The Workers Party and Free Speech

The Workers Party and Free Speech ADMCLND «n th, Wgrktri' part* national executive com mittM at Chicago to state tha party"* position on breaking np opponent*' meetings, in view of tho party'* own...

...The committee chararterlasa* tWe tltualien created by th...
...Walter Damrotch will again take tht baton Thursday afternoon, for th* final four concerts of th* teaton...
...Aida," Wednesday matinee, with Rethberg, Telva, Lauri-Volpi and Dan-lae...
...That la cUar ...lint that th* party officU ally stands for the aame civil ..14lit* for it* opponent* a* it demand* fotr itself...
...Th* committee says lo the Workers' party t "It is dear that the Workers' y as an organization opposes what it regards as attacks on Soviet Russia, especially by Socialist*, and expresses that opposition by demonstrations which make* It im-poaaibl* to carry or meeting* addressed, by such critics...
...Katharine Bacon gTvet her flnsl piano recital at Aeolian Hall, Monday evening...
...Petrushka" and "Bohemc" on Monday evening, the former with Galli, Rudolph, Holm and Bonflgllo...
...Vaudeville Theatres MOSS' BROADWAY Nature's primitive haunt* are brought out in "Wonders of tha Wlldt," wbieh Burr Nlckle will present for Its first New York showing at B. 8. Moss' Broadway Theatre, beginning Monday...
...The Marlnoi with Moriche and Carlot Coblan't Or chettra...
...Th* itory 1* by Jam** Crux* and Frank Condon...
...A London Symphony, Vaughan Williams...
...Rafael Abramovich, a Socialist now touring the United States criticising Soviet Kueela...
...Th* orchestra] works will b* Franck't D Minor Symphony »nd Lltxt't "Tauo...
...the latter sung by Mqeller, Hunter, Lauri-Volpi and Scotti...
...Pietro Yon will give an organ recital at Aeolian Hall, Saturday afternoon, April 4. Helen Fogel, pianist, give* bar n*xt recital it Aeolian Hall, Thursday evening...
...Th* program will be repe*t*d on Friday afternoon...
...La Juive," Thursday evening, with Larscn-Todsen, Ryan, Mtrtlnelll and Rothler...
...Th* attention of Us* party ia called to the fart that "William Z. Poster, H* national chairman, la.on tha Civil Liberties Union naticjnal committee, as well a* B. Charney Vladeck, who was prevented fro*, apeak ing at the Town Hall meeting* by t uinnion 1st opposition...
...In re* plying to a previous communiee* lion, stetad that they did Met *«W dure* breaking rap ¦>.».!!>,»¦ but that tl.oy r*s*r**d tk* right to cone duct demonstrations agalnet tnevht opponents, "which h*va had |b«t praelical affect...
...Nat* Lelp lig...
...elpl* and in fart concede the same civil right* to Ita opponents as it demands for ltaelf...
...the latter enacted by Halli, Rudolph, Kosloff and Hartik, and tung by Sabanieevt, Telva, Diaz and Didur...
...Life usually moves more sordidly to a more tawdry and drawn-nut surrender...
...Coincident with th* demands against tha operators the •tfikdr* demanded of tiieir district officials the calling of a special district convention to consider several general grievances...
...Abramovich and at the Town Hall meeting fails to concede the rights In fact which it recognizes jn, principle...
...Douglas Leavitt and Ruth Mary Lock wood, with Charlet Bates...
...character analysis of tk* Inhabitant of a email American town...
...arc not adjusted, and seek no reconciliation but revolt, the inevitable end It tragedy, tragedy deep-rooted in the conflict* of modern life, deepest rooted la the toll of hard, lonely New England...
...Wakini Up the Town" presents an intimat...
...a ntrm-ber of divertttsementa and an orgar sole by John Priest...
...development th* play holds together with a suranesa and singleness of aim achieved elsewhere by the dramatist only in "Diff'rent" and "Emperor Jones...
...Faust," Wednesday evening with Sundelius, Ita lossy, Johnaon and De-Luea...
...Music Notes Ruth St...
...the lowett forms of human lif* exittant, and the myriad forms of animal lift that prey upon humanity...
...H< ssid thst tha organ in question wai not a Russian bulletin, but wai published in Berlin in German and that ht did not identify himself with ita criticisms of the Alliance...
