New Trends in France

Root, Robert

New Trends in France Three-Way Government Coalition Expected to Emerge By Robert Root The New Leader's Roving European Editor Paris, Sept. 23. THE French Socialist party is emerging from war...

...Thus, the Communist press builds up end plays upon Frenth antipathies toward American», antipathies which, are, unhappily, mutual...
...Mecca may not control the Moslem, but the Moslem's face nevertheless always turns to the East Similarly, and even with some mysticism, the French Communist looks to Moscow...
...More and more, they have support of people who have become Fascists in other countries...
...Again in contrast with the proper British, Philip, like most Frenchmen, mentioned the drunkenness of American soldiers in France...
...The high-daylight-bombing by the Americans also meant the scattering of explosives and many deaths, in contrast to the accurate night-bombing of the British...
...They are Louis van Dommelen and Koosje Speenhoff who, because of their work with the infamous Dutch Nazi radio cabaret, were found guilty Of collaboration...
...And he was speaking "American," learned at the Univer-s'ty of Wisconsin in 1926 writing a book on American labor problems...
...I ? almost diametric opposition to these ? hews promoted by the Communists is the Radical Socialist attitude...
...The Communists will get at least 20 percent, and the Radical Socialists snd MRP will get about the same...
...The worst elements of the American Army, dealing with black market elements in Frsnce, contribute to the mutual disrespect...
...That leaves 16 percent to be captured by a new "Vichy" party, which will probably appear, or to be divided among the four major rivals...
...Philip will be a candidate fot a seat in parliament, to which he was elected in 1936 from Lyon, university city where he wss a professor of economics...
...The Socialist leader compared the Communist attitude to that of the Moslem...
...Himself a prominent leader of the Reformed Church, and before the war, president of the "Christian Socialists," Philip said that Protestants can be effective in finding a compromise, for they are, naturally, in a mediating position between the free-thinkers and the Catholics...
...The United States, for example, played a questionable game with Vichy...
...They are strongly nationalist, pro-Russian and favor heavy armament...
...They are willing that France accept the results of a democratic vote, regardless of their own voting position...
...3—Radical Socialists are anti-clerical, fire tlii ? king...
...While they are unscrupulous, their devotion and spirit of sacrifice is greater than that in any other party...
...The-party proposes a tariff union for the European bloc and international barter agreements which would bring a freer flow of goods...
...This party looks with friendship toward the United States, which seems a conservative country...
...At present, it approves the Socialist nationalization program...
...The MRP, then, is a combination of right-wing nationalism and Christian, left-wing internationalism...
...The Socialists are developing a program full of possibilities as well as dangers—a bloc of western Socialist nations...
...2—The Communists, whose chief slogan attacks the monopoly capitalists...
...THE French Socialist party is emerging from war and occupation as one of the major political forces, if not (A* major force, in tired, miserable France...
...4—The "MRP" — Republican Popular Movement—a new Catholic party whose position is unclear...
...This party is gaming strength in cities of 6,000 to 200,000...
...and the development of cooperatives...
...He made two keen predictions in this book: That the United States was going into an economic crisis, and that the AFL would soon have a rival...
...The "Honor Council for the Theater" has issued orders prohibiting two performers from ever again appearing on the Netherlands stage or radio...
...The MRP position in favor of Catholic schools therefore poses an obstacle to union of its left-wing with the Socialists...
...These writers," the Honor Council decided, "will be barred from every publication, either original or translated, -from publishing or reprinting sny of their works, and from every public appearance in connection With oulture...
...Because ef this feeling (he Socialists have already turned down a Communist proposal of fusion, on simple groands ef intellectual honesty...
...It is strong for international organization, so long as that stays clear of the economic field and does not tamper with, for example, tariffs...
...f^lILIP predicted that his party will get at least 26 percent of the fall vote...
...will form the new governmeat this fall This will be no small task, because the Socialists and Communists have little confidence in each other...
...School teachers are often the local Socialist leaders, he said, while the) Catholic schools have been "a- reactionary political force...
...This reversion to the,, old French political pattern typifies their "back to normalcy" hope which makes them comparable to some U.S...
...So insistent are they that France give up a bit of sovereignty to gain the end of peace that the Socialists favor a provision in the new French constitution which would require any future French government to accept a majority vote in the United Nations organisation...
