SDF NEWS NATIONAL The N alMinal Rxe*ulite Committee will w„t in New York City, Saturday, Dec 16th, 10:30 a. m. Development* ere rapidly proceeding towards independent political action in the 1946...

...At a luncheon gathering celebrating this event, tribute was pied to the splendid group of workers who established this forum, attended by several hundreda every Sunday morning...
...Selected short subjects and the latest News of the Day are the added featurettes on the program...
...August Claessens speaks at Brighton Beach W.C...
...THE LAST CHANCE" HELD OVER AT CRITERION Due to tremendous gains in admissions caused by "word of-mouth" advertising by everyone who sees M.G.M.'s "The Ijtst Chance," and, too, enjoying the praise of the press, the manage inent of I.oew's Criterion Theatre is now holding over the picture for another week...
...locals in a number of states are lieing urged to initiate conferences with other Socialist groups, friendly trade unions and other organisations with the view of an electoral campaign on a Social Democratic platform...
...15th, •i "ill p. ni , Hotel McAlpin...
...guest of honor, Councilman Corns P. Goldberg, Dee...
...and Mermaid Ave...
...14th, at the Culture Center, W 2*,th St...
...William Karlin Branch: Salute to Councilman-elect, Louis P. Goldberg, member of our branch, welcome home party for veterans and greeting to new members, Sunday, Dec...
...Add to a totalitarian dictatorship and the Communist Fifth Column, the possession of the atomic bomb, and you can imagine what will happen...
...Rand School, Dee, 31...
...6. . . . Newark...
...Labor Lyceum, Roosevelt Kd and Kedxie Ave...
...Tuasilay, Dec...
...Plans for season's activities Talk by Raphael Abramovitch on "Tho Future of Democratic So-ciolism in World Affairs...
...This explains the mystery of the hesitant, uncertain policy of the nations which possess the most destructive weapon in history, and the bold aggressive strategy of Russia...
...Algernon Lcr speaks over Station W.E.V.D...
...28 to Jan...
...But which of the Big Three is now threatening other nations, blackmailing t hem into submission to exorbitant demands—in China...
...Atomic Bomb ¦ f ml*i 7, 1941— but only in tho bands of a dictatorship...
...Filmed in technicolor, and produced by George Jesse), "The Dolly Sisters" portiays the gaiety and color of the glamorous sisters of a generation ago who danced and sang their way to international fame...
...The Jews are unable to re-rover the businesses tsketi from them...
...It was directed by Leopold Liinlt-berg and produced by I.azar Wechs-ler for M.G.M...
...La-bar Lyceum . , Chicago, III.: General membership meeting, Saturday, Dec 22, 8:30 p. in . W.C...
...Bronx County: General membership meeting...
...Ilnnqiiest to Benjamin Kaplan, 50th Birthday, Sat unlay, Dec...
...Festered in the cast are I'alric Knowles, Ann Dvorak and Natalie ftehafer Also held over for a second week kt the in person show headed by Tony I'astor and his orchestra with Marion Button as an extra added attraction...
...City Siccative Committee: Wed., Dec...
...K. Flatbush Br...
...N. J.: Deha Celebration, Jan...
...ROXY HOLDS OVER "THE DOLLY SISTERS" "The Dolly Sisters," 20th Century-Fox musical stalling Betty GraMe as Jennv Dolly, with John Payne as Man/ Fox and June Haver as Rosie Dolly, remains for a fourth week at the Roxy Theatre...
...The I^ast Chance" is based on a novel by Richard Schweizer and tells the story of the daring escape across the Italian border of a group of hunted internationals...
...Debs Branch: Meeting, Dec...
...NEW YORK CITY Important general membership meeting, Dec...
...Iran, Turkey, Central Europe, and elsewhere...
...The USA and Britain have tho atomic bomb, all ready to use...
...Theatre Parly, January 31...
...Sunday, Dec...
...liuper West Side meets Tuesday, Dec...
...International Films...
...10th, election of officers, etc., at 8 p. nv, at Dr...
...Russia has not...
