THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK A Sure Recipe For a Good Time: Go to the Bronx Socialists' Annual Bail, Friday, March 20. at Hunts Point Palace, 163rd Street and Southern Boulevard RATIONAL ' Here...

...The mass convention,'plinaad for New York City in th* fall at th* result of resolutions passed by tbe Chicago National < onventton of th* Socialist Party, will b* oonslderad by the Stat* Executive Committee at lit next meeting...
...Boti will report to tha convention... to the best of their ability...
...moreland has issued a charter to a new branch at Greeaaburg...
...Koseville Branch is planning a special meeting to add to its membership...
...WNGS~COUNrt The Local's* benefit will be held Tiissdsv evening, March 24, 'at the 48th Street Theatre...
...Action on this matter it hoe* easary on account of the demand* msde in Various parts of the Stat* for the services of thia unusually efficient organiser...
...George It Kirkpatrick, who ha* been conducting the educational work in the National Office since 1923, will debate with Professor fill...
...The convention will assemble at i p. m. Saturday, March...
...The Brownsville and Eatt New York Central Committee will meet at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Sunday, March 22, at 12 o'clock...
...Comrades and their friends are Invited to attend...
...The husband of the deceased has been for more than twenty-flve years prominent in Labor union circles in Hudson County and an active member of the Socialist Party and its predecessors...
...Members should get tickets immediately...
...14 18 18 A I...
...Thirty two new members Joined the party, young chaps full of pep and tight," (iene writes...
...i YONKER5 A. mass meeting of new party members obtained by State Organizer Still* and Socialist synipafhiz-«rt will be held next Wednesday night, March 25, in room BU, 45 Warburton avenue...
...of the Social-itt Party that have sat elected their delegate* to this coBTentiOO* ahooiej do so at once...
...Gene will attend a banquet near home in Clinton and still another in Indianapolis which is to be sttendei from sli parts of the State...
...NEW'ENGLAND DISTRICT Again the New England District Office notifies all New Leader readers in Boston and environs, intending to go to the Darrow-Nearing debate, to purchase their tickets at once, as in all probability th* house will be Bold out before the day of the affair...
...Everything is tuned up for real joy, for reunion, for a night of night...
...Comrade McCarty was a member of the State Executive Committee for a number of terms...
...Y1PSELDOM The g r e a t e r city debating tournament will bagin Saturday...
...In the lasi two months it has greatly increased, and during the last ten ilavs he has been deluged with letters Jatties II Muurer, President of the Pennsylvania St te Federation of Labor, member of the Natiorial F.xei utive Couimitti e, writes, March 1(1 "I liave met ijuite > few Social ists since- the come lion and 1 find that the unanimous sentiment seems to be lo build up our own party One of the bis-t known Socialists of Brooklyn, who with his wife worked heroically foe the Progressiva ticket, has just written me: 'I have cotne back to Now York (from the convention) with tha determination to work harder than ever for the Socialist Party...
...A collection was straightway taken for the n. uonal offire debt (in response to Comrade Debs' appeal i and a like sum was donated to help defray the campaign deficit of the district office...
...17, U. M. W. of A." Comradei and friends whajbax some tpare clothing, particular): children t clothing, and shoes, shouli tend them to Room 505, 7 East 15tl polled to live in tents...
...HELP THE MINERS Local New York it still collecting clothing for the striking and evicted miners in West Virginia, and hat shipped many cates to them...
...But this was not all...
...August Claesien* will lecture on "Incentive and Ambition," Sunday evening, March 22, at the East Side Socialist Center, 204 East Broadway...
...Com* and join us...
...The referendum for Executive Secretary of Local Kings hat been completed and Joseph F. Viola hat been re-elected...
...With the present enthu.iatm of party members tha services of Stllle are in great de-mind outside New York Stat...
...The job is now to give these new members some Important . thing to do...
...Don't mist" th* knowledge that Comrade London it capable of Imparting...
...This will be i o l - lowed by a continuation of the discussion on Hillquit's "From Marx to Lenin...
...Remember th* date...
...I >« » • di...
...Branch 1 Is adding new members to its roll...
...The city educational commltte* consists of Augusta Smith, Benjamin Goodman and Anita Merita chairman...
...are informed that Local We.t...
