SDF NEWS NATIONAL /ttuit, DL: ibu memu ng on "Prob-JpJrfLsher &»gW." Monday, Nor. §, , . a, it Dm Asnelgaasated TrmnU. Lg gnntn Ashland Blvd. Sfsmeers: J Dnvis. Lnhor MP; Nainnn ^nm, Prof. Mayanrd...

...There will also be a fine concert, a handsome souvenir folder with a beautiful picture of Debs, and other attractions...
...ear interests, instesd of being competitive, will be cooperative...
...and Seventh Ave...
...N. J...
...12, at 6416 Bay Parkway...
...Leber Lyceum, 159 Mercer St...
...Speakers: Dean • General Electric amassed $ 127.OO0.00O in reserves and undistributed profits in 1944 as compared to $43,300,OoO in 1139, according to the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers...
...But before long he wss operating a chain of dress shops which eventually grew into a flourishing busi-nes- covering 7 states...
...Ajsmst Ones tens will vtait Cttkngo dur-g«to Ononmbnr and narly January...
...It would be shamefully un-American if a candidate for public office were to be handicapped because he is a Jew...
...Houses, Assembly Room, Building 7. Auspices, SDF...
...Before he leached the age of 20 he determined to leave Csarist Russia and seek freedom in America...
...Morris Berman was born in Rockaw, Russia, in 1866...
...I An study the forces that under He aectety and tan trend of evolution...
...Auspices, S.DJ, J.8.V...
...I AM not n prophet...
...Bensonhurst Branch meets Nov...
...Id____ NEW YORK CITY City Central Commit tee: Wednesday, Nov...
...It is a fself-debasing, contemptible point of view...
...43 percent increase aver the 1936-39 average...
...Even < imrades on the Painters council turned i wn Louis'request to pay for hi* trip abroad after he had obtained a passport and j Une transportation...
...Those interested 1110014 contact Louis Willians, 14 North Orerbrook Ave...
...Fmit J services took place Jin the itniid Scho' auditorium at 12 noon on Friday, Novo her X. • Louis Weln tuck, Stalinist secretary-treasurer of Dl I rk't Council Nine, Paint-era Union, was recently rebuffed by bis AFL executive hady which vetoed Louis' plsnned trip to the Peril Federation conference...
...Mid town (utters Branch meets Nov...
...In the early 1890's he served as speaker and leader in needle trades strikes in the Rochester area...
...1 ran tell by what we have passed through about what we wit) have in the futare...
...and WC...
...In more than one campaign it was his talent for organisation and ability to collect and manage campaign funds which mads growth ef the party possible...
...Auspices S.D.F...
...4, j - m., Workmen's Circle Labor Lyceum, ft Carroll St Speakers, Esther Pried...
...City Convention will raesnvene on Nov...
...I .eon Dennen speaks on "Palestine and the British Laser Government," Friday, Nov...
...H Sygma...
...who replaces the Into Senator Johnson, was secured by the Workers Defense LeagUSt Debs Day Celebration, Sunday, Nov...
...Berman's chief energy was devoted to the improvement of the conditions of the working people... New Era Club Nov...
...Though his father was a manufacturer in the metal and farm machinery field, by the time he had reached the age of 17 he was organising educational centers for the workers in the farm implement factories...
...Debs Celebration, Jan...
...Throughout the period up u> the First World War, while the Socialist Party was growing in numbers snd influence, he devoted a large part of his energy to its activities... Go-artf, Kaneat, Mag 23, 1908...
...For the past half century Mr...
...nuns'" 1 Pa.: Victory Celebration, Sm...
...Now, when we nave taken peeeesnton, and we Jointly own the means of production, we will no longer have to Ight each other to live...
...Manhattan Center...
...Settling in Rochester, N. Y., he started as an operator in a men's clothing shop...
...26, § p. m, at Hotel Park Central, *7th St...
...tb, t p m , Webster Hall...
...The death of Morris Berman takes from the veteran ranks of the Socialist and labor movement one who has been a source of strength and inspiration for more than fifty years...
...We will work aide by side...
...3, 8:30 p. m., at 234 E. 94th St., B'Vlyn...
...Profits after taxes in 1944 were #62,m.089...
...He is survived by two i' *ughtera, Mrs...
...17 and 18...
...If GB workers had received proportional Increases, each of them would have had an average of $14,794 en V-J Day, IK officials declared...
...11, 6:30, at Astoria Mansion...
...New Haven, Conn.: August Claes-atas speaks on "Eugene V. Debs, His Lift and Work," Nov...
...Branch trgsaisera and secretaries meet at 7 E. 1Mb St., Sat., Nov...
...n^gtkfnel Auapicea, SOP., W.<:, SP...
...The danger of a successful FEPC filibuster by reactionary senators was averted when the 66tb senator pledged to vote for cloture...
