TWO-PARTY DICTATORSHIP Capitalist Parties Legislating Themselves Into Position Where Others Will Be Excluded. THE political evolution of j the United States has i brought a relation between...

...Join some and war, anti-exploitation, anti-op pression society...
...And yet I am taxed to pay the expenses of these parties...
...Here is the remedy: Transport goods on Government owned roads anil ve hides in a more direct maimer, thus shortening work hours to six hours a day, which would enable the horses to have all their meals in then stalls, eating out of a bin...
...A second and third prize might also be awarded...
...In 1917 I lost 815,000 by fire...
...more absolute than any ever known...
...members of that party anil not of concern to the voters of other parties...
...If you can afford to send me The New Leader I will try and send some news...
...Suppose a branch is so small that only five members can enroll for the Work...
...if they run away il won't b' hard to stop them...
...The total number of voters visited in one year will be 2,600...
...I cam* to this country from Scotland in 1880 and by hard work I have a fine farm of ISO acres, grubbed and cleared from a dense forest...
...Joined in the passage of lejn.s-tation in the Stales which...
...The borough organizer should also give a story to the party papers at the end of each* month based upon the work accomplished...
...One could point out where Socialism would prevent the origin of all cruelties, whether to man, beast, bud or insect...
...Consider what can be done even by a branch with a very small membership...
...Should present tendencies in this legislation continue, all avenues to third, fourth or fifth parties will be closed and the Republican and Democratic parties will own the State electoral machinery and all that goes with it...
...Thin is only u skeleton outline...
...In 1918 I hac a good crop and paid off 1,000 if interest and taxes and supported my family...
...i The following may be suggested: Cards should be printed-for canvassers...
...The same plan can be modified and adapted for other cities that do not have the borough form of organization...
...ff not join, whether he will contribute to campaign funds, and other information that will be useful...
...He will from the Assembly district reports compile a report showing the standing of all districts, listing each one in the order of its success...
...The Party Builder Opportunities in the Cities THIS week we consider prospects for increasing tbe mem-bershrp of the Socialist Party in the cities...
...their work is very good, but they should complete the job...
...if not, why not...
...eventually will make it impossible for a new party to compete with them...
...twenty favorable to be again visited...
...In 1919, extreme heat and rust left ug with one-third of a rrop...
...The S, P. C. A says take them out, so the horse ran chew and swallow freely...
...I therefore ask you in the cause of freedom, ul political clarity, of avoidance of violence, of public economy, and of electoial purity, to repeal all laws concerning the organization and functioning of political parties, substituting a simple provision for certification of candidates to the election officials...
...Editor, The New Leader: The New Leader is a valuable addition to the progressive press, but as I am one of those bankrupt fanners 1 am unable to subscribe...
...The idea of the mass conventions is fine and if we can only evolve the i necessary party machinery to reap | the full benefits we ought to make rapid and substantial progress from now on...
...Oh, no, that's Socialism...
...I am broke, but I will fight this damnable sys-trm with the last drop of my blood...
...I hsve raised twenty-one children, eighteen living, forty-eight grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren...
...We are figuring on the lowest possible basis to show what immense work can be accomplished by a few devoted party members in each branch...
...Comrade, this is the harvest time for us if we are only equal to the emergency, as the people here are becoming desperate, not only the workers but thousands of small grafters, etc., are being crushed by big business...
...twenty not in when visited...
...Hamilton County Delegation, Ohio General Assembly, Cincinnati, Ohio: "Ladies and Gentlemen—t am opposed to statutory regulation and control of the functioning and organisation of political parties...
...The borough organizer does not file them...
...If ten members of a branch will pledge to visit five voters each week for one year, then each week fifty such voters will be reached...
...Of course, the branches in each Assembly district will have to work in harmony with each other...
...A sample report would read: Branch 2, Fifth A. D., Manhattan: ten canvassers for March...
...Let's do away with the cumbersome due stamp and use a pass book...
...I organised the township and in 1881 lived among the Indians As there were very few white people we did not practice race suicide...
...It seems to me that the thing to do is to concentrate on the most favorable cities snd build a self-sustaining machine there before we leave it, and I do not see how we ran do that and keep what we gain without adopting the system I suggest, i. e., employ collectors to collect our dues...
...As these cards are filled out the organizer of the branch should be required to transfer the data from them to a blank report made each month to the borough organizer...
...If its meaniieis are dissatisfied with the Way hi'which the party organization is managed or with the can didsre* that are nominated it is the privet* ^affair of the...
...One of the first indications that this development of a two-party dictatorship is becoming recognized is the letter printed below which was ient as a protest to certain members of the Ohjo Legislature...