...Joshua TJabei man, Admission will ha 25 eahti Co-Op and...
...LaW . international In Unit] FRANKFORT, Germany...
...This tragedy no one has revealed with more poignant sincerity and beauty titan Eugtne O'Neill, and nowhere more fully than in "Desire Under the Eltns," The Earl Carroll Theatre houses one of th* most tlgnlfksant plays an American has ever written, and those who would remove It are the foes of frankness and the despisers of art and beauty...
...Carmen," Saturday night, with Gordon, Alcock, Tokatyan and DeLuca...
...Jessie Walla** Hughan, Pro I John Pltai had Mr...
...1 in O Minor, Brahms...
...Th* music program Includes th* over tor*' "L* Hoheme," by Puccini...
...Tha meeting was attended by delegates from nine countries...
...8 for piano and orchestra, Rachmaninoff...
...Queried at to attacks upon thi Alliance appearing in tha organ ol tha Communist International of Co operatives, Delegate Khintchuk ol tha Russian Centrosoyus declarer that ths Russian Government had never requested his organization tc war upon tha Alliance and that furthermore, the Centrosoyus wst not a member of the Communist International of Cooperatives...
...Clair* MeDow •11 and Anna May play leading relet li thefllm...
...Frederia Burt has replaced 0. Henry Gordon in "Puppets," Francis Light-ner'a melodrama, at the SeJwyn...
...Irving Raul representing the Rand School De bating Club, will argue the nags live...
...Jack Pickford In "Waking Up the Town," At Colony Theatrt Most' Colony Theatre, beginning Bun day, will introduce "Waking Up tht Town," starring Jack Pickford and Nor m* Shearer...
...Reports of th* Win...
...Dutolina Glannlnl ia tailing for Havana Saturday, to appear in recital before the Sociedad Pro Art* Musical...
...Thi* will compUt* hit fortieth season *¦ conductor of th* New York Symphony During that time he hat conducted 4.00C musical events...
...It ••»•» "You ask for th* aid of the Ante, lean Civil Liberties Union la tha j fight for your civil right* and yet i yuu yourselves deny thosa right* i to others...
...L'Oracolo" and "Coq d'Or," Saturday matinee, th* former sung by Bori, Wakefield, Ertolle and Scotti...
...tlfy officially tha International Fad eration of Trade Union* of th* AI liance'e determination to work ham in hand with that organization ant to ask all tha national eooperativci to do likewise on tha national field No relation* ara to be mainteinec with tha Red Trade Union Interna tional...
...This hatred Increases when the old man marries again to keep the farm- for somcon* In whom his blood runa strongest—hi* other sons are not of hil kind, his hard, relentless suit...
...Out of this tangle O'Neill leta •¦• watch the forces drive to the tremendous power of the elose, inevitably growing from the twisted and thwarted lives of the people...
...n»» Com-1 mittea of th* Workars' party...
...Symphony In D (B and H 10), Haydn...
...Th* Union also refer* to th* forcible breaking up by th* Worker*' party of meeting* addressed by Dr...
...With the Orchestras NEW YORK SYMPHONY Bruno Walter will close hi* third sction a* gnctt conductor of th* New York Symphony with thi* Sunday afternoon's concerts in Aeolian Hall...
...Among thosa who have beei asked to serve a* Judges of th* d« bate art Prof...
...Rollen Bolton, Mis* Mir lam Zioay and Mr...
...Florettine Fortler, toprano, will give a recital at Town Hall, en Monday evening...
...James Bartot and Company, aitisted by Lew Christ) and Chariot Allen, < bailee King...
...Hi aailt for Europe on April 1 for a serlti of concert* in Berlin and Amsterdam The program Sunday afternoon: Over ture to Katchen von Hellbronn, Pfltx-ner...
...As the character...
...It* Kramer will give lier final recital •t Carnegie Hall, Sunday evening...
...Rand School to Debate New York University Tha Rand School debater* wil make their forensic debut with tht Washington Square College Uan on th* evening of April 1 in tht Rand School Auditorium...
...Thurtday afternoon, April 2, and Friday evening, at Carnegie Hall, with Rachmaninoff soloist...
...Franck't D Minor .Symphony and Liszt's "Tatto" complete th* program...
...2, If you do not endorse those tactic*, will you set limit* to het-k ling and expression* of disapproval which will ensure such meetings being carried thin ugh 8. Does the party both In prln...
