Molotov Speaks for Stalin


Molotov Speaks for Stalin By David J. Dallin Author of The Kig Three and associate editor of The New Leader IF the Prisident of the United Stairs, or the Prime Minister of Great Britain, failed...

...Dictator Trujillo's Dominican Republic got $1,140,000...
...The tread upon each tire'a diminished...
...H* , Corporate income before tsxes of $17,09«.t*t.O0* should leave something more thaa J.H.0S0 000.090) clear if tha excess-profit* tsx remains in full force...
...i want to make it clear," the President told the Akfatcn iu his opening address, "that this is your •aseretv e -a Management-Labor Conference—and tat a government conference...
...As a group they are the top executives of the American labor movement...
...Democrats and Socialists, Chiang Kai-shek and de Gaulls, Attlee and Bevin, Truman and Byrnes—they are all suspected of sympathies with Fascism and may very soon be included into the great phalanx of "pro-Fascists" which already embraces 90 percent of humanity...
...The Legion was definitely one of the main strike-breaking agencies of the nation...
...Ex-Senator Robert Reynolds has suspended publication of hi* race-hate paper, the National Record...
...His speech was reminiscent of -the* prewar times when be, as the Soviet Premier, had to embrace in his reports all problems of foreign, iuternul and economic policies...
...If you're looking for an apartment in New York City, the prospects at* bad...
...Moreover, be was < oospk uuus by his absence when Mololov delivered his address before the Moscow Soviet.' In prewar years Stalin never failed to appear at this celebration and at least to applaud with the audience wlielt the Soviet State, the Revolution, Communism and even he himself were hailed by the •ftrial speaker...
...A recent report by the U. S. Bursau af Labor' Statistics show* that ths co-ops produced nenrlf I<I5,0»0,000 in l»44, and the 194* figures are expected In be considerably higher...
...In (he September issue of their Newt-Letter George C. Danfield ami Maurice A. Frank copy a letter sent out to soldiers a bunt the American Legion and its record...
...not from the lipa, but from the heart...
...Nor are these all ths differences that exist...
...Every law that Curbs private enterprise diminishes the wealth of the people...
...All of this the trade union legionnaiie* acknowledge to be true...
...Vessels of various kinds," including, of course, a new navy, is part of the plan...
...Molotov and his Government remsin just as firm and stubborn as they were before...
...The Republican News, organ of the Republican National Committee, give* the dominant political line of thst party'* legislators and propagandists...
...ths extension and enlargement of social security benefits...
...4m ibis is not strictly so, as the conference is well .aware For at lite other end of the Mall the threat 'tie legislative coercion hangs like a thunder cloud tsar the delegates...
...As late as 1042 Roane War ing, then National Commander, toured the country denouncing unions and urging that strikers he shot...
...No less than 60 illegal acts of violence were committed, we are told...
...A Ten-Point Program for Full Employment By WILLIAM WITHERS Chairman, Commitlee on Full Employment, League lor Industrial Democrat y The number of unemployed is rising rapidly...
...The Federal government must vigorously attack restrictive, monopolistic price and production polj...
...And where they weren't, there's been some thumping...
...But this was largely offset realism allv a few paragraphs laief when the President continued: . "Our country is worried about our industrial relations...
...How many times must it be demonstrated to us that pesce cannot he maintained by force of arms...
...4—National ludqet...
...The dsnhlight's off...
...It has a right tq be...
...Win ¦slated Recognition FV»K the present the most optimistic thing, perhaps, which can be said of the conference is that it would have l>eeii inconceivable 15 years ago...
...gam New Cars Will Be Smarter, Stronger.— Newepafter headline...
...Wall Street looks for s peacetime average between 65 percent and 7S percent...
...if4* PROFITS From Business Week September 1, 1941 CORPORATE profits stand to be aurprisingly good in l»l...
...I have supreme confidence in your -tstbir to,find a democratic \\»\ to compose industrial '' the meaning, JMi nor lost on the delegates...
...or one-tenth of 1 percent, are vacant...
...Collective tar«minima...
...Wartime dividends have been low corn ts th* need far conserving cash to take care of (1) the unforeseeable, and (2) inevitable reconversion coats...