...She was buried from her late home, 1637 Hudson Boulevard, Jersey City...
...Comrade Jimmy Walker, an aa> tiva member of the «th A. D., Brooklyn, and In chars* « f tlajyetd* (mart-err 107 Tompkins a M 0 * died Thursday morning B B T 'I short Illness The funeral ifWrttJM place on Sunday morning...
...The Socialist Party of the Eastern Statet hat engaged one of the largest parks in New York for the matt demonstration and convention to b» held In New York on the above dates...
...Outdoor meetings will be gin early in May The Ynrkville Lunch is r e t u r n i n g to it* old time spirit of activity...
...The play will be "Th* Wild Duck," by Ibsen...
...Opportunities for Self Education" it announced for Thursday, March 26, at 8.46 p.m , to be deliver**- at the chi brooms of the 7th A. D. Socialist Party, Bronx Count.., at 4215 Third avenue, corner Tremont avenue...
...The circle changed its meeting night from Thursday to Friday...< gymnasium of the People's House 7 East lith street...
...Hare'i • chance to help th* party and enjoy a vary Ana entertainment at th* tame time Local Philadelphia is planning othejr activitiea which will be announced later...
...Secretary Albert F. Stokes writes: "The spirit of the meeting exceeded even oui great expectations...
...Comrades interested in the canss are urged to com* and get acquainted...
...PENNSYLVANIA During the past week application has been received for a charter for a new Jug* Slav Branch la Pitt...
...Augusta Smith, of Circle 6. Brooklyn, will review two plays, "Desire Under t h e Elm*" and ''What Price Glory...
...To avoid conflicting arrangements, all organizations are requested to take note of these datet, and not to arrange anything on Sept 10 and 20...
...Tickets at $1.65 and $2.20 may be secured at the party headquarters, 64 Pemberton square, Boston...
...The spirit was good...
...editor of The New Leader, will speak on "Prospects oil American Socialism...
...The County Executive Committee will meet at headquarters on Wednesday evening, March 26...
...respondent's is always heavy...
...He has been delegate to several national conventions of the A. F. of L., and has served the Socialist Party as delegate to State and National conventions, as public speaker and as candidate for public office...
...Ti» mont and Third avenuea, Subject...
...Hunts Point Palace is your destination, in lid street and Southern Boulevard...
...As soon as . three acceptances are received they will be referred to a referendum vote...
...Local Philadelphia is Raiding a theatre benefit on April • and J. Tickets can be obtained freao the local office at IMS Arch street...
...10 and 20...
...He learned that the series of mass conventions were intended in fiart to produce the cash, the desire and the subscriptions necessary to set the now woo* ly on its feet That settled it Comrade Murray King returned to Minneapolis and reported the facts...
...Comrade* and organisation* who hove anything to propose for th* convention may do to by communii »iu.« with Louii Waldman, SOS Broadway, New York, Chairman of th* Committa* on Platform: or with 0. August Oorb*r, Room 606,1 Ea»t 16th atrett, Chairman of Committee on Plana of Organization and Camfiaign...
...It it up to New York comradei to maka it possible for him to work within the State...
...Monday evening, March 28, at the People'a Lyceum, 218 Van Sicklen avenue...
...The organization campaign continues unabated, a banquet is planned, 100 copies of the convention number of The New Leader were mailed to members who are not subscribers ami we expect to get every member on The Leader mailing list...
...Hudson County branches that met last week will contribute one dollar a week and will make initial payments ranging from $10 to $25 on account...
...Saturday and Sunday, March 1$ and 29, to prepare for th* municipal alec] tions: (a), by pr.parlng.'» plan fbi th* city-wide campaign of organlaai tion agiUtion and campsi«n:._Ui) preparation of a municipal p]atf*rm for the municipal ah^ttg M?U designate candidates Sat public of-" nee for the coming election...
...nState Secretary Merrill appeal* for additional pltdgea to maintain S. H. still*- at field organiser...
...Ajdmlaelon freY August Claeasana gi**o a Uetuae) on "Can Wealth B Di*tribu*e4 More Justly...
...Two' delegates were elected to the County Executive Committee and Organizer Newman spoke in appreciation of the work of the branch...
...The Exeeutivo Committee has also sent a letter to every member in Essex County charged with post convention enthusiasm and urging monthly pledges of one dollar for each of the months of March, April and May...
