LABOR JOTTINGS FROM ABROAD Summer School Program—Miner. Wait on U. S.—Women* International Committer— For Clothing Workore Unity-Unity in Czecho-Slovakia—Tokio Carmen Win. Ippier School Program...
...The organization is prepared to he: and advise immigrants in any way it can...
...explained the situation and the members voted to postpone the election of the' permanent Secretary until1 th* American miners were h«*rd from,-when a meeting of the GenoraJ Committee was to be called in Brussels, but at, all event* no I.fVthan April 21...
...August Cleassens will lee-tor* an "Marital Incompatibility" in hi* course on "Sax and Society...
...A1J immigrants, who can produce trade union membership cards will be admitted to the General Confederation of Labor without payment of entrance fee...
...M Women's International Committ.e In line with the resolutions adopted at the Congress of the International Federation of Trade Unions in Vienna l*st June, the International Trade Union Women's Committee, entrusted with special work for the promotion of the interests of wage working women in all countries, has been named by the leading countries in the I. F. T. U. and has begun functioning, with headquarters in the Bureau of the I. F. T. U. in Amsterdsm...
...It is considered ¦certain that the secretariat will soon bp under .way...
...The proceeds of these tickets, by special courtesy of Mr...
...Joseph Jablonower will discuss the "Dram* of Social Conflict...
...After long discussion a draft agreement wa* drawn up, which -recognised the general principle of the I. F. T. v., that there must be only one national center for each country...
...9 and 10, of representatives of th* two Csechoslovak railroad men's union* affiliated with the International Transport Workers' Federation, presided over by Edo Fimmen, secretary of the I. T. F., at which definite steps were taken toward the eventual amalgamation of the two unions, a conference was held in Prsgue on Jan...
...The Hanover conference wa* attended b; member* from England, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Poland i and Czechoslovakia...
...Tokio Street Car Men Win After a short strike, the street car workers of Tokio have won a substantial improvement in working conditions snd wages, reports the Amsterdam office of the International Transport Workers' Federation...
...The expense of attending will be very low and arrangement* are.being made with ratal Labor union onVials and educational leaders for all sorts of enter-, tainsaent as veil a* instruction, En-g.Ibert Graf, a well-known lecturer in the German workers' educational movement, will talk on four important phases of capitalist developing t and international relation...
...while Clement Wood will discuss Dreiser and Anderson in his course on "Contemporary Fiction...
...This committee will be named at the next meeting...
...It is expected that several Czechoslovak Socialist and Labor leaders will also address the s udenta who attend the Praga* school The lectures will be in German and English and also In Faoaeh if there are enough French-speaking students to warrant it...
...The shopmen struck at the same time ss the operating personnel and they won a reduction in the working day from twelve to nine hours, a monthly bonus of two days' pay and better working conditions...
...After listening to a report on th*-workings of th* Dawes reparations plan by the German miner*, the meeting adopted a resolution to the effect that, while th* plan was preferable to the former chaotic industrial and political conditions in Europe, close watch of its effects upon the life of the miners must be kept and reported to the International...
...Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the results of the first tonference...
...Ferdinand Varrelman will give an illustrated lecture on the "Evolution of tha Earth...
...Ai 8:30 p. m, on Saturday, Prof...
...March 18, at 8:30 p. m, Mr...
...21 and 22, attended by official* of the Czechoslovak and German-speaking trade union centers, with Jin* Oudegeest, S secretary of the I. F. T. II., in charge...
...Burniaux, who was president of the old organization, expressed deep regret at the failure of the National Women'* Trade Union League of th* United States to continue its affiliation, but opines that th* new body will be able to do things of importance to the masses of working women in Europe anyway, and sees the day not so far •way when the unity of interests of the workers of th* world will bring American and European Labor under the same banner...
...The Federation Intends to publish a bimonthly journal in three languages...
...J W. Brown, one of the secretaries of thi,I...
...Brazilian Unieaa Aid Immigrant* Th* General Confederation of Labor of Sao Paulo, Brazil, ha* drawn the attention of th* I. F. T. U. to the fact that numerous immigrants have entered Braail without any adequate information as to conditions there...
...Application blanks may be obtained from the Bureau Of the I. F. T. U., 31 T»a»«l *< hsd est i aat, Amsterdam, Holland...
