Pillowed on Bayonets a>- ixAi tin rr HlftC u « b«* whit* has h—m. ienC needed: a book on CW written by • nun who knows Oim», speaks CTrmese snd is neither s Cssssnsasst sysBpesthiaer, nor sn...
...The marvel ia that ao railed liberal foreigner* should withdraw the dope handed out to these, and should designate the Chinese Communists as democrats...
...W*«a ha ienttcta th* CorxaMHiaU an* their record...
...Where the Japan*** are strong we may give ground to the Central troops...
...Projections INVASION JOURNAL...
...This is, of course, a simplificstion hat accurate within its own dimensions...
...THIS is a deeply affecting-, ofttn exciting, novelised account of th prewar struggle against slavtrf within the South, particularly in Georr* Although she is writing fiction, the **¦ thor very properly gives s bibliograp** of her sources...
...Far (bey...
...he accepts the dissolution of the Comintern as genuine...
...Ha nerIseu to toll ua what authority or critorioa will explain to man the commands of Us divino ardor, or enable him to know what his acta are in accordance with that •rine order, or whoa, under the prompt, mrt of the devil, they are "accordiag u his own Utopias " Instead of explaiamr how such a criterion is to be tatabitssst, Mr...
...Lis Ysrtoag, on the other hand, a Chinese with scores ef friends and acquaintances, able to hear *od W re*4 th* «rirl«»c*, with • Ufcttata repaUtion a* • liberal, U. mtcummd •( "repeating tirwMM quibWe...
...The firit it the wsr record of the Chinese Communists...
...Ha* everyone else, held Mrs...
...Oral etrait jar k*t again "Th* original sin," do Koursrsssrt u ttrts...
...but it it tin in s certain way that of the relatieai of Germany and Europe, or of any sua and the Prince...
...This is indeed a strange sort of logic Do Americans who criticise tho President or the Democratic Psrty necessarily believe that a Communist regime hero would be more acceptable to them...
...Trxnt4mfd », Hamkt Ch»vali*r...
...Atkinson writes that "Dr...
...By Henrietta Bnekmatter...
...til Mm...
...Uf too dirina ardor, sr on the contrary, accarding to aJa own Utopias...
...Mao Tsetung is reported to have admitted as much ia a speech mad* in November, 19*0, in which he said: "The international situation is not favorable to us...
...Lin's political attitudes do not go very deep," because he "repeats and accepts a good many of the tame criticisms of the Chinese Government as those made by the Commuaiats...
...Only the horrors were not wax, but real...
...Chss sad her **a in high tat—at...
...being natives of Maacharia, had played a prominent part in the Srst guerrilla activities against the Japanese...
...Ia so doing it obviously hopes te avoid complications with Soviet Russia aad also to avoid giving any excuse for foreign intervention in China's internal affairs...
...At that time (before the Stalin-Hitler Pact and the Rumo Japanese Neu irality Pact Which changed the Com saaaist line in Chess and broke th* United Front) the Ceaamumsts...
...and that they were totalitarian...
...men lie-nt...
...The saddest atery ia this book to ta* present reviewer is the fste which befell the son af Mrs...
...v tVW L. RlCH A Rl> TOBIN, war iswittgtaaW' far sea ff*s* rer* fjmwia* friton...
...The sscoasJ score oa which Lis Yuteng indicts the Communists I* their dictatorial government...
...Alter the diet tor so long provided in the S«titr««y Bemus Poet by Edgar Snow, «nd in other newipapcra end magazines by writers erho either take their cue fro** hhn, or haVe haan carried to each leagtha by admiration for the exploits ef the Bad Amy that they thiafc the Coaaaaualate ia all countries except their awn ought to bo given tfc...
...One should not expect too much...
...As if it were possible for a liberal to be enamoured of a totalitarian state...
...to aivisiso hstsilf in her own war...
...As Lin Yutang writes: "Their nnacrupulouenees in creating ruthless internecine warfare erect when the enemy is still on Chinese soil is matched only by their slickneas in championing China's national unity abroad...
...Atkintou aad others lik* him apparently Mtliev* thai because the Communists point to the weaknesses and defects of the Kuomintang Government, this proves that they, tho Communists, are better than the Kuomintang...
...Beading bis account ef the liquidation of all dissenters In Communist China, and of tho manner in which anyone who so mush as complains of the material privileges given te th* loading Communists is dubbed a Trotsky 1st and shot or Imprisoned, one realises that ail the worst feature* ef Soviet Russia are being rcpwasjcod in Communist China...
