The Message of Hindu Stage


The Message of Hindu Stage By RABINDRANATH TAGORE WE ill *ct within ourselves when wi read a play. If thla mental acting faila to unfold thi beauty of dramatic poetry, thin that dramatist dii| not...

...The Wearing of the Green," by Frank- Moulan... plsying at the Neighborhood Pl*»* hoaie, will eootlnus another week...
...Seven Chanel*" was written by Roi Cooper Megrui and produced by Bilasco for tha stare...
...Frank Brindley, tenor, will sing "Mother Machree...
...But Bruno wins her— just as Nikko comei bark...
...Buster's newest leading woman Ii Ruth Dwyir, and li supported by T. Roy Harne.s, Snlti Edwards and llvin-teen "baby Stan...
...Bisch makes the mechanics of thi anal tic process the root of his drajna...
...Eva Puck and Sam White...
...Rossini's "Barber of Seville" will be the overture...
...If thla mental acting faila to unfold thi beauty of dramatic poetry, thin that dramatist dii| not dnirve any coniidention...
...But why, why pirtures that idly hang behind thi aetort Hi don not create them on the utigi...
...No doubt with thi borrowed hilp of thi painter hi thus fraudulently shirks hia own responsibility by creating a falai illusion on tbl mindi of thi audience This only proves his own Incompetence ahd cowardice...
...They win piintid by thi punter according to hli conciption of thing...
...Schuyler Ladd w|] save the role of Aaollederas...
...Broadway Brief t "Thi Complex," playing special matinee* at thi Booth, will become thi ngulsr offering at thi Princess Theatre OB Snturday if te moon I ef this week...
...9 Peggy Wood has been engaged to pliy the title role in "Candida," at the Ambassador Theatre, joining the cast on Monday, March 23...
...The Complex" Louie E. Bisch Shows the Workings of Psycho-analysis at the Booth Louis E. Bisch, in "The Complex," playing special matineea at the Booth Theatre, exposes the practical methods of the new doctors of psychoanalysis...
...But why should uting bow ita head to other arti...
...On Friday, Frank- Egin, the produeit, Edith Ellis, the author of "Whit* C*> lars," with the member* of the company, were the guest* of honor of IH Drnmn-Comedy Society ot the Hit*' Astor...
...Thi art, ef acting moat of mciasity bi sesiewhit dependent on the beiuty of poetry in thi pliy...
...No artificial stage and no artificial scenery ran bl worthy of the fancy of tha poit...
...HIPPODROME Mary Cavin and Ottokar Marak of the Chicago Operu and the National Opera...
...At a given moment, the movie will stop, and Miss Dcin and her company will enact the scene on thi stage...
...To be consistent with ita own sense of Mlf lespett it can acknowledge only that much dependence on other irta that ii absolutely necessiry for its fullest expression...
...Tha numbers include "Come Back to Erin," by Marjorie Harcum...
...There is an invisible stage in the mind of the audience Enchintid eeen-ery an the goals that thi true drama tiat aeeka to reach...
...Came thin, one diy las thi movie captions lay), Angela Smith, a slim, leggy, blonde young thing, looking for a job Nikko gatid and heard her ling a ling and in thru minutes hi bid her in his arms with her promise to marry him...
...It ii not difficult for a normal piraon to imagine a cottage, a couple of trees or I river on thi stage...
...Anyway, didn't the -Italian Government report him dead...
...Fantasy" will head thi music program at the Capitol...
...An expert, too, might quarrel with the manner of the doctor at times, with some points he overlooks, and with the remarkably "pal" dream that fits the facts so well...
...Gsmbnrelli will be seen in Krieslcr'i "Caprice Viennols...
...Nikko was to itrong and brave and handsome and had auch eyes...
...Hi has not lift his Imagination at homi under lock ind key...
...this leads to an amount of talk otherwise inadvisable, and unquestionably weakenincr...
...Miriam Hopkins ia a ¦ Urn, attractive blonde who played An gila...
...Moran and Mack...
...Cirvo nnd More, Robcy and Gould In a comedy skit by Andy Rice, "Education Will Out...
...In thi Weit the audience demands concrete preaentation of the things mentioned in thi pliy...
...7 The Theatre Guild's birthdsy psrtT fthis year will be a Tapeitry Bill, jft eluding a Vaudeville and Buffet BO* per, on Sunday evening, March 1*> M tho Hotel Commodore...
...During thla time ahe is questioned by Dr...
...Then is a subtle friendly understanding between thi audience and thi artor that thair respective imagination voluntarily cooperate for thi propir understanding of thi pliy...
...Anatol Friedland and Cera pen y in "Anatol's 1 Affairs of 1*11," staged by Ned Wayburn...