...Bis plan to conscript physically unfit youth to be trained for factory work is a plan for slave labor which Truman and the American people rejected as un-American and unworkable even in war thus...
...I /.IMMI.IKMI head ol rattle, tens of millions pigs and sheep slaughleied or confiscated by the Germans, 7,001 MM 10 horses lost...
...elected by the leading labor and Industrial ssfaftizatioiia in the United States...
...And then - Stalin did not speak...
...And, therefore, he repeats again and again the sentence about the "decisive role" of Soviet arms in the war against Germany and even against Japan...
...Union funds, which were seized by the Nazi labor front, should be returned to the unions...
...He is not certain, however, whether this will be possible...
...And this is what President Truman appealed to have had in mind when he called the conference...
...He gives no definite answer to this question...
...1* it not ths power to use and enjoy...
...It promises an era in which labor unions, perhaps with greater assurance of the security of their status, can devote themselves to the constructive techniques of collective bargaining rather than to the-techniques of fighting for their existence...
...profit* after paying normal and excess, profits taxes dawn 16 percent...
...We want full employment in an expanding economy accompanied by shorter hours and increased wages... t/stost...
...He did not mention the future of Germany, where tl< rivalry of the powers seems to have led lot* sn impasse...
...The government should work out, through s National Economic Council and a Finance Authority, reaponsible to Congress snd the President, a national development program to promote full employment...
...Kvsry delegate around the labor table is ,h« president of a. union...
...And more sf scar* of parking battles And rips and rust and squeaks and rattles...
...This would lower living costs, thereby increasing the purchasing power of the people...
...Richard Krebs, better know ss Jen Valtin of Out of the Night fsme, Is now out of tht Army after a long stretch in the Pacific and It readying a book Tht Japt We Hartf tor early publics)ion...
...It i* definitely ths regular and recognized organization of ths vstsrsns...
...Otherwise the ¦perences and animosities already revealed would mm eadowed each delegsle with a centrifugal motion M his own...
...3 is the "you're getting gypped" line, include* attacks on OPA, loans to Britain, and food to Europe...
...M Y car grove* more decrepit yearly, Its days of use are over, nearly...
...At CapitalComment ¦y JONATHAN STOUT The Labor-Management Conference jJMiAT OP LfOKLATIVI COERCION iUMS OVIR MLIGATES MM T ASH1NGTON, U. C-—President T« uman, in -Vy opening the historic Labor Management Con-m terence in the stalely departmental auditorium J[t...
...The general poliey of the American Military Government has been to permit union organization with reluctance, and all too often to refuse permission and suppress meetings...
...This marks recognition by manage ment of the, ending of ths long initial stags in labor unionism in America in which the unions were forced to light for recognition and the security of their existence...
...And that is a common unanimity of a majority el Ilie JplsgStes of both labor and management that govern-Jflptal controls over labor-management relations are i^lhal thought keeps them, together...
...The total isn't likely to fall far ahort of W.OOO.OOO.OOO after federal taxes and it might qsite conceivably top 1944'a $19,94*».»9*J,9M by a slight margin...
...Bui in the "most advanced democracy iu the world" a great mystery js made of Stalin's absence trvat iho celebration of the twenty-eighth birthday of the Soviet Government, Everyone expected his long-promised speech, the outline of u program for the next postwar period, an attempt to solve the diMculties among the Big Three, Many expected from Sim concessions to the allies iu regard to the Balkans, to Japan, to formally...
...rVllKN Mololov turned, however, to the problems of Soviet foreign policy, his conclusions appear in no way connected with these round premises...
...that Bulgaria is creating a big army against Greece and Turkey...
...INoite of the So\ iet leaders, not even (hose who have a far-raching program for expansion abroad, ran appear before the people without outjiniug a program of peaceful internal reconstruction...
...But it will be easy for the trade union soldiers returning from the war to enter it snd take it over...
...a Legion convention sent an invitation to Mussolini to address it...
...A National Production and Employment Budget should be used as an important part of Federal planning...
...Bring sn those new cars—smarter, slrmger...
...That "perhaps" is the top of the peak...
