A Great Soul!


The Realm of Books A Great Soul! A Review by RAYMOND FULLER 'SUN YAT SEN AND THE CHINESE REPUBLIC. , By Paul ¦ Lmebargsr. New Yoik: Century SUN YAT SEN is dead! A great Chinese...

...Unabashed by all the cries of art for art's sake or subtlety in writing, she states her point loudly and boisterously and make.i her people live ii)i In il whether they will or no...
...In other words, the casualties resulting from gas and smoke are very many fewer than those from cannon and bomb, while the numbeeof temporarily disabled is tremendously greater...
...Not until she accumulates concrete highways, railway systems, a stable currency, Hnd some sort of schools for the common people—to mention but a few blanks...
...Raymond Fuller...
...ANTON CHEKHOV said in one of his delightful notebooks that the artist never points | Ins ringer at his readers...
...Price One shilling and sixpence, j Obtainable from the Labor Joint Publication Department, 1J Ec-e'eston Square, London ,S...
...I need hardly remark that future Governments will not enter on war without first persuading the vast majority of people of its jus tier...
...That he was a simple souled lover of mankind, compassionate beyond belief toward the abyssmal social and intellectual lethargy of his race, one cannot doubt after reading this latest biog rsphy...
...I Even in her very last paragraph i she i an only say, "Will it ('Orphan | Island') Htm, in its Think wellian, I 192,'j, Magi of Knowledge, as strange, as backward, as outmoded in learning and outlook, as it did to those who biuke into it after its first seventy years of segregated history...
...By J.i...
...The rest is monotonous repetition...
...The drat President of the Chi-pese Republic (elected Dec...
...Across the future of Orphan Island, as across all futures, is hung a curtain of mist, on which is so.awled a question mark...
...It is commonly .supposed that Sun was a preacher of radical economic views...
...By P*|il Bousnild...
...One day a boat lands, bringing with it the Thinkwells from Oxford...
...It is "irresistible horse-play," said William Archer...
...N Y.i Hot ton THE PASSING OF THE V HA MOMS By C. J. Patten...
...A fore we rd on the season in Chicago »B* on the Little Theatre movement is «lso included...
...The intrepid spiritef the man...
...Hi Y.: Century...
...Thirty disheartening years of trying to enlighten the Chinese people, so that they might "feel around" for...
...New York: E. P Dutton...
...Money it the root of all evil" was not spoken blindly;, tha desirs for wealth and the eate and power it brings, the thirst for power the few today may gratify at the expense of the many, thete individual atrivtngt and urgings-remnant* of .the least in man, fostered, and sustained by the present system—are the cause of war...
...This allusion to the rase with which propaganda is put across by a Government is strengthened by reference to the large group of sentimentalists who infest all lands and smudgy the surface of life with their clumsy soft-hearted ness, their inability to look at hard facts...
...With much less loss of life on either side, the enemy is more readily put at one's mercy...
...1. Walaa and Jela A Feet*, lliis i l.ip»n,c»lt . SEX AND CIVILIZATION...
...she has borrowed it from her own "Told By An Idiot...
...Sun's Thirty Years' War for "light...
...And behind these follow like sheep the predestined victims of the next wsr, the peoples of the civilized nations who will undergo the extremity of suffering rather than think for themselves...
...Their lask il not as hard as his, though it may be as long...
...a human arrow launched in the night, that somehow sped on and on im-swerving till it had pierced the vast composite heart of China...
...he was only trying to bring the vast'eommon peo-pie of China somewhere near a knowledge stage which the peoples of the West began reaching 200 years ago...
...will serve as a ready referenco book to those interested In things theatrical...
...N. Y.i Ruaaell Has* Fouadatisn EMPLOYES' REPRESENTATION IN STEEL WORKS, s, Dm ST Selikmiri...
...The perfectly developed picture which the reader gets of actual conditions of knowledge and social life in a tiny and average Chinese village like one in \ynich Sun was raised—is probably tfie lx>at feature of the book, Wtytf tejjjrhe lesson of Dr...
...Here is the oiie question Mii-s Macaulay sets, down- the nucleus around which her book is built Well and good, if It were but a milieus, if this thesis that whai inn grandfathers look like to us we may look like to our grandchildren, that as IS26 looked on the nineties a- Victorian, outmoded, old fashioned, so 1970 will look back mi 1925, were but the background for a group of persons whose life and ambitions produced this idea But Ibis effect Miss Macaulay has not even attempted to onvey...