...New England: Joseph 4}raenneld was re elected Aldennan-at-' Large in Chelsea, Muss...
...2: Memorial meeting, Sunday, Dec...
...Mid-Bronx Branch: Meeting, Monday, Dec...
...The explanation is that the Soviet leaders know that the tlemocratie nations will never begin an atomic war it is impossible politically, morally, psychologically...
...Local New York New Year's Kve Affair...
...Claeoaena Easl Bronx Branch: Meets Monday, Dec...
...What power is hi caking solemn pledges and treaties...
...9, 7:30 p. m., at the Flatbush Unitarian Church, Beverly ltd and E. 19th St., B'klyn...
...10th, at 7 E. 16th St...
...August Claessens, National Secretary, will be present...
...SDF NEWS NATIONAL The N alMinal Rxe*ulite Committee will w„t in New York City, Saturday, Dec 16th, 10:30 a. m. Development* ere rapidly proceeding towards independent political action in the 1946 elections for Congressmen...
...19th, see story elsewhere in this issue...
...p. m , for our late organizer, Reuben Parncss, Club Rooms, 254 E, 94th St., Brooklyn • The Jewish Chamhci of Commerce <>l Austria charges that 70 percent of all Austrian business men and industrialists were Nazis...
...Hartford, Coma.: August Claessens speaks on "Ufa and Work of Eugene Victor Debs,'' Sunday, December 16, 3 p. m , W.C...
...The Roxy stage show, headlining Beatrice Kay, Maurice Rocco, Gomez and Beatrice, with Carl Rav-a//n, also begins its fourth week on Wednesday...
...If this means anything, it means that the United States is threatening other nations with destruction in order to extort from them economic or political concessions...
...The Communists accuse America of "atomic bomb imperialism...
...Russia behaves as though she had an edge ovei her allies, not vice versa... Mexico," starring Dorothy I .union i and Arturo • Cordova, now in its second week at the New York Paramount...
...Welcome home to service men...
...Joseph 1-cventhal and August Claessens, speakers...
...6. . . KaBTilo, N. Y.: Debs Celebration, January 12...
...eveiy Saturday evening at 9:30 p. m. . . . Old-timers Reunion: Dinner, meeting...
...HATS OFF" TO GIVE 23 HOLIDAY SHOWS With more than $20,000 in mail order, for holiday performances, "Hats Off to Ice" has arranged to S'te twenty three shows, starting inday matinee, Decern tier 23, up to and including Saturday, January 5. There will lie daily matinees from Christmas to New Year's Bay "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" HELD OVER AT PARAMOUNT "M»-ipiei i.i...
...Leon Aikin, director of the forum, was especially honored...
...II, !l p. m , Flushing, L. I.: Liberal Party Club...
...August Ooaessens, National Secretary, will visit locals in a coast-to-coast toru for this purpose December 20 to January 13...
...No, it is absurd to talk of international control of the dread weapon as long as Russia remains what she is...
...10th, at 862 E. Trcmont Ave...
...Margins, 1235 Grand Concourse, near IiWlh St.....Coney Island Branch: Meets Friday, Dec...
...Nomination of new officers...
...16, 2:30 p. m., Burnside Manor, 86 W. Burnside Ave...
...Plans for many activities...
...near Harrison...
...Morris Bearak, son of tho late and noted Joseph Bearak, was inducted as co-chairman of the forum...
...Kth, Central I'laza . . Dinner celebration, 76th Birthday, Julius Gerber, Dec...
...Califeraia: August Claessens will speak at meetings in Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Diego, Dec...
...Center, Friday, Dec, 7th, 9 p. m. Topic: "The Jews and the World Situation...
...And why is it that Russia persists in a policy of aggressive expansion despite the possession of the atomic bomb by her allies...
...But Russia has at her disposal an other sort of weapon, which is constantly and effectively used -the Comintern, the Communist forces in every country in the World...
...Tlie Dorchester Forum held its 400 session last Sunday...

Vol. 28 • December 1945 • No. 49

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