THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL Letters arc coming in from tverr-j where U) the National Oftee on th* ; subject of the recent conventiona in [Chicago. It is curious to note the TseiitimanU...
...Action ha* been delayed until furth*r invaati- j gallon...
...Complete Hits must be in the State Office* by March 21...
...22, and fourth, without exception our correspondents say now i* the time to build the Socialist Party, the only working class "political party in the United States, Never before in the history of the Socialiit Party baa there been such, complete agreement, such thorough harmony and understanding »mong its members...
...Th* comrades of PHtsburg gave a ban...
...All members sre urged to attend...
...onetratlon of March 1 on b*h*lf ef Sacco and Vansettl waaNttwad and carried at the meeting held by this committee on the evening of Dec 28, 1924...
...Reorganising Branch Dumont was placed in the hands of Comrade Bohlin...
...It 1* said that ha waa poisoned...
...Tho membership campaign ia now in progrett...
...Th* committee requests The N«w Loader to publish a'resolution whieh it baa adopted defining it* relation to political organisation...
...Reserve this date and enjoy an intellectual treat...
...A number of subs were obteinad...
...State organiser Jasper Mac-Levy of Bridgeport also «p*k*, urging the Socialists to supporiour new bulletin, Our Commonwealth...
...It is curious to note the TseiitimanU expressed...
...The Branch is doing good work, is coming back, but the help of each member Is needed in this work...
...Finnish Branch...
...Auguet daemons will lecture on "Social Forces" at tha Brownevill* Labor Lyceum, 810 Bookman enroot, auspices of the Junior Y. P. I. L, on Sunday, March 18...
...Don't fail to attend...
...Candidates have also been nominated in seven wards and seven more wards nominations »re left to the executive committee...
...STATEMENT BY BOSTON SACC0-YANZE1TI GROUP In Its work to obtain a new trial for Sacco and Vansettl, th* Botton Defense Committee has encountered a political faction that seek* to cspitslise this work for its own purposes...
...The live wire 2-4-and,-5 A. D. meets Tuesday, March 17...
...March 3, recorded their profound respect for Comrades Paul Wallace Hanna, Friedrick Ebert and Hjalmar Brantlng, and the great loss sustained through their death...
...who will give us a talk on Current Event*, visitors are welcome, 8*4 ar* aura of an evening wall ipanU SDN YAT SEN DEAD" * Dr...
...KINGS COUNTY Two dates keep tn mind...
...Th* resolution follows...
...Twenty delegates and twenty alternates twere elected to the City Convention, and instructed to work for the good and wel'are of our movement...
...420 Hinsdale etreet, on Sunday, March 11, at 8 p. m. », The nest meeting of the Central Committee will be held this Saturday evening, March 14, at tha headquarters, The 8th A. D. Branch, which la growing rapidly, has purchased a compute radio outfit for their re** reation room...
...ipiet iii honor of Comrade Jursek who was formerly Socialist organiser of the Pittsburg district...
...2t-23rd A.D...
...Of the 02 counties of the State, only two show losses and two remain about the same...
...Seven great Socialist mass conventions will be held in N*w York, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Seattle, San Francisco, Lot^ Angeles and Chicago, next summer...
...Here's hoping that Lehigh i County will toon be humming with I Socialist activity...
...Yuan took upon himself th* title of em-peror in 1918, but died shortly after...
...May wa have the privilege of greeting our Comrade in thi* manner for many, many more years to come, and may out Comrade continue to receive tha compensation of joy i.nd happiness from his devotion to our movement August Claesa«ns will lecture on "The Instinct of Workmanship" at tha East Side Socialist Center, 204 East Broadway...
...A number of recitations were rendered by Miss Williams of New Haven and some piano selections by young ladies of New Haven...
...B) That tha international dam...
...Remember what we decided about The New Leader...
...CONNECTICUT At • well attended meeting held by Locals New Haven and H«md«n, the delegates to th* C. P. P. A. and Socialiat Party conventions, Msrtin F, Plunkett of Walllngford and Karl Jursek of Hamden, made their r«-port...
...Italian Branch: Glrolamo Valcntl...
...The members of the 2nd-4th and 5th Assembly Districts assembled Tuesday...
...Subject will be an-, nounced next week...
...The 7th A. D. ia conducting lectures at every branch meeting...
...A literature and press agent for th* county has alio b«*n elected Comrade Bohlin reported a banquet and danca to be held in Bogota Saturday night, March 14...
