Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN An Issue Misrepresented THE Soviet appeasement set in this country has lteen raising a vast hue-and-cry over the alleged hard-heartcdnrss of...

...UNO is a going concern...
...One of the radio spokesmen for this set chose Thanksgiving day as a suitable time for a sentimental broadcast about the obligation of the United States, with its full larders, to feed the hungry and help the destitute n Europe...
...Unless these two conditions are fullilled, any relief effort, however generous, will end in a fiasco, and the miserable slate of Europe will not improve...
...radically every correspondent wlio has been in Sivviel-uCVtfpled countries, ins hiding some who^eaij, over backward in their effort lo present Soviet policies in the most favorable light, testifies lo the massive character of this looting...
...Editorial in The New York Herald Tribune of iNovemls-r 2. •One is accustomed lo the presentation of aome rather curious viewpoints in the editorial columns of the newspaper which .some wag has dubbed the Park Avenue edition of I lie Daily Worker...
...But not even tkd Soviet Coveniuiept has officially taken the view thsg the National Government of China, with wliiih...
...The UNO plan envisages no slightest surrender ol sovereignty by the USA or any nation...
...Morn Royalist Tftnn the Klmj "In that country (China) Ambassador Patrick J. Hurley committed the (Inilcd Stales to an all-out support of the Kuoiiiinlaiig regime in Chungking...
...Last week Anthony Eden suggested the surrender bv the individual nations of certain aspects of iheir sovereignly...
...This is a complete, although plausible, misrepresentation of the issues which are involved in the work of UNHRA and in the problem of providing effective relief for the part of Europe which is under Soviet military occupation...
...It is criminal to create (he illusion that UNO is adequate...
...But military technology has traveled faster and further...
...Net one power, problem anywhere is being settled by the i ooerative action o? the Big Three...
...Ihe enormous spree of organized and unorganized plundering which has been going on wherever the K-d Army lias penetrated recalls an "anecdote" that circulated in Moscow at the lime of Lenin's tlea'h in 1V21...
...An American named Cregg had l<rcn appointed chief of a piojecled IINRRA mission lo Poland...
...There is not the slightest basis lor supposing that this sort of thing will not continue alter the inauguration of the UNO mechanisms...
...Maxwell Stewart in The Nation...
...Unfortunately, as everyone who reads the newspapers with some rare must know, the issue is much more complex...
...ihey wauled to get rid of...
...Marshal" Tito held out for complete control of distribution of suplies in Yugoslavia, and I NltliA submitted to his demands...
...This proposal is damned bv Moscow...
...In ibit country Senators Fulbright mil Hatch drnianded that we surrender llie right to tlies velo power and persuade the other great pnweis lo do llie same...
...Congressmen (.onion and Kytcr (7/ir A'etc leader recently published Cordon's report) and many other recent eyewitnesses have given detailed reports of misuse of I NitII \ supplies, quantities of which have be o looted by the Russians and sold mi lie- black market...
...An EdHnrinl— UNO Is Already Obsolete BETTER to be realistic now than disillusioned later...
...Itui humanity and common sense also require that in those parts-of Europe which axe under Soviet military occupation we mske llie strongest efforts to insure honest nun partisan distribution of supplies and lo <>lii.mi some kind of effective aseiiia.cc thai what we give in relief is not l outlier-balanced by what is carried off to Russia...
...weaker sort pf union can furnish the basis for security...
...by the/ Security Council in maintaining the peace...
...Right now, for example* the USSR is splitting off a piece of Iran by methods precisely parallel to those used bv Hitler Germany...
...If it were merely a question of sending food,' clothing and medicines to help the stricken peoples of Europe, with assurance that these supplies would be honestly and fairly distributed and would benefit the peoples concerned, the approval of American public opinion would be hearty and unanimous...
...Only last August the Soviet Government concluded * leeory-not with "the kuomintang rugune.' „,n w,jj **4 faction,'* -but with the universally re, .g»n3 legitimate government, of China...
...Thai advanced position lias been U?ft lo the editorial writer of 7/ie New ) „rk He,0/d Tribune...
...fielding, Isle of the United Stales Armv and assigned as an observer to Tito's headquarters, in a recent article in Harper's: "If you are a Parlisan, you cal...
...The Russian-inspired, organized, financed relieltion ol the "people" of the northern part of tint rounliy has been protected by the Red Army, and a "jNs-lional Congress of Azerbaijan" has demanded "independence'' In.in Teheran...
...It is eharai tetittd that llie provisions of this treaty, which provide f-j the retrocession of Manchuria lo China, have aires^ liecn dishonestly evaded by the device ol armingi\2 Chinese Col!.....misls ami lining llicm lake ovri bjfj fore the Soviet troops withdraw...
...Their hearts, so ihey said, bled for the oppressed, downtrodden Chinese...
...But nothing could lie more dangerous just now than a sense of security...
