TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies

Oak, Lislon M.

TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they effect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak Victors Punish Vanquished NO one will deny that the convicted war criminal* deserve t h e punishment meted " "...

...T h e p r o c e d u r e a t t h e i r t r i a l was more nearly in • . T the t r a d i t i o n s 'of Anglo-American jurisprudence than the procedure in other t r i a l s of war c r i m i n a l s . They got a fair t r i a l , insofar as it was 'possible...
...ef Soviet citizens now i n displaced persons camps in American and British zones in A u s t r i a to S o u t h America...
...Never in the history cjf any nation were t h e r e so many nat i o n a l s who refused to be r e p a t r i a t e d; mute evidence of something r o t t e n in the p r o l e t a r i a n p a r a d i s e. * . * * • Thousands of German prisoners of w a r went on a sit-down s t r i k e in Italy, demanding t h a t they be sent home...
...Wladysl'sw Koj l e r , member of t h e executive committee ol the p a r t y; Major Sokolowsi, Boleslaw So biersk, member of t h e National Council...
...Demonstrations in t h e Nethej lands a g a i n s t shipment of military ctmseriptl to Indonesia have t a k en place...
...Yjissoslavia, yke Russia and every other nation, maintains art information service i n ' t h e USA which freely spreads Communist propaganda, mil even official documents issued by t h e U S S t a t e Dep a r t m e n t can be d i s t r i b u t e d in Russia and her satellites...
...TTtyy were told t h a t they would be r e p a t r i a t ed a s soon as conditions permit...
...Franco declared that "Onlv*\two ^countries know where they are going— Spain and Russia...
...J a p an was devastated by war, but is making r a p i d strides toward lecovcry... s t r u c k by the- ' e n i g m a of a happy ronrjuered people and a n unhappy libera t e d people...
...But if you'll send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope, I'll let you in on the top secret...
...Moscow demands their1 - r e p a t r i a t i o n , but thet* t h o u s a n d s do not want to go back to slave labdr camps...
...l u n a cy G a d z a l a ; Edmund Wnk...
...two p e a s a n t s were burned to djrath, one*dtrd from a heart attack an I one went insane...
...This is f u r t h er evidence, to Pravda, i/f the greed ot "American imperialists...
...H e stressed the importance of a special .secret pgljce force under the Khan's direction, of a huge corps of forced ' llir.or...
...Tfcw IrOll/^The closing the United C u r t a i n States Information Service in Belgrade because t h e US protest to Tito over the killing of American airmen was d i s t r i b u t e d to newsp a p e r s there exemplifies the contrast between two systems, and the absence •Of reciprocity between them...
...Iran charged, and B r i t a i n denied, t h a t the revolt of southern tribes a P e r s i a was e n g i n e e r e d by B r i t i s h agents, j u s t as t h e r e v o l t in northern I r a n wss organized by Russia...
...But t he assumption t h a t r e t r o a c t i v e international law c a n be t h u s created by t h e victors, which will serve a s a d e t e r r e n t to f u t u r e a g g r e s s o r s , is f a l s e . ' . The Irony of t h e s i t u a t i o n is t h a t some of t h e prosecutors came into c o u r i with unclean hands—hardly less guilty than (Joering...
...Of such arc* t he ' k i n g d om of t h e Soviet quislings Ptavda accused the USA of plann i n g to ship "scores of thousands...
...and Franciszek Lazowski...
...Will the sentences of death given 12 Nazis r e s t r a i n Stalin from p u r s u i n g lira i m p e r i a l i s t ambitions...
...Without the iron curtain no t o t a l i t a r i a n tyranny could long survive, •H No one advocates closing the propaganda agencies of Tito and Stalin in America...
...According to Poles witf have recently a r r i v e d in London, deportations of young Poles t p the forced labor rampa of Russia have increased lately, and new proscription lists are being r i e p a r e d. On May 2 the village of Wawoln-ca, was burned tp t h e g r o u n d by the s e c u r i ty police from Pulawy, becatisV it was a legions) center of \ h e Peasant Party...
...Over 100 homes were destroyed...
...V • The Comintern is dissolved...
...Korea was undamaged, but it is divided into t wo non-cooperating zones and is making no p r o g r e s s . The reason, he t h i n k s , is t h at MaeArWur is unhampered by e i t h e r t he Russians or by Washington...
...T h i s gave the rank-and-file soljliris ever new opportunities for loot...
...To call- t h i s "two kinds of freedom of t h e p r e s s , " or "twd varieties of democr a c y " is i r r i t a t i n g nonsense...
...The s e c u r i t y police /tried to force t h e villagers bo sign * deposition s a y i n g > t h a t t h e atrocity had been committed by b a n d i t s from the f o r e s t s . Other villages have also been~burned, as, well as many farmhouses belonging to meuibtra oj t he PSL...