...He repeated his demand concerning the emit ml of Japan) he said nothing about tin- situation in China, where Soviet armies have prepared the field for the imminent.extension of the Chinese Communist areaa...
...Of cloth and steel and rubber in it...
...He very well remembers the history and the failure of the London Conference in September, and he is in doubt whether the impending problems will be resolved in the Soviet spirit...
...Robert Kreitman, Nstional Membership Chairman, announced that new union lalror post* will he organized in cities where none exist and that where Such posts are functioning every effort will he made to contact trade unions and to get the union veterans to join...
...Upholstery has lost it* piping... Ira Mosher said on Monday: "We come |to this conference] unequivocally committed to the principle of free collective bargaining...
...I he hope lor a durable peace is actually the strongest emotion of the Russian people...
...would breed regimentation...
...It ran l>e turned into a great, democratic organization to work for the interests of the veteran* and of the whole country...
...This is, no doulH, a puzzle and a disappointment to the Soviet, people: independent of political sympathies, , everyone in Russia knows that Stalin's speeches give 'be Jead, the ideas and slogans, and thai no one is able to replace hiiri in these function...
...Therefore, he sounded s wsrning to his Allies when he said: "The strength of the Anglo Soviet American anti-Hitler coalition, which came into being during the war, is now undergoing a test...
...1 mean accept it...
...It should continue its controls over the price structure as long as it is necessary to prevent inflation...
...To prove their point they reprint a letter from Edward n. Scheihei ling, ths present National Commander...
...Mololov was characteristically weak, poor-in ideas, and dull...
...That worry is reflected ia the balls of Congress in the form of sil kinds of proposed legislation...
...1— Govarnmont Guarantee s>f Employment...
...This should Ire dona in cooperation with State and local governments, cooperatives, labor and management...
...9—Democratic Procedures In planning for full employment, sdminis-tiative procedures must be developed thst are both democratic and efficient in their nature...
...Labor must obtain its full share of the benefits derived from new technological developments snd scientific research, as well ss its share of the wealth it creates...
...the construction of highways and of other public works...
...At about the same time President Alvln Owsley made the statement: "If ever needed, the American Legion stands ready to protect our country'* institution snd ideal- as the Fascists dealt with the destruction ists who menaced Italy.'" The record of anti-lalior activities during the early days is a black one...
...Unless tee lake tut mediate slept In prevent it...
...Corrosion's doing for the battery...
...But, they ssy, HO percent of our soldiers snd sailors are workingmen...
...They had written to him calling attention to ths fad that there were no labor men on the list of speakers for the coming convention...
...JL_ • The Labor Management l>ige*t will probably he laid up for some time with a severe cramp in its editorial tongue muscles brought on by the following exercises in semantics: "Production of wealth can come only by the labor of the citizens—in othei words, by private enterprise...
...resident of the independent Brother-aaso of RaRioad Trsinmen, who now prtsari to regret that he declined to tale part in the conference and is cur-^ntly finding a champion in Murray, ate tried to include him this week as tn "added starter...
...Mexico received $20,213,000...
...Mololov riled the terrible facta almul the internal ¦01 oat ion of Kussia: bJHHfJMt buildings destroyed, :».'..<MIO.IMM» people homeless...
...the expansion of cooperative enterprise, and assistance to those industries whose growth is essential to the national welfare 4— Public Enterprise...
...It is difficult to conceive of a president of the II...
...The fight has to go on," Molotov said, "against the remnants of Nazism and Fascism...
...or Bickers barely, And windows sine, bat rather rarely...
...ties, as revealed, in part, in the recent international cartel agreements...
...They are Iruating him to hold .Soviet Russis ss s "bastion" fsv Ihe further advance of what he call* "tht world ('ommunial revolution"—a prom i»e he ha* made aaany times, and it making in book* and articles am sale through out th* world at this moment...
...Records of the hearings before the Select Committee on Poat-Wsr Military Policy of the House of Representatives last summer show thst ths major sections <"* our national population are opposed to Trumsn's i ecommendstions to Congress for universal military training...
...2 is the discovery of "leftists" in the Administration...
