The Drama of Lust for Power
The Drama of Lust for Power By JOSEPH T SHIPLEY THE readiest weapon to mane hand, in hit effort to learn tht aecret of the uni»er»e, wai force. Rerognixing happiness ts the window light of the...
...W. M. F. "Princess Ida," Another Gilbert-Sullivan Gem, At the Shubert, April 13 Easter Monday, two theatres on 44th street will house Gilbert tnd Sullivan revivals...
...S. Stsvrof...
...There wts no doubt a very great future for tht cinematograph Industry in thia ptrtieultr extension of its functions...
...If th*y could mak* a betm ef light flunetutte In accordant* with •pcech or othtr tounds, they could do th* thing in two itaget...
...i It ia perhapi the unfortunate accompaniment of man's rise from tha beast that to him ignorant* ia not blisa...
...Holland has shown through the Wolves'' of a century ago the eternal brutiahness of the unchained passions of man...
...Iloea not the Bible admoniah ua "Ha that increaseth knowledge ineretstth sorrow," and popular warning sound "Where ig| aoranca ia bliti...
...Gladys Rice will ting "Hunger" from th* "Creole Love Song" Cycle, by Layton-Johnitone...
...t The divertissements st the Capitol next week will consist of Pec Weet" a Chinese legend, aung by Bets^ Ayres, Marjorie Harcum and Louiae Scheerer...
...Blossom Time," Messrs...
...The orchestra will ~b»/under the direction of Max Hershfeldt, Philip Barry'$ Comedy, '"The Youngest," Coming to Bronx Monday The Rronx Opcrt House will have "The Youngest'' the week beginning Monday...
...The laat act la taken up principally by Chief Driacoll (Klwood Bottwick), grilling one tuspett after tht othtr and accuting each one of the murder...
...H* showed by exporjmenti, continutt th* report in th* Sundty Timtt, how by meant of a photophone tranimitter in one room and a receiving and in another, comprising a selenium cell, battery tnd telephone, it w|t possible to convcy ltngutge along a lin* of light reaching from th* trammittar to th* receiver, and falling on to the selenium cell...
...Others in i the cast include Harry Morey, Ben Finney, Clifton Webb, Ida Darling and William Riccardi...
...Another Mystery "The Devil Within," by Charlea H or art, Opens At the Hud ton Charles Horan, author (tnd one of the producers) of "The Devil Within," th* new play at the Hudaon Theatre, murders his man, presents t sttge ful of men and mtidena tnd matrons, each one of whom has a motive for the murder, not one of whom can present t satisfactory alibi, most of whom htve been aneaking,tround suspiciously behind curtain and under couches when the paper knife was stuck into the shoulder blades of the late lamented...
...The men are leas competent, mid add little by their acting to a thin play that, despite the novelty of its central lituation, calls for a deal of hf'P- J. T. S. Talking Pictures SPEAKING at th* Imperial Collcg* of Science, Loadon, on "Hctring by Light," Proftttor A. 0. Rankin* indicttad the ponibility of the production of ttlking motion-pictures...
...While the lust for power played its early part in classical drama its greatest outburst wa.« in the flush of tha revival that swept the Dark Agea from all Europe, culminating in the exuberance that brought Elirabethtn literature, that made England with her virgin queen the mistress of the seaa...
...1 never laughed so muclf' in my life, and the rest of the audience laughed too...
...I he Lion and the Mouse-" and "Galsworthy'a "Th* Foreat" thrill melodramatically to the them...
...Rerognixing happiness ts the window light of the ultimate home of hii hopea...
...The kill* of the pity springs, one supposes, front the difficulty the older people have in discovering what is going on...
...Lew Morton is responsibly fcii^ its staging...
...The Devil Within" is good for one of the most wholesome laughs of the season...
...It seemed to me,'though, that the assorted burglaries, betrayals, blackmtila, assaults and badger games that the auspecta admit warrant a special session of the Grand Jury...
...Galsworthy's "The Mob," in another phaae of th* conflict, •howa how easily the masa may be perverted, ao that in ita angry lashings it aida the *nemi«a of mankind In their *t*rnal luti for powtr...
...Talking motion-pictures were, h* said, an amplification of this kind of thing...
...For th* purptrtt of hit illustration, Proftttor Rankin* uied an amplifier and loudtpotker, but he ttid the r*tulti would b* mora tatitfactory with a tingle pair •f telephones...
...You can't tell me that it isn't a burlesque...
...The program will ^ consist of "Sicilian Limes," a drama by Luigi Pirandello...
