Laurette Taylor in Pantomime

Laurette Taylor in Pantomime ''Pierrot the Prodigal, Revival by Acton* Theatre at the 48th St. -r— Tim pautumiin* from the Free eh of Michel (an« ia the famous "L'EnJant Prod if ui," with...

...W. L. D. Gilbert and Sullivan BY th* time 1 waa eight yeara old 1 had been fortunate enough to acquire the habit of laying wagers — si...
...Other operai thia week: "La Juive," Wednesday evening, with Lanen-Tod-sen, Ryan, MartineUi and Mardones...
...Pantomime it an art long neglected in America 'Ihe Actor*' Thtatr* as* been courageous in attempting it, but inevitably falls below European ttand ards Ivan l.atarefl end Michelette Uuiani, as i ......'« parent!, teemed mott in the genuine spirit of the art, though Jack Thornton as tha Negro butler was an amusing burlesque...
...18, will have It* first New York hearing on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon, played by the eompoaer...
...Two other of th* men wher* I work are fortun»t* in having undergon* th* Gilbert and Sullivan influence while they were bnyi...
...There will he a <-horn* of eighty...
...r— Tim pautumiin* from the Free eh of Michel (an« ia the famous "L'EnJant Prod if ui," with piano seer* by Andre Wormier, played in delicate ahlftiaf* of mood by George Coptlsnd...
...i7sMerabW Interest I* being taken i*L*lt *ff*lr...
...of play...
...Vera Jachiei, Ruatlan plan'it, makes her debut In Town Hall, en Tuesday tvaaiag...
...Symphony No...
...h Theatre Party For Local Kings Socialist organization of Kingt h»» arranged a treat for it* Jjabar* and aympathlter* for Tmt-JS fanlng, March 14...
...into the work of all ef a* ha* swtpl th* apirlt...* latter enacted by Galli, Rudolph and Kot-loff, and eung by Sabanieeva, Telva, Diax and Dldur, "I'elleas et Mella-ande," Friday evening with Biro, Howard, Johnson and Whltehill... grownup relatival probably did not take my Intittent "I bet youl" seriously, or they would not h*v* found *ueh amun-ineiil in retponding...
...L*t'a ptly Gilbert Snd Sullivan...
...J. T. S. -rj"The Student Princ*" r*»ch*d It* 126th performanceJtJjJoleon** Theatre, Thuridsy night...
...Stmuel Gardner's Violin Concerto In S Minor, Op...
...L'Or«e»lo," "Petroih-ka" apd "Cavilleria Rustlcana," Thursday evehlng, the first tuni by Borl, Wakefield, Tqjtstyan and Scntti...
...This variation of th* table presents * pallium- moment when Pierrot's parent* turn away while Pierrot steals the money, to that they wlU bo* shame him by discovery...
...Pagllacci" «nd "Coq d'Or," *¦ a matinee on Friday, the former sung by Mario, MartineUi and Dnnise...
...I havt no faintett recollection of th* subject of our gambling...
...W. L. "The Mikado" Due Here In Three Weehs The Messrs...
...The cast will he headed by Marguerite Nanism at "Yum-Yum," Tom Burke »» "Nanki-Pop," and William D»nforth as th* Mlkidii...
...Wordlessly ihe stuiy progret***,- the world-old story of a thiftleisi son who ateal* the family purse, to dee with so ***-bitious country beauty, who a*** bids and discard* him when hit money go**, leaving hun to go home broken-hearted and redeem himself by going off to fight i Ins country...
...Th* company 1* not on* of long experience III cemlc opera...
...Amy Ev*n*, W*l*h toprano, will nake her local debut in Aeolian Hall, in Wednesday evening...
...Brahma' Fourth Symphony and Ravel's "L* Valie" are the other works to be played...
...Ticket* for thl* p*r-B*ta** may be obtained at ihe head (¦*»•, UI Teaklae aveaae* -'«••MUSIC "L'Oracolo" and "La Juive," With MartineUi At the Metropolitan "Romeo et Juliette" will, open the last four weeka of the Metropolitan season Monday evening With Borl, Helium,n...
...Recitative and Air, "Endure My Soul," Bsch...
...The leads are played by Alice Terry and Lewis Stone...
...Another musical novelty will he a cycle of Inca Indian music by Carlo* Valderrama, Peruvian ptanltt end com poser...
...In this suggestion of continuance of attitude I.suiette Taylor gave ui much tn hope, if someone in America seriously inauguraiei the art of pantomime...
...Marie Sundeliui and Mm...
...Concerto in C Minor, Saint-Sacns...
...Shubert are about to present a cycle of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, of which tha first, "The Mikado," will he produced within three weeks at a theatre, as yet unannounced...
...h* I* th* *nvy of th* other two of us...
...Katherine Bacon will give her aecond liano recital at Aeolian Hall, oa Mon lap avMiag, March 10...
...Blanca da Pin-illos...
...Overture "D*r M*i*-t«r»inger," Wagner...
...Siegfried Idyl, Wagnar...
...Many * rainy day has been warmed and brightened by th* lilt of en air: three psirs ol eyes *xch*ng* bright, quickened glance*, three pairs of lung*, on* leading, two ready with th* word* but wistful over the melody, pour forth on* long and another, as loud and (• long as office condition* permit Tha othert around grow . mort enlivened...