...Even then the total reached in one year will be about 2,000...
...All cards and report forms should be uniform and come from the borough office...
...I could not pay expenses In 1920 the Federal Reserve Board brought on deflation...
...A driver is toldj by his foreman to keep the bits in the horses' mouths while feed bags aie on...
...I have been a justice for forty-four yesrs...
...ties nominating their candidates by filing nomination papers and requiring all other parties to gather thousands of signatures and often to submit to other requirements that exclude them from the ballot...
...I have raised enough gram and stock to feed my family for 100 years or more, yet 1 am up against foreclosure...
...I "In particular I am familiar with the method in the British Isles and I assure you lhat nothing so aston i ishea public men in Britain as this intrusion of the State into the af fairs of what they think above all other organizations should be ah solutely voluntary and self govern- ! mg associations...
...When will the driver eat...
...What amuses these comrades is, that the methods the humane society folks use take care of only the animals, not of man...
...visited fifty voters...
...So it is up lo us to educate the whole outfit from their a, b, c's up...
...We arc, in a sense, just about the same as starting out new again...
...It must be more than a political party, it must be'the greatest educational institution that the world has ever had...
...14, 1925...
...In those states where voters are registered by party affiliation, as in New York State, we have the big advantage of knowing where large numbers of Socialist voters live... be members of the Socialist Tarty...
...But to outline possibilities is not enough...
...To further stimulate the rivalry, a library of books might be offered to the Assembly district that took in the most new members at the end of the year...
...ten new members joined...
...The Yipsels could be enlisted for this work as well as members of Party branches...
...It will be done if devoted party members are given the opportunity to do what we all are eager to have dan...
...I have found humane suggestions and exposures of any account only in Socialist writ ing...
...There is no such thing as two leading par...
...1 know of no othei country that has adopted legal control of poHt ical parties...
...Suppose we allow for miatakes and, in a few cases, neglect In visiting voters...
...In 1915-16 I had twe years of aickness...
...In Britain all nominations are, by petition certificate with not to exceed nine names as 'proposers and seconders' filed with the election authorities, but how the nominee is decided upon is the sole business of the political party...
...To plan them is more important...
...That would be to lose the spirit of inter-district rivalry...
...Instead of this simple method multiplying candidates it is a familiar happening that in some constituencies there is an unopposed candidate...
...Party Organisation . Editor, The New Leader: I have just been re reading the report of "The Organization, i'ropa j ganda anil Finance Committee" of the < imago convention and it looks good...
...THE WIDE OPEN SPACES A Farmer's Experience Related in A Latter to The Editor of The New Leader...
...Why not give everybody one month vacation every year and have conveniences for people to go safely to the jungles and see the animals instead of bringing them here and imprisoning uncomfortably out of their native lands and climates, to show...
...Six yean and my valuable farm is in thi hands of monopoly...
...His letter follows: "Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb...
...They do it in a modest manner, not asking for pay or notoriety...
...So Uncle Sam's reward for my industry is a measly, dirty, lousy poorhouse...
...but they can't make out what is wrong and it is simply amazing...
...J*r**y City...
...whether he will join the party...
...This development of a two-party dictatorship has been ignored by many of those who call themselves "progressives.'' They have concentrated their efforts on the reform of primaries in an effort to give all voters an opportunity to vote in such primaries...
...The author is a student of party history in this country and abroad and his protest is ••worthy of careful consideration...
...Collect enough on applications to put members on the mailing list of a party organ and keep them there as ¦ long as dues ara paid...
...A political party is as much a private organization as a trade union is...
...It may be said there is never above three candidates so thorough is party identity and demarcation...
...ii ,d other regulations, they are gradually usurping un exclusive place upon the liallot In all other modern nations political parties are recognized for what they are—private organisations of citizens...
...that's Socialism...
...It leaves much unsaid, but into this outline can be built a systematic, persistent, orderly and fruitful program of party buildinp...
...The membership will follow the line of activity we devise...
...In New York City an inter-borough rivalry could be stimulated and the whole machinery of the party be stimulated to the greatest organization work ever attempted...
...We must discard every time-woin and wasteful method and get the full benefit of every ounce of effort expended or else nine-tenths of our efforts will be lost as In the past...
...I do not want to be understood as Opposed to direct primaries...
...Suppose thirty reports are received for the month from thirty Assembly districts...
...The evolution of capitalist party organizations in the United States j has been a case of these parties legislating themselves into the position of specially favored private organizations and also placing heavy penalties upon all other parties that may desire to contest an election...
...1 cannot subscribe...
