury...
...The Mexican wants peace," said Mr...
...Do they really care for that percentage of the $7,856,770 that presumably went into the pockets of friends of the Hylan administration that would have remained in the public treasury if honest competitive bidding had been indulged in on every occasion...
...Old peons who have never possessed anything are now working their plots of lsnd, snd we sre slso beginning to grow other products for our own use...
...The largest State School in South Australia is to be erected in this area, and each church has been allotted a suitable site...
...From the very beginning, money was spent in large and small sums without public letting, the Socialists alone leading the protest, while on only rare occasions did sn occasional Republican Join them...
...Singing, dancing and the reciting of poetry occupy the evening...
...Engine fitter with four children, striker (four children), driver (four),' motorman (five), watchman (ten), paying $6.26 for a house devoid of conveniences...
...And the Labor unions—I understand they are Very powerful in Mexico," I said...
...The Republicans can point to crookedness in office'when they are out of office— and viee versa...
...Twas ever thus, and 'twill ever be thus as long as the two bankrupt old parties shsre the rule of our city, our State and the United SUtes...
...The Labor union or the Liga de Resistencia, as ws csll it, is the power in Mexico," said Mr...
...Another big step on the road leading to the final capture of the Government of the German Republic by the organized political forces of Labor was taken last Sunday...
...Does Mr...
...Iturralde, "but more, he wants liberty, cultural and economic liberty, and—land...
...Eighty-five thousand men in Yucatan belong to the Liga...
...About 200 houses have been completed and they are being finished off at the rate of 25 to 30 a week, with the rate increasing ns the end draws near...
...nor is it safe in the hands of real estste operators and their high-priced lawyers...
...Spch a combination will make it impossible for a pro-monarchist to win, as all the Conservative bloc, composed of the Nationalists, People's party and Economic party, which polled some 10,400,000 votes for Dr...
...Unlike other States, it is seeking to solve the problem in a practical way...
...Under the Advances for Homes Act, the Stale Bank is empowered to afford opportunities for people with families, who** incomes do not exceed $2,250 a yaar, to acquire home* on easy terms, and the bank alto ,iou«iui power to acquira land without application and aract houses upon it...
...Won't you salute the readers of The New Leader for me," requested Mr...
...But such mention is ss conspicuous by its sbsence as were the Republicans when their support for common honesty end decency wss required...
...M. FEIGENBAUM IN their campaign to discredit and ultimately to defeat Mayor Hylan, a Republican "fusion" committee has just made public tables of figures showing that since it took office the Hylan administration has persistently let contract* for public works without the public bidding that is required by law, the total amount so spent reaching the sum of $7,856,770...
...In the four years that Socialists took part }n Aldermanic proceedings, they became a nuisance to both Republicans and Democrats by their constant opposition to the expenditure of public funds without public letting...
...Most of tho Other streets are SO feet wide, and they alto are planted, while the rights-of-way, where the water aad fat maint are laid, era astonishingly wide...
...From dawn until Iste at night the Mexican worked for his hut, his food and the privilege of working agaia the next day...
...Reade, a well-known expert on town planning and garden suburbs principles...
...Paying a small weekly rata, the full amount will b« paid in 42 yeart, hut it may be paid mora rapidly if the occupant wilhet...
...A new life opens up to these people...
...And I hereby do...
...There sre no longer sny large scale absentee lkndlords, always the terrible curse of Yucatan...
...Woolworth's celluloid kewpie dolls...
...The Liga is the life and soul of Mexico...
...The Question of the Land To secure the land was a simple matter...
...7 and almost 2,000,000 lsst Msy...
...It developed thst I was the only American woman he had met...
...Now he occupies a six-roomed house on land 60 x 160, for which he pays $4.60 per week, and every penny he pays goes towards msking the house his own...
...There are many such cases...
...But what is this Republican committee getting excited about...
...The Mexicans worked the land...
...Joseph Timmd, at an average cost of $3,200, was accepted...
...The Government is still psrcelling out some lsrge estates...
...Exploitation Of the Barmat bank ease, alleged to have involved several leading Socialists in shsdy deals, by both the Right and the extreme Left, spparently had little effect upon the hard-headed workers who understood thst even if the chsrges were true,'which thus far remains to be seen...
...If his committee really cares for the public welfsre rsther than merely to make political capital for his party, it would be mentioned...
...Iturrslde himself might pass for a native of Milwaukee...
...Lectures are held...
...Jarres, can hope to gather in are the Ludendorffers and perhaps half of the 1,000,000 votes cast by the Bsvsrian People's party for its favorite son, Dr...
...For Jose Iturralde is not voluble...
...The Socialist victory is enhanced by the debacle of the Communists, who iiU only some 1,870,000 votes for Thaelmann, against 1,707 176 in the effrtlons of Dee...
...For them, public funds represent a means of holding on to power...
...the threat to withhold jobs on public works to workingmen who threaten to vote honestly, constitute the machinery with which the old parties hang on...
...Timms declared that "massed production" was to be the secret of his success...
...Naturally, his impression would be unduly fsvorsble...
...Every Thursday of the week the distribution of land goes on, and when there is sn increase in the price received for fibre hemp, which is the main product of Yucatan, the workers get the incressc...
...The result is thst the new suburb differs only from any other suburb in that it is laid out(on garden city liaes, possesses no slums and no pocket-handkerchief allotments...
...Some years previously, some land had been purchased by a previous Government, and had been laid out by Mr...
