TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies
TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies By Linton M. Oak Germany Is Our Problem MEN like Morgenthau and Vamittext labor and Vansittart labor under major declusion:they...
...l hin ?? plain common sense, even if >e ¦·.!¦» ht'" Germans...
...This is not always true...
...taut postwar move to unify Chins, and destroy the power of the remaining warlords...
...applications my coming in nicely...
...Henna the only- way to «naur* pear* ia to make Germany {and af coarse Japan) impotent...
...Not much progress toward promised independence, but something, for one month's occupation...
...The Indonesians want educational and economic opportunities hitherto denied them, as well as an increasing measure of self-government...
...It is up to England ta choose...
...After the fall of the Na/.is he waited anxiously for the moment when he would lie able to return to bis native country...
...She has in her hands these derisive regions and she must deride whether to destroy Western German industry snd along with it the prosperity of Western Europe or whether she will revive it and thus lay the foundations for the development of a supernational great Western European power around the valley of the Rhine...
...Til ? USA wanta ? share la'reparation*, but wdf tUrn over a larga part of it fo »malt bankrupt nation*.' Americans propose to divide all of Japanese investment* in Beat Asia amorfg the Allies -amounting to about...
...A prosperous, progressive nnd democratic Germany cannot be created on any such basis...
...25, 6 p. m., Park Central dat...
...6 after an operation in a London hospital...
...the Chinese Communists said it was an accident, but American Communists report that it was an attempted assassination of Chou En lai by "Kou-IIIi u tang gunmen...
...That i* their oft-announced policy, stated bluntly...
...Most of Tinman's...
...o rrl ? rig Secretary...
...the corresponding percentages in Indonesia are 40 and ?. The Filipino* have had some chance to prepare themselves for the independence promised by the USA...
...Mriabrrship Dl » e on and...
...Successful af-, fair last Sunday...
...If the guilty are not given a fair dial, the innocent will suffer...
...seNti«l|y pown-mad careeriets, they find no difficulty in making the ideological switch...
...Convention Dinner, Beethoven aIL Oil <!0, 6 p. m. Reservations $3.00...
...Our gross national production rose from $88,600,000,000 In 1938 to $198,700,-000,00(1 in 1944, J. A. Krug, chairman of the WI'll, reported...
...P. C. Joshi, secretary of the Communist Party of India, declared that "this anti-Moslem League...
...The same itlniilii who are fighting Truman'* plan to unify and streamline the armed forces...
...But the preservation of great legal tradition* is far more important than lh* execution of a I .aval...
...Also, deserters from the Japanes* army are...
...1 would like to see Petain sentenced to life imprisonment, and Laval to death...
...Sunday, Ort... fact our national interests dictate a comparatively enlightened imperialism...
...4 · Americon Occupatio» of Korea ^\MERICAN foreign policy and diplomacy often seem worse than they are...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...Program: tat speakers who were colleagues and njist* comrades of Debs, a fine concert, %ibute to Deb* written by August ¦«¦sens and set to music by Elaine sldmaii Invitations are in the mail, ««jrvations $5.00 per person...
...Such is the llorgi nthau-Vansittart formula for future trouble...
...Diiconfenf Im Im.'onetio One reason for the trouble in the, Asiatic colonies of France - and the' Netherlands is given In Thr Indontnan Revi*u> by Charte« Ruben His Country has four times as-many inhabitants at the Philippines, but about the same number in the «< bonis...
...Hensonhurst Branch: New officers— su...
...Given the will, America can easily taisa enough suylieans to keep the woi Id's de*|»erately poor from *»tarvation, and very cheaply...
...VladacJk Branch meets Monday, Oct...
...British Major Thomas Wiuwood, defending Josef Kramer, "beast of Kelsr-n...
...This loss cuts down food production hy 25 percent...
...he succeeded I11 making French justice ridiculous, dealing his last blow to the demnvrai \ be hated...
...Mi NEW YORK CITY ¦gen« V. Debs Birthd*y Celebration, Hday, Nov...
...26: "Since Russia and America do not depend for their well-being' upon the industry of Western Germany they ran regard it as a dangeroua rival...