...approved by tha Executive Committee was one instructing the Secretariat to help make ths cooperative school on ths Continent initiated four years ago by the British coop, rators an international establishment under tha Alliance's protection...
...Th* youngest son, born of th* second wife, who wss probably th* real owner of the disputed land Ephralm worked, - bitter against th* who married her to secure the property...
...f O'Neill's Greatest "Desire Under the Elm*" Rounded Masterpiece of Our Greatest Playwright "Desire Under a* Elm*'' csrrie* O'Neill back to tk* New England where he is moat at home, where h* placed "Diff'rent," his other great tragedy of the lonely woman, wb*r* be now strip* a larger group of pirsons of th* eon ventional liea, ,. I reveal* them in th* grasp of the eternal, *l*m*otal passions...
...Th* String-wood Ensemble will make a aecond appearance In Carnegie Hall, on Saturday evening, April «. i Mme...
...Th* committ** say* j that tk* General I...
...While the choice of characters it such that th* play drlv»t to a conclusion more tragic than usual, the end It consistent with tha characters O'Neill presents...
...Robert Mors* i. The Workers' p*rty is asked for a "clear-cut atatement" on the following queitions, 1. Do you endorse breaking up opponents' meeting* by continuous d*mon*tr*tlon* which prevent such meeting* b*ing carried on...
...Germaine Tailoferre will make her first appearance as an orchestral soloist with th* Philharmonic on Thurtday evening, at Carnegie Hall, when ah* will play her own piano concerto...
...The two oldest strike for California when the third wife comes...
...Muri Silba will give her aecond piano recital Tuesday afternoon, at Aeolian Hall...
...Th* pertf very probably take, the po*iti«*f * that Ha ".ember* have a right t» heckle and to boo and hi*, epeak-art...
...Finns Are Victors at Sports InteraatJonslI BERLIN...
...Among the various proposition...
...Mlti Jniiei, The Albertina Hatch Girls...
...Vet the party by ita action in the meetings of Dr...
...tha Du Pontt, and Rot* Irani Krets and Company...
...Marl* Sabbott ant Company and other acts...
...Wanda Landowska concludes her secies of seventeenth and eighteenth cejii^ery music for harpsichord and piano at Aeolian Hall, on Tuesday evening, when she will appear with a small orchestra of Philharmonic musicians with Willem Mengelberg conducting...
...To his sons in various...
...Denis, Ted Shawn and the Dentshawn Dancers, will give two final performances in Carnegie Hall on Tuesday afternoon and evening...
...The Workers Party and Free Speech ADMCLND «n th, Wgrktri' part* national executive com mittM at Chicago to state tha party"* position on breaking np opponent*' meetings, in view of tho party'* own "demands for free •peach," has been sent by a committee of tho American Civil Liberties Union, following tito intent disorder ai th* Town Hall meeting in New York City hold to discus* political prisoner* all oyer the world...
...Dell Chair and Lou Archer...
...The lad finds vengeance in the arms of the new wife, who ts » hard worked but pulsating woman, in need of security, but even mors In need of love...
...At 1 masting of tha Executive Commit tee of tha International Cooperatlvi Alliance recently held hare, it wa decided to put Into effect the r*so lution adopted at tha Ghent con gress last Fall and immediately no...
...John Hsynes Holme*, Oawald GarrUon Villard, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Roger N, Ilsldwin and Prof...
...Vicente Ballester, of the Metropolitan, will give his song recital on Sunday afternoon, at Carnegie Hall...
...The rock of th*m 1* Epbraim Cabot (played by Walter Huiton in th* best work of his career): tha old farmer haa fought like th* hard lonely God in whom he believea to bring life oat of the soil, his fsrm is hla creation and he loves It as bis bone...
...PHILHARMONIC The Philharmonic Orchettra, conducted by Willem Mengelberg, concludes it* subscription series next week with three concerts in Carnegi* Hall and one in th* Academy of Music, Brooklyn...
...ter sport* meeting bf th* Lucerne1 Sport International, recently 'held In the Slleslan town of Nchredherhan, ihow that it wa* at tended hy Mho* sportsmen from half a doseV coqn* trie* and drew about 2,600 tpacija-tors, despite th* handicap of bad weather...
