socialists and the new party

Debs, Eugene V.

socialists and the new party In Memory of Our Martyrs NO movement in ¦ . i <• • *ver given such •**mf»l«* of heroism and voluntary marly I dorn s>s tk« revolutions - linked with the...

...this ,lKlfftlllh iluv of K.liruar>, nn, thriusHml nine hunirr*<l a n<t twtnty.flve...
...This book, when published, may be had in all dentists' waiting-rooms and summer hotel libraries...
...It is quite a problem at that...
...The voice of the Go-getter is heard in the land, no matter what sun shines upon it...
...This is a signal for all the guaguas in the neighborhood to bear down on the traffic policeman at once...
...Riding in auto busses is one of the chief diversions of Porto Rico...
...and i he I It hii[i*hi...
...Colorful Narrative of Adventures in the Isle of Enchantment—Together With a Discussion of the Functions of the Insular Police, the Bureuu of Weights and Measures, the Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Fish Hatcheries, Municipal Works, Public Lands and Archives, Sky-linos and Women of the Organized Territory of Porto Rico...
...lint that is over jiid may be forgotten...
...STATU l)K Ni:\V TURK (U'M-IlK- OF Till-: KKl'fttiTART...
...The Governor of Porto Rico is from Iowa...
...socialists and the new party In Memory of Our Martyrs NO movement in ¦ . i <• • *ver given such •**mf»l«* of heroism and voluntary marly I dorn s>s tk« revolutions - linked with the proletarian cause Evaa primi iva Claris* lianity, who** disciples were thrown to wild •>***¦• ia il.« Romeo • mphitheatre or who ,Were saturated with tar aad ussmJ for to,the*, to lifhl Noro's get dent, can hardly b* cltod at • ftcoptioas-With the pasting of primitive communism «*m« civ.ligation, and with it the age of clau struggles, war and conquoel The Mood of slave* cemented the empire* of Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon 1 he slave invariably fought tha battlas of every class but his own He fought other slave*, and, no mallei which won, the alav* evei wa* the loser Ihe mastart wore avar victorious...
...It also had itr lessons, chief of which is that a Labor party for independent political action will have to be forced by the rank and tile of organized La bor...
...They have a custom down there of taking "siesta," now and then when you least expect, it... will lever come through the initiative of highly-salaried Labor leaders, or rathei Labor follower" Therefore the important task is ti open the eyes of the tank and fib of the trade and Labor unions, am in this wide field the Socialist Part...
...i Instructions issued by the com- 1 mittee to each general chairman on | all railroads recommend that wherever in the opinion of the genernl chairmen it is advisable to do so a request for a flat wage increase of five cents per hour should be filed with the management (luring this month...
...with whom they made common cause in seeking to achieve independent political ac lion, did not reciprocate in kind...
...Delleaclttze, reproached by hia comrades, marchiag into tka atreets to his death, the heroe* and heroines who held tha red flag above tha barricades till tha last survivor fell, the multitudes shot by open trenches and slaughtered in the Boulevards, the eailee to New Caledonia...
...I trained one particularly bright centipede with frosty whiskers (who looked a lot like Charles Evans Hughes) to take dictation...
...When Ihe final test came in the convention recently adjourned, it was made perfectly clear not only that Ihe Socialists could not possibly harmonise or cooperate with the heteio^eneous elements there assembled, but that the Conference ilself wa* progressive in name only and in facl a reactionary body...
...Cleveland and nominated .Senator La Kollette for President and Senator Wheeler for Vice-President...
...aaaaeatee, aad triumphant It has prove* itself to bo tha true revelaliea...
...A man will be talking to you about some problem or other, when you suddenly look up and find that he is spang bang in the middle of his siesta, which, in case you haven't been around this good old world of ours as much as the writer, means nap in Spanish...
...The guagua apparently is as prolific as the rest of the flora and fauna of Pprto Rico and the streets literally swarm with them...
...When I first heard about "gua-gua," I thought it was the native term for what you do with Listerine to avoid halitosis...
...Those who understand the noble sacrifices they made are inspired to renew their pledge to the ideal for which they died- We pay our tiibu of respect to those who have passed on We pitk up the banner ths...