...The collection of vast amounts of reparations, the industrial dismantlement of the Reich, the drastic reduction of German export trade, the sentence of «,-onomic death passed at Potsdam, will condemn the (leiman people, ami western Europe, to stagnation and disaster...
...This is Chiang Kai-shek's first imp...
...Two headlines in ?. Y. Time...
...IN SUMMARY l ft fhe Facts Speak . . . WHENEVER in liberated Europe liiere has been a. free election the Communists have lost, most recently in Budapest where the conservative Small Holder* (agrarian) Party won over a Commit-nist-Socialist coalition in a city election, and in Norway, where the Reds were badly beaten by the Labor Party in Diet elections...
...bgelphia, Pittsburgh...
...Social I iniKK ? at ii Youth (.'roup will be reorganized...
...The Negro press of New York protests that the police are trying to make a ghetto of Harlem, warning all white to keep out, on the theory that they offly go there for immoral purposes...
...a New Oral idealist, ff ru>rt*> *«I»PU Uitkrism-io-re- , verse aa hia guiding philosophy, tier-nans are an Inferior race...
...He charged that 'J of 11 members of Arnold's Advisory Council are wealthy conservative landlords... 75th Birthday gathering for Julius Gerber, Dec...
...The released Communists immediately ltd ? demonstration against imperialism - not of course Russian imperialism...
...6. His death occurred precisely while his comrades were assembling to reconstitute the Social Democratic Party, TRENDS 'Continued from poge 2 policies he has enforced are his or made in the State Department, they are uncommonly sensible, judging by press reports...
...The Full Employment Bill, thai most admirable New Year's resolution to try to keep men working... not vow accept the phony )inice...
...The plan agreed upon at Potsdam would bring the German standard of living below that of 1930—when despair was the most effective force driving German* toward Hitlerism...
...and President St,, B'klyn...
...The statistics riled hy Mergenthau Kir his Or miny fa Our frvbln · sre manipulated fo prove a fallacy: only Henry- Wallace* can Joggle figures so expertly...
...This in in re sponie to the decision recently taken tkat Communists cannot bald elective posts, because they have followed an independent line, not thr policies adoptrd by the Congrrss, since August, 1942, and now appose the fight being waged by the Con greas against the Moslem League sad its Pakistan progrsm...
...The volume of manufacturing in arly tripled...
...Just as numerous Italian Fascist' and Geiman Naiis, joined the the Communists, so do Japanese Fascists...
...Branch 'meets Monday, Oct...
...Auspices: S.D.K, J.S.V., Work-nf» Circle, and many unions...
...New Year's Party, Dec...
...tour for th* psrt of December and early in tjtSi ? He speaks for North Jersey ¦stasis Minister* Association on Oct...
...Through an advisory council eleven leaders used the secret ballot 'or the first time in 35 years to elect Paik Nam Noon, industrialist, as Governor for a province irl the American zone, from among six candidates selected by Gen...
...s. In the making of peace, revenge is a had counselor...
...But in the end American iHilicy in Italy turned out to be more democratic than either British or Russian policy, as most Italians will attest, whatever mistakes were made...
...Thereafter they would Sovietize the Reich, a* they are doing in Poland, a* they have done in the Baltic States...
...Democratic parties' are reorganizing, emerging Trom the underground, asserting themselves...
...Peterson are CSi?g Den* Day affairs...
...and bjr gioup« . August Claeaaens is ?1"·,, a Koast-tojCQast...
...thr> are inherently militaristic...
...every Saturday evening at Ma...
...l ? s. m., Newark, N. J., and in stale N. Y., Oct...
...At last the day came, and he was invited to return to participate in the convention which opened in Hanover on Oct...
...Ex· plosions of rejoicing followed, and riots when police tried to break up the demon ((rations...
...If Stalin had dictated Anglo-American policy, he couldn't have done better...
...But will we do rtT There's the" good old profit motive to consider...
...B'klyn, sponsored by A. I. Shiplai off Br., S.D.F...
...The Russians would drag Germany down to I heir own low economic level...
...Jewish Socialist Verband, ty Convention, Hotel Diplomat, Oct...