...A Defenct of Chtm-wal Warfare...
...Life is d." eloped, and goe« on with all its ridiculous mistakes and mls-hsps in a way uncannily similar to English life...
...ways out H4it of their incredible ignorance of geography, history, science, electricity, steam, a/id their own "government...
...the simplicity of their lives and needs...
...She is cynical, hard, niHl.ter-of 1 act...
...Not only docs she express her major promise too often in "Orphan Island," but...
...By sU* Sinclair...
...China will never forget his impress...
...tin roiiimunHl family and communal village...
...He declares that "we have not yet made a scientific study of the causes of war, and, until we do, may expect more wars...
...No, Dr...
...Does not this smack suspiciously of "Penguin Island," with its finals of houses growing ever taller and taller, and men growing richer and richer, and life going on as blindly as ever...
...Naturally enough, the Thinkwells are chagrined to find that Orphan Island is getting along successfully without them...
...They have come to rescue the poor Sipiths and Orphans, who they naturally think must be in a state I of unhappy savagery waiting for a | civilized savior...
...Ettor spent eleven' month* in Essex jail with Arturo Olovanltti, on framed-up murder charges anting frpm tha Lawrence strike and hae returned to Maaaaehusette after an eight year*' stay in California, to take part in the campaign for tha two Italians whose eate parallels hit...
...Embodying the report of the Second International Conference on Workers' Education held ut Oxford, from August //i to I!, taZ'u Published by the International Federation of Trade Unions...
...Even though the hiog rapher's out and out reiterative hero-worship and his redundant moralizing be prejudicial to his esse, yet it is unescapable lhal he has given tl.i world a valuable story...
...But Dr, Haldane is right in his application of the idea, that war will continue until its causes are known by the great masses, who at present refuse to think for themselves...
...By tlntlelr Lewi...
...This is the fifth of Mr...
...N Y : Russell Sag* Foundation...
...If Man Must Fight •A Review by JOSLPH T. SHIPLEY" CALLINICUS...
...There is probably no one better qualified than Judge Line-bsrger to draw for us the personal Sun Vat Sen...
...and the u n monopolized state of their vast natural resources—these may easily lead them soon, at a bound, where Western nut ions fear to tread...
...As in the previous volumes, Mr...
...N. T.l Ma.mili.r...
...On this same idea did she build "Orphan Island," but she did not build enough...
...Progress would be perceptible, instead of being barely visible...
...It is a Story of a genius...
...Brief Reviews THE BEST PLAYS OF I92S-U...
...By Elha-\ Grintball and Rhea Wells...
...First, and it is a gigantic fir.st, must come literacy Hnd science and a comprehension of the world in which they live, and a slight con trol over their political government...
...It also contains a summarized report on the activities cf tne uodies engaged in workers' education in Austria, Belgium, ("zed i Slotakiu, Denmark, Finland, Fra...
...By Israel Zangwill...
...By Leon TreUky, V T.l International Publisher...
...A Commonwealth-is established in which, Mi.-ige as it may seem, the "all men are born equal" I gospel does nok'hold...
...N. Y.i Greonowg, In...
...And h» had to deal with four limes America's population...
...By J. B. S. Hal-done...
...All obstacles they face be faced — intrenched power, inexhaustible funds, lack of a press, serf-satisfied ignorance, diversity of national aims hihI conditions...
...Sun was this kind of Socialist—as Jesus was, as Gandhi is...
...Edited by Rum* Mantle...
...JNr the amateur producer, Little •shire and Community Drama] WMentations, this handbook should (•te* sxceedingly serviceable...
...29, Ull) after thirty years of almost tenttnuous effort...
...In it will be found a record of every play (hat was produced in New York during the season, with the names of the performers in each cast, as well si a birthday list of players and authors, a necrology and a summary of the run of each play...
...By John ElinnetI Kirslunan...
...She drags Miss Charlotte Smith, spinster, and a cargo of orphans away from the island of Great Britain to a shipwreck which lands them on another island...
...She laid only one door...
...N. f.l Knopf...
...THIS booklet contains a fml report of the sessions of the Conference, together wit I the special addresses on vaiious aspects of Workers' Education delivered nt the Conference, and photo of delegates...