...They called for building peace and security through an economy of full employment and international economic and political cooperation How ironic that the President should lie proposing the military indoctrination of our youth at the very moment he hss urged the sbolition of militsrism in Japan 'o build democracy there...
...Around the management table there are president* and some minor officials of a number of companies...
...least four times he returns to this expression : he affirms—contrary to former acknowledgment* of the importance of th* Allies' assistance—that "our country proved itself able to provide everything necessary for our heroic Army, including first-class equipment which was superior in quality to the weapons of onr for...
...Atomic energy to fight whom ? Molotov opposes the idea of a Western bloc, as he has repeatedly done before...
...a profitless system is s useless, s purposeless system...
...10—Educational Campaign...
...profits before taxes down 30 percent...
...Democratic Costa Rica, nearer the Panama Canal than Jorge Ubieo's then dictated Guatemala, got only %\"M.000, while Guatemala received $21,089,-000...
...Any other groups formed will be comparatively powerless...
...That Yugoslavia is preparing for a military conflict about Trieste...
...They ln»i him, and he haa sever let them down, lie has let us down, if "we" mean* the believers in demorrary, oss every •cession and in every country wheit he has the power...
...Bona fids union anti-Nazi committees should be fully endorsed by the occupation authorities so they can function effectively...
...Today such slogans as those proclaimed before the war would be impossible: "The Kussian people loves to wage wars,*' as Marshal Voroshilov said in WM...
...S. Chamber of Commerce 16 years ago saying, as Eric Johnson said on Monday: I.sImii unions are nsw woven into our economic fabric and collective bargaining a* an essential part of (he democratic process...
...The demobilization of lite Red Army will not reach ven in Stalin told a visitor a few weeks ago...
...Commtmdtr Schtiberling replied that both William Green and Philip Murray have now bean Invited to address ths gstherlng...
...The higher figure could be registered even though any canscrvative forecast aaust allow far a drop from 1944 of 23 percent to M par cent before taxes...
...Thi* insistence upon Russia's exclusive role in the war, exceeding the contribution of all her'Allies, and this exaggeration of Russia's ability to produce war materia], is not evidence of peaceful intentions: On the contrary, they are intended to strengthen the Soviet position in the great game of power politics...
...ployment must be made available without disrrimination at increasingly higher living standards...
...t*id our way nt lilt...
...And what is profit...
...At at common decisions in the new conditions where new mnhlcnis v t»>« .-i...
...Here is a workable Ten Point Program for full Employment that lends the tray to a planned economy tilth jobs fnr nil...
...You have not been dksatn by me or by any government oftcial...
...This policy lias stilled the rebirth of democracy and prevented the elimination of Nazis...
...It remind, mo sf Sam GoWwyn'a reassurance to an author who had been trying to sell him s sceasrlo...
...Conspicuously absent are the owning directors of top American industry...
...Me did it again and devoted a great part of his speech to the necessity of rehabilitating Russia...
...CO-OPS ADVAHC1 NEW YORK (CPA,.—Consumer Coops now own and operate 1U mills, factories and refineries, as well as IfitU miles of pipe line and 428 oil wells in the United States arid Canada, according to a survey Just completed by the Cooperative League...
...Will this coalition be just a* strong and capable of arriving war period are coming to light...
...This time he failed to appear at all, and even the Order of the Day to the Red Army waa signed not by the Commandri in < hief but by one of bis aides, General Vassilenki...
...Dictated Paraguay, virtually landlocked, got $1,387,000 as compared to Haiti's $713,000...
...Against whom is this vigilance directed...
...At last the amount of arm* given under lend-lease to the vsrious countries of Latin America has been published in W iihington Brazil, as was stated by Worldover Press long ago, got more than half of the $262,702,000 total, or 1154,-280,000...
...Dividends next year almost certainty will be higher if income after taxes •should come ap is 1944'a It0,008.000.000 mark...
...No military or civilian leader would dare pronounce such nonsense at the present time...
...It wss also pointed out that school courses on the true nature of Fascism were of the greatest importance...
...2—Hiqher Livinq Standards...
...The windshield wiper's ceased its wiping...
