Do Jews and Catholics Make Good Benfists?


Do Jews and Catholics Make Good Benfists? The Dental Colleges and the Master Race Theory By J. C. Rich NOW wouldn't it be s fine thing if education did something for tome of our educator*? Any..., bo's hopeless, snd to hell with educated ignoramuses...
...One guardian of ethics dropped his bail and skipped town after he was indicted...
...Some of the toothers (of the freshman class) ware so raw thst they bad difficulty in pronouncing term*, 1st slone explain them...
...This, he asserts, is s form of "educational suto-intoxicstion...
...Ho has] warned sH state legislatures to be on the lookout for the measure, which would materially lower the taxes of the rich, increase the taxes of the poor, and decrease federal revenue by sn estimated $6,000,000,000...
...The men of the inferior "racial strain" went after the crooks and the quacks...
...Until that issue is mat squsrely, the textile production required by .the war effort cannot be achieved...
...but interest of members hss lsgged as the co-ops grow larger, and lose their loesl, intimate character...
...Are Jewish students or Italian students, Negro- or Red Indian students differently equipped from white Episcopalian or white Bsptist students snd therefore unable to acquire the arts and skills of dentistry, or any other profession...
...Such was the foundation upon which dentistry was built in the early part of this century...
...Last year on New York radio stations an intensive advertising- campaign was carried on for several months by Vita-Plus, Inc...
...Kaleidoscope of Labor % robert park mm ENDORSEMENT of peacetime conscription by the Wisconsin State CIO Council has roused wide spread resentment smong CIO bodies throughout the state...
...I recommend, to Er...
...What's wrong with a university if it invites all serious minded students, sll qualified applicants to come and partake of its knowledge snd its skills...
...Arkansas, realizing tardily what It had dons* has now rescinded approval, snd Iowa is working on s repeal of their approval...
...1,800 are considered necessary for subsistence, and 8,000 for msn doing light work...
...Horner is s jackass, oven though he is accepted as an expert on pedagogy...
...La spite of the fact that the snooty boys held s monopoly on "ethics," all New York was infested* with "Dental Parlors" operated by quacks and swindlers snd the "ethical" dentists did nothing shout it...
...The answers, no matter how brilliantly written, if not given word for word as in his notes before him, went into the waste basket, and s close to sero mark followed...
...With knowledge of his experience...
...Tslk of wage increases causing disruption is prices and leading to inflation Ignores the basic issos —does s worker have the right to s living wage...
...At present, 700,000 of India's 6,000,000 industrial workers are organised into trade unions...
...snd in 1940, $18.18...
...But the junior snd senior classes got their tutoring from original sources, the professors themselves...
...Radio exerts too profound an influence to be available without investigation to anybody with money to buy time on th* air...
...They gathered evidence of illegal practice and exposed the fact that the quacks bought protection from the representatives of the regular and "ethical" dental society...
...And believe it or not, there was no "educational autoiDw^ft^CiCa^oVOB sans" ^sawJaaw *»sjaaa^w*s^sas^wisjBj» 4%Uy OiJ|f?rfl *t!*u**J[ teaehcrs did a** come front the "racial strain" so repugnant to Dr...
...Kult, UAW international representative, has declared himself in full agreement with the UAW executive board, which hss taken a stand sgsinst the conscription measure, and stated that he would have fought the endorsement by the Communist-, dominated State CIO Council if he had known the matter was to be brought up st s surprise Sundsy meeting which he did not attend...
...A 66 cent minimum demsnded by the CIO Textile Workers Union of America would make it just possible for the textile worker to get 8,000 calories a day, and the AFI, United Textile Workers of America's demand for a 65 sent minimum may bo just a visionary's dream...
...Horner went exporting in two outstanding universities, Columbia and New York University, snd found a dreadful condition in their dental schools...
...Tot here we have specialists in pedagogy who insist that education Inflict indignity on the soakers after knowledge and that educational institutions be converted into exclusive frat clubs...
...How does it impair dental education T In what manner does it affect dental practice adversely...