...With the Orchestras NEW YORK SYMPHONY Alexander Brallowaky will be th* soloist at the Sunday afternoon con-cart of th* New York Symphony Orchestra In Aeolian Hall...
...excitement easily attained in childhood, when Imagination alont limit* the itakea, leu readily gamtd wh*n th* purte ofwn adult, retpontibl* rliii.en mutt be kept In mind...
...Repor Valderrama ha* written these compositions on tha original Inca melodies, which It the oldest, music in America...
...Th* Messrs Shubert have two other companies of th* operetta una in Philadelphia ltd another in Chicago...
...Bruno Walter continues a* guest conductor...
...Johnston and DeLuca...
...The productions will he on an elaborate scale, in the manner of "Th* Student Prince" and "The I,6ve Song...
...Die Mcisterslnger," Thursday after-noon—the laat of the Wagner Cyole Series—with Rethberg, Howard, Timelier and Bohnen...
...the lust lung by Peralta, Alcock, Lauri-Volpi and Ballaiter...
...Th* program: Divertimento In B Flat, Mozart...
...Thursday afternoon and Friday evening at Carnegie Hall with Roland Hayes, soloist: Overture, "Der Frel-•ehuti," Weber...
...Go and ¦•• "Patience" at thl Greenwich Village Theatre...
...Shubert at being in keeping with th* intentions of the creators as exemplified in the D'Oyley Carte productions, which were under the personal super vision of the distinguished compottr and librettist, who obtained the utmost Russian Dancers and "Confessions of a Queen*' At the Capitol Sunday "Confessions of • Qu**n," Viotor Seast nun's Aim version of th* novel by Alphonse Handel...
...the surest lay absolution I* to join th* army...
...On* of them, who ha* a rich, dtep vole*, taw most of th* opera* at tha Savoy 'theatre during their original runt...
...The Philharmonic Orchettra Saturday evening will piny Mahler'* Second Symphony...
...To a *eldl*r, of course, all past sin* are forgiven...
...Der Kreltchutz," Saturday matinee with Mueller, Dalony, Taucher and llnhnen...
...thty art jolt a group oi aetar* who really lov* th* thettre, who •aid on* day: "Ufa h*v* * lark...
...Huston will toon have • fourth company...
...Gal-ina Kopeinak as the a.ran wat a bewitching daniknl, and Iterance Derwant * satisfactory haron to carry Ui ••>> from Pierrot l.....,-i, Taylor, despite the too gieat immobility of htr ftct, moved with poised grace through th* pantomime, lleanty of movement on the stage consists in the suggestion of Immobility, motion being the passage from one poised state to another...
...Song* with orchestra, (a) "Go Down, Moses," (b) "By* »nd Bye...
...But *lth*r my leasing wat «o...
...1 in A Flat, Elgar...
...Overture, "D*r Freiichutt," Weber...
...jfi Gilbert and Sullivan join In th* play What make* the perfbrmtneet of thth plays to dtllghtful II' thtt *v*ryon* author, eompoaer, actor*, audlenea, al art rollicking in on* great medeer, (tm...
...PHILHARMONIC Willem Mengelberg will lead th* Philharmonic Orchestra in four Carnegie Hall concerts next week, beginning tomorrow afternoon, when Alfred Cortot I* aoloiat in the Beethoven "Emperor" Concerto...
...Music Notes . Iteii inin in,, Gigli, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, will make his last appearance in New York thlt season in a concert at Carnegie Hall, Monday evening...
...the second enacted by Galli, Rudolph, Bolm nnd'Bonfiglin...
...Kings in Exile," will he presented at the Capitol Sunday...
...Maria Yuriev* and Veselaff Svoboda, dancer* of the Petrograd and Moscow Ballets, have been engaged by 8. L. Rothafel to appear in an interpretation of Chopin's "Nocturne In E Flit" on the aupplementary program...
...Ibsen's dram*, fT«» Wild Duek," will b* pr***nUd...
...Thit method of producing Gilbert *nd Sullivan with special attention lo voice and elaborateness of production has been determined upon by the Messrt...
...Charles Cihier...
...Un thl* • «.lv ocrasion, howajer, my unci* lott...
...He will be assisted by > Peruvian soprano, Mile...
...A repetition of Strauss' "Don Quixotte" end Gade't "Os»i«n" overture complete the program...
...Tales of Hoffman," Saturday night with Sabanieeva, Peralta, Errolle and DeLuca...
...And whether It be Fltvla Arctro, who I* as good * Lady Jane it our memory holds, or Rosalind Fuller, bewitching Patitnce er Cecil Clovelly and Stanley Howlatt «• the fleshy and the spiritual poet, tach on* plays with tn eye winking to th* audience, each en* lets ui In on th* fun, make* ui part of the wonder and th* Jay and th* playing and th* play...
...Or good bulln*t* warmed Uncle Franklin'* botom, for h* paid his bat by ttklng me to tht theatn...
...The toprano and contralto tolo will be sung, respectively, by Mm...
...Elisabeth Rethherg'a recital, Monday afternoon, in Aeolian Hall, marks the Metropolitan aoprano't first recital appearance In New York...
...Wt taw "The Mikado...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 12

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