...all man therefore aeek power Tha hiatory of mankind might he eamd ia the shifting daviaea wherewith men aeek supremacy...
...They eould mtkt tht Mim of light fluctuat* and take a talk record of it and a photograph alto...
...Victor Herbert's "Chinese Willow Plate," danced by Doris Nllea end Frank Moulan...
...he disinherited his betutiful niece...
...Charley's Aunt" will st»rt ita fourth week at Moas' Cameo Theatre, Sunday...
...He wai rich ts the very devil, anil he had a terrible temper...
...You ctn't deny that...
...All I men suffer from what Carlyla called th* 1 diataae of coniciouineaa...
...Broadway Brief» I The Intimate Playhouse, 2135 Boston Rosd, Bronx, will open April 15, under th* direction of Mr...
...Next week will be devoted to scenic rehearsals on the new stage...
...The psychology of the pity is simple...
...Y*t even more tremendoua in the preaaura of contending powera are those playa in which th* protagonist ia the people, tho formleaa, inchoate mass assuming th* aignificanc* of audden protest, Hauptmann'a "Th* Waavcra" s a sullen, black-clouded portrayal of thia strug(lc...
...Leonore Sorsb.v, as the adventurous women who got Blackwood to change hia will leaving everything to her, was good to look at, and her soft, purring speech was pleating to the ear... thought to attain it by bod ily prowess By securing for himself, if necessary wresting from others, the things the possession of which msds those others seem happy, each man felt that ha likewise might stroll in the garden of bliss... th* adventurous lady whom h* wai about to marry...
...The pre-eminent manifestation of happ.ness was royal m»g nificenre, display of undisputed, unmalrhfd power...
...Th* tynchroniam wts bound to be perfect, bectute they were both together on th* itm* film...
...Queer Birds "Ostriche»" Hide Their Head* at Comedy Theatre "Ostrichea," a play by Edward Wilhraham and William Brady and I...
...John B|ackwood was a bad egg...
...Gladys Feldman will play nn important tol* in "Thrill*,'' a new play by William Dugan, to be produced by kiss ea April II...
...Edward Pawley will aueeeed George Abbott in '^roceational" when the Ltwson play moves to the Garrlck, Monday...
...til folly to b* win...
...He beat his Kaffir valet...
...Man and Maid" !» adapted from her novel and is presented by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer...
...Paul Specht't Orchestra and Barbara La Marr, At the Colony Theatre ^The new photoplay at Mosa' Colony Theatre, beginning Sunday, will be "The Hctrt of t Siren," with Barbara Ca Marr in the principal role, supported by Conway Tetrle...
...The Theatre Guild will open the new Guild Theatre on West 52nd street, Monday, April 13, with Shaw't "Cacsur and Cleopatra...
...Lew Cody and Harriet Hammond head the cast...
...Victor Kill inn has replaced P*«T Ivint in the role of Pe.ter C*bot i« "Desire Undar the Elms," at the Btrl Carroll Theatre...
...Fortunately for public morality—though here it ia only a question of taste—the girl, after the mother heroically overcomes her jealousy and pride and gives consent—the girl has » sudden revulsion of feeling and cannot take the man, after what he has been to her mother...
...and just when the audience ia enjoying itaelf enormously as the cop drags in one person «fter another, for the Finger of Suspicion to Point At, the leal murderer is unmasked...
...At the same time industry has been opening vast new fields for human enterprise, and cleaving a sharp division between the individuate who direct and the maaaea who follow...
...That is, not since the decline and snd fall of the ten-twent'-thirt' melodrama...
...Oh, and everything 1 There was a will and a diamond ntcklace, and a ruined woman and an illegitimate ton, tnd trick dttectivei tnd a comedy Iriah cook...
...Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall," conveys with appropriate dignity the idea hammered home in the current phrasing "The bigger they come, the harder they fall...
...Shubert will revive "The Mikado" on Saturday night, April 11...
...You guessed it...
...John Wengcr has designed the settings...
...Shubert'a musiral comedy, will plav a return engagement at the Bronx Opera House, April II...
...Eva Clark, soprano...
...Hit three-act coWily, "Th* Need,' has been accepted by th* Ch*rrV Lant Theatre fer early prodsetios...
...Tessa Kosta heads the cast tnd assumes the title .role...
...H* can't hang it on iny one in ptrtieultr, but, gosh...
...Yesterday Lawrence J. Anhalt announced that hia production of ¦ "Princett Ida" will open at the,Shubert Theatre, Monday, April 13, while across tlir street, at the 44th Street Thcttre, the Messrt...
