Progressive Unionism Wins UAW
Progressive Unionism Wins UAW Reuther's Election Triumph for Constructive Program By Olga Corey FLASH—Climaxing a long and bitter struggle, Walter P . Reuther ha* been elected* International...
...It was said in the CIO report that the Kirov Works, formerly the Putilov Works, produced "little except cann in and handcuffs" until after the revolution...
...There has been no attempt to discuss any of the questions involving basic trade union policy in the years to come...
...In addition to emphasising the breach that may or may not exist between Reuther and Murray, they have also charged that Reuther la trying to lead the UAW back into the AFL...
...Not only is Reuther clearly the strongest single figure in the union, but he now commands support sufficient to defeat the coalition of forces which opposed him...
...Otherwise, there has been no attempt to discusa th* strategy of the GM strike, apparently a major issue in th* presidential race...
...Either Manoi, Saigon or Paris" shall be chosen as the seat of the Conference...
...The only discussion so far has taken place in Reuther's caucuses...
...This attempt to gain Negro support in what was actually a Jim-Crow resolution, was overwhelmingly defeated...
...In general, the convention haa been cheated of any real chance to discusa isauea...
...FRANCO.VIET NAM AGREEMENT SIGNED IN INDOCHINA HaNOI, March 6, 1946—The following agreement was signed on March 6,1946, m Hanoi, between the Government of the French Republic and the ¦ Viet Nam Government: '"The French Government recog-nizea the Viet Nam Republic as a free state with its own Government, Par- ¦ liament, Army and Finances, within the Indochinese Federation and French Union...
...At subsequent caucuses, he accused Reuther of calling the strike without the knowledge of the Executive Bo-rd, and further claimed that Reuther made it difficult for him to find out what waa going on in negotiation a. Corollary to this argument has been the claim of Thomas supporters that Reuther ia anti-CIO...
...It Vs *'so dear that the vote ontthia question waa a partisan one, which definitely gave Reuther a majority of the convention...
...Meanwhile, in all the hotel corridors, furioua arguments are taking place in a last-minute effort to win votes...
...A corollary to the present preliminary agreement shall determine the procedure for this operation...
...and cresting a favorable atmosphere, necessary for undertaking friendly and open negotiations...
...The same night, Thomas held a caucus at which he spoke along with Addes and Frankenateen, all of whom denounced Reuther in violent' language...
...Walter P. Reuther, interna, tional vice-president and leader of the union's progressive forces, it challenging incumbent President R. J. Thomas, and is opposed in his fight by Secretary-Treasurer George Addea and ex-Vice-President Richard Frankenateen...
...However, hie reference on two occasion-to the high regard in which he holds President R. J. Thomas waa interpreted aa a boost for Thomas, with whom Murray haa for a long time been on very friendly terms...
...BY the time this story appears, the world's largest union, convening now in Atlantic City, will have chosen its next international union president Marked by unusual bitterness and factionalism, the UAW-CIO election promises to be a close one, with both sidea claiming victory by a margin of 700 votes...
...A subsequent test of strength occurred on Tuesday, when the convention refused to accept the unanimoua report of the grievance committee that Willow Run Local (a atrong Reuther local) be incorporated into Graham-Paige Local 142 now that production on the Kaieer-Frazier car has begun...
...The Viet Nam Government announces that it is ready to welcome the French Army when, In accordance ' with International agreements, it ahall relieve Chinese troopa...
...Since the former report includes a resolution on wages and prices, on which Walter Reuther would undoubtedly have taken the floor, and a atrong resolution on foreign policy, which the Communists are attacking, the reasons for postponing the report seem obvious...
...The French Government pledges that a referendum shall be held to determine whether the three KY regions Nam-Ky (Cochin-China) jTrung-Ky (Annam...
...If Reuther succeeds in effecting a good working relationship with Sexretary-Treasurer Addes, certain to be re-elected by ihe Convention, the UAW-CIO will have a strong and unified leadership for the first lime in ila history...
...Pure Communist propaganda, it was filled with misrepresentations, half-truths, and distortions...
...It's never safe to predict what the auto workers will do, but in the opinion of this reporter, Walter P. Reuther will be the next president of the UAW-CIO...
...The report of tho Resolutions Committee (chaired by Victor Reuther) has been kept off the floor by Addea and Thomas in favor of the leas important report of the Grievance Committee...
...To many of us at the press table, the vote seemed very close...
...One such falsehood was effectively'' nailed by Simeon Strunsky in his ,p nailed by Simeon Strunsky in his W Tim** column...
...Two decisions were reached: the monthly dues have been raised from $1 to $1.60, and there waa created a new international department, the Fair Practices and Anti-Discrimination Department On this second point, the Communists staged the same play they used unsuccessfully two years ago at tho Buffalo convention by proposing thst the director of this department (by 'inference a Negro) be made a member of the International Executive Board...