...Unanimously they agreed that a national party-owned newspaper would be of far greater Importance iuet now in upbuilding th* party, 'or tha time they defer the founding of the Minneapolis paper and fall in line._ COLORADO The State Executive Committee will meet at the Reo Hotel, 18M Broadway, Denver, Sunday, March 29, from 1 p. in to 4 p. m. Comrade Charttte will make a report on the national convention and other important matters will come up...
...A. Sellgman of Columbia Univers i ty on Sunday afternoon, April 26, at tha Arcadia Hall, Haleey street and Broadway...
...Circle 1, Manhattan, meets Sunday, March 22, at'8.30 p.m., at th*ti headquarters, 204 East Broadway, Emanuel Swjtkea, Executive BeCTet a r y , will speak oil "The Good and Welfare of Our League " Matthew Korni, educational dl, r e c t o r of Circle 6, ManJuutan,, hai mapped out an exceptional program on educational activity...
...A$0 "Wishing you and your* every, success, I remain, "Yourt very respectWly, (Signed) "WILL C. THOMPSON, "Sec-Treat., Diet...
...He is at present one of the five Socialist candidates for City Commissioner of Jersey City...
...Circle 7 meets Saturday nighti a t 24 Ridge street...
...Attention All Socialist Party, Labor and Friendly Organisations: Make no arrangemente for Sept...
...Friday March to, at th*Brownsvill« Labor Lyceum, 111...
...Branch i distinguished itself «' a recent business and social meeting...
...Delegates to the national convention of the party will make a report...
...The $0.50 and the $1.10 tickets are entirely sold out...
...and I. M. Chatcuff of the 2nd A. I)., Branch 1. Delegates to the municipal convention will meet at county head Quarters Friday evening, March 27...
...The organiser urges branches to elect a Leader committee to increase subscriptions and to deposit 25 per cent with the treasurer...
...He adds: "We shall surely have a hundred new members in the Ix>cal within a short time and gu ahead far more vigorously than ever...
...State Secretary Mar-nil has Invited the State SecretarW of New Jersey and Connecticut te/ be present or to send representative!, and has written th* State Secretaries...
...o arcade Debs is burning with a divine earnestness and determination...
...A rejuvenation committee, Hyman Hochberg, chairman, Mary Yavner, Sol Farber, Anita Merkin...
...The National Office will contribute literature to the amount of . $2(i per month to aid organisation work...
...WASHINGTON Comrade Ruby Herman of Seal tie writes "Because of the exceedingly gratifying ws from Chicago, gained from the Milwaukee Leader, the meeting of Local Seattle, held last night, whs in the nature of a jubilee...
...The State Executive Committee met on March 10, The State Secretary reported that no word had boen received from Comrade Carless as a i candidate for Governor...
...One night in Chicago, following ihe conventions, Comrade Debs never touched his bed, but sat in hi* chair wide awake straight through till sunrise, thinking, plan, ning the great revival mass conventions and demonstrations...
...Joseph Fcldman, Yetta Sterner and Lester Diamond, i s worlflfig on plane f o r making the circle's activity more effective...
...The funeral services were held in Derby...
...Plans were mad* for getting in touch with Ui* large muuber of new Socialist voters shown by the enroll* ment lists...
...Comrade A. J. Shlplacoff will' lecture thle Sunday evening, March 22, under the auspice* of Branches 3, 4, 6 and 325, Workmen's Circle, at 76 Throop avenue, Brooklyn, on Nature 'ar.,1 a W y T ^ E S B ES and (juestlv* will follow tha 1*** tur...
...Vigo County is reorganizing with enthusiasm and there will be something doing down there from i ow on...
...Gertrude Friedman will lead a discussion on "Conditions of the Workers After the Industrial Revolution" at the meeting of Circle A to be held Sunday, March 22, at 167 Tompkins avenue...
...of Pennsylvania and the New England District In regard te their1 cooperation, i The committee meeting haa bean set for Saturday evening, March 28, at the Peoples' House...
...Many Progressives here will come into our movement and cooperate fully with us.' And I have many such letters...
...Those who cannot afford this sum may contribute a smaller sum each week...
...The monthly pledges are still $20 short of the detlrtd goal...