...A. Mostoff, lieaamei...
...going over t»> the Comrounitt* in drove*, ties...
...branch in the Amalgamated Houses...
...31, Rand School...
...linsaiau, « hm^el and Japanese Commlniat...
...Karly realises necessary as rapacity for guests limited...
...The first three words of the Argentine national anthem are, "Freedom, freedom, freedom...
...The whole world knows Laval is a despicable pro-Nazi traitor—hut it mu>l be proved in court, by due process of law...
...1«, * p.m., Electrical Welfare Club, 110 West 48th Bfr., N. Y.C...
...Usee* S.D.F., SP, W.C., J.S.V...
...Bo?jPraae« and Britain ami-other powers have been aggressor* in the past...
...Women's Committee Workshop, rast l.'iih St, reopened for th* manu ¦ etur* of garments for Europe's needy, pen Monday through Thursday, 10 a. m. ? ml.m...
...The labor force increased from 64,100,000 to 64,000,000, or '^0 percent...
...Thought control has been abolished, civil liberties restored, politiral prisoners released (including thousands of Communists), some at least of the worst, reactionaries ousted from office and liberals installed, measures taken against state Shintoism and tbe totalitarian police system, and against the cartels which ruled Japan's economy...
...Juan Peron was ousted in Argentina by a coup of army officers supported by a multitude weary of dictatorship...
...Donald Nelson's forthcoming bonk will give hell to Ferdinand Eberstadt, of the Army snd Navy Munitions Board, and other topranking brass hats who messed up WPB business...
...It is ai Kiied that even in the worst years of the depression the Germans enjoyed a higher standard of living than "her neighbors...
...We started badly in Korea, just as we did in Italy...
...Theatre Party, January 31...
...the moat probable aggressor in the futura ?· KiiMia Wian »t*t«*n»*ii»hip . nn disarm the f»ia**r Aais power* and make them democratic...
...That is why tb* Stalinists are against "bourgeois" democracy...
...just as Soviet foreign policy is worse than it seems...
...Kut what ia.moot appaling ix that Morgroth*u...
...Even during the war many such fanatics were sent to the Asiatic mainland...
...Otherwise the justice meted out to Mussolini is justified, and the end of (hat is justification of Bolihevik purge justice...
...war* in...
...all hei neighbor* should haves higher rate of industrial |i>/»lu< lion...
...The idea that Germany could be industrially dismantled and still be relatively prosperous was knocked in the head by acquisition by Russia and her satellite, Poland, of territory l>elonging to tier-many, and which a future Germany will seek to reconquer, if history teaches us anything at all...
...After all, the demand for a fair, impartial trial for the traitor Laval is politically equivalent to the demand in a bygone era for a fair trial for Dreyfus...
...Russia opposes it, because it might serve as the economic basis of the rehabilitation of Western Europe and of a strong Western bloc...
...American troops should ha withdrawn and these tier-man beast* left to the mercy of vengeful and greedy neighbors...
...PM was displeased...
...The Cabinet of Admiral Voulgaii* rpiit in Greece, due to opposition lo its election plans...
...October 10: "War Brides, Babies Arrive on Gripsholm...
...semi-New Deal legislative program Will be killed or emasculated by Congress Opposition and criticism from liberalvlabor forces will grow...
...California Institute «f Technology's MPM, a soybean multi-pur |Misr meal, dehydrated, costs five rents for a nutritious dinrier, good, arid a* emergency rations can savs millions of lives...
...Arnold, military boss...
...The USA and Britain not only agreed lo, but even originated, a formula for a Communist Germany...
...ti»«d as war criminal...
...Julia Prim -'¦Financial Secretary...
...Laj aruvitie» in cttiea throughout the (aataat, news of iimniM mnils for Del,* svlaleli atoms and public meetings in Scati< ? of Social Democratic victor-Ijlf England, France, and .elsewhere "'Angeles, Boston, Chelsea, Mass...
...The Liberals refused to participate in the elections set for January 20...
...Amended beyond recognition by'th* Senate, is »tili betor»' the House...
...Park Heun'Yung, Korean Communist leader, demanded the withdrawal of American troops...