...A* evidence, they cite the fact that Reuther accepted $170,000 from David Dubinaky, ILGWU presi-den, to aid the GM strikers...
...Advancing a program for full employment, independent political action, a new wags policy, joint action with farm and consumer groups, and a vigorous housing and health program, Reuther promised the union a positive policy based on the needs of the rank-and-file and not on some outside organization...
...Heavily loaded with Communists, fellow-travelers, and innocents, the CIO delegation reported, not what they saw but what they were told on their eight-day conducted tour...
...Each of the contracting parties ahall take all necessary measures in view of ending hostilities immediately...
...In a campaign emphasizing principles rather than personalities, Reuther refuted the above charges, and challenged R. J. Thomas to a debate on the issues involved...
...Other speakers at the meeting called Reuther a ".political proatitute" and accused him of being anti-Negro...
...To many observers, the outcome of this election will prove whether a principled, honest campaign based on real issues can defeat a mud-slinging campaign in which votes are bought with jobs and free wlskey...
...The fact is that it produced a tenth of the cannon now being manufactured for the Red Army, on th* march in Iran and a lot of other areas...
...Murray waa particularly vehement in denying the rumor that he had tried to get Truman's fact-finding committee to lower la recommendation for a price increase i GM...
...The** rumors, which Thomas and his dlowers have attributed to Reuther ources, were Used in an attempt to iscredlt Reuther's handling of the GM trike...
...Murray also denied that ho had ever promised not to call a national steel atrike while the GM strike waa on, and that he ever refused to lend personal aaaiatance in handling GM negotiation* or helping the GM strike in any other way...
...Reuther forces, thwarted in their desire for a joint debate, confined their discussion of these questions to special caucus session...
...Bac-Ky (Tongking) shall be united in a single state, and that it shall ratify the decision of the people...
...Bets are being taken and stakes are getting higher as the race nears its conclusion...
...maintainng their troops in their respective positions...
...Progressive Unionism Wins UAW Reuther's Election Triumph for Constructive Program By Olga Corey FLASH—Climaxing a long and bitter struggle, Walter P . Reuther ha* been elected* International President of (he UAW-CIO by a margin of 124 votes over incumbent R. J. Thomas in the Tenth Annual I AW Convention at Atlantic City...
...HANDCUFFS AND CANNON T*HE CIO report on Russia was a document that Jim Carey and Phil Murray ahould be embarrassed to have endorsed, and would not have If the Communist* were not so strong in the CIO...
...In a caucus of nearly 1,600 delegates, Reuther spoke for an hour and a half to a warmly enthusiaatic audience...
...However, the chair (Addes) ruled that such a session required a suspension of the rules, and after putting the question to a vote, decided that two-thirds of the delegate body were not in favor of the motion...
...Behind closed doors, deala are being made and promises are being made and broken...
...This victory marks the successful conclusion of a campaign for leadership begun two years ago at the Grand Rapids Convention, in which Reuther haa been opposed by all the top leaders of the UAW aa well as the Communist element in the union...
...Negotiations ahall concern diplomatic relatione between the Viet Nam and foreign states, the future status of Indo-Chlna, and French economic and cultural interests In the Viet Nam...
...This charge, which appeared originally in the pages of the Daily Worker, haa been elaborated in an attempt to link Reuther with John L. Lewis...
...The aforementioned terms shall be enforced immediately following an exchange of signatures...
...In a coming issue Solomon Schwarz will make an author* tative analysis of this report, answering' propaganda with truth...
...Progressive I iiioiiism Wins HAW Reuther's Election TriumpK for Constructive Program By Olga Corey...
...This proposal touched off an enthusiastic demonstration by Reuther supporters, who marched around the hall chanting and singing "We want Reuther...
...Thomaa and Addes have deliberately stymied any attempt to get such discussion on the convention floor, believing that any real airing of the facta would help their opponent...
...In a press conference on Monday ifternoon, Thomas told reporters that ihe GM strike could and should have been settled a month earlier, and that the fact that it lasted as long as it did waa proof that a strike somewhere else would have been more effective...
...Certainly, it was Clear that those forces supporting Thomas did not want an open debate...
...Taking the floor on a privileged motion, a Reuther delegate from Dodge Local 3 In Detroit proposed on Tuesday afternoon that a joint closed caucus be held that evening to hear the respective positions of Thomaa and Reuther on the questions before the convention...
...CIO President Philip Murray, speaking to the convention'a 2,000 delegates on Tuesday afternoon, denied all rumors to the effect that he or any other leader in the national CIO would attempt to influence the votes of UAW delegates...
Vol. 29 • March 1946 • No. 13