...Auspices of tho 1st and 2nd A. D. Socialist Party, on Sunday, March 16, at 8.30 p.m...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Delegates to th* City Convention from New York branch** elected to dote are as follows...
...Louis has nominated 0. A. Hoehn, editor of St...
...bail Horn* showa th* spirit that ; n«ver di*a, in hia last Utter wh*n h* ' lays, "We got to k*«p on fighting until w* win, and win w* will.' That kind of comrades ar* never beaten...
...The .Ul, will b* "SocialUm...
...Our loyal Comrade Al...
...Phrasing var-' its, but th* opinions sre unanimous...
...Meetings hereafter will be held *t 2 instead of 3 p. m. Th* financial report showed a b*l»nce of $171.68 on h»nd...
...Other branches are urged to send . nominations in at once...
...U»p*r Sid* Branch Ernast Harrtcn, who spent three years in Russia and who has Interesting facts to disclose, will sp*ak at the next meeting Tuesday, March 17, at 51 East 125th street...
...proving, Branch East Greenville it alto waking up...
...A booth it being operated by tha committee at tho basaar of the Brownsvill* Labor Lyceum where information and application* aan be had...
...On the way back from the Chicago conventions, Comradei I'lunkett and Jursek stopped at Pittsburg...
...The Brownsville and Kelt New York Central Committee I* continuing Us good work...
...1 ( As The New Leader goes to pfess the negotiations art being continued...
...Deb* will attend every one of these convention and speak at every demonstration NEW JERSEY The State Committee met on I March 8 with Comrade* flohlln, New-I man, Witlel, Bausch, Meyer and Leemau* pira*ut Among the important matters considered was • eandidat* | for Governor...
...Comrade Morris Herman reported on the recent conventions held in Chleago, and pointed out the friend}- gains we have made, the possibilities'fpr thd future, the outlook for the party, and urged the members to adhere to our slogan, "Organise the Socialist Party/' Member* who arrived late were disappointed, but plunged right into deliberations, each eager to show that Bronx is alive...
...Braaeh The Braneh will meet Wednesday evening, March 18, at the home of George F. Meyers, 820 Riverside Drive, st which Comrade Bertha Mailly will speak (subject to be announced...
...Corared* Mari* Wann*-macher r*port* itt condition at im...
...ird-Mh-lOth A. D. Branch: Ella Guilford, Leonard C Kaye, Theodore Drake...
...Socialist aad h*ad of tha Canton Government, died Thursday morning...
...Every member is urged to attend and to bring their friends...
...Tha committee is arranging the next affair in the banquet hall of tha Brownsvill* Labor Lyceum, en Saturday evening, April 18...
...A proposal that Comrade Newman b* engaged as Stat* Organiser for 140 a w**k w*s referred to th* Executive Committee...
...Twenty-second Ward Branch of Philadelphia has cleared off a sub stantial debt during th* past month and now hat a neat balance in it* treatury...
...An »ppli cation for a charter from Atlantic City with tan signatures was r*e*iv*d but dues were not sent...
...Comrvd* N*wm*n reported continued progress in party building in Newark and that th* J*wi*h Branch would her**ft*r i.« repr*-•«i -%-t in the County Committal, iiieuth Ko»eviii» ha* also oeen reorganised...
...Sen had coma Into contact with the Socialist movement of th* West many years ago and had lor many years bean working for the overthrow of tha Manchu dynasty...
...They are...
...Ha hid b**n in poor health for aeveral yean and his death was reported a number of timet during the past fsw months...
...Hatters of great Importance must be acted on...
...Y. P. S. L. NOTES . Circle 1, Bronx, meets every, Thursday evening at 1187 Boston road...
...O* Thunder, March 28, Local King* wffl bold a theatre benefit at the Actors' 48th i Street Theatre The play will he i the "Wild Duck," by Ibsen...
...OHIO Organise 8. H. Still*- of New York Stat* was called to Marietta, because of th* aeiiou* illness of hit wife and father...
...She also reported that a meeting in Newark on March 1 proved to o* • Progressive Party affair and the Socialists withdrew...
...Also one for The New Le*der...
...Subsequently, all the po-ntical and economic organisations interested in tha caee wm.-ltv struetsd and Informed to act trp* eordance with such wsolnttoj^'V DRESSMAKERS STRIKivj (Continued from Pag* t!) here of the, labor coat ascertained above tat forth and agrees to p»y to the union, in behalf of itt members affected, the difference of such labor cost and any letsbf amount or amounts paid by ant1 of its members...