...A Labor Government Tackles Housing: South Australian Cabinet Starts Drive to Clean Up Slums by Building Homes and Selling them to the People Without a Profit ADELAIDE, So...
...This is the story of Mexico and of the great men of Mexico, This is what I got from my interview with Jose ItJrralde, president of the Southwestern Socialist Party of Mexico and Governor of Yucatan, who was in N«.w York for a few days winding up the affairs of the late Felipe Carrillo...
...The portfolio was yivento the Attorney-General...
...7, last, .but bra tout of 30.88J.984...
...Thus tbe Socialist percentage is raised to almost 29, against 26 on 1 Dec...
...and 2Jt oil May 4, 1924, when the Socialist vote touched the low watermark at 6,0*4,380...
...Tenders were invited and that of Mr...
...I ssked, spropos of the "Follies...
...He is trying to csrry on the work where the Iste Felipe Carrillo, that most beloved of all the great' figures in Mexico's struggle for liberation, left it when he wes assassinated...
...He received no pay and no recognition as a human being with desires Vnd aspirations," "And that is really all changed today...
...As the scheme works st present no person with less than two children can secure one of these homes...
...Each house' hss a cyelons fence in front and...
...One of these occupied a house built on land 12 x 75, for which he paid $6.50 rent...
...Join with the Socialist Psrty in restoring the city to the people...
...In evolving a scheme to overcome this shortage he was fortunate in not tywlnfc tp seek legislative approval with the possibility of a hostile House wrecking or delaying his irians...
...Beauty Not Forgotten One thousand homes of one design, planted in a suburb, would, indeed, be unattractive and repellant to the eye...
...Undoubtedly Iturralde can be the fighter too, when necessary...
...When the present Labor Government came into office after the elections last year, Premier John Gunn included in his Cabinet a Minister of Housing...
...Some of the successful applicants are former dwellers In the slums...
...their whole psrty could not be held'vftpontlble for...
...Each occupant become* the owner of hit property in tima...
...He intended placing a wreath on the grave of Samuel Gompers, for Whom the Mexican workers hsve s great admiration, but had to send it by special courier through the Mexicsn consul's Office...
...I know some New York babies who might well have been born in Mexico snd Mr...
...Changes ia Conditions Originally it was provided thst the deposit in the case of people with only one child or without children should be $500, instead of $126, but so fsr there ere no homes available for this clsss...
...He did see the Woolworth Building— don't forget this wss Mr...
...A start was made in June last, and under the terms of the contract, Mr...
...The lend is owned by the people— by the community," Mr...
...All Yucatan was in the hand of some 2,000 Spaniards...
...In the two days Mr...
...I will...
...down a portion of the side, the balance of the fencing being of palings...
...which will insure the election of a President on April 26 wholeheartedly devoted to the Republic...
...Greeting to Socialists "And what do you think of American women...
...Hsving secured the land, the more difficult problem of erccting 1,000 houses at reasonable cost and on modern lines had to be faced...
...Another former slum dweller wss living In a house built on land 12 x 90, for which he paid $5 s week...
...A dream of social justice for the oppressed peons of Mexico...
...The grea^ men of Mexico have all been fighters, for the struggle for social justice for tho oppressed of Mexico has been a bloody one...
...Drive out both gangs of exploiters of the people...
...Possible choices are Dr...
...No Absentee Landlords "Yes...
...Wirth, Dr...
...gardener (four), paying $5 for a house without conveniences, -Which is about to be condemned...
...According to Mr...
...the aberratiohs of a few prominent Members...
...Iturralde tried to convey than by the actual recording of achievements...
...Each nf these houses stands on a blook of land 50 x 150...
...This latter powar has navar been exercised, but it gave the Minister hie opening...
...An enthusiast in town planning and directly interested in improving the conditions surrounding the lives of the slum dwellers of Adelaide...
...There the business of the community is transacted...
...1, 1918, (he day that seven Socialists took their seats...
...and of the sol-called National Socialists, who united only about 800,000 votes for Ludendorff, compared with 908,087 on Dec...
...Fourteen designs, mainly on bungalow lines, were drawn Up, and the successful applicants were given their choice, with one provision, that no two adjacent houses should be of the same design...
...Simons, acting President, and Dr...
...Only those who have friends to favor with purchases and contracts will manipulate public purchases in such a way that competition to secure the lowest possible profits to profiteers is eliminated...
...That means practically every able-4odied adult in Yucatan...
...To which a Socialist slwsys said that each purchase of an automobile, each consignment of pencils or scratch pads bought without competitive bidding, wss a violation of the law and the entering wedge f$r a system of favoritism that spelled nothing less titan large-scale graft...
...Marx, former Centrist National Chancellor...
...the Minister ascertsined that the housing shortage was so acute that 6,000 residents were urgently in need oAiomes to co?nbat the excessive rents charged...
...In en election for President where there was no chsnce of putting another Socialist in the place made vacant by the death of Frederick Ebert, the Socisl Democrstic party marshalled about 7,800,000 votes for Otto Braun out of 'a totsl of seme 27,000,000, compsred with 7,880,068 in the Reichstag election of Dec...
...The 1,000 homes will provide housing for a population of 6,481 at a cost of, say, $3,500,000, er an average of $640 per capita...
...I find them utterly csptivating and most charming," beamed the Governor of.Yucatan...
...As I was taking my leave, the Governor's trunk wss being packed and I saw a heavy consignment of Mr...
...Iturralde was in New York he was so completely occupied with administrstive affairs that he had not time for anything else...

Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 14

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