...41 Representative Patman of Texas is doing a fin* job in his one-man campaign against Frank Gannett'* "millionaires' amendment," which would set s 26 percent limit on federal iacosao tax...
...Chambermaids in 20 cities earned even less, between 20 to 29 cents, snd s survey of 72 cities showed s range of from 14 to 50 cents an hour...
...Horner Basks* the aame animadversion a* for Columbia «ad adds—horror of horrors—that not wily its student* but even its teachers come from the same "racial strain...
...The front part of the loft oousUtuted the infirmary...
...The Rockefeller Foundation, in a recent survey of a North Carolina community of textile workers, found that the average calorie* consumed per day par person' smounted to 2,000...
...he happens to be s Jew, intoxicates himself or his students with what...
...May a layman suggest to university heads and professional pedagogues that they do something about their own education...
...On the next and...
...It seems that there are many Jewish snd Italian students enrolled in these schools, too many, In his estimation...
...Why is it unfortunate...
...The Department of Labor reports that in 62 cities the average hourly wags for five-and-ten-eent store clerks varies from 30 to 39 cents—not quite $10 a week...
...When you consider that profits in the textile industry in th* first six months of 1943 were up 600 percent over prewar figures, the textile worker's demand seems reason, able...
...Well, the established dentists of New York talked big of "ethics" and they were vary snooty aboet tbs "foreigners" who were coming into the pufes»ion...
...If thst is the suspicion thst persists in the minds of thinking persons, I'd like to ' invite them to think back to the dsys when the number of Jewish or Italian students wss not "excessive...
...In some cities the rate is as low ss 23 cents sn hour...
...With training in his superior skills...
...Or shall we ssy thst education must be tempered with bigotry snd restricted to those who can pass s frat dub test...
...Here are excerpt* from his description of dental education at the torn of the century in an accredited school in New York, not S diploma milt, but a full fledged college: "Up s flight Of rickety stair* were Mm administration offices and a good sited, low ceilinged, dark lectors room...
...It is not SSlpllslng that work or jail tee-islaMmt fa called imperative under these conditions: only patriotism would drive worker* to enter too textile rndtmtry with the sub-human living conditions that prevail...
...However, the radio station* involved bear some responsibility...
...Here man and Women let go physically and emotionally...
...Samuel J. Levy who . practices dentistry in Chester, N. Y. The book is a non-commercial job snd I suppose It eaa bo obtained by applying to Dr...
...He spent half the term in chatting on the manufacture and distribution of Portland Cement, s' product never used by dentists...
...I recommend to deans and professors- and to intelligent persons generally S book called Tkt Story */ cA« AUitd Dental Council...
...The Dental Colleges and the Master Race Theory By J. C. Rich NOW wouldn't it be s fine thing if education did something for tome of our educator...
...New York State turned ft down recently by s tie vote, but there axe still 16 states that have it solidly on their books...
...Because WLB's announcement of a $6 cent minimum mesne almost nothing, even if snd when Fred M. Vinson okays it, the CIO Textile Workers Union of America hss released its 100,000 members from the no-strike pledge...
...That's What S university is for, isn't it...
...They iefusad to accept them into their dental society and so the dentists with the taint of a "racial strain" upon them were forced to form their own societies, and these organisation* in turn affiliated with the Allied Dental Council, whose history Dr...
...Maybe it is "unfortunate" for the colleges snd dental profession...
...His criticism of Columbia therefore says: "It is unfortunate for dental education snd dental practice generally thst Columbia's dental school is largely restricted to two racial groups...
...The operative dentistry professor was different... floor Sodom and Gomorrah reigned...
...The prosthetic dentistry professor would talk leisurely on the woes and tribulations of dental manufacturers and dealers...
...m "The floor below was fits Seat of theoretiral learning...
...The clsim was that a few Vita-Phw pills in your gas tsnk would increase gss mileage from 20 to 39 percent The gss shortage, reputability of the radio stations involved, and the length of the campaign persuaded a large number of people to spend a dollar to try out the worthless and probably injurious plus...