...No doubt at this very moment the Boy Boosters of Bagdad are holding their annual get-together and beefsteak dinner and the MooBe of Moscow ale listening to the report of the chairman of the house Committee...
...Now, if they could only riff up a netting over the Speaker's chair in the Senate and pass a pyjama appropriation providing for damage to the Vice-Presidential garments caused by sparks flying from his underslung pipes, Hell-an'-Mariar could take his ,ie,ta, right at his post and the only times they need wake him up would be when they wanted his vote to confirm the ap-poiitment of some other bootlegger as Secretary of the Treasury or whatever...
...MAIIK ITKRX, s.'.in.l D'vwy aecreury «f aisle...
...The board of directors of this corporation will consist of representatives of the interested unions...
...It ha, once more demonstrated it, absolute loyalty to the working ciaa,, and it stand, forth today the dauntlea, champion of Labor and relentlet, foe of capitalism, without a blot ¦pea iu haaaae m a eteie eaea ~«a tha poet tea rear* the Saaial, let Party has Waaa too tod to aha ¦arrow la aS tha kalaraa, d*,, JtaHaa aad at haa ooeaa forth rr.„ than, ail' ¦aeaataee...
...Laundry facilities will be provided in the cellar of the building...
...The delegates of the Socialist Party acted their part in good faith at each Mission of tho conference,) supported its presidential ticket whole-heartedly, and d'd all in their power to have the conference funr tion effectively in the promotion of the purpose for which it was organized...
...Aad tko Paris Commua...
...The Socialist Party i, once more i ii, spirit undaunted, its banner 8ying, ready for battle, and • ootid, nt of victory...
...Horse and roach will sometimes fight it out for hours, with the issue never certain...
...nn which each nf the three affiliated organisations has •qual representation, will carry on the joint work...
...Vice-President Duffy, Woll and Wilson, and Secretary Morrison and Treasurer Tobin...
...Working with all hundred feet at once, he was able to take down in the course of the three days I was on the island enough words to make five fine stories Tor True Story Magazine... accorel witk tka savage instiact* of tko Rom** goaoraU, 40,000 of tko soldier workers wara crucified aa tka Appiaa Way...
...A, I contemplate the recent past I am more proud than ever before of the Sicialisl Party...
...It will be illustrateu with pictures of the author standing with his foot on the head of one of the many sharks that he killed while on the island, or the author conversing with the Chief of Police, or the author dancing the native dances of the island clad picturesquely in his linen knickers and Fourteenth street golf stockings...
...Jt wa.* at its first Detroit conven lion in June, 1H2I...
...There will be hot drying rooms and individual compartments for each tenant...
...The Socialist*,wanted a new party organised then and there, hut deferred to the expressed desire of Senator La Follette that the matter of organizing a new party lie postponed until after the election...
...They took all the Socialists had to give and, with a few notable exceptions, kept all thry had to them selves...
...A coiiiu ,1...
...Tha regional mass conventions and d«nw u-islrations from the Atlantic to tha Pacific, will fire the ardor of the thousands awaiting the call and ially them once more to the proud standard of the sociul resolution...
...Myself, 1 grew to prefer the centipede as a household pet, having bad my fill of roaches ih the old building of the New York Sun...
...rram for thorough reconstructioa .....i a nation wide propaganda... 'hi...
...Needle Trade, Form Alliance In Scranton A Needle Trades Alliance for purposes of carrying on joint organization work has been formed by tho I Amalgamated Clothing Workers of I America, the United Cloth, Hat and I Cap Makers of No'th America, and the Journeymen Tailor Workers' Union, in Scranton, Pa...
...The tenant will be Ihe owner of the.apartment, and the monthly payment will cover all upkeep, wear and tear, <le-j preciation, heat and light, besides providing payments for amortizing ; the mortgages on each apartment...
...the Fnglish peasants' revolt in I 111 the Paris Commune in 1871 and the countless other struggles since...
...The plan on which the building wilt be conducted mils for a down payment of 1150 lo $200 per room, ami payment thereafter of $in to (16 per roont per month...
...fell from their hands, and march on in the same faith for which they lived and for which they died...