...The spirit of internationalism was streng and tha records la running, skiing and coasting Indicate that ths great Lnboa Olynuvad to open in' Frankfort'W-tW Main July 24 next will- be a»r«al all-around atblesjh aflaM > As usual, Finland was well to tha front, her Labor sportsmen win mag the running event* and eimwiug up well-ln th* other contests.' The Lucemt International's Bureau was represented by Comm.le, Btidoux, who reported great progress being made in preparing tha big stadium in Frankfort for th* Olympiad . and said that arrangements 'Were to* b« mada for hecodmtddathir at Itntit 280,000 voters, i rJJ Cappollini Woa* ". 0 .\Z Call Convention t"< 1 Although the Coal striker**lh'tha anthracite mine* comprising District 1 of the UnitecT Mind Worker* have returned to work, tht situation is far from a complete adjustment...
...Contrary to a recommendation of the International Banking Commission, it wa* decided to continue to refuse admission to any but real cooperative banks...
...O'Neill selects for ttudy persont in whom the spirit is Miiti...
...His journey of over 20,000 miles—by camera -took him to old Meileo, Lower Callfornis, the Pacific, Japan, Chine, the East Indict and Singapore, where he taw the tree dwellers, the Are walkert, the "covered wagon" *la-ph*ntt, the not lets Interesting "tea elephants" of the Mexican coast...
...Symphony No...
...Eben stays to fight for his mother, who, he feela, cannot rest In her grave antil she is avenged...
...The K*tth vaudeville will Includi Lillian Shaw, comedienne...
...Robert Mora* Lovott Prof...
...Ernestine RAitimenn Helnk will mske har only sppssrsnce thi* Sunday afternoon, at Metropolitan Opera Hesse...
...W. L. Frank Egan has taken over the interest of Charlet Frohman, Inc., in "Starlight," Gladya Unger"e comedy, at the Broadhnret Theatre...
...011 v high or the prett-ure of circumstances sufficiently heavy, for an ultimate revolt against their surroundings...
...The Dryad, a Muaical Picture, Louis Aubert...
...Bat tho proper linxtt* of aa* such heckling and are reached whan • meeting ia actually prevented trass goi ng wo " Th* position of th* Cfvrl Ub*T-tia* Unioa, which ha* dtfrpaVsd the right of free spoach for all pursue* ! is sot forth aa ''demajidbiig tha right of free spacha for all peraoas ragardlan* of what they have to aay...
...President Rinaldo Cjp* pellinl and Secretary Enoch" Williams, on behalf of tha Executive Board of District 1 hav now" fa-fused to call such a convefiticrn, stating thkt there Is not sufficient cause...
...Berta M orena Return*— Last Three Week* of Metropolitan Opera A benefit performance for the Opera Emergency Fund will open the twenty-second week of the Metropolitan Monday afternoon...
...It will consist of the fourth act of "Rigoletto," teeond act of "Romeo et Juliette," third ect of "Die Walkuere" and the aecond act of ''Carmen...
...A verba battle will rage around th* qua* tiom "Resolved That a Reorganl xation of Political 1'artie* of tht United State* Along Liberal ant Conservative Line* Best Mi eta thi Needs of th* Coutjtry...
...Concerto No...
...Ala* B Francis, Herbert Pryi.r...
...Tristan and Itolde," Friday evening, with Morena (reappearance after many seasons), Branzell Tsucher and Whitehlll...
...The program will include the Spanish ballet, Cusdro Flamenco, the Algerian Ballet, and th* Vision of the Atsonia...* thi* love of the soil, 111 conflict with th*Ir revolt against tha iron will of th* father...
...Yah Wllner, Miss Florence Forgottsei and Mr...
...Worker** party as "Intolerable...
...In Its technics...
...PALACE Clifton Webb and Mary Hay and theli Club Ciro Orchestra...
...Th* Union's communication is signed by Or...
...The Philharmonic season closes on Sunday afternoon, April 6, at the Metropolitan Opera House, when Mahler's Second Symphony will be performed...
...Henry Slegel of New Yorl University will defend tha proposi tloa...
...Yolanda Mero will be soloist at the final Students' Concert on Wednesdsy evening, playing th* infrequently heard second piano concerto of Techsikowsky...
...Wall after wall of the house, that stand upon the stage, la lifted to let us see what passes from room to room...
...Coogan and Oatey...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 13

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