...If our government wants to achieve the purpose for which our boys fought and died," the federation adds, "it should not only permit but actively encourage the organization of German workers In union* and cooperatives...
...Actually, however...
...Item No...
...There is the rift between *w AFL and the CtO over the question of whether eW agenda is to be kept narrowed to the issue ol •a^lertive bargaining procedures—as the AFL desires whether if is to be broadened to include the Prrent issue of wage increases—as the CIO demands...
...That offered a revealing contrast with the labor table, where such binding contracts could be signed by every man around it...
...The Soviet Union," he said, "has never joined groups of powers directed against other peaceable states...
...We come ronsriou* of the dignity of labor and the right of workers to organize, convinced of the integrity of the gentlemen with whom we are to negotiate, aure of the fundamental soundness of the millions of workers that they represent...
...Nor would it have been conceivable 15 years ago for the president of the National Association of Manufacturers to say...
...The entire population must be educated in the meaning and practical operation of a full employment program and activized to assume increasing responsibilities in the conduct of their Federal, State snd local government, and of their industrial life...
...If we trust the Kussiana, perhaps they would trust us...
...I can't hold out with mine much longer...
...drain our economy and hinder the ¦Juggle for peace...
...Laboring classes and democratic circles" is only camouflage for local Communist parties...
...Adoption of conscription in America would breed even greater distrust than now exists among the United Nations and would aet oh* an armament rare with only one possible end—World Wsr 111...
...It might seem that this fight does not need either great armies or the multitude of weapons which take a prominent place in his program...
...They could advise and encourage (ierman workers in democratic union organization and greatly speed the work nf denazification...
...Molotov'* Government is merely enforcing democracy in these 'countries, even when it considers only Communists tu lw reliable allies: "The Soviet people had no trouble finding a common tongue with the laboring classes and democratic circles...
...8—Coordination of Policies Th* government must thoroughly coordinate progressive trade, taxation, price, wage, hour, and public spending policies...
...These groups pointed out that conscription would lie useless militarily...
...Legitimate reasons perhaps existed for some of these discrepancies, but on the whole the list makes singularly strange reading...
...foster a militaristic spirit...
...The Federal government must definitely guarantee useful work for those willing and able to work hut denied employment in private industry...
...You IPs seei...
...The nation snd ' industry must accept this as a fact...
...Ansther's loose, and) going later...
...The sversge for sll corporation* is 1944 was under iO percent sf income...
...The next most optimistic note is that the conference appears to signalize recognition Anally of a new phase in labor-management relations in the I fritted State*: The acceptance by management tf the fact that labor union* are « natural and integral part a/ American induttry...
...tiui tultuit mir way of buunett...
...Item No...
...Item No...
...The Legion was started by reactionaries, with the svowerl purpose of "offsetting radicalism...
...Public enterprise should be extended in the fields of electricity, transportation, and other public utilities and services, basic industries, mining and other natural resources...
...Trade Unions and the American Legion Chicago, hi., Oct 25 The National Conference of Union Labor Legionnaires, made up of posts within the American Legion, has started an all out campaign to draw the returning soldiers into its membership...
...Molotov Speaks for Stalin By David J. Dallin Author of The Kig Three and associate editor of The New Leader IF the Prisident of the United Stairs, or the Prime Minister of Great Britain, failed to appear at a celebration for a scheduled speech, the nation would be informed why hr could not be there...
...No relaxation in the rigid rule of the Soviet authorities and of the local Communists in Eastern Europe is promised by Molotov...
...Constitution Avenue Inst Monday, went to some 'WsW to stress the voluntary nature of the gathering...
...Essentially, this plan for military training is a scheme sponsored by the military to foster their own self-perpetuation...
...It Plr le/dt Bo' the job nmrselve* or ptpentmeml -*Aad in thai alternative lies the reason why the ,'IG ¦legate* convened Monday and may remain sitting "¦eWseka over the problems before them...
...SWEDISH LABOR WARNS Stockholm (lpa>—a meeting of the Stockholm Workers Chamber on October 17, at which Premier Per Albin Hanson of Sweden was the leading speaker, adopted a resolution urging a continued and energetic fight against Nazi ideas...