...When the cpnvention adjourned it had been definitely decided to or-ganize a new political party and the dale was set for the preliminary meeting for that purpose...
...of L. This committee consists of President Green...
...It has to do with "guaguas...
...will find incentive as nevei befon fm its most effective educationa propaganda...
...a, * * * * * ! 1 would like to tell you a lot niore about my three days that I shook Porto Rico, but 1 am saving i some of it up for my forthcoming book, which will be in twenty-eight chapters and ,19,1 pages and will be called: "Reeling Round Rico...
...At that time the Goinpers memorial committee will confer with the trade union officials on a suitable memorial to the late President of the A. F...
...the terrible massacres and wholesale slaughter of the communards by the forces of "order " March is reminiscent of that great struggle of French work-ingmen and women...
...By EUGENE V. DEBS 1AHE Socialist Part} has severed its relations with the Conference for Progressive Political Action and has no fur I her connection with that body...
...I he conquering slave *otdier» merely tubetitutad one ruliag class lot another Conquering slave* and serf* never assumed tha sovaraigaty and puwer which then valoi won A worries* ruling class *>l way* rude on the crest of victory and took for itacylf tha t*'"» of the struggle /he slaves who "won" wara aaaigavasj tka task of guarding the booty and privileges uf tha rick...
...It could have continued that relation only at the price of principle and the sacrifice of self-respect...
...Walter Nesbit, secretary-treasurer, was farther ahead of his opponents than any of the other State officers, the next highest vote among the live candidates for this position being less I ban 8,000 to Nesbit's 114,-2oll...
...mill Ihe ai'Hl (if (iRIc* „( tin, I." ill Si1'" r, (i r; (iT Mini", ct Ih* I'lly n( «'linn...
...After several months of ncgotia lion the Conference for Progressive Political Action was organized at Chicago in February, l...
...One person who should certainly not miss taking in Porto Rico is Our Beloved Vice-President, Hell-an'-Mariar...
...Farrington , lis Re-elected ! President Frank Partington received .'10,575 votes out of 60,000 votes cast in the election held last December, mid was more than 15,-000 votes ahead of John W. Hind-marsh...
...This Council is to Mieet every two weeks...
...Ho gatkaroel an army of 100.000 elava* that devastated Italy far tan year* aasi brought tka Roman ,*.*»ter», far a tiaaa, |a their knaaa Even kaetiie kiatoriaaa reluctantly oai«*a tka aakility of ckaractor nasi tka g«aat military goaiaa af this proletarian gene- • I Oao of the greatest Bl Dsias ov«r muttered into service by any Roaaaa amporor *a* required to su pares* this revolt af tka lowly...
...Unions to Erect Cooperative Houses Organized workers in New York City arc arranging to build a group of cooperative apartments...
...Two of tkoao s truffle* stand mmt as great apics to Labor ksetorjr Sparine**, • Rosea a ftosiiatei forty year* before Ckriat, broke Ilia ckaisw aad iaw to tka amUiai of Italy...
...Trade, ynjo'nists .and, sympathizers will bq impressed with the significance pf the emblem of fair dealing and democracy in industry...
...will soon cease to exist... early age...
...You have got to take your siesta under mosquito-netting in your pyjamas...
...ary party of tha working dag, aad a* sack it eartaialy i,„ tka right te appeal to that clau fay political support in tha war l„ teair emancipation The national convention of tat Socialist Party juat adjourned «aj he most harmonious and ifijpiriag in it's history...
...CP' STATIC j i [mi iii;iit;11v i Kii'iii'V thai ii iin VHIP tit (llHHIllUlUin l't •t..\ PRKMSA I I llt.lslllN'il ( iiMI'.wv IIF M-:\V VOItK, t -J i .. ¦- h,« lifdi In thin nllli f> (his Any...
...In order to regulate them they have a traffic policeman who wears hqrn-rimnved spectacles and a gray uniform...
...With the tenant's equity in the | apartment constantly growing, he i will eventually own his apartment ! free and clear...
...After several hours of discussion covering a wide range the convention adjourned sine die with the understanding that the 'delegates favoring a new party should then meet and proceed to organize such a, party...