...TOO MUCH MOi /•;>',¦ n Farcical Comedy in Three Acts...
...Effort towards what ' Not towards becoming China's president, not towards bringing a victorious army and revolution jnto Pekm...
...Utopia—a Myth...
...Out of their immemorial gazing back waiV backward, always backhaul for everything...
...This de- i yelopment, fully illustrated, is shown 1 It typical costumes for male and '•male of different social classes mid •Wupations, in different historic pvri-•Jlt...
...Shaw Co...
...Boston: Small, Magnard <v Co...
...By Floyd DeH...
...Italy, Luxemburg, Palestine, Poland, Russiu, Sweden, Switzerland at o the United States, together -with a list of names and nddresses of workers' educational bodies In these countries and others which did not send in reports...
...Too Much Money," Mr...
...The babblers about malting war so horrible that no nation will dare fight...
...II Socialism essentially lie a process of eliminating ignorance, special privilege, and despotism over the lives of one's fellows, then possibly Dr...
...But and do not let this fact escape you!- the Chinese have the broadest foundation on earth on which to lay a more tolerant and . o operative social structure...
...Smith are Smitht, and the descendants of the Orphans are Orphans—class distinction is horn as soon as men live together...
...How far from true...
...The Realm of Books A Great Soul...
...N. T.i H.ii.iii Brse* A Ce...
...the smoothtongued orators who tell us of the pacifying effect of Leagues of Nations and World Courts...
...Mantle, dividing responsibility with th* public, has selected ten of the plays a* the best, and in his introduction gives his reasons for his choice...
...Zangwill's relief was salutary, or—to use an expression from the play—"life-enhancing...
...It isn't much else—except very clever horse-plny, with clinking little trappings of satire It should suffice the sort of New York audi- j ences who laugh themselves thirsty over "What Price Glory" and go a second time to see a certain international Rose which blooms perennially on 42nd street near Broadway...
...With a glance back at the blunders and costly lessons preached by inefficiency, igno ranee and intolerance in the World War, especially at the inwillingness of the military to accept innovations, and the mistaken chivaliy that would bar chemical', he shows the inevitable trend uf military sir ence Just as the Chevalier Bayard, the model of all knights, spared the enemy archers and spearsmen, but killed those that bore firearms, so the "sportsmen" fighters of today would bar the handlers of gas and smoke Dr Haldane reduces these gesticulating mummers, and the makers of treaties barring chemicals, to the status of ignorant block ers of progress, by demonslrating that chemicals serve most truly the fundamental purpose of war: to subject the enemy to one's will...
...In making this remark, he overlooks the fundamental organization of society, the capitalistic system In which war is an inevitable and probably desired element, the reasons for which have been made claar in many a Socialist study...
...By Bin M Seltkman and Mar, Vsn KUek...
...We trust Mr...
...Sun Vat Sen gave his life to help his fellows achieve...
...As such it...
...from the Assyrian and Egyp-"Jtri down to Ihe Civil War period, yery helpful information is given on •he choice of materials for costumes, JM effect of color and lighting and l*t ute of dyes and decoration...
...Sun could not be interested in "Socialism...
...Ihe humble, patient, temperate ethics of Confucius...
...In a "•rjr practical manner, the authors, both of whom have had wide experi-jj«e la the field they cover, lake up m* fundamentals of costuming a Pity, showing how all costumes developed from the three simple forms, •» tunic, skirt and cloak...
...0OD or might By Hie* Tshra-kin N. Y.i Minton, Salt* * Co...
...The book is therefore not only interesting reading, but also forms a handbook to the Workers' Education movement such as has never hitherto appeared, and it is a convincing proof of the ever-increasing im-1 portance in all countries of the educational side of the Trade Union , Movement...
...It is his j privilege to sketch his people from j life, let them work out their destinies, ami allow his readers to draw any conclusions they desire from the actions they see the characters perform Rose Macaulay is in di-iect opposition to the Russian mas-j ter Slie not only hint's at a moral, 1 but she hammeis from page 1 to | page tl'.i, continually reiterating her opening piemise...
...Haldane makes many comments that are of importance as social philosophy, in their ftatement or Implications...