...Vladeck Branch meet* Nov...
...I can n* mere penetrate tha rsstaen tnaa you can...
...August Gaesseng speaks on Friday, Nov...
...There is no reason why s Jew should not be Mayer, provided he possesses the proper qusliacstions for that office...
...18, 8 R. m., W.C...
...2, 8:30 p. m., at the Amalgamated Coop...
...This gives FEPC forces the necessary two-thirds to end the filibuster...
...Branch 183...
...Arriving in this country In 1885, Mr...
...New York haa had Catholics and Protestsnts as Mayers...
...Advance reservations indicate that many persons may fail to be accommodated, and only immediate response* will assure those who want to come...
...and several trade unions A splendid program baa been) arranged, noted spsnhnrs who were Intimates of Eugene Victor Debs, a special oration written by August Claesnens In tribute to Debs will be read with a musical setting by Elaine Waldman...
...Boat Flat-bash Branch 2: Opening social Saturday, Nov...
...N. J.: Newark J S.V., Branch 3, Annual Dinner, Nor...
...9, at W.C...
...Aagast i lessens speaks on "British l^bar," Sunday, Nov...
...Fram ike forthcoming pamphlet an fteht by A'ngmM < lament...
...When, in 1901, the American Socialist .Party was founded he took a prominent part in every phase ef this new development...
...and the S.P...
...Dtla Day (Mattog cttBcnrt, Sunday, Nor...
...Discussion on continuation ef meetings with other Socialist groups with the possibility of joint activities...
...Joe i in ran of the I atinnnl Maritime Union had no such trouble and is making a junket of his vacation, taking In Moscow as wsll as Paris, • A concerted campaign for pnssage of the permanent FEPC hill was launched at a two day eonfereaee ef the National Council for a permanent FEPC...
...Bella Goldman, and numerous grandchildren and great-sjraad-¦ hildren...
...Send in reservations at once, $6 per person, S.D.F., 7 E. 15th Street, New York 3, N. Y. "I am sorry to learn that in some Jewish quarters it is being urged that a Jew should not be the Mayor of New YoVk...
...ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN, Robot of Congregation ffnai Jeehurim...
...6. A new Mesi »• being organised in Trenton, meetings will be arranged shortly...
...Mayanrd C. Krneger, Wa...
...nadoK N. Y.: Debs Celebration Jaau-^iX .. , PaUsrnon, M. J...
...and 1 know that capitalism ran be abolished and the people put in possession...
...From the very earliest days of the American Socialist movement his name appeared on the list of candidates and his time and energy were devoted to the campaigns...
...Anna Berman, who shared in all the interests and activities of Morris Berman's life from the very earliest days, died some years ago...
...Throughout his life Mr...
...Debs Banquet at 6 p. m. M. J. < 'obiwell of Causes and others will speak...
...Judge Goldstein possesses those qualifications...
...Mas.iihsni----- August Clnessenn in Boston us Chelsea Dec 2. . . . Newark...
...Berman haa been a central figure in the numerous Socialist activities which have cantered in New York, in Lbs founding and support of The Now York Coil and of The New Leader, In Ihe development of the Rsnd School and the People's House at 7 East 16th Street, and in the building of Camp Tamiment, he took a leading part...
...The 64th cloture pledge, that of Senator Know land (R., Cel...
...Isidore Troy, esteemed member, died last week . . . Joseph Share, pioneer Social Democrat, will be honored at a 60th Birthday Dinner, Sun-say, Nov...
...Pa.: Debs Banquet, Wednesday, Not...
...Year ioteresta will be mine and mine will be yours That is the economic rendition from which will spring the humane eeeial relation of the future...
...Berman from the very start took an active interest in organisations which strove for the betterment of conditions in his new country and down to the very end of his life he continued his work for the advancement of the causes with which he was identified...
...His comi .nation of idealism and practical good *ans4 inspired confidence and attracted support for the projects to which he w*» devoted...
...Louis P. Goldberg, Liberal Party Candidate for reelection to the City Council, National Vice Chairman and City Chairman of the S.D.F., will be honored at a Pre-Victoiy Luncheon, Saturday, November 3, 1 p. m., at the Betel St...
...T. . . . General membership meeting, Tuesday, Nov...
...just as it was shamefully un-American when the late Al Smith in the Presidential elections of 1928 was handicapped in some parts of the country because he was a Catholic...
...Exoerpt from a epeech delivered bg Engeno Victor /'«6...
...Charlotte Saul and Mrs...

Vol. 28 • November 1945 • No. 44

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