...MISSOURI The Socialist Party of St...
...Begin now, comrades, to plan your vacation tn include one of these mass conventions and demonstrations where scores of thoussnds will rally round the old red banner of th* workers of the world...
...that the .Socialist Party worked faithfully for th* id*al «t unity uf the producing classes in a real party of Labor...
...It is therefore quite logical that the Sixth Assembly District of th* Socialist Party should be th* first branch to mark tha flftieth birthday of Comrade James Oneal with this message of greetings...
...Sth-llth A. D. Branch: Jacob Pan-ken, Louis Waldman, G. August Girlie r. 22nd-23rd A. D. Branch: Meyer Gillis...
...Comrade Still* reports that the same work can be done tn at least 100 Ohio cities and he hop** to suggest tha nam* of • vttcran Ohio Socialist who Will tie glad to take up th* work in that State... t p.m...
...Every birthday of this loyal, able and devoted Comrade represents another invaluable contribution to the progress of the Socialist movement...
...Th* raoent git* together luncheon and dans* was to auccettf ul that th* meaabers demand another...
...Yuan Ski-kal, a clever and iu»ourceful politiajan, succeeded Son and Intrigued to •establish a dynasty of hia own...
...BRONX An Inspiring general party meeting was held Monday at the Local headquarters...
...The result is thirty-six applicant* for a charter which will be forwarded to the Ohio State Secretary...
...The election will he held on April 7. PENNSYLVANIA We have just received a v*ry good r*port from Branch AlUntown, together with an order for du*» stamps...
...Wilho Hodman, Olga Long, Otto West, J. Hellas, M. W. Brunn...
...While under the city charter the candidates for alderman must be nominated from certain wards (fourteen wards «v*ry two years) the vote op all candidates will ho city wide...
...Eugene "V...
...Leo 11...
...They set a most inspiring example of service and self-sacrifice...
...On I Sunday afternoon, April 84, Prof, i G*org* R. tin soil rink will debet* | Prof E, H Sellgm.n of Columbia i University, at Arcadia Hall, Haleoy i street and Broadway, Brooklyn...
...Great Coa*rad*-Oa**l Th* Socialist Party ha* always been awake to all Indication* of progress and th* Sixth Assembly District of Local New York hae gained a reputation for being the most wideawake branch or the party...
...Germsn Branch: Bel* Low, George Speier, Richard Pohle, Fred Gaa...
...The next meeting of the committee will b* held at th* headquarters of the 2nd A. D...
...While In thi* city he gav* flv* day* to th* organisation of a local of th* party...
...Harkins *nd \ Jcmes Re illy declined, l**ving Henry Carleas the only nominee...
...In S3 counties the enrollment has doubled, In 13 tripled, In four quadrupled, and in two it has inorcastd seven fold...
...For Thursday, March 19, we have Comrade Emanu...
...The enrollment is reported by counties, showing-* total of 01,981 so enrolled...
...To Whom It May CotMarai "Th* Saeco-Vansstti Central Defense Committee of Boston, composed of elements belonging t* many different organisations, for the truth's sake, and in order to avoid, prevent, and atop any particular speculation in the Sacco-Vansettl caee, on the part ef a certain political party, publicly »nd emphatically wlehe* to states >', "(A) That this committee is not a subordinate to any particular political or economic organisation...
...NEW~YORK Vate Secretary Merrill has sent a statement to all Locals In the state shewing the increased enrollment of Socialist Party voters...
...At Tremont and Third avenues, on Thursday, March 2$, Meyer London will lecture...
...A t Brooklyn judge will act as chairman...
...The union points out that, .although the jobbers signed the" agreement recognizing tho schedule ¦ of prices, the dikputeM point in th* controversy, they now claim tbey are not a party to it, although the agreement specifically states that they are...
...Sun Yat gen...
...Louis Labor, for Mayor and CJeorge Tourville for Comptroller...
...In 1912 he became Provisional President of China...
...second, it »»» ; unfortunat* that the Conference for i Political Action failed to support et win support for a Labor partyi third, that th* Socialist Party followed th* right sours* in refusing to accept the party without nam*, formed, or rather agreed upon, in tho convention of Feb...
...A large class of Yale students attended the meeting in a body...
...We , can promise a rousing meeting, i The branch will also elect delegates i to the city convention...
Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 11