...THIS PEACE-TORnr WORLD • Richard J. H. Johnson of the NY Timt* reports that after a year in Korea, J a p a n looks good to him...
...The continual prospect of successful war distracted" a t t e n t i o n from the inner contradictions if the regime and t h e growing power o f A h e i r ^ w n a r i s t o c r a c y , " Ktselev wrote...
...Negotiations ) between Russia and Swedes on a t r a d e agreement are not going 'well...
...but it h a s a new l e t t e r h e a d , on which Jacques D u d e s , who told the American CP to change its line, is g i v i n g directions to other branches of t h e ' T h i r d Internat i o n a l . Copies ot letters have been seized by Allied intelligence men in Europe...
...Atrocities Among othu well-known III Pol e n d leaders of the Polish Peas' . ant P a r t y murdered recently by t h e Russian-PuiWh secrefxpolice a r e the following: NatJ?y^ Wiatrf who was a famous commander o f the P e a s a nt B a t t a l i o n fighting the N a , . - in southern Poland...
...Duclos tells other Communist leaders What to think...
...They are going .« a e t i a i g h t line a n d thf» others a r e following a zigzag course...
...Monopoly CQDSI trade rights wttk Russia in ' Italy and Romania if the decisions of...
...He quotes^ Genghjs Khan as saying, " F u t u r e generations of our race will wear gold-embroidered clothes, eat f a t s artd sweet foods, ndc fine horses, a n d ^ h o l d in their aims beautiful women...
...Incidentally, neither the American protest nor Tjto/s insulting "apology" have ever been prHfteil m Yugoslavian p a p e r s . Tito welcomes supplies of food j n d "machinery through UNRRA, 71 percent of which comes from America, b u t he does not welcome facts .which would weaken his dictatorship... as they effect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak Victors Punish Vanquished NO one will deny that the convicted war criminal* deserve t h e punishment meted " " , to t h em a t Nuremberg...
...Sweden fears the USA will not deliver goods to reexported to Russia," nor extend c r e d i t s for the benefits of the Russians...
...S t a t e monopolies should be ''exempted from 1 he inost-favored-nation clause, t he Soviets argued, seeking the same s t a te monopoly of trade throughout Eastern E u r o p e as exists in the USSR...
...Will any warmonger be d e t e r r e d? Before there can be genuine international, law, respected by sll nations and individuals, t h e r e must be a world government capable of <ufoic ng such l aw of punishing nil a g g r e s s o r s. But perhaps the g r e a t e s t danger in t h a i {these Nazis may become martyrs...
...History Repeats Itself Soviet h i s t o r i a n s afe tjeeply interested in the period of 200 y e a r s when Russ.'a was s u b j u g a t e d by tbe Mongols...
...F r e e Trod* The Wast will have Vs...
...t o t a l i t a r i a n i s m , freedom vs...
...The Soviet pr iposal which would havr established trade monopolies and given Russ i a alone the "most-favored-nation" s t a t u s was defeated ."I to 6. Russia wanted bilateral rather than multilateral agreements with Halkan states...
...The rebellion il continuing... a lot of German", thirsting for revenge...
...Another leature -of the Mongol d i c t a t o r s h i p which it, reminiscent of our times is ih... is d o . mocracy vs...
...even though we hate Communism, we want to know the f a c t s ; t he American press has never failed to/print every speech Stalin has made, and at least excei p t s from every important at- . tack of the Soviet press on America a nd Britain...
...Kiselev a t t r i b u t e d the K n a n ' s victories over more civilized peoples to h i s s u p e r i or military and administrative organization...
...A book by V. T a n on (ihttigkn Khmn won • Stalin award...
...And Sehaeht, von Pa pen, and a t h o u s a n d other Germans, whose guilt was, c e r t a i n l y a s g r e a t as that of Vichyite coll a b o r a t o r s PeCain and Lava), a r e not punished...
...technique of mass d e p o r t a t i o n s aB a paeans ot suppressing revolt...
...In a preface to it 8. V. Kiselev gave an outline of t he methods by which Genghis Khan molded the E m p i r e into one cohesive bloc and ended i n t e r n a l fighting between Its u n i t s . "To put a n end to t h e g r o w i n g flame • f revolt and s t r e n g t h e n its a u t h o r i t y, t h e Mongol a r i s t o c r a c y had recourse to p e r p e t u a l ws*rs a g a i n s t their neighbors...
...the dele* gates at (Paris' are carried out...
...The n»» R u m a n i a Minister to Washington, Michael Ralea, was once a close friend of Tin Robert Ley, ex-Nazi, lebor front leader, and Ralea led Nazi parades in Rumania... would never guess, of course, Who tells Jacques...
...This will tend t o undermine respect for the new international law *>gamst w a r - m a k e r s . The only r e a l lesson potential <•• actual a g g r e s s o r s will learn is—make sure . o f victory...

Vol. 29 • October 1946 • No. 40

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