...We desperately need right now an international federation centering about a representative assembly which has power over certain features of national ..J^fc...
...But in this ease the Herald Tribuna editorial writer goes beyond Moscow in his analysis of the Chinese situation...
...Prime Minister Ernest Bevin on the following day expressed his willingness lo merge something of British sovereignly "into a greater sovereignly for a limited and sprcino purpose...
...The velo power accorded to the Big Eive leaves any one o( tliemfree to devise its own policies, develop its own armaments and, whenever il gels ready, start its own war...
...We have come a long way since l°l...
...ln.perio.ist Ap.logeHc...
...The results were crisply summed up by Major Temple II...
...Since I lumbal ion Oaks and San Francisco the atomhoml-bas shattered our old framework of suppositions...
...The prospect of favorable {congressional action on the United Nations Participation Act naturally - brings expressions of pleased 'approval from internationalists...
...Each of them will be free lo develop the atombomb and other kindred weaons...
...Ami I..- ..I..i Hurley has been very properly cooperating, is a "faction...
...Ihe American people and the American Congress have traveled far in a quarter century...
...it was only that objectionable "Chongking regime...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN An Issue Misrepresented THE Soviet appeasement set in this country has lteen raising a vast hue-and-cry over the alleged hard-heartcdnrss of Congress in relation to UNRRA.appropriations...
...A freling of satisfaction seems justified...
...There is nothing in the hew' constitution which 'gives any initial authority the right to interfere...
...is allowed to suppress information which reflects on the Chinese faction lie prefers...
...or the Nasis...
...within a few monih< after the end of our two wars, one of these powers is plunging ahead without consulting the others...
...Il is certainly a duly of humanity and of enlightened sell interest for America In send relief as widely, effectively and impartially as possible lo a Europe that has suffered the worst catastrophe in its long history...
...Parlii ulai ly scandalous lis* Im-cii the situation in Poland and Yugoslavia...
...He was refused a visa and UNRRA was denied effective aeeess to Poland until a Soviet Kn^ian, Menshikov, was placed in charge of its work...
...lor a world in which main nations will be developing weapons against which there is no defense, this situation is intolerable...
...We have already gone tar enough in the wars of this postwar world to know that this unity is non-existent...
...Rot the strategy is the same, even ;lo the sending of CommuiMst ageulS disguised as tojirists into I'-hc...
...Thai is, the success-of -the new international set-up 'upon which future security is to depend requires ihe continuous cooperation of the Big Three...
...Russia agreed to recognise Chinese sovereignty, over Manchuria, but it did not necessarily agree" to recognise the authority of the present Chungking regime in this vital area...
...Point 4 of the Act which is on its way lo passage goes far in the direction of internationalim...
...As sm experiment in international coaperation UNRRA has been a dismal and conspicuous failure.' Jt has never obtained proper facilities for non-political distribution of relief in Soviet-occupied regions...
...It ranges from llie shipping to Russia of huge quantities ol industrial equipment to requisitioning the peasant's last cow and holding up the man on llie street for his wrist-watch and his fiimilaiii-peii...
...The success ol UNO is dependent on the unity of the Big Three...
...The turfy difference between thus and the Italian 'conqijest of Ethiopia or the Nazi anschJus* with Austria ts) that the BnlsheviU are more clever than the Fascists...
...It provides that Congress may put at the disposal of the President troops which...
...This is the creation of a situation, not unlike pouring of water into a sieve, when official and iinolliri.il Soviet looting exceeds the value of llie American relief supplies...
...This is ironically similar to the slogans under which Ihe Japanese militarists fought their wai of aggressiou in China...
...In London preparations are being made for ihe first meeting of the Assembly, and in Washington Congress is ready to make the commitments necessary for our participation...
...And against these means of aggression, be it remembered, there is no del r use...
...To those who recall with bitterness what the willful men did to the Wilsoiiiau League est Nations, this present willingness lo iixiperale seems to be evidence of a great gain...
...il you arr not, you starve.*' » » » ^^VLR and above ihe diversion of relief supplies for purposes oi bolstering up unpopular dictatorships, theie is a slill graver issue...
...What ihe Russians are currently doing in Aoa, sny one.of (he Big Five could do just as readily after the...
...he may contribute as our contingent of an international force to fie used...
...Nothing essential will Ik- changed...
...In the meantime, the only semi-insurance for our safely lies in ihe continued clort cooperation of democratic nations...
...But even now...
...According lo this story, burglars rifled an aparluienl and left behind a message: '"l-eiiiu is dead, bill we cany on his work...

Vol. 28 • November 1945 • No. 48

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