...whoso dictatorship over the areas thoy control make* tho Ku oca in tang National Corarnmant, for all its fault*, appear comparatively liberal...
...Most of the aatriea are a racora ' ef bit stay hi Engls nd, tinea he did aat go ta Kraoce with the in»n*i*a ' treeps, though ha taanaged to get sown aeer far a three day Ti.it ia the middle ef Inly...
...It would aeem that the Chine** Communists have barely disguised the fsct thst their policy since 19S9-40 has been one of extending and consolidating their power as against that of the Central Government, whether or not this redounded to the advantage of the Japanese...
...Hareourt, Braee and C*, New York...
...Deep South DEEP RIVER...
...This impelled him to writ* the vigorous and circumstantial indictment of tho Communists which Alls several chapter* of hi* latest book...
...was "fcre't revolt and her amir...
...de Rougeraont makes it clear Out moat of man's attempts to better his essditien or enlarge hit horison are devilinspired...
...Sanrt a Simpttcitaat tmsricaai spanking a* Chisswa, whs go aa a conducted tour to Yenaa and thereafter blithely repeat what they were told by the Communist leasers there, must, according to Atkinson, know the truth...
...481 pages...
...Hit hook ht chiefly satnraming far it* descriptieno of life on a ertwwtd transport, of Ltnaaatrs sleepisg ia their ' tahea, of how it feels to be robot-bombed, Of a brief sojourn an Britain's largest battleship, the Rodney, and a ataratat little vignette of a held hospital, where the nurses showed off their patients' wounds, rather like cheery gaaaaa ia a chamber of horrors...
...I would have preferred to see select* scenes sharpened ami so set forth as t» eliminate soma two hundred page* * what Simon Bliss and his wife Savani.sk said and thought and connective tits** Without this disciplined ordering, th* book fails of attaining true distinction...
...Aad such Central Government guerrilla forces as could sot be induced to accept Communist leadership have been liquidated by the Communists, or incarcerated in "traitors camps" —the "democratic" assignation ef a coats titration camp in Communist China...
...The indfctmea* cmi uniiw two head...
...Mors): If Is had beaten her first...
...man "ran chases to create tr forests...
...crossed the Atissrtec on a troop tram part in April, 1944 This Soak ia a diary beginning with that event and continuing to Aeguat (th of U* aaaa* year...
...hero) with the defeat of the Confederacy...
...in the opposite case w* should exert pressor* on th* Central troop*, in order to increase our own strength . . . We should strive our best to expand our party, aad gradually clean out all Central forces north of th* Yellow liv*r...
...thee heck hi as eeUichtasnssr as it ia refreshing...
...Not only this...
...He writes of Russia's "reorientation toward capitalist-democratic institutions...
...It is s great deal thai Lin Yutang, whose public is very large, should have written so telling an indictment of the Communists in China...
...and he is still so confused in his political thinking that he can write of s Chinese like Sun Fo ss a grest liberal leader and an admirer of Soviet Russia...
...The Chinese Government, in epite of all the malicious falsehoods- spread against it by the Communists and their sympathisers, refuses te answer the indictment, insisting that the Commusrist problem in China is s domestic issue, to bo settled by peaceful moans...
...She broke his ribs, she blisshi him, she beat him again...
...A. B...
...The shove stsrj may be that of S rouple...
...The mistake made by many Americans is not to see that ohmies) In Europe the fact, that Germany and Russia are at war has transformed the Communists into "patriots," the fact that Russia and Japan are net at war means that the Chinese Communists have no compune tlon in weakening their country in its resistance to Japan by tho revival of what 1* in fset civil war...
...LlN YUTANG himself, in spite of his opposition te everything (he Chinese Communists do end believe, apparently still preserves his illusions sbout Soviet Russia...
...Th* author is, however, caaicieu* of this complexity, and is comm*ndsWf fair in her praaentathm...
...Unfortunately, as was recently...
...His resumes of .contemporary events are teas interesting, and the predictions he reports serve chiefly to show how very snpredictable this war is...
...And while they do not even pretend that there is freedom of press or thought or individual rights in Yenan and they have established the most rigorous party dictatorship, they have succeeded in making themselves out as steady champions of freedom ef the press and constitutional democracy in Chungking...
...Tbe Communists en numerous occasions let the Jspanese know that s Chinese force was about to attack them by plastering the countryside with "welcome" notices te the Kuomintang forces...
...Lin Yutaag relates how she toM him that her son had bee* snot by the Cotaasuaiats while leading hi* men ia action agsiast Japan ha •ccapied China...