...The;- have had so many contacts with the teeming life of the tropics own on the South Side of Des Moine, that, by the time | they arrive at their posts they are all set to tell the natives what is what...
...The council, acting with the union label trades department of the A. F. of L., will call a eonfererre next May of presidents and secretaries of A. F. of L. national and international affiliates to inaugurate a nation-wide union label campaign...
...of Iowa...
...0 What an inspiration to the workers of all lands What contempt for the cowardly betrayal of Paris to the Prussian con queror by Thiers and his butchers...
...U\ the sessions that followed it became quite obvious that while all the delegates wanted a new party, a great majority were opposed to a Labor party, and in the test vote that followed the Socialists were largely outvoted, and as they were there to a see a Labor party organised, they were practically excluded from further participation and later withdrew not only from the convention but also from the conference, which action waa unanimously ratified by the Socialist convention which met the following day...
...Since the convention hope hat been revived, confidence restored, imiiagc strengthened, energy re...
...Travel, I have discovered, also flattens one, and most of the people you run into on shipboard are on their way to the rail with you...
...The work of the tellers, John rl...
...You know how it is from Ihe ads you read about how necessary it is for a fellow to get out of the mud and slush of your Northern climate and take a bit of a run down through Southern Seas to the islands of enchantment and all that...
...This will provide adequate playgrounds for children...
...newed and determination intensified ......ipi.....' the parly...
...such povporatloil haa compiled with Met'tlon (in'' hunrlreit anil ln-anlv-flva nf (hi* Htoek i oi pnt it linn Lump, anil that II i. illaaolveri, ntVK.N IN lil' utnW m> halt...
...The Socialist Party emerges from it all with its principles in violate and its political integrity as the party of the working class vin iln at ill It demanded of the Con ferencc a Labor party and when that was refused it withdrew, That was its object when it joined the conference, and when what was left of that body, after the railway unions withdrew, proceeded to organize a middle class party, or rather another capitalist party, consisting of elements that never ran be harmonized, the Socialist Party took its bat in hand and bid its "progressive" brethren a final farewell Some Good Accomplished The conference undoubtedly accomplished some good and left some thing permanent behind for which it is entitled to full credit...
...The captain said it was the roughest trip of the year, 1 have a hunch that he tells this to everyone who gets seasick ju t to make them feel better about it, but if they bring trips any rougher than the one I took, I want to spend the rest of my life on the bounding plain1...
...Porto Rico also has a Rotary Club j whose members can holler about "service" as loud as the members of the Rotary Clubs of Oshkosh, Duluth or any other Center of Ro-tarian Civilization...
...If he is quick at the game he turns and runs as fast as possible and hides behind a convenient co-coanut tree or cathedral, which is "hupk," If the guagua runs over him before he reaches his goal, the driver is entitled to fly the flag of the Irish Free State on the front of his bus for a whole month...
...From what I had read in the circulars about y-Porto Rico — "the strange foreign Aspects of this quaint Garden Spot of the Antilles...
...Riverton was his lc est competitor, according to the official report of the Miners' vote in Illinois, just completed...
...while a brutal soldiery boat him to deeth in tha straata* Milliere, uncovering his breast to the bullets, crying "Vive la peuple...
...The increase'- requested would bring about a wage level slightly higher than those in effect at the time the Labor Board issued its decision Ng 1028, July I, 1922, when the minimum established for this class was twenty-three cents per | hour...
...But it turns out that "guagua" is Porto Rican for auto bus...
...This movement is hacked by the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International Fur Workers' Union, Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union and other organizations...
...You can't stop Rotarians from rotating around the world nor cabin, crib, online the Civitans...
...anil all that—I hadn't been quite prepared for a Porto Rican Rotary Club ***** But I should have kncAvn better...
...Hut the "progressives...
...BEDTIME STORIES FOR THE BOURGEOISIE "Hot Afternoons There Have Been In Porto Rico" By McAlister Coletnair JUST back from a little trip to Porto Rico, all tanned up and quite hitfh-hattish about it...
...It will be financed by u union bank...
...Tho Socialist Poiition The Socialist Party acted wisely and consistently in severing its connection with the Conference...