...Joseph Polcbik, educational dlreetor o f Circle 6, Manhattan, will lead a discussion at the next meeting Friday, at 62 Bait 106th street* Oil "Tendencies in Modern IMetry...
...He was a very active member of the American Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic...
...We are on the high road once mora and under full head of pressure...
...Bergen, Essex and Passaic counties also promise to push this matter...
...Comrade Mrs...
...Opportunities for Self Education...
...Thai* committees solicit the deas and opinion* of the comrades...
...James Oneal, editor of...
...The Arrangement* Committee will act at the Credential Committee in order tQ Mv» the time of the-Coni vention...
...On Thursday night, March 26, Meyer London will deliver a lecture, at th* 7th A. D. headquarters...
...NEW JERSEY NEWARK Essex County, already active before the recent national convention, shows Mill more vigor...
...Quite a spirited discussion upon ways and means of resuming organization work in the district resulted in the inauguration of a move to create an organization fund of sufficient proportion* to allow sn organizer to be kept continuously in the field throughout thi.* coming Spring, Summer and Fall...
...Next week...
...St ill...
...A dance will be given on April 4 at Clinto...
...NEW YOJuX...
...Othert in the field were Carl Cumminga of the 9th A. I...
...b „ Everybody will want to be there...
...The Branchet are preparing theftplans, not for revolution, but for education...
...Lecture hy Meyer London A lecture by Meyer London an...
...The proceed* will go toward," keeping up a home for Socialist activity...
...Visitors are invited...
...Again let ma express our sincere thank* folt'your generosity and assure yoiu fMf w« are grateful for the clotjhhw at it can be put to good ute...
...Show It...
...When Cornelius Lehane came here a few years ago, McCarty arranged many meetings for him in the State...
...Branch organization...
...The committee will meet again on Monday, March .10, by which time it will be able to consider the funds that are available...
...INDIANA Comrade Deb* recently spoke for Local Terie Haute...
...Chauve-Souris," the play, It said to ne vary fin...
...Send the names ana addretses of those elected to tiki respective County Secretaries at one...
...There will be old timer*, new members, young and old...
...The .New Leader, will spet/k to th* party members of the 28rd A. D. on "The Proie pectt of American Socialism," at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Monday evening, March 28... Hunts Point Palace, 163rd Street and Southern Boulevard RATIONAL ' Here ere a few Hnee from • recent letter from Corn-ode Debs: "There ore request* f four articles here this morning and-I am going to try to write the • all... 11 o'( lock from the branch hamdanam t e r s , and member* of the 6th" A, Oi as well as other Co nradea in Brook* lyn are urged to attend and paf their respects to a Comrade what has * rm so much to tha movement, QUEENS COUNTY Delegat** l.l« trd At a meeting of th* Central Cora* mittee held March 18, a t th* hum* of Comrade Ehret, 718 S t a r r street, Ridgewood, it wa* voted to send $10 to the National Office to help In th* revival drive and to urge individual members te follow th* example of the I...
...Everybody ought to be there...
...Between $75 and $100 is expected from Hudson County branches soon...
...In the death of Comrade McCarty the Socialist Party of Connecticut loses one of Its best workers...
...The enterprise wit*, developing very encouragingly...
...This it the first of a series of meetings to be conducted in every assembly district to reach th* enrolled Socialists...
...The Socialists of Connecticut extend their sympathies to his family...
...nranrh Jamaica To Meet On Thursday evening, March -26, there will be a meeting o f Branch Jamaica at the h6me of Jam** Onaal, 95-10 -111th atrect...
...Circle director* should get in touch with any member oi thia committee in arranging programs and getting lecturers...
...The topic will bo: "Resolved - That the Socialist Movement Represents tha True Interests of the Masses...
...Erneat Meg* erfin, Barnel Wolff, Ernest Welsch and May II Mainland were e l e c t ed delegates to the city convention of March 28-29...
...CITY CONVK.NTiflS2r I Julius Qefber...
...These two dates will see the largest gathering of Socialists anil Progressive Trade and Labor Organisations in the East...
...March 2 1 . Every circle has been instruct ed to s e l e c t a debating team of two and notify the city office...
...Executive Secretary Emanuel Switkes will talk on "Current Events" at this week's meeting oi Circle 1, Bronx, at H07 Boston Road...