...No author wants an audience to take hit "willin" and "betrayed" women and adventurer* ts authentic characters...
...Charlea Purcell joined the cait of "Sky High" at the printer Garden, Wednesday, supplanting James R. Liddy, who will join the Philadelphia company of "The Student Print...
...Among those engaged arc Robinaon Newbold, Bertram Peacock, Virginia O'Brien, Bcrnice Merahon, Rosamond Whiteside, Scott Welch, Sudworth Fraaier and Detmar Poppcn...
...Katherine Alexander, at th* daughter, has » voice rich In variety and soft modulations...
...piano solo by Charlea Le Blanc and a number of divertiaaementa...
...Wiman are producing at the Comedy Theatre, preaents rather a new variation of tho eternal triangle...
...the Glesson-TaBer comedy at Chanin't 46th 8trcet Theutre, celebrated iti 100th performance Wednesday night...
...Amelia Bingham plays the old aunt with K swift humor that ia effective...
...he tenderly turned over all hit million...
...the dramatiata of today, Toller in "Th* Machin*-Wr*ck*ra," Kaieer in "Gaa," ahow th* frequent blindness of this surging maaa, revolting againtt those who have wrung it to their will, yet seemingly incapable of winnnlng its own way to freedom...
...a comedy, "The Model," by Mr...
...Conflict itself widens t* th* civil sweep of revelation...
...Tom Powers, now pitying in "The Wild Duck," has joined th* rahka of the playwrights...
...Mandel it the author of No, Nanette," and other music play...
...the daughter repents her lie when the it ought, the mother loses her pride when she is helpless against it...
...By allowing th* light to fall upon a moving film th*y would get a photograph whieh wai really a photographic record of the tound mad* —a tort of optical gramophone...
...The various methoda naturally overlap, kut^Vrem the clanking of armor th* emphaaia turna to aubtler schemes, in "Dlarseli" the necesaity for war aeema overcome by far-aent diplomacy...
...tho complications increase when the man recognizes that his own passion has been transferred from the parent to the child...
...Frank Mandel haa begun work oS« musical version of "The Firebrtnd, to be produced by him and Uurene* Schwab...
...And maybe they'll get it, in a play to follow this one...
...When the suspense gets too awful— or the joke baa gone far enough, whichever way you wtnt—out pops the real murderer, and the curtain is down with a fnnny remark by the Irish cook...
...In all its aspecta the boisteroui Marlowe leashed this lust for power in h a forceful linet With the instinct of a god he carried his creatures to the summits of glory, that their headlong pitch might be Ike more spectacular demonstration of divine justice...
...They also consider it a crackerjack farce comedy...
...Herewith a Shamrock is pinned on the ample bosom of Dorothy Walters who gave us one of the realest Irish cooks seen on or off stage since"the blessed St...
...both reveal the wholtheartad delight of" the underling when fortune turns upside down Tamerlane, Btrtbbts, Dr Faustus, seeking conquest, wealth, wisdom, all moved against the purpose of Nature, aiming to appropriate to themselves that which no man may lengthtly hold...
...Janet Beeeher it the mother...
...The wars ofvthe captains of industry are spec tacular...
...Patrick druv the sna-akes out of Ireland...
...whtt t chequered past each one of the in&ocent appearing house party turnt out to have had...
...The Hetrt of a Siren" Is directed by Phil Rosen...
...Stavrof, and a Ballet, "In Time," ttaged by Bcetrice Stavrovt...
...In "ita varied windings, we find a growing girl becoming conscious that she loves the man who for twelve years has been the lover of that girl's mother...
...Th* tounds httrd on th* telephon*, he eipltined, were not the ttme soundt as those imptrted to tht receiver, but were re-mtnufactured soundt prtctically the time in chtrtcter... was somebody else all the time...
...the east is large and surprisingly...
...Other players include Eflle Shannon, Beatrice Miles, Veres Teasdale, Alice John, Jay Fassett, Douglas Wood and HarolA Vermilye...
...The music program includes a tecond week of Paul Specht and His Rand...
...If they get on one and th* *ame film a tound record of the corresponding picture record they could reproduce th* two together...
...Ilenry Hull and Genevieve Tobin play the leading roles in Philip Barry's delightful comedy...
...Milton staged the comedy...
...Is Zat So...
...Elinor Glyn's "Man and Maid," At the Capitol Sunday Elinor Glyn's personally supervised production is coming to the Capitol Theatre Sunday...
Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 14