}DF NEWS V*" ' NATIONAL New J*r*ey: Henry J. Cox wu elected [Ute Chabrman; Milo C. Jones, State lecyetary. The State Executive Comm ilia* will bo 101HP000d" of OB* delegate Mea each New Jersey...
...Conference at it* meeting last Sunday in Newark adopted a motion em-joesnaf the-State Executive CommiU 'tee to survey th* political situation in 'New Jeswey and eooperate with moves 1 towards independent political action in ;1h'e November elections... ^Cra Hiffqult's noine, 262 CentralPark Westj , . .„ Memorial Meeting for 1.'Troy, Sam Stein,'Hym'sn Hiller on Sunday, March 10th, 4 p. m., in the Liberal Party CJubrooms, 237 Havemeyer St., B'klyn...
...i-nd Rep...
...Coney , Island : Branch meets...
...Friday, March 8, at the Culture Center, West 28th St...
...The additional members are Emit Bromberg, Bernard Lilienbloom, llowajd Msnn, D. Nisnavitz, Julia Ptimoff, ffow*Mfd Rudn.-r, BH Rosenblatt, Sarah Rutes...
...Russia's consistent veto of all American proposals to restore Austria as a free and united nation have at last brought protests, hut not very loud...
...J|»cfipiWr Gen...
...He, said the Army is "always one or two wars behind in its thinking...
...N. J.:Ijjsbs t Anniversary Celebration Sunday", March Si...
...Senator Vandenberg suggested, lather mildly, that to preserve peace with Russia, Washington ought to b« just as firm as Moscow, and he urged that USA to take the moral leadership of the world...
...Secretary of Labor Schwel-lenbach agrees with William Green and Philip Murray that the Case Bill, which passed* the House and is pending in the Senate, Would wipe out much of" the progress made in 15 years, and bring industrial war and government by injunction...
...Both deserve support—we should demonstrate our willingness to disarm—if other nations will do likewise... platform, independent political action, efe...
...Some 15,000 Greek guerrillas of the Communist El.AS have taken refuge over the border in Yugoslavia, and are ready for an invasion if and when Tito gives the word...
...Coerdinatiag Committe*, of S.L>,F...
...Carl Vinson has introduced a bill to replace conscripted soldiers by volunteers in the occupation forces in Germany and Japan...
...IT . Rep...
...NEW YORK CITY *"-T^*'t^'y'!?xwutive Committee is fully elected...
...The Stat* J.DJc...
...It is a breeding-ground for totalitarianism...
...Rabbi Elmer Berger, Rev: Wendell PhiRtprf...
...Both are blue outside snd red within...
...Joseph Martin, minority leader, has scheduled hearings on his resolution for universal abolition of peacetime conscription...
...Jacob Dubno, Hyman Suss-iiihii, August Claessens, speakers...
...Claessens will be present, . . .. A. I. ShipleeosT Br.: Installation gathering' Saturday, 'March 9th, in the home, of Mr...
...Gerhsrt Soger , speakf at .general, membership meeting, Tuesday,' April 2nd...
...The State Executive Comm ilia* will bo 101HP000d" of OB* delegate Mea each New Jersey branch...
...He is opposed to compulsory military training...
...Prime Minister Eraser of New Zealand opposed the policy of stripping Germany of industrial plants...
...meeting snd local conferences and the Debs I)iMr»r aP«#t/l' Hamilton, April 7. . . . fraft 'SrV'isi'^tieWocf^t...
...Lord* Van-sittart...
...March 25, The Group...
...Holdridge described the US Army as "undemocratic and un-American snd a feudalistic organization carried over into the atomi...
...If this sort of, thing continims, UNO must fail...
...t. ; Upper' West Side Branch: Meeting Tuesday, Merely 19th, "'ft: 16 'p...
...MarCh 20th, "Mfdtown Social Center...
...Bensonhurst Branch: 'Meets Satin -, day, March 'J\h, 8:30 p. m., at 6416 Bay Parkway...
...Many Falangists are joining the Communists in anticipation of a change of regime...
...Women's'Committee: Sup• perette and .eard, party Saturday , M«'<h 30th, at the Rand School...
...Eugenie ' Oamn^rff^aw,York is now here to-., work on organisation and promotion in Toawecttoa with A*ril 6, 7, N.E.C...
...Newark School of Social [Science, 14 Hill St., Monday, March 11, tjBJd p, m. Debate: "Palestine and the Jewish Problem...
...August fclaeaaeas »speskn Marc*' 9th, Vlsdeck Club, Liberal Party, 6416 Bay Parkway, B'klyn...
...and Mermaid Ave...
...C. L. Sulzberger reports from Madrid that a current quip is: " at Falangist like a tuna fish...
...He spoke as a representative of the Veterans' League., .. "Whenever conferences don't succeed they resort to formulas...
...Claessens-East lirmi Kraarh: Social and- card party, Saturday, March 16th at 862 E. Tremont V\Ve...
...affiliates snd institutions has elected a committee to appear before the Liberal Pai t y with recommendations as...
...Chicago, III.: Samuel Regensberg, noted writer and speaker, • will be honored on his 60th vil9&?> •oniJ3un.d*y' March 17 • 8 . > «V at the'Morrison Hotel...
...August Qaessens, speaker...
...Pr/sidcnt of The J extended visit...
...Greek POW's and slave laborers returning from Germany are stopped and given the choice of joining the El.AS or going to a concentration camp...
...j 'it.A ,,C...
...Next me>tin»r, March...
...Its characteristic feature is its medieval caste system...
...That is what happened to UNO...
...May Da/ Celebration preparations |r* •under way for a large meeting and concert...
Vol. 29 • March 1946 • No. 10