...Philip listed these four major parties in France today: 1.—The Socialists, who favor nationalization of banks, insurance, mines, electricity, iron end steel—enough to make a planned economy possible...
...Four other actors weie suspended from appearance for the next ten yeais...
...Philip, his collar open, his wavy dark hair loose, a blunt pipe lucked under a brief black mustache, wan speaking in his heme in the fa mi-tour ist center of Chambon-sus-Lignon, where he spent part of his time during the resistance days, until he joined DeGaulle in London, a price on his head...
...Its leaders are Catholic Socialists, but since it offered Catholic conservatives sn alternativ« to the Radical Socialists, it received many right-wing votes in the spring and might be taken over by these forces...
...they are making anti-clericalism one of their many activities...
...Philip said such a coalition would include France and England and the nations of Western Kur ope, which oa the whole is goiag in the direction of democratic Socialism...
...Purge of Collaborationist Artists The Honor Council established by the Civil Affairs Administration to purge Holland's literature has found a number of writers guilty of collaboration and placed a ten-year han upon, their works...
...Primarily a working-class party, It is losing part of the unskilled laborers and the big cities to the Communists, but is gaining smong the farmers...
...Because of the conservative label attached to the United States, recent American newspaper comment favoring Herriot as premier has hurt him in France...
...Two well-known architects, C. J. F. Karsten and B. Merckelbach, have also been found guilty of collaborationist activities, and the Honor Council for Architecture has ordered that they >« excluded from acting In a leading or advisory capacity In their field until January 1, 1947...
...Traditionally, favor of state schools has been "left," favor of private schools has been "right...
...What kind of foreign policy any such three-way coalition would mean is a real puzzler...
...It is therefore probable, Philip said, that the Soci?liste and Communists, with some MRP aid...
...The Socialists can work with the MRP if they can find a common ground on the eld French issue of control of education...
...This means there is no Fascist danger in France, but what the Communists might fall into in difficult to say...
...While declaring French goodwill toward America remains fundamentally deep and steady, Philip agreed there t'* some ground for the Communist position...
...The ban will be in effect for a period of len years, starting on August 1, 1946...
...If the Socialists get power, they will bring France, domestically, a managed economy and nationalisation of the sources of economic power, on patterns similsr to those of the British...
...They constantly pose the small against the big...
...Philip said the Socialists would push fot development of international economic cooperation at the same time...
...Actual federation, on some plsn like the "United States of Europe," would be the goal, and this power-bloc then would become one of the Big Three-te-Five with a voice which would be listened to by Kus»ia sad the United States...
...Conservative America has appeased Franco...
...Internationally, the Socialists would try to make France part of a Western European federation which, they hope, would be able to deal equally with the United States and Russia in the United Nations organisation...
...Recently, its leaders, Daladier and Herriot, have, respectively, defended Munich and the prewar constitution...
...Internally, France would reek to industrialize, reduce its population on the land and shift its agricultural emphasis from wheat and wine to such high-cost specialties as beef and dairy products, Finally, Philip said, the Soci?lists will insist on abolition of the Big Power rtto in the United Nations organization...
...Intellectually, they have nothing...
...At the same time, the Communists are critical of Britain and America, especially of their capitalism, an attitude which in turn tends to make France more dependent on the Soviet Union...
...For the French parties are not always clear on international ideas, and when they are, they conflict...
...They have gained among middle-class shopkeepers...
...More and more it becomes the party of finance and industry, as it takes money from the banks and .insurance companies and loses its farm and government employee strength to the Soci?lista and its shopkeepers to the Communists...
...When we say something, we believe it and mean it," Philip said shortly...
...That's the way France looks to Andri Philip, member of the Socialist executive committee, who left the post, of Minister ef the Interior in DeGaulle'a Govern-' ment to campaign full-time in southern France for the fall elections...
...tactically, everything...
...This period will be automatically extended if a writer is sentenced by a Court to more than ten years' loss of civic tights...

Vol. 28 • September 1945 • No. 38

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