...Since then other increases have been secured, but the employes contend that they are still far below a rate of wages which would enable them to maintain a standard of life in line with American customs...
...You run into so many interesting people...
...The "progressive" convention derided to meet again in October to formally launch the proposed new party, but the Socialist Party will not be represented there...
...The February Conference The Conference finally met in convention at Chicago on February 21, I!l26...
...He runs out in the middle of the street, which is very narrow, and claps his hands, and then the real fun begins...
...On July 4, 1024, the conference met n ((invention at...
...The Socialists veeived scant return for the support they gave to the "progressives," and this, nut infrequently, in scorn ami contempt...
...22, the m« teen railway unions composing the "backbone" of the movement...
...that the Socialist Party directed that a survey of the political situation lie made to aacer tain if there were any progressive political elements with which the So cialists could consistently co-operate, the ultimate end 111 view heiiitr the formation of an independent Lahor party...
...They usually pick the Governors of Porto Rico, like our diplomats to other tropical countries, from among the ex-Congressmen of Iowa...
...N'ext week we have to go to Buffalo, N. Y., and we arc taking along our rod and camera so as to assure our readers of another educational treat • TRADE UNION TOPICS A. F. of L. Plana Drive r For Union Label A campaign of increasing trade union activity was voted at the recent meeting of the A. K. of L. executive council, held in Florida...
...A plot of land, one block square, in one of the most dcsiruble sections of the city has been purchased, and the unionists will incorporate a building organization under the State laws...
...Will tha pat ho* aad Spartan heroism of that revolt for tko communal autonomy of Paris avar ba approciatosl7 Rigault snouting "Viva la Comanuaa...
...Harry Fishwick, Vice-President, received a vote of H4,256, with James Black of Orient second with 12.020...
...War ha* generally been the art by which ens ruling class or a rising class conquered another, both using lowar clasaas for their purposes Ihe forms of wealth production that have succeeded the early communal equality have made the antagonism bat ween rulers and rIliad mure sharp, until today hundreds of millions of workers in all countries recognise it, Soma o^ tha slave and serf rabellions were a partial recognition of it Witness tha servile rebellion led by Spartacus before the Christian era...
...Plans for the apartments contemplate use of only :' 1 per cent of the land for the buildings, leaving a central garden plot that will include 7(1 per cent of the entire block...
...There is no doubt in my mind that the Conference for Progressive Political Action has fulfilled its mission and that it...
...It was decided to continue the fight for ratification of the Child Labor Amendment...
...Besides Rotarians and guaguas, the natives of Porto Rico derive a great deal of innocent pleasure from the Cockroach Hunt, which is conducted from the backs of the horses of those parts, all of whom were stunted in their growth by smoking Porto Rican cigarettes at...
...Jones, Mark McGraw and Robert Hunter, has been long delayed on 'account of contests which were filed : in many of the elections...
...AJ [he decks were cleared foi actios, Without the loss of an houi ihe coo* mention proceeded to frame the pre...
...You ride round and round a place about the size of I'nion Square bowing to your friends and swapping wise cracks with the conductor...
...Sortn after the opening session In (fan the leaders of the sixteen railway unions declared that they had no mandate from their unions to organize a new party, and then withdrew in a body from the convention...
...tka rise of the Jacquerie in 1358...
...The building will be five stories high and wjll contain 20(1 lo 2211 apartments of three to seven rooms each...
...It is now simply another name for the sixteen railway unions which are opposed to independent political action, adhering to their time-honored (!) policy of selecting their candidates from the old capitalist machines, thus "rewarding their friends and punishing their enemies," and to what extent they will contribute to "progressive political action" under their present leadership will become duly apparent in good time...
...The national party i. lit was wiped out in an hour...
...They say that travel broadens i one...
...R. R. Waymen Again Atk Raise Another effort is under way by the lowest paid railroad employes to raise their wages to a reasonable ! standard commensurate with the work they perform, according to ac-I tion just taken by the national policy committee of the United Brotherhood i ! of Maintenancc-of-Way Employes, in session here...
...It was always a matter of security for an upper class and insecurity for a lower class...
...The Rotarians were discussing the traffic problem in the capital city of Porto Rico, San Juan, when I got there...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 12

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