...VWaM im nkrtain to ha imliroed in wianv uuartera and railed a tteeca of the Kuomintang or ems*, it ia worth while pointing ewt that he ia net, ami n*e«r haa been, a at ameer ef the Ksemitrtavtj Party or hote any eaarml potion la Cfchta...
...Tab makes for warmth and easy reading, hat alao for much repetition and for • naivete of style that seems te me toappropriate ta the romplexil y of th* subject...
...Of course he does...
...I met this fsmeos old lady in Handow in IMS...
...Jefferson Dsvis" sta observes, "credited men like Simon (hs...
...Case, the "Grandmother of the Gaerrilaa...
...Therefore for the present we should do our beat to expand our power, avoid sacrifices and expand our forces...
...but its author has verve, passion, corns!•rahla skill in character portrayal, oft* adsairabl* precision of statement — * brief, many of the qualities that g* P make an important writer...
...The fact that he is either unaware of, or chooses to ignore, the connection between Chinese Communist policy and Stalin's world policies should perhaps not be held against him...
...He looks with acute disfavor oa stan of the things modern man has rtlW progress, particularly on democracy ant the present status of women...
...observed in «*repics of the Times," the author is handicapped, by the fact that hs was born in China, grew up there and was educated there-—is, in fact, • Chisase Te janlfe frees ssnwe of Ms ersttes, this "attracts frees the ralue which airssalty weald attach ta a book written by s quick-sUpping observer...
...He tefli I parable of s woman who habitually sett her husband because she loved him at much...
...The narrative throughout is close ** the thoughts of its chief characters...
...The curious thing is that his past admirers or friends and present detractors, aa for instance Brooks Atkinson, who reviewed th* Vigil of a Nation in th* Now York Timet, argue that h* is inconsistsnt or worse because he criticises both th* Kuomintang and th* Communists...
...Or else it represents tai permanent conflict, in the heart of tsi individual, between the need of anarch, and the need of conservation," or eta or else...
...We may therefore expect that in tho postwar period they will not only put on a democratic front, but even a pro-capitalist front, as the American Communists are* doing, in order to achieve political power...
...ienC needed: a book on CW written by • nun who knows Oim», speaks CTrmese snd is neither s Cssssnsasst sysBpesthiaer, nor sn teperisHst, *or a conservative...
...M*a*t*nh*g neiei, emcee nod places Lin Yutang shows how again and again the Ceanmuaists have helped Japan by attacking the forces ef the Central Goverameat either when they were advancing against the Japaaosc, er were retresthsg after having been weakened in settle with the Japanese...
...ao> us to put intelligence into a medi...
...He it an tmhattmeitwt writer who, thsusks te the great twccaat ef kit booka in America, doe* net need te fellow anyone's party lino in ereer te butter hm kteatV This re ad are iua ttmtmeny iaatoytttnalUi ralaabia Mereover, before ha came ta Attar tea, ho was v/taJ known in China a* a liberal scholar, writer and teachtr who fought for a ¦ill of Rights long before the Cosaasunists diecoteaod th* virtues of d*m*cracy...
...Although he criticises tho English and ass own countrymen, he never hss anything but praise for the "magnificent Russia as," who, to judge from his book, are a fasti i—---- H H Unexplained Devil THK DKVILS SHARK Btj Dmi, 4* R**f*mont...
...IT it I HIS pa—io progssmd work wonla is undcsarrinc «f asrioui cotinder¦ ti«i JJ fc were not that th* ardent praise «f fc, a pprer ia tors and other s tra w» in the va* indicate a marry-faceted attempt U aer...
...Atkinson airily dismisses all the evidence against the Communists astemhlsd in this hook, "refuting" it by the argument that th* foreign correspondents who recently paid a brief vhit to Communist China, "do not doubt that th* Communist* are fighting the Japanese to th* boat Of tkoir ability...
...There waa a tiaa* not a* long ago when Lrn Yatang waa not orayaaaeitaetk to the Commnnists, who hsd Seen aide to convince many Chill tea liberal* that thoy sincerely believed in a United Front against Japanese aggression and wished to auberdiaat* all partisan interests to th* war of national liberation It was da* to what ha saw aad heard in China during a six months' tour of seven province* last year that he waa anally con viaeod that the Communists war* not patriots, but had indirectly aided th* Japanese...
...This demonstrates his honesty and the i*d*p*ndeaoe of hit judgment...
Vol. 28 • February 1945 • No. 6