...j Albirt linn..n • will play Pothlnul |n the Thiatre Guild production of "CJLa-ar and Cleopatra...
...Bruno, Nicola'a wall meaning but weak cousin, and Frank Mohan, a blue streak on thi piino, but pisin with the lidlts...
...That is the reason why I like our village jitra plays so much...
...Hi hai to laugh with thi words of laughter wovin by thi poet...
...Angels, now grown to miturity doesn't know whether or not she reveres thi memory of thi man who flashed across her horizon for two hours three years ago...
...J, Rosamond Johnson, who directs thi orchestra, will conform strictly to tho Sullivan score, and promises not to jazx it...
...Hale, who has calmed her husband and won over all the relatives except Aunt' Windle, Felicia's "dead mother and father in one...
...Thi actor has nothing to do With thim...
...the Four Readings, and the Foster Ensemble...
...Frank Davis and Adele Darnell...
...lame, Joyce's only plsy...
...Dwlght Frys as thi sink white-si over looked poisonous enough (or the part...
...Thi acting wai io-io...
...If the Hindu spec tator has not yet been vitiated beyond redemption by Western scenic oberra-tiona on the atige, and If the Hindu actor haa my genuine reapect for hia own art and for poetry, then it is high time for them to rise in a righteous revolt against this devastating Innovation, ind simply iweep aaide the costly and unnecessary scenic rubbish that contaminate and smother our stage today...
...see the play and you need not read the book...
...The theatre is seeking oriental trade, says "Variety," and is using thi Chinese players for advertising...
...but here there is a big difference...
...Rudolph Malinoff and the Hippodrome Bullet...
...Ed and Jennie Rooney, and Mme...
...By dint of ahier lincire acting poetry is made to danci out of a fountain of beauty and enrapture tha entire being of true spectator...
...C. Henry Gordon wai Nikki...
...The Puppets" Franc— light net'* Romantic melodrama, open* at the Selwyn "The Puppfti," Fnncei Lightner'* new pliy described as a romantic melo-diama, which Brock Pimberton is presenting at thi Selwyn, is a good try that Just doesn't get across Thi play 11 about a mirlomtte the aire In the Italian quarter on Mulberry street, in which Nicola Riecoboni ii author, dinctor, inspiration and tin gwad on wheels Beginning in 1915, wi ••• a happy family group including Sandro, thi hefty, good natured Italian, Kosa the ditto, ditto wardrobe mistress...
...Those to whom the new psychology is still new have the further pleasure of the unfolding...
...Felicia (the name means "the happy one") thinks she has been happy alt her life...
...So fir, It's liki "Thi Dark Angel...
...Thi Zellias Sisters, John Drike and Company, and other acts...
...An Irish dance by the Capitol dancers...
...yet, by cleverly planned opposition of an aunt who is herself an important link in the complex chain, the whole is made dramatically tense and interest ing...
...The hero looks at Angela liki a Mulberry strut caviman, ind it's ill ovir but thi clinch...
...Miss Dean will appear in a picturization of Ixola Forresters' novel, "A Cafe in Cairo," and in an episode from the picture, assisted by her own company from Hollywood...
...It naturally makes a compromise in its e/iUingness to imagine a mountain on the stsgc, but a picture of the mountain must, by all means, be furnished in the eettingi...
...Killarney" and "Mother Machree," will be rendered by William Robyn...
...m Earl Cirroll'i production of Rat," the Pirislin melodrami at I he Colonial Thiatre, hai entired uponftti second month...
...It 1s afraid to take chances with imiginition...
...It has been adapted to the screen by .lean Haves, Clyde Bruckmsn ind Joi Mitch-ill...
...Henry "6angrey and His Orchestra...
...the main scenes of the play present the doctor's office and the interviews of the physician and his patients...
...The words of thi poet an absolutely naciavary for the actor...
...Yet to such a porson the play presents elements of interest in the opportunity to behold a psychoanalyist at work, and in the incidental drama...
...Julia Glass, the pianist, will play Tachaikowsky's Concerto in B Flit Minor...
...that the audience to which he ia appealing must be given a . elementary explanation of psychoanalysis and the technique of the physician...
...Unlike the many more aerious dramatists in whose plays the subconscious motives and desires of the characters are revelled as part of the drama—in the bare dialogue of O'Neill, in the self-analysis of Joyce —Mr...
...David-eroff's "Titiana," Gilbert'a "O'Kothar-ina" and Friml's "Indian Love Call...
...Lillian Leitzel...
...yet she puts off her wedding for two years, and on the wedding night, after vague misgivings that grow to mysterious fear, the runs from her husband to a girl friend and, staya In a bewildered, .weak condition for a month...
...To try to help us with a fiw piintid canvaa hanginga is to question the sanity of our minds...