...The boat is destroyed by a mishap, and the Thinkwells remain on the island acclimatizing themselves as best they can to surroundings that basically arc the same as their own, differing only because of a lack of modern conveniences and age-old traditions...
...Zangwill tells us, was the relief he sought, from the tragic tension of Ihe Great War, and that after convulsing Scotland, it succeeded in staying fifty performances in London, following "the defeat of the Fifth Army which that Spring killed off almost everything on the stage...
...The text of these plays is given in a running synopsis and quotations (in much too small print...
...Mantle's series of annual compilations of what ii going on in I lie contemporary theatre...
...tion, which resents any loophole...
...just as she has never hud a feudal period at all ) And furthermore, China is no republic after the American style - not yet...
...Let Labor leaders in America read it, and take heart...
...a study and a recognition and a removal of those causes, of the opportunity afforded and fostered by C.e capitalist ays-tern for individual and nation" to wreak lusts and greeds upon the less powerful, of the exploitation and amassing of capital that are inevitable and desired — proclaimed as the goals—of the induatrial condition that it at the root of war...
...This appears to be a relatively simple process under modern conditions...
...MiarelUn**** LEON TROTZKY...
...New York: Boni dr Live-\ nght...
...By Rott Ma caulay...
...Rose Macaulay, like Schoenberg's music, is "tno cerebral...
...We in America naturally think of China as a nation and a republic -she is neither Not the one because that race has not yet entered the industrial era, and therefore is not a capitalist state, i e., a modern ua tion...
...Chi-r«9": A. It...
...A great Chinese is dear...
...was a Socialist, a revolutionist politician, and that his fae tion was a Left wing movement...
...While proving this, Dr...
...One of it,r world's great leaders died 0, March 14...
...New York: Mucmillan...
...There are artists, and musicians, and laborers...
...Here, in the course of human events, they grow up, marry, and have offspring, who in then turn follow their instincts...
...all overlook the simple truth: "War will be prevented only by a scientific study of its causes...
...We wish Rose Macaulay would not try to make so many novels on o? her one good piece of work, "Potterisni...
...and from all booksellers...
...these "are generally willing to accept (after a decent interval) any application of science which appears to them profitable, or any so-cisl institution (such as war) which is hallowed by use and wont...
...IN ordei to dismiss the material element of this stimulating volume, to clear away the business end of the job, let us state at once that Di Haldane leaves no loophole of duubt as to the greater effi cacy and humaneness of chemical warfare, «s , ompared to the older methods of cannonade and explosive bomb In this latest of the "Today and Tomorrow" serie which includes Haldi ne's own "Daedalus" and the equally startling prophecies of Bertrand Russell's "Icarus," the author surveys the future nature uf the great woild's conflict* which he feels are inevitable...
...They salve their consciences for such behavior by attacking, in the name of their god or their ideals, every novelty, whether in thought or In if...
...the criers in the market-place wl|i> bid us build more battleships, rear larger armies, until no country will venture to.take up aims against its mighty neighbor...
...Yet "Penguin Island" has the satire and the human sympathy and the subtle piercing irony that are completely lacking in "Orphan Island...
...I Those who believe in Ihe validity I of tho economics, of capitalist society will find a'contprehensivc study (928 pages) of the various elements of the investment principle which may serve as a guide for "safely" earn- ! Ing unearned increment...
...China may jump this stage, clear into a social commonwealth...
...ce, Germany, Great Tritain, Holland...
...There she said in every chapter that, were the younger generation as different from its parents as its parents say it Is, the world would not stand so still as it does...
...The parents decry the children, and the children decry the parents...
...Editor Will Speak For Sacco Sunday Joieph J Ettor, leader of tha famous l hwiin* f strike of t»l», will speak on tha Sacco-Vantettl fume up at the People's Hons* Auditorium, 7 F.ai I 15th street, New York, next Sunday, lnareV St, at 2 p. in Roger N. Baldwin, of the American Civil Liberties Union, will act a* chairman...
...Never will she let nn emotion come nea: her...
...Always she sees facts, facts, facts—all of which lead to one big fact which she repeats endlessly...
...The descendants of Chai otte...
...N. Y.: patten...
...And it was this all important First,, we understand, that Dr...
...On(y when the system that permits Ui«u< free play has been swept away by jit vietinie wilt war beeom* a dark memory* a blot on the history of mankind, at Uit to stain the earth no more...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 12

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