...Miners Wailiag em Americana The laat step in the setting up of S permanent secretariat of the International Mine Workers' Federation, with a full time secretary in charge, io being bold up until definite action is taken by the United Mine' Workers of America on the question of paying the annual contribution of one cent per member for Its support, according to a report of tho meeting of the International's General Committee held in Hanover on Feb, 1 and 3, found in L* Feu pie of Brussels...
...railway companiei, a* a result of these Increases will amount to 920,000,000 francs per annum, at about 5HHcenta apiece...
...French Railroaders Gel More Wag** Under a new wage scale, in effect on the principal French railroad since Jan...
...The Question of the affiliation of the clothing workers' national unions of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Rumania was again debated...
...The Women's Committee of the Rand School have secured a number of choice seats for the farewell convert of Chaliapin on Sunday, April 12, at 2:30 p. m., at the Metropolitan Opera Opera House...
...Each will last a fortnight...
...To Unite Clothing Worker* At • meeting of the Executive Committee of the Clothing Work-en' International, held recently in London, it wa* decided to send * questionnaire to all affiliated organisation* on the subject of working conditions and methods, the prevailing rates of wages and the firoportion of wages to the cost of Ivlng in the various countries...
...In an article in Le Peuple...
...Unity Nearer ia Caeckeslovakia Preceded by a meeting, on Jan...
...President Smith reported on his trip to Russia as a member of the British union delegation and it was voted to send a committee of miners t j that country to investigate matters...
...Herbert Smith, of England*, president of the Interna tional...
...Hurok, go to the Rand School...
...The increases of basic wages amount to 30 per cent on the first 5,000 franca, 25 per cent on the second 5,000, and 10 per cent on the remainder...
...FT T, v., will lecture on trade ¦Dion internationalism, and Spencer Miller, eecretsry of the Workers' EoucStidnel Bareeu in the United States, will talk on labor conditions and organisation in America...
...These tickets can be obtained at the Rand School Office, 7 East 15th street...
...It is estimated that the additional expenditure of t...
...The other school will be held in Prsgue, capital of Csechoslovekis...
...explaining how the former International Federation of Working Women had been transformed into the present International Trade Union Women's Committee, as a part of the I. F. T. v., Mme...
...On Wednesday, March 18, at 8:30 p. m, Mr...
...The object of the meeting was to arrange for the amalgamation of th* two center...
...Miss Margaret Daniels will continue her lectures on "Psychology...
...Ippier School Program Ready Riekard Sandler, Socialist Pre-atier of Sweden, ia down on the program of tho two Summer Schools Kenrtd for next August by the •national Federation of Trade Unions to lecture on "The Socialisation Question in Sweden" at Iruansvik, near Stockholm, where one of the schools will be held...
...On Monday...
...At last year's Summer School at Oxford sweaty countries were represented and this year more are expected...
...beginning of April to settle the details of the fusion...
...1, the base pay, residence allowances and family allowances hav* all been raised, but the cost of living bonus has been abolished...
...Its members are Helene Burniaux (Belgium), Jeanne Chevenard (France), M. Quaile (England), Gertrude Hannal (Germany) and Henriette Crone (Denmark...
...If this agreement goes through, amther joint conference will be held st th...
...An application for affiliation having been received from the British Clothing Workers' Federation, headquarters Manchester, the Executive was Instructed flrst of all to effect the amalgamation of this federation with that of Leeds, which is already, affiliated with the Clothing Workers' International...
...A* the abolition of the 720-franc coat living bonu* would involve comparatively small in-creases for the lower grade, it is , provided that the minimum increase* ihall be 1,200 franc* for th* msle established staff, 1,080 for the m*l* uneetablished staff, 880 for the female established staff, and 884 for juniors of both sexes and for the female uneetablished staff...
...On Saturday afternoon, at 1:80 p. m., he will continue his discussions of Current Events in the Debs Auditorium...
...with Frank Hodge* of the British Miners Unions at Its head...
...Through intervention by the Mayor a compromise was reached under which the men get a wage raise of 10 per cent, a bonus Increase of 10 per cent, pensions twice as big as before and better uniforms...
...On Thursday, March 19, at 8:30 p. in...
...Rand School Activities ¦ . r? ¦ i i i Scott- Nearing will resume his weekly lectures at the Rand School, 7 East 15th street, Saturday, March ; j. He is beginning a 12-lecture course in "Applied Sociology" on Saturday morning, at 11 o'clock, following the teaching of Lester F. Ward...
Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 11