...A delegate to the County Committee will also be elected...
...BRONX Our Thirteenth Annual Bali, Frl day, March 20, will be a t r e a t . No one can afford to miss it...
...lames OheaJ...
...NationalUm vs International i«m" is the *ubject of Dr Simon Berlin's lectur* for the 14-15 10 A. D. on March 26 at 227 East 84th street...
...A commit tee representing the flvi county organizations of the Bart] has prepared an order of bualnesi and rules of order for tbe convention and has.two sub-cottwHUea'tt work one to prepare a drar»*| a plafforn and the other to prepare a plan o organization and campaign...
...At the Bushwlck Forum, conducted by the 6th A. D., under the auspice* of the League for Industrial Democracy, Brooklyn Chapter, James Oneal will debate Edward Dobson, editor of the Brooklyn Standard-Union, on the proposition, "Resolved—That the Socialist Program and Aims Are Impracticable,'' Dobson taking the affirmative and Oneal the negative...
...Tha l e a m s will be notified who their opponents are, and under what rule* the tournament will be conducted...
...CONNECTICUT John P. McCarty, for many years a member of the Socialist Party at Ansonia, <| «d in South Norwalk of pneumonia, Sunday, March 15...
...Each member in the State is also asked to contribute one dollar a week from now until Election Day and to make as large initial payments as they can afford...
...i have been up since Ave this morning and busy every minute...
...His old-time spirit thrilled the meeting...
...organiser, will s u p e r v i s e the tournament...
...Several comrades have sent in eon-ti ibutions to reduce th* deficit of tha State Office and these are highly appreciated The names of all comrades giving such contributions will be published within a few weeks us clear the debt and make twaey foi a real revival of Socialism...
...omrades B. C. Vladeck, A. I. Shiplacoff and J. F. Viola are delegates at large...
...George W. Coleman, of the Ford Hall Forum, will preside...
...The County Committee of Local Hudson County at its meeting on March 7 adopted a resolution of condolence which the Local Secretary was instructed to forward to Comrade Mead...
...Th* commit Ice will also consider organizing work for Organiser 8. II...
...Members are asked to bring their friend*, a* Comrade Oneal will talk on the results of the Chicago convention...
...Through special invitations and personal visits it is expected to reach many sympathizers...
...The debate will take place March 24 In Symphony Hall...
...Hariiet Wolff WKS elected member of the State Committee for th* year beginning May 1, next...
...chsiirtsAo'eY^aa-Soi cialist Pitrty City CoBJgltliWTar...
...rtngeftuntt cmninltte*,^WtofjJjAce4 that a convention of delegajp^mr*) tenting the Socialist Party ojlwaW tions of Qmter'New YorVvxUTmee...
...Edward H. Mead, of Jersey City is dead...
...Are you Socialists...
...A. I. Shlplacoff will tpeak to enrolled Socialist, voters of the 22nd A. 1...
...Richmond Hill...
...Watch the next week'* New Leader for extenilve plans of nrganltation, mapped out by tha Local eV e< olive commit...
...This "stranger to defeat," after fifty active years in the Labor movement, now places his life in pawn to help us rebuild our party Busy...
...Anita Merkin, League...
...Hi* circle meets Friday night at 2056 Fifth avenue...
...The man ia with zeal and industry Comrade Debs' cor...
...Saekman street...
...We tent another shipment recently and received the following letters "The Socialist Party, "7 Eatt 16th ttreet, N. Y.' City, "Dear Sirt and Brothers: "This will acknowledge receipt of more boxes of clothing which you tent to this office for the miners ia the locked-out camps...
...At the educational meeting of the 6th A. I)., which will be held Sunday night, March "2.2, at 14 Howard avenue, Samuel H. Friedman will continue his course on "The History of Labor Unions...
...Organizer Steinberger announced ambitious plane for the clrculariza tion of th* enrolled Socialist voters In the districts covered by his branch... si 'ins they msy be able tu really 'get somewhere.'" MINNESOTA A group of Minneapolis comrades have recently been planning a weekly Socialist newspaper...
...AH .are invited t> attend...
...Mead Passes Comrade Mrs...
...At the national convention of the Socialist Party their representative became acquainted wil the plan to found a national weekly party-owned newspaper...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 12

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