...The Japanese •investment* hi ManchuSi* will he turned over td China, unless Russia grabs them first' Too Itritish want to ruin the Japanese textile industry and so destroy competition...
...Li Shan sliih, secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, was killed in Chungking...
...Western Bloc and the Rvhr-Khlneland De GAULLE favors internationalization of the Rhineland and the Ruhr...
...I dislike hi* personality, his politic*, his speeches... as they reflect social tendencies By Linton M. Oak Germany Is Our Problem MEN like Morgenthau and Vamittext labor and Vansittart labor under major declusion:they think, .thai baca ana Germany ha* alerted two...
...Algernon Lee speaks on ¦SV-D...
...Western European interests are the reverse of (his...
...And unless these Conditions exist for Germany, they will not exist for Europe...
...What neighbors...
...Forum to open shortly...
...Word* have served always h* compensation, but our era more than any other is characterized by love of...
...Lung is a fabulously wealthy warlord deriving graft from tin and wolfram mines and from opium poppies, but for astute politiral reasons he tolerated the Communists and the Democratic League in his province...
...This was the case when Truman denied that the mi lioiiiil interests of Russia and of the USA arc in conflict...
...General Lung Yun was removed as Governor of Yunnan and given a face-saving job in Chungking... those in Russia, but they approach the totalitarian concept of justice...
...But I must admit that thus far he has moved as fast as seems possible in defeated Japan in Hie light general direction...
...They cant ietu»n to Japan nader American occupation because they would he...
...Now these left-wing Fascists are turning to the Communists...
...The resistance of Yunnan troops was quickly suppressed...
...Takahsshi Mid in urging rpeedy demobilization and disarmament...
...But the general idea 111 non-totalitarian lands i* that the worst criminal is given a fair trial...
...In the Philippines 68 percent of the children af school age are enrolled and 64 percent go beyond the primary grades...
...And on top of that are the tremendous costs of occupation...
...The liberal tradition* are collapsing over our heads The conduct of the French courts judge, prosecutor, and jurors, is scandalous...
...the only possible source of protection...
...aelf-deception, hypocritical covering of ugly facts with fine phrases...
...Britain's Socialist Government used* unload strikebound ships, wliile the "capitalist" Government of the USA did likewise to unload the Queen Elizabeth...
...The dial of I.aval is a comic opera...
...said this Nazi had only murdered "Ige dregs of the ghetto," al the orders of Himmler...
...fhe Chinese Recruit Japan*** Fascist Pre W A R Japanese Governments exiled many young hotheads, too fanatical Fascists and militarists, who made themselves a nuisance, to Manchuria to cool their heels, where they could not asssas-sinate government officials who opposed their extremism...
...Regent Dainaskinos will call a conference of all party leaders except the Communists to try to form a new government...
...15, 24J South 4th St., HTclyn...
...which it would be better to deatroy...
...The Spoil* of War Reparation* experts are not always so expert...
...The Murray Bill for a Missouri Valley Authority like the TVA, the Mm ? mv Wagm ? llmgell Bill for expanded social security, the FEPC Bill and th* outlawing of the poll tax, and other progressive legislation have little immediate chance...
...American chemists have made a palatable food of soybeans , for 5,000 years the poor man's meat in China, ? ich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins...
...August Claessens speaks Friday, Oct 12, 9 p. m ; Workmen's Circle Branch 3; President Chateau, Utka Ave...
...Postponement of the elections will strengthen the democratic forces against the monarchists...
...anti-Communist policy of the Congress high command, is a direct encouragement of civil war" The ('l' calls for "a national united front of Congress, League, and Communists, while trying to split the Congress Parly...
...Chosen as chairman of the Geilnau Social Democratic Patty in 1931, he remained one of its trusted leaders until the day of his death...
...Economists worked for years on economic policy for defeated Germany, arrived at a formula, basically Morgen-thau's plan, which was amended and adopted at Potsdam...
...So also in Korea...
...Germany af n"W 4...
...they should he forced dewn ta s Balkan rlaadard- of Irving...
...26, Skolnick's Mansion, 503 Pennsylvania Ave...