...Were the dental schools of higher standing then ? Was the dental profession more ethical then...
...But perhaps bigotry snd prejudice lurk in the dark corners of the minds of even the most liberal snd cosmopolitan of US...
...Levy relates in his book...
...You understand that I'm pointing as impolitely as I know how st Dr...
...All students, including the poorest, received high marks, none less than 85 in the final examination...
...There may even be Jews or Italians who may think there is something in what Dr...
...It's supposed to teach yon to respect your neighbor's rights and to train you how to lire in the society of human beings in dignity and mutual esteem...
...Why do learned and cultured men in universities give this excursion into educational depravity serious attention as if it made sons...
...Levy himself...
...Today, Sylvan D. Broder, president of Vita-Plus, Inc., has' been sentenced to s yesr in jsil, and both Broder and the corporation hsve been fined $600...
...This assertion, I say, is S form of educational idiocy...
...The smaller past of th* loft held the prosthetic and other laboratories sad the extraction room...
...A specialist in dentistry or oral surgery, fa...
...The dean, an amicable gentleman, assured his class that everything would come out sll right in the wash...
...They were all of a certain "racial strain," possibly Jews for all we know...
...Horner says...
...Harlan H. Horner, secretary of the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association...
...32 are needed to make the amendment Isw...
...The average weekly textile wag* today is $24.82...
...Finally the Council dentists took matters into their own hands...
...Horner and bigots of hi* stripe would have excluded from the profession...
...In what manner, then, is it "unfortunate" from s pedagogic or professional point of view thst Columbia with its stringent admission requirements has an "excessive'' number of dental students from "one or two racial strains...
...There, alongside chair and cuspidor, the future dentist* practiced on patients too poor to afford a dentist's fees...
...The atmosphere wa* laden with the pungent odor* of drugs aad human exhalation...
...That's what education la about, isn't it...
...The cost of living went up 200 percent in India in war years, snd wages have gone up only 60 percent, but the government refused to recognise unions and collective bargaining when demands were made for living wages...
...The astonishment of the class reached a climax when the high marked students included a number who were absent from the examination...
...Whan the Council dentists complained and brought charges, they were condemned ss radicals and agitators...
...In respect to Now York University and its dental college... 1920 it was $22.66...
...It seem* loss than s credit to them if they permit a warped mind to foist its bigotry on- them as an educational process...
...Do the patients of Jewish or Catholic dentists And thst these practitioners are unfit for their profession because of "racial" origin or religious faith...
...They worked, talked, argued, quarreled and fought'over a tiny bit of space in which to wax or solder, or sot up s case...
...What's excessive about it...
...And whst was th* state of the dental profession at the time...
...The wsr hss given the British Cooperatives opportunity for expansion and increased profits...
...Hesds of universities and deans of colleges, his mental and spiritual superiors, permit him to turn professorial on them, to probe snd criticise their administrations, and to frame indictments of their conduct as teachers...
...And that's how professional dental ethics were cleaned up in New York, and it was done by men whom Dr...
...He read the examination papers with a vengeance...
...The strong got the best of the weak...
...With Sll the education and all the civilising influences that have come to shape *bur chsracter, the ignorance and lack of understanding and intolerance of strange people snd strange ideas tend to persist...
...A member of the* board, W. G. Kult, has attacked the endaa-somsiit, and introduced a motion condemning peacetime conscription at* a meeting of UAW CIO Local 72...
...Any textbook On pedagogy will toll TOW that education la supposed to be a civiliiing process...
...This is the first time in this country that an advertiser ha* bean convicted for using the airways to defraud...
...Its author is Dr...
...I think that this Dr...
...Maybe there are really "too many" Jewish or Catholic dentists...
...a * ' There is excellent and illuminating testimony to the contrary...
...After sll there must hsve been a time when the foreign, "racial strains" were not as dominant either in' the population or the schools a* they are now...

Vol. 28 • February 1945 • No. 8

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