...The- report will be sent to each branch .and the branch members of each district will know how their particular district stands...
...Many Socialists do all they can to make animals comfortable, because it is their natural, humane instinct to do so...
...The city is a problem by itself and for that reason is considered separately...
...Would a Socialist Government allow such conditions...
...ten will contribute funds but too busy to join party...
...In this case the voters reached each week will be twenty-five and the total for the year will be 1,300...
...It can be done... listen to their childish, ignorant prattle as to what is wrong and how we got this way...
...We must have the most complete machine that has yet been devised...
...There is practically no demand for lead, so after forty-five years of farming the capitalistic system leaves me flat at the age of seventy-cine and a small family to support Do we need Socialism...
...It is^ojbyipus that any plans for this work in the cities must be considerably modified before they can be adapted to the towns and rural regions...
...Previous tc the Are I #vas offered fail,000 foi my farm, but I had no desire, to sell as I love farming...
...The recent primary in Hamilton County, Ohio, participated in by but a fraction of the people, cost the taxpayers $64,000 "It may be aaid that a statutory pumary is commanded by the Ohio Constitution, but the only mandatory feature of Section 7, Article V, is that concerning selection of delegates to national conventions...
...On the cards -^he canvasser should record the name and address of the voter...
...By ar-1 bitrary filing fees, complex and j almost impossible requirements for signatures to nomination petition...
...There is little or...
...Make it a part of their duty to put out our advertising matter and to distribute our free literature...
...It is the aim of political parties to secure the legislative and other departments of the State, but if their organization ami action is to be defined by tin, for the tune, dominant party, they could be ham-j strung by such party through it...
...The law-conducted and regulated primary, especially the 'open' variety in Ohio, so dear to the shallow 'reformer,' tends to make parties meaningless and undefined, subject to raids by 'outsiders' and casual elements in the electorate...
...It is a wrongful diversion of public funds to use them for subsidizing a political party and financing its activities, "I neither belong to nor take part in the proceedings of either the Democratic or Republican parties and I am absolutely unconcerned about what they do or how they do it I am opposed to both of them...
...Since then we had years of ex-ceeshre heat, hardly any rain, aad legs than one half a crop, We received not half the cost of production for what we raised and paid two prices for what we purchased I have gone behind $7,000 in interest and taxes, without adding a cent to the value of tha farm... regulation of their activities 1 a< h psrty obtains a place on the liallot upon the request of a small j number of qualified voters...
...They should form-ulstc the plans and, once the work is started, it should be kept going by good-natured rivalry between the Assembly districts for the highest honors...
...whether he rends a Socialist paper or not...
...The Republican and Democratic parties have...
...I think the freedom of political parties is note vital than freedom of speech end of the press "Statutory control of political parties could be made, and I be lieve will be made, unless soon abandoned, a form of despotism...
...Very respectfully yours, "ALFRED HENDERSON...
...Not on your life...
...That, however, is a matter for self-determination by each political party...
...It should be done...
...On the Continent some political parties go further and before a person can be admitted to a convention or conferenco of a political party he must have a verified card of membership and be in possession of a pass-word...
...Ninety farmers out of every 100 are broke...
...THE political evolution of j the United States has i brought a relation between the I State and the leading political1 parties that is unknown to anv other country...
...I went into debt and put up better buildings and got more farm equipment...
...Indianapolis, Ind...
...It is then merely a problem of classifying them by districts, organizing to reach them and getting devoted comrades to take up the work...
...v ¦ Care of Animal* Editor, The New Leader: I read Edward Carpenter's story, which is very good...
...It is even now so regarded by foreign commentator.-- on our piai tiee...
...stand by, and see that he don't start up...
...three read The New Leader, eight read the Forward...
...Planning belongs to the borough orgsnizer and the executive committee...
...they don't hav...
...legislal i ve supremacy...
...Our Represent*, tives are too busy making laws for legalized thieves...
...This Is just as absurd as to legislate to give all citizens a vote in the trade unions...
...For example, the story of kings demanding of their huntsmen fine feathers, which is the cause of many beautiful birds being almost extinct and in some cases all gone — which was printed in the New York Call many years ago...
...Lak* Avenue Farm, Parnate, Miaa, Thel^LeoaVfflttilBag...
...Under the rules of the Conserv-alive Association, the Liberal Fed-1 cration, and the Labor parly, no one can take part in their several proceedings unless he has subscribed to the principles of the party, has had his application for affiliation formally and favorably acted upon, and is a dues-paying member...
...This land of the capitalist and the home of the sieve is the only civilized country thet has no old-age pension law...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 13

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