...end thai it why hit follow-tit Knk lu him Fvtry more hi mekti ii thai tit a man to whom what wt cell pern* it a tint* m a irt'tiluttonaty Wat egmmtt (tut giirtinmtnlt...
...He could have added to the picture cities with out beat, hospitals without instruments and drugs, provinces without adequate food, and children perish inR from illness and starvation The political conclusion from this terrible situation is obvious: "' I he Soviet I nion has to be a reliable bulwark in the defense of peace and the security of its people,'' said Mololov He emphasised the role of Russia as one of the "peace-loving nati his," even aa the jiio.-i devoted, among the great powers, to a consistent policy of peace...
...The paint grows dull, its finish brushed The bumpers show results of bumping...
...Oa thia basis ra gross national product of »lM.*fM,M«rM9 to $ 165,000.000.000 > total corporate income before taxes should be shout $17.H#,»•*,•?•, down $8,909,-•eo 000 from 1944...
...Conscription Means Regimentation ly VICTOR ©. ftEUTHEft President, Michigan Labor Committee Aqaimtt Peacetime Contcrlptloii President Truman's proposal for peacetime military conscription, which he calls training, has shocked ths people of America...
...Mass conscript armies would be helpless against a surprise attsck by rocket-propelled atomic bombs, trad thousands of miles away...
...ha exclaimed...
...The l-eginn numbers in Its ranks I .Mi,Mm men...
...Nothing can change that...
...For even as Mosher pointed out, it is "a point which may be overlooked in time by those who will be following our progress here with the deepest interest...
...He will •tart a National Weekly soon...
...We will have atomic energy...
...There has been 'ft* Interference by government in that selection...
...As Ira Mosher pointed out with startling frankness in referring to the delegates from the two associations of industry and commerce: */» reality, not one of the delegate* Here can make contract* that are binding ea the group or indutty that he repress* fa...
...Then how silly is the phrase: 'Production for use, not profit.' l'*e it profit and profit in nne...
...Hoosevelt that many Millie** of (•aamusiata are trusting Stalin...
...the broadening of government employment agencies...
...I hrtt it mi "ptihapa" about Stmlin Ht it a tmt ihnij...
...Church groups, organized labor, educators, fsrm s*roups and other similar organizations were unanimous in their opposition...
...More serious than any of the sbave, pei haps, is the difference between the management and labor delegations...
...Satisfaction was voiced with the recent government decision to expell Nazi refugees...
...In I...
...The fsn belt's worn and pretty tat-lery...
...And then he depicted the Soviet policy in Eastern Europe as something inoffensive, peaceful, as the opposite of international blocs...
...1 is concentration on the "truth" about Pearl Harbor...
...the conservation of natural resources...
...Mexico's share was less than Guatemala's, though her population is mora than 20,000,000 as against the sister republic's 3,461,000...
...There's less, by month and day and minute...
...Yet very often," the AFL charge* in its monthly survey, "the American Military Government has refused to authorize union organization or to heed the suggestions of union anti-Nazi committee...
...these Include Truman and Schwel-lenbach...
...Whether this disparity of powers will be ultimately of great importance i* not ret clear, but it is a point to be remembered...
...You have it in your power to -step that worry...
...3—Federal Government Main Economic Planner The Federal government should make aver-all plans based upon the full use of our economic resources...
...Richard Armour...
...A screw's gone from the carburetor...
...P«fe is the rift of the personal animosity between L Lewis and Philip Murray, as revealed by the ¦fcbtntng bolls and claps of thunder that revcrbcVatcd wound the Grecian columns of the auditorium on 3V*hvy.' And there is the rift within the Railroad *W*N»»od» between their oBcial representative, ™*> Cashen, who ia ehairmaii of the Railway Labor Executives Association and is also president of the AH' Switchmen's Union, and Alexander V. Whitney, AFL Hits Occupation Policy Elimination of Nasi power ami influence from the life of the (in man people cannot be accomplished l>y an army of occupation alone, the AFL point* out, inxii»if that the German labor movement must be encouraged, as German unionist* can take leadership in rebuilding democracy...