...During her stay at the Colony, she will be seen twice daily in the afternoon and twice at night...
...Three years later hi was mourned as dead, but his spirit brooded over the whole menige...
...mmes to thi Cipitol Sunday...
...Thi gulf between thi actor and thi audience is most simply ind soulfully bridged in these open air playe without settings ind scenery...
...Priscilla Dean In Person and On the Screen At Colony Theatre Priscilla Dean, in peraon and on the screen, followa "Charley's Aunt" at the Colony, beginning Sunday...
...Katharine Cornell will retire to play the leading part in "The Green Hat," which A. II, Woodi is now rehoarsing...
...T»* final performance takes place b—**m March U...
...Lothar'a "Werwojf," recentll presented here in by the Nlij berta, will be given in the original fly the German Players' Association at ft Earl Carroll Theatre, Sunday afteriiA,, and evinlrg...
...Johnson and Biker...
...The Complex" is an effective way of avoiding the painstaking perusal of Freud's "Introduction to Psychoanalysis...
...Dollie ¦nd Billie...
...The vaudeville will consist of Ernest Evans in his new musical production, "Ripples of 1925...
...To do anything anon ii te degrade itnlf...
...Thi production is reliasid by Joseph M. Schcnck through Mitro-Goldwyn...
...The drimi that haa to aell ita soul te be congenial to the atkill of the actor niturally mieti with contempt...
...Thi bsr-birous displiy of wealth by the pro ducer rrushea tha refinement of the genies of the poet...
...the symptoms are obviously presented and consistently developed...
...They only obitruct thi blossoming of his creative ginius...
...if thi poet ii kind enough to offer htm • little liiiuri for weiplng, hi weeps to drsw teara in thi •yis of thi ludienci...
...But that's about all that this reviewer ran , git excited about...
...The music at the Colony Theatre, beginning Sundsy, will be headed by the overture, "Around Broadway...
...Ho tremendous amounts of money have to be wasted for the production of scenic effects for mere child's play...
...Bobby Folsom...
...Then is such in exuberance of confidence on both the sides thit thi purposi of the poit is most sympathetically attained...
...Then why such ilaborate icinic preparations to cheat the spectator that haa come to enjoy thi play with abundance of faith in his hurt...
...Henry Santny and Anni Siymour...
...Zcz" Confrey, composer of "Kitten On tho Keys," "Stumbling," "Coaxing the Piano," etc., will present his Ampico Artists...
...So it ii not accessible to all...
...PALACE Vincent Loess and His Orchestra...
...The theatre we have set up in India today in imitation of the Western stage is e cumbersome and swollen monstrosity...
...Hirry and Anna Seymour...
...So Bruno hopes to win her, as don Frank, now revealed to a mildly horrified audience ai a full-fledged white-slaver...
...The principal players include Mary Astor, Clive Brook, Ian Keith and Louise Dresser...
...J. T. S. Vaudeville Theatres MOSS' BROADWAY B. S. Moss' Broadway, beginning Monday, will show a new featuri photoplay "Enticement," __a picturization of Olive Arden ill novel...
...W. M. F. f Butter keaton's latest, "Seven chances," at the Capitol Theatre Sunday Muster K est tin's comedy, "Seven Chances...
...It Is a costly affair...
...The hero of thi other play is blind, while Nikki Ii deaf Then ii a torrid Italian row with knives flashing, in thi course of which Frank Ii incidentally expoied ai a prartiaer of his horrid trade, and likewise Nikki has his hearing miracu-lously restored...
...Helen '!..!¦.• :>r and Compsny in "Thi Jay Hi iver," by Edwin Burke...
...The producer his givsn an interesting picture of thi imidi and thi mechanics of thi marionette thlltre...
...Thi actor Is not supposed to stand in thi witness bos in a court room, so that every word hi utters hn to be sanctified with a loltmn oath...
...Don Ma relay, the comedian, who *•" peered In "Go Go," will bi a mlB*** of "China Ron" when thi musicil •*•" edy move, to thi Knickerbocker Tss* i a on Monday...
...This is the comedian's first picture version of I singe pley...
...An "Irish...
...Two hours litir, hi wn on a boit, on thi wiy to Italy and thi wir...
...Colored Players To present "The Mihado" At Lafayette Theatre An interesting announcement, coming all the way from Hirlem—and from the colored section at that—a notice to all lovers of Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mikado," which will bo put on next week at the Lafayette Theatre, in Harlem, by the colored stock company, under thi direction of Frank Montgomery...
...Thi last puppet play hi had writtin wai about to be pioduced, and thin they wire stuck— no one else had Ntkko'i genius in writing...
...Stuia Ledova, assisted by Danny Dire...
...Marie Macquirric...
...Anyone acquainted with psychoanalysis recognizes the case it once...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 11

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