SDF NEWS NATIONAL The Natiossal Execative Committee meets in New York City November 9 and 10. Several important matters will forrie before the Committee. All locals ft* urged to send "In...

...Be will |a in Baltimore, Oct ISO, in New Engr lajiii in November and may make a tour across the continent beginning December Htb...
...Jewish Socialist Verband: National Convention and 25th Jubilee in New York City, December 7, 8, 9. NEW YORK CITY <i(y Caavention wiil reconvene S a t i n - •ay, October 12, 2 p . m., a t 7 E . 15th S t , . . . Coordinating Committee meets October U, 11:30 a. m. . . . City Executive Cesaiitfe meets Wed., Oct...
...August Claeasens speaks at Brighton Liberal Party Club, Saturday, Oct...
...Speakers: John f. Burke, Julius Hochman, A. Philip Randolph, George E . Roewer...
...9. . . . MidIowa Casters Branch meets Monday, Oct...
...m., 7 E. 15th S t . . . Wdmen's Ceamttttee T e a a n d F a r e w e l l P a r t y for Miners Weisberg, Wed., October 10, 2 p. m., a t Rand School...
...It is exceedingly important today to p r o t e c t t he r i g h t s of all minorities, racial or political...
...August Claeasens: National Secretary will visit many locals and branches earing the next four months...
...We hope you will condemn this action which t h r e a t e n s to r o b four groups of their political right to run candidates...
...K a r l i n Branch meets Tuesday, Ot...
...26, 2 p . m., a t t h e Rand School...
...It is b e t t e r to m e e t - a n d defeat t h em in t h e open than to drive them u n - decground e n d give them the chance to yell "persecution...
...As for t h e Socialist P a r t y , from which the S D F split in 1936, w h a t e v e r our differences may be we ktiow t h a t it s t a n d s for democratic r e forms by peaceful means and is likewise opposed to a n y f o rm of t o t a l i t a r i a n i s m. T h e r e can be no doubt of the i n t e g r i ty of t h e S o c i a l i s t s . They certainly did not get s i g n a t u r e s to t h e i r petitions by f r a u d. "We do not believe that the Democ r a t i c and Republican parties have a ny r i g h t t o monopolise t h e ballot...
...7, gy...
...Algernon Lee speaks every Saturday night over radio s t a t i o n WEVD at 9:80 r, m. . . . Esther Friedman speaks at w.Q...
...Claessena will speak" at meetings ia Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Califoraja s n d in some central s t a t e s , returning it New York January 12...
...5. SOCIAL DEMOCRATS PROTEST ATTEMPT TO OUST MINORITY P A R T I E S FROM B A L L OT T H E Social Democratic Federation, at i t a c i t y central committee meeting last n i g h t , issued a n o p e n « l e t t e r to Senator J a m e s A. Mead, p r o t e s t i n g the a c t i on of t h e Democratic P a r t y of New York S t a te i n t r y i n g t o e l i m i n a t e t h e Socialist P a r ty a n d t h r e e o t h e r minority parties from t he ballot in t h e coming elections...
...The let* t e r read, in p a r t : n "New York S t a t e Democrats, a c t i n g in t h e name of Spencer Young, initiated an " a g g r i e v e d c a n d i d a t e " suit in R e n s s e l a er County against four minority p a r t i e s. The Appelate Division of the Supreme Court granted a motion made by t h e Communists on Sept...
...30 t r a n s f e r r i n g t h e case t o Albany County...
...Eli Rosenblatt...
...Reception to Btratce BeneeTick, Liberal Party candidate for Congress, 24th District, .Saturday, Oct...
...All locals ft* urged to send "In recoramendatiena...
...Branch 696B, T u e s d a y , October 2 2 . . . . Canaan B r a n c h : Leon Dennen, noted journalist just returned from Europe, speaks on " I n s i d e TEurope," Friday, October 4, 8:30 p m., Debs Auditorium, 7 E . 18th St., New York...
...Dates are now bring made...
...Debs Anniversary Dinner: Nov...
...New York State ComajKtee meets Saturday, October 5, 2 m, at 7 K. .16th St., Room 200, New York...
...August < ' l a c s - Mas East Bronx Branch: Reception to BrrrticC Bendick, H a r r y Kavesh, Herman' Wsskow, Joseph Block/ Liberal Party Majjmrtss, S a t u r d a y , October 28, 8 p . m , at M l E. T r e m o n t Ave., Bronx...
...SDF NEWS NATIONAL The Natiossal Execative Committee meets in New York City November 9 and 10...
...We do not believe t h at even t h e Communists, who by t h e i r a d vocacy, of t o t a l i t a r i a n i sm demonstrate t h e i r h a t r e d of democracy, and who a re t h e agents of a foreign power, should be denied the r i g h t to r u n candidates f o r office...
...It will come before J u d g e William H . Murray on O c t 7. This same judge t h r ew the Commun i s t s off t h e b a l l o t - p r e v i o u s l y , and indicated his dislike of minority parties g e n e r a l l y . "The Social Democratic Federation, which through the Liberal Party has endorsed yonr candidacy, protests this undemocratic move to suppress a civil l i b e r t y that is a s precious as freedom of the press...
...8, 8:30 p . m., a t S a r a h Rutes, 8 49 linden Ave., Brooklyn...

Vol. 29 • October 1946 • No. 40

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