...The planning and financing program should include planning for the expansion of public health, educational, recreational, and -housing services...
...There is the rift between the rphrase making Eric Johnston of the I. S. Chani-of Commeroe, taking a middle-of-the-road posi-Jbn, and the Muni spoken Ira Mosher of the National Association of Manufacturers with bis more forib-¦iMy pugnacious attitude...
...Already half a million veteran* of World War II havs joined...
...No relaxation in the vigilance of the Soviet Union...
...The AKL stresses the obvious fact that German unions should be actively encouraged and recalls that the Potsdam Agreement gave a clear directive that tlie organization of workers in free trade unions should be permitted...
...If that tax b repealed, aa la vary likely, then 1949 income should be $ 10.000.000,t»o» or even a lit tie bit higher Thus we gat this picture Grass national product dawn 2* percent from 1944...
...Out of 2,205,860 dwelling units, less than 2,000...
...His fascist Nationalist Party, recently launched, is a flop, but it is doubtful if he will go out of business, ss the World-Telegravi reporter...
...The terms "laboring classes" and •'democratic circles" must not he taken literally, since Molotov has no "common tongue" with democratic parties and independent Socialist groups in these nations...
...tie u ill soon find out-selves in the iniilsl of another depression...
...and that these governments do* not move without consent from Moscow, seems not to disturb Molotov 'a scheme of purely "cultural and economic ties" between Russia and her sphere...
...They have learned nothing ami they have forgotten nothing...
...V-So far the conference has Ik-cii more revelatory of Phs than cohesions...
...They acknowledge that in part the record is bad...
...Fascism and Nazism in Molotov'* language include every opponent of totalitarianism who is not prepared to bow before Moscow and to take his cue from Stslin...
...Th* government should encourage the innovation and expansion of new industry related to employment needs...
...Now don't be discouraged about thia, I'm giving you a definite mmgheV , It hasn't occurred to Mr...
...Molotov asserted...
...5—- Notional Development Plan...
...Only positive action for peace ran prevent Mother war which will certainly destroy all nations participating in it Ei K\Nf.« ROOSEVELT'S international statesmanship resrhed s new peak in the remark...
...He opposed a new armament race, which "is preached abroad by advocates of imperialism...
...Labor, farmers, consumers, management, and professional workers should be adequstely represented on planning and other public agencies...
...In fact, lie reiterated the old slogans awl ideas' of Russian Communism during the war which are understood by the' world" as the concepts of a far-reaching imperialism In no respect did he mnke concessions i-» the national interests and wishes of oilier nations...
...Another resolution expressed the hope that all democratic nations, including Sweden, would unite in fighting the Franco regime...
...But the companies are not the top corporations of American industry, nor are the officials present the top representatives of American industry, The management delegate* are, for tat most part the operating managers sf their companies...
...The importance of careful sifting and thorough control of civil servants was stressed...
...The Murray Bill, in urging national budgeting for Full Employment and in emphasizing Federal responsibility for it, in a first step towards achieving the Full Employment goal...
...Social insurance funds should be restored and the social security laws, effective before the Nazi regime, should again be put into operation...
...Ws csll President Trumsn to take the lead in building peace, by asking for the universal abolition of conscription and pro sTossh/a limitation of armament...
...Conscription will not bring us militsry security...
...Molotov is prepared for collaboration with other powers only on condition that the program and the demands of his Government are accepted...
...Molotov Speaks for Stalin least three to four millions will lie the strength of the Soviet Army sfter the demobilization, as compared with 600,000 before the rise of Hitlerism...
...The acceptance of unions a* an integral part of American industry is belated, but important...
...In ending the discussion of this particular aspect of occupation policy, the federation survey says: "The AFL, the largest and most representative labor organization in this country, should have the opportunity to send representstlve* to Germany, to work under the Allied Control Council...
...profit, after taxes, if the excess profits tsx b repealed, as high as in 1944 or up perhaps aa much as 4 percent...
...Meetings were broken up...
...Now Molotov add* that the new Five-Year Plan provides for a "fresh upsurge of heavy industry," which in Russia means also large investment* in war industries...

Vol. 28 • November 1945 • No. 45

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.