...Branch meeting, Monday, W.W,8:30 p. m., 862 E. Tremont Ave...
...lit, ?, 21...
...A diplomat must tell the truth, but he must never tell the whole truth, an old axiom says...
...DEAD • Especially tragic was the death of Hans Vogel on Oct...
...Claessens-East Bronx Br.: isam^tavesh, Liberal Party candidate if Anieipal Court Judge, and Henry •far will be honored at a social, Satur-*j, Oct...
...Ceu Arnold finally began ousting hated Japanese officials, and eased up on prohibitions on political activity... ia impo**ibia fee u* tu diaarm or democratize Sev »et Bin» ?», Only -in alliance with the Soviet Union.c*n Germany and Japan ever hope for revenge agaumt the western Allies...
...The seizure of Austria's oil held* and refusal to agree t« Renner'* anti-inflation plana, by Soviet officials, h*V annnyed Hritoiis arid Americans . Washington and Lonaort agreed to recognize* the Austrian Government, after control of the police was taken from the Communist Minister of the Interior and other reforms were made...
...20, 8 p. m., at 962 K. Tremont iva, Bronx...
...a generation Germany · will inevitably be Um next aggressor...
...21, 9 p.m.,The Group,, 150 West 85th St...
...Not because Americans are any more intelligent, humanitarian, or generous, but because we can afford to be relatively disinterested...
...worth, ax "well as heavy machinery from the home islaAd* to reduce Japan to impotence...
...Thr trials of war criminals in Prance are not a* shocking...
...Izrati» commented on Sept...
...Shorn of territory grabbed by Russia, divided into zones administered separately by conquerors with opposite purposes, stripped af Machinery, reduced to an agricultural economy, lirrmany is headed toward «hat the \ rliraized small ststes of central snd eastern Europe have suffered for centuries...
...Chicago a ijly celebration . . i Newark, N. J.: glma . Victory Celebration,' Tuesday, itabrr ??, 8 p. in . Continental.Hall, 984 nawl St Speakern Mark Starr, Lena Srrew l<ewia and Sol Stetin, and others...
...Unless the'budget-balancing amendment is cut but and the possibility of deficit spending, when necessary, restored, it will be hardly better than a fraudulent promise as empty as a pledge of free and untrammcted election* by Molotov...
...We can't plan our own politicaleconomy a month ahead, bat we have taken on the job of planning Germany'a aad Japan'* for data du to com...
...I am prejudiced against Gen...
...IiCon Blum: "You keen the phony vor...
...They have no future except to be soldiera-of-furtunr, offering Ihcii servicaa to . the...
...Russia wants a weakened Europe, economically and politically dependent upon the USSR...
...if Kurope is recover from this cataclysm Te try to force German industrial workers to become farmer* is utte,r nonsense...
...whethei lh* SDF NEWS NATIONAL News is arriving Anity of mur« S.O.K...
...Morgenthau's argument that, removal of German factorial to ether count rlee ran compensate fqjc the, drop of German production and enable Europe te be prosperous is...
...There have been continual clashes between the Japanese troops and the Communist* aince the star ended, as well a* continued battle* between Com muni* t and hi . iiiiitang armies • 0 * Laval Dealt Haw Ta French Jutic* TllE breakdown of traditional concepts of justice as they have been obseived in democratic countries—Britain, the I'SA, France—was apparent in the trials of l'« tam aud I .aval The Bolshevik met hod is simple, direct, brutal — shoot them, because "the people" know they are guilty...
...often a diplomat must lie...
...The Coaimaniat Party of India has railed an all its member* to resign from the All India Congress, except those on the executive committee...
...they are in citable of democracy ; millions of them »hould he moved shout Use cattle...
...And "Diapers Remain Scarce...
...Rothstein, Organizer...
...Benjamin Shain-sss, Re...
...15*;· 8.30 p. in , in the Tea Room,'3066 Sedgwick Ave...
...Now American economists in the AMG of our zone in Germany are discovering that it will not work...
...It ? iean« the rebirth of something like Nnitism, fathered by desperation, moth-«red by resentment against the enn...